Control in english does not mean the same as contrôle in french or kontrol in german.
Control in english involves an active response to an input. For example controling a car involves observing the environment and then actively using the steering wheel, gas & brake.
Contrôle in french and kontrol in german are uniquely a verification function. A passive observation. An inspection.
Le contrôle des passports. Passkontrol.
However in Québec contrôle is often used in the english sense.
It is more proper to translate the english control into the french maitrise.
Versatile in english means having flexible, polyvalent skills.
Versatile in french means undecided, inconsistent and crazy.
However in Québec versatile is often used in the english sense.
Entrée in french is part of the meal that is before the main course.
Entrée in english is the main course of the meal.
Control in english involves an active response to an input. For example controling a car involves observing the environment and then actively using the steering wheel, gas & brake.
Contrôle in french and kontrol in german are uniquely a verification function. A passive observation. An inspection.
Le contrôle des passports. Passkontrol.
However in Québec contrôle is often used in the english sense.
It is more proper to translate the english control into the french maitrise.
Versatile in english means having flexible, polyvalent skills.
Versatile in french means undecided, inconsistent and crazy.
However in Québec versatile is often used in the english sense.
Entrée in french is part of the meal that is before the main course.
Entrée in english is the main course of the meal.