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Stat About Merbites...

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clown of many colors
Nov 14, 2004
Um.... hmm. I would say that, as long as it's understood that a member has trouble with expressing oneself in one language, it shouldn't be THAT much of a deal to respond in another. Personally, I understand written French tons better than I can respond in it. Babelfish is an option, sure, but I know enough to tell when ye olde translator is butchering what I want to say and I'd rather not have folks scratching their heads every time I write something more than basic lines.

If someone's deliberately responding in another language to piss off someone or a specific group, however, them's a different story. I dunno the mazingerz story, and (no offense, guy) I can't really say that I have the energy to get worked up over it. That would be kinda similar to spending my free time by screaming about what needs to be done to Gonad, Ollie, the Yankees, etc. :)
Better to roll my eyes, maybe, and move on.

EagerBeaver said:

Of the northeastern American members, virtually all of us (and with a very few exceptions), including myself and Special K, are unilingual English speakers, for the simple reason that French is not spoken anywhere in New England as an official or unofficial language. ...

EB, truly no offense meant when I say this, but I do sincerely hope that you were either busy or just getting the day started when you wrote this... NOWHERE in New England as an official or unofficial language?? :eek:


Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2007
AllOverHer said:
Is this word relate to the expression "mange ma noun" ? :D

LMAO! the part you are referring to is "noune" (remember the silent "e"!). IN french, "noune" is pronounced closer to "noon" in english except the oo not as drawn out, while "noun" is cliser to "na-own".... Of course when looking at a lady, the noune is not at noon, but more at six... unless you are in 6-9, where it is at 12 noon!


Oct 11, 2005

Perhaps this is a little harsh, no?

spiderman05 said:
Ceci est loin d'être la première fois qu'on a eu à subir ton arrogance "made in the U.S.A". C'est comme dirait l' autre "We come to fuck your girls and spit on your people".

Hey, I’m all for busting balls here, but this sounds so anti-American it has me wondering.
Awh, that North American Union thing is never gonna work.
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