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The fake news industry on merb


Active Member
Apr 3, 2007
Hello to all of you!

I'm starting this new thread because some members are disseminating a lot of false affirmations without being able to support them.

Whishfull thinking and personnal beliefs are the bases of their opinion. It's very bad.

We have some examples.

Climate change, the cost of the death penalty vs keeping in jail a notorious criminal and the higher risk of STD transmission by non prostitues vs prostitutes are some exemples. Most of the time, we have the same people behind the crap they put on the board everywhere.

And it's against the bylaws of the board:

2) Forbidden Activities:
v) Posting false or otherwise unverified information
vii) Posting bullshit on the board, making useless comments, and/or misleading people

And when you react with facts and a solid argument they come back and insult you. And it's against the bylaws:

3) Courtesy
i) All posters are expected to show the utmost respect and courtesy in all communications. Refrain from name calling, unjustified accusations etc.
ii) Having a difference of opinions is natural, healthy and can lead to positive conclusions. Exchanges of this nature are permitted and encouraged just as long as they are done so intelligently. Please conduct yourself accordingly.

I think we should act against such bad habits. If you can't prove your point with real material like studies, official reports, and so on, keep it for yourself.

Come back to us with reasonable answers. Bring something to the discussion. Leave your beliefs at home. Bring tangible arguments. Show us you can support your arguments with solid material.



Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
What you are describing is almost impossible in today’s world.
Most of today’s news especially political news is fake.

Listen to CNN and then turn the channel and listen to Fox News.
When it comes to climate change another controversial subject with enough opponents on both sides, surf the Internet you want studies just plug in which side you want to support and you will have ample ammunition on either.

Now which in your opinion is better, people who believe themselves to know everything under the sun and think their shit doesn’t stink and talk down to every one or ones that make sarcastic comments about things they believe to be bull shit.

Take your pick Merb is reflecting today’s environment, and it is an escort review board after all not a PTA meeting.
At the end if you find anything so offensive to you, it is simple, it is one click away to switch to another thread or to turn on CNN or Fox News whichever you prefer.


Well-Known Member
Dec 1, 2014
sexslave - Thank you for this post. I have been wanting to start a post like this for a long time. Why can't people show kindness to other posters even if you disagree with them?

Yesterday I saw this article - 150 Years Ago, a Philosopher Showed Why It’s Pointless to Start Arguments on the Internet

"Wildly inaccurate facts and spurious arguments are unavoidable features of social media. Yet no matter how infuriatingly wrong someone is, or just how much counter-evidence you have at your disposal, starting arguments on the internet rarely gets anyone to change their mind"

"many opinions aren’t based on facts at all, but feelings. And so, contradictory points of information don’t shift emotionally rooted arguments, but only cause people to dig deeper into their emotions to hold onto those views. "

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
So who decides what is fake or not, some leftwing or some right wing member?

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
^^^^^ Spell checker...


New Member
Jun 22, 2012
Well said.... the world is getting crazier but not better - what happened to the old days when respectful debate ruled the day?


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
I vote for you!

Are you available for the UN ? LOL

Yes! My first worldwide resolution would be to oblige women to perform a daily blowjob to a men.

My theory is a men that receives a daily blobjob will share his wealth and can do no harm :)


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2010
Look at... and the many threads regarding the myth of sex trafficking, particularly around major sporting events.

There is plenty of distortion in statistics cited in mainstream media,

Mainstream media has its own agenda. Like-mindedness and conformity is an advertising/marketing dream come true.

Not so much distortion but to much people pretending mainstream medias are ennemies and giving more values to so called "alternate facts" wich are just not true. I do believe reasonable skepticism is a good way to make up our minds but real science should be a good start.

To STN: why always divide people in left and right wings? no place in the middle?


Nov 18, 2009
So who decides what is fake or not

There is such a thing as empirical evidence, reason, facts, logic, education, the scientific method, journalistic integrity, reputation and credibility. Not every issue has equal validity from "both sides", not every opinion is equal and purely subjective, one opinion can be based on expertise and consensus, with years of hard studies, while the other opinion is uneducated, sensationalist, made to cater to basic human instincts and become viral, with no concern for the truth.

The people behind disinformation campaigns will start by attacking any form of expertise and consensus ("the scientists have a hidden agenda! Mainstream media cannot be trusted any more than your fringe conspiracy Russian web site") and muddy the water with constant attacks so communication is impossible and everyone just stay in their bubble and consume extremist material. It's not new, the Nazis attacked "mainstream media" because they wouldn't support their propaganda and ideology.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
On many occasions the facts usually leave out a part that could disprove their fact.
And for above, yes there is other than left or right but they normally do not enter discussions as they do not give a care.
For me I do like some Liberal policies, did like Chreatian. Dislike illegal immigration plus immigrants who want to change our system and the climate change scam in Canada.
With the journalistic integrity.... serious? The media follows the 10% that produces headlines and Trudeau gave them a $600 mil bribe.

Bred Sob

New Member
Jan 17, 2012
There is such a thing as empirical evidence, reason, facts, logic, education, the scientific method, journalistic integrity, reputation and credibility.
It's not new, the Nazis attacked "mainstream media" because they wouldn't support their propaganda and ideology.

And then there is also Godwin's law.

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
I may be wrong but i think the part about unverified information concern the business this forum cover.
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