Sweet Angle Smile
Montreal Escorts

Story of a white agency owner's car.


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
Originally Posted by oliver_kloseoff

i was a dinner at weinstein and gambinos with stripperlover,cool amadaus,celine..to be honest i think the only reason the conversation came up was a few not to mention names at the tabel had a falling out with the otehr board owner and in their words to fuck hi they could put me back on the green board are you interested.

Of the three people you had dinner with, two of them had pull on the board and she was not one of them. Trust me, she had nothing to do with you being re-instated.

And as for the 'freebie' that she offered you...it wasn't really a freebie at all. She was going to be paid by your 'ex-friend' who wanted to give you a gift he knew you would never accept from him directly.

It was very easy for her to jump in and take the credit for things that she knew others would never claim for themselves. The only magic she possesses is knowing when and how to take advantage of a situation or a person when the opportunity presents itself.



New Member
Jun 6, 2005

Doc Holliday said:
I do. He wanted to make a point & did. Everyone he wanted to read the thread did & now it's served it's purpose & can be allowed to disappear. I often do the same thing with threads i've started. There's nothing like a good cleanup! ;)

Perhaps they did read the thread but not all have responded. Deleting the thread would reward their previous actions and their silence. CA posting about a painful and difficult experience required alot of courage.

Perhaps the thread should remain as a tribute to this courage and as a symbol that courage cannot be defeated by the cowardice of silence.


New Member
Jun 6, 2005

oliver_kloseoff said:
does this have anything to do with
mr 1000 handles contacting me
and insisting (mod xx has boobs was his inital pm)
a mod here
is not only a woman
but the person in question:D =''celine'' if its true how would he know
either one of the mods told someone they trust and this person blabbed or a mod purposly leaked the 411

its early to get the paddle out but hey,im bored!

No - not as far as I can tell at this point.


Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams
Daringly said:
I agree 100% that CA showed a lot of balls posting this, not everybody would have the courage to do so. Although i would like to see the thread remain because the person who this thread was directed at has it coming to her, it is Ca's decision one way or the other though.
Hello Daringly,

Why anyone who says he wants no involvement publicly in Merb would come to the board, get many people involved to support him, then take all of this information, which should be available to warn others of an agency owner's treacherous tendency, then erase it and disappear again is perplexing. We applaud him for the courage to go through the embarrassment of posting this episode as a service to others, and rightly so. Then we are told all efforts by supporters and the warning itself will be erased. Yes it's his choice to erase the thread, but erasing it makes the whole purpose of the thread seem a bit disingenuous.

So be it,

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New Member
Mar 11, 2003
Well, this thread seems to have run its course and and will be soon erased from history, but will it leave a permanent mark on the Montreal hobbying scene? There are some of us who have experienced only the good things she brought to the scene - the type of girls she hired, the parties she arranged, her participation on the boards, her interaction with clients. Of course we know of her bad side too from first-hand accounts by escorts we love and hobbyists we trust (including CA). And there is always a doubt - Does she plan beforehand to cheat those who help her financially? Or does she just take the easy way out when an investment fails to pay off?

I suspect that if she declares bankruptcy for protection from creditors and starts another agency offering young coeds, most hobbyists will have no qualms about calling her. Financing the new venture would be her only obstacle.


Nov 25, 2005
Daringly said:
One thing that this thread may have accomplished is to open the eyes of some, that things may not be the way you think they are or like to believe they are in hobbyland. Lets forget about agency owner/ client but look at the sp/ client(john) as that is much more likely to turn out to be a potential problem.

As i said recently some may think they are friends with sp’s but can you drop into their place unannounced or can they do the same at your place. When you call them will they pick up if they are with a family member, if they call you will you do the same. If you see them walking down the street with an older couple can you approach them not knowing if it is their parents with them or would you avoid them. If you can’t you may not be the friend to them that you think you are.

In hobbyland at times we all like to gloss things over or suger coat them. We have all done it at one time or another, i know i have. A good example take the term hobbyist, where do we think that term came from. Do we think some poor John was hauled into court and called a john who was paying for sex and the judge stood up and said hold on now thats a little rough, he looks like a clean cut respectable person so from this day forward in my court he shall be called a hobbyist or is it possible that the term came from a John who wanted to put a different label on himself. I may do a poll on this later to see what people think:)

So where am i going with this, how do sp’s see us. There is a well known board member who used to go by the handle Justajohn and that about sums it up they see us as john’s. Now hold on now for those of you who are getting your backs to the wall being a John does not make us a good person or a bad person but just a john. There is a silver lining to all of this although the sp’s see as us a john they may see us as a current John, an ex John, a good John, a bad John, a wealthy John, a poor John, a cynical John or a delusional John but they see us as some type of John. Now unfortunately some sp’s(not all) their favourite type of John is a combination of a wealthy but delusional John. These types of John’s are great for the bottom line and are hard to replace. If you are not able to connect the dots and understand why this is you may be border line delusional so pm me and i will try to break it down further for you.

Now for those amongst us who are starting to fall in love with that sp that we just passed an envelope to for paid sex or think she is falling in love with you or, for those amongst us who think you are becoming friends, good friends, best friends, yada, yada, yada with the sp that you paid to have sex with you owe yourself at least this much. Do yourself a favor and the first cement wall you see bash your head into it, come on now, once is not enough you must do it until you knock yourself out. When you awaken you may want to re evaluate your situation and realize that this was less painful and less expensive then the alternative:)
I'm quoting Daringly's post again because it should be read again for those that missed it. I agree 100% with everything he's written.

What I am about to say is hearsay so take it with your own filter....
I was a regular client of this agency owner and all the stories I heard were from her SP's. There was always back-channel talk about the "C - circle"....these are the "special" clients...the circle itself was like a dis-functional family, and the Madam was the puppetmaster. The word "special" can have a positive or negative connotation and was used in both manner. I was told that these "special" friends were not really thought of as friends, quite often I would hear un flattering commentary about them from the SP's and even the Madam herself.

One SP told me...."they think she see's them as friends....but she doesnt see them that way..." I even went out of my way to try to warn one of those "special" friends, but he wanted to see what he want to see(this is a problem for many hobbyist)....

The agency owners are not your friends....some think of you as a commodity as they do with their girls.

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New Member
Jun 6, 2005
Raising More Questions

Robin said:
Well, this thread seems to have run its course and and will be soon erased from history, but will it leave a permanent mark on the Montreal hobbying scene? There are some of us who have experienced only the good things she brought to the scene - the type of girls she hired, the parties she arranged, her participation on the boards, her interaction with clients. Of course we know of her bad side too from first-hand accounts by escorts we love and hobbyists we trust (including CA). And there is always a doubt - Does she plan beforehand to cheat those who help her financially? Or does she just take the easy way out when an investment fails to pay off?

I suspect that if she declares bankruptcy for protection from creditors and starts another agency offering young coeds, most hobbyists will have no qualms about calling her. Financing the new venture would be her only obstacle.

Your post is an invitation for the thread to continue as you raise many points that have not been addressed:

1.) Did her interaction with clients spill over into what you refer to as investments? CA does not use "investments". He co-signed for a car.

2.) The issue of pre-planning. Were scams prepared or did things just fall apart.

3.) Are we talking "loans" or are we talking "investments" ?

4.) Bankruptcy would include her providing a full list of creditors.


Recreational User
Nov 5, 2006
In a house, on a street, duh.
gtadick said:
She has been doing this to many over and over.
She came to Montreal in the middle of the nite escaping from New Jersey and then went into the agency business in Montreal. She did her scams there and had to leave very suddenly.
She is able to make guys believe she is honest with them, and a friend. This is her stock in trade as most in this "hobby" want to believe its true.
Cool isn't the first nice guy that she scammed. She knows how to do it over a period of time and she sneaks up on you.Once she thinks you care about her she goes in for the kill.

Actually there have been other blonde girls in Montreal who have done better clean out jobs.

Yeah but, did he get laid? Is she (super) hot?


I am me, too!
Mar 27, 2004
If only I knew...
I am not doubting anybody's story here but along all this thread, from CA's original post, I wondered how long Mods would take to react and stop the entire thread. Celine's identity was revealed in an anagram and subsequently in bright daylight. Yet, no Mods came waving the "rumor" "unproven" and "private life" cards yet.

I've also heard some back-channel rumors about this woman so, I'm enclined to believe CA without a doubt. That's not a problem.

I mean, is she that bad even MERB "heads" are aware of it? Was MERB a victim also? And we see peoples confirming and confirming, yet nobody going forward to strongly defend her. At the time, I remember Celine was seen as gold and now, nothing's left? That's sad for her if she destroyed all she had like that!

I agree the with the majority: CoolAmadeus, I would like if you left the thread standing. If it can serves to wake-up anybody browsing the forum at some point, it would be a shame if it would not be there anymore. But it's your decision and no matter how your heart goes, I'm with you.


New Member
Jun 6, 2005

metoo4 said:
I am not doubting anybody's story here but along all this thread, from CA's original post, I wondered how long Mods would take to react and stop the entire thread. Celine's identity was revealed in an anagram and subsequently in bright daylight. Yet, no Mods came waving the "rumor" "unproven" and "private life" cards yet.

I've also heard some back-channel rumors about this woman so, I'm enclined to believe CA without a doubt. That's not a problem.

I mean, is she that bad even MERB "heads" are aware of it? Was MERB a victim also? And we see peoples confirming and confirming, yet nobody going forward to strongly defend her. At the time, I remember Celine was seen as gold and now, nothing's left? That's sad for her if she destroyed all she had like that!

I agree the with the majority: CoolAmadeus, I would like if you left the thread standing. If it can serves to wake-up anybody browsing the forum at some point, it would be a shame if it would not be there anymore. But it's your decision and no matter how your heart goes, I'm with you.


The details of the thread include the fact that CA has a civil judgment which makes the information disclosed part of the public domain.


Retired Ol'timer
Nov 19, 2006
I briefly looked at the thread and things are getting a bit out of proportion, with some people making false assumptions. I decided to hold off on the deletion of the thread for now. I'd like to comment now but I want to do it correctly (it takes time) and my real life is keeping me away (that's a good thing! ;)).

I'll only be back at the beginning of the week, read and reply to the thread and PMs. Please hold on to your horses in the meantime (or do as you wish, obviously! :rolleyes: )



Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams
Robin said:
Well, this thread seems to have run its course and and will be soon erased from history, but will it leave a permanent mark on the Montreal hobbying scene? There are some of us who have experienced only the good things she brought to the scene - the type of girls she hired, the parties she arranged, her participation on the boards, her interaction with clients. Of course we know of her bad side too from first-hand accounts by escorts we love and hobbyists we trust (including CA). And there is always a doubt - Does she plan beforehand to cheat those who help her financially? Or does she just take the easy way out when an investment fails to pay off?

I suspect that if she declares bankruptcy for protection from creditors and starts another agency offering young coeds, most hobbyists will have no qualms about calling her. Financing the new venture would be her only obstacle.
Hello Robin,

As one of the most respected posters on any board I would like you to explain something. Why do warnings about persons in key positions in the escorting arena seem to get erased?????????? Celine was one of the most respected owners in Montreal at one time. I commended her enthusiastically many times. Her agency was one of the best run in my entire hobbying period and I was happy to say so. But in the last 1 1/2 years or so it has turned out, by preponderance of the testimony, that she has been underhanded in some ways, sometimes painfully. In her case this is not a dispute over service that might be doubtful due to the credibility or personal perspective of a hobbyist. There are now two serious cases I am aware of where she has been accused of exploiting others. Even if the evidence is not perfectly conclusive, there does seem to be a legitimate case warranting warnings about her. So why should this thread be erased, instead of closed. Yes, maybe it has run it's course. But, why should the lesson be purged instead of being left available as a warning to others???

Please explain,

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Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams
Doc Holliday said:
And on the other hand, someone mentionned to me yesterday if i felt that this story should be told on a board such as this one, since what the main character in this thread appears to be accused of are things that mostly occurred outside the realm of the escort business....on a personal level between two former friends. Sure, i've been told, she took quite a bit of money (supposedly) from people she knew & they didn't get their investment back (supposedly). But in this case, most of it was in a venture outside the escorting business. A 'legit' venture.
Okay Doc,

That's a very good point...for a "fictional story". There are also other fictional stories of investment deals made with a client through a connection made directly within the escort realm to assist a troubled employee where the capital somehow disappears who knows where, and the investor and the employee are left out in the cold. Fictional of course.

In this case, to say the dealings were mostly outside the realm of escorting does not alleviate the fact that without the escorting realm there would be no deal.


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Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams
Maxima said:
Do I hear that she did only "con" people outside of her escort business? If so then as long as merbites are concerned she should be known as a "great" agency owner and this thread should fall into the realm of private life...and thus it should not be allowed.

Or do I hear that because she used her good-agency-owner reputation as a front to gain trust for her con games ouside of the hobby that this thread should be considered as for the public good?

Hello Maxima,

If the reports are true, then the answer is both. Would someone given to this type of deviousness be smart enough to be intelligently selective to avoid tainting their business?

Doubt it,



Dec 5, 2005
Doc Holliday said:
So this person who asked me this got me to think:

What if a friend of mine (or acquaintance) whom i've met through the 'hobby' convinces me to invest money on a project....something he's certain will double & possibly even triple our investment. I go along & foolishly invest my money in the venture only to find out later that it was a total failure & our project went down the pooper scooper. This 'friend' of mine also needed to borrow money from me & promised to pay me back....i never saw the money i lent him. We eventually had a falling out when & i realized i'd never see my money again. So the question is....should i come here & start a thread & expose my dirty laundry to this forum & make my former friend look like a piece of shit? Just because he happened to be a hobbyist when we met....and we then became very good friends....should i expose details of our personal dealings (which have nothing to do with the escort business) just because we happened to meet through the hobby?

By the way, the scenario i've mentionned above is a fictional one. But what the person told me yesterday made me reflect on things & i don't really know what the answer is. What do you people think?

If someone proposes an investment with a 200 or 300% return, they would have to possess inside information to warrant consideration. Otherwise I would run!

I’ve witnessed too many “sure things” not materialize for one reason or another

That being said, a public forum is not the place to smear your friend.
The individual is responsible for his/her own due diligence.


New Member
Mar 11, 2003
Korbel said:
As one of the most respected posters on any board I would like you to explain something. Why do warnings about persons in key positions in the escorting arena seem to get erased????
My comment on the thread deletion just reflected my observation of what happened to previous threads on the subject. It was not intended to press for erasure.

I was at a checkout counter once buying my favorite brand of antiperspirant, when a lady next to me said "Do you know that this company hurts live animals to test its products?" Another time I was walking in downtown with my favorite brand name shirt, and a panhandler called out to me telling me what that company does in third world countries. Unlike CA and a few others, I have never been Celine's lover, business partner or financial donor, but I can nevertheless sympathize with them. But it is often hard for customers to balance brand loyalty with civic responsibility.


Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams
Doc Holliday said:
I'm not sure i get your meaning. But if you're implying that the two parties were once business partners in a same venture, which happens to be true, then i get your point. By the way, my story isn't as fictional as i made it out to be. Let's say semi-fictional.



Hello Doc,

I recognized and know this "fictional" story very well.




Well-Known Member
Jul 21, 2003
Visit site
Doc Holliday said:
"Sorry, after the recent developments from a thread i've been reading lately on the internet, if i need to co-sign, no Hummer for you!"
I don't want to sound harsh here and even though I am quoting Doc, this is not aimed at him specifically, but guys, if you need to read this story in order to realize that co-signing ANY loan for some "hot SP" is a bad idea, then you are lacking SERIOUS judgement.

Geez, stop thinking with your dicks the second some hot chick starts interacting with you!

My 2 cents.


Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams
MG_mtl said:
I don't want to sound harsh here and even though I am quoting Doc, this is not aimed at him specifically, but guys, if you need to read this story in order to realize that co-signing ANY loan for some "hot SP" is a bad idea, then you are lacking SERIOUS judgement.

Geez, stop thinking with your dicks the second some hot chick starts interacting with you!

My 2 cents.

Hello MG_mtl,

Thanks for citing this. But generally, this point was not in dispute.




New Member
Jun 6, 2005
Supporting Cast

10-19 said:
Three actors: the lady pimp, an escort that her agency represented and a client who filled the role of a benefactor.

Sometimes in a classic a supporting cast of deserving actors gets overlooked.
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