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The Joe.T Memorial FM® Yankees Suck Thread for 2008


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
EagerBeaver said:
Has this been scientifically determined or have you come to this via Jerry Remy's divination?
Not that CF said, "Igawa won't be as bad as last year." That's stated as fact.

I said, "I fully expect Matsuzaka to be tons better than last year." That's supposition or opinion. It has not been scientifically determined and I did not state it as fact. What do you do for a living?


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Speaking of what you do for a living, Beav, I'm wondering if you watched any of the Clemens/McNamee testimony today. I watched about half an hour at the very beginning. My sense is that Clemens is fucked. His word against that of McNamee and Mr. and Mrs. Pettitte. Did someone explain the concept of perjury to him?

Special K

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rumpleforeskiin said:
Speaking of what you do for a living, Beav, I'm wondering if you watched any of the Clemens/McNamee testimony today. I watched about half an hour at the very beginning. My sense is that Clemens is fucked. His word against that of McNamee and Mr. and Mrs. Pettitte. Did someone explain the concept of perjury to him?

That was one of the most entertaining couple of hours I've ever watched tv for. Priceless. I think Clemens' favorite phrase during that time was "I think Andy misremembered" "I think Andy misheard me" LOL...what a f'n joke!


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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I would interpret any statement in this thread about how a team or player will perform in 2008, regardless of the verbiage used, to be in the nature of supposition or speculation or opinion as opposed to a statement of fact.

Regarding Clemens, I was this morning and most of this afternoon on the other end of the questioning so I did not see the hearing, although I heard Clemens performed rather badly. One thing I have learned about witnesses testifying under oath and under pressure of astute examination whether in a deposition, in Court or before a legislative body as was the case with Clemens, is that the performance of the witness will depend in part on how well he/she is prepared by his/her attorney, how well the witness can think on his feet in answering questions, and the witness's native intelligence. The best testimony I ever got in Court was from a blue collar, high schooled educated man with high native intelligence, whom I prepared for approximately 45 minutes stressing the "big picture" items he needed to hit on direct examination. I was careful not to overprepare and overwhelm him. When we got into Court, he delivered a 45 minute, direct responsive answer to my very simple question: "how has your life changed since the accident?" The answer became so powerful that at one point defense counsel objected and the judge practically brained him with the gavel in overruling his objection. I was stunned and in awe of my client and I did not see that powerhouse testimony coming. Court can be like a box of chocolates, with hidden surprises, and that was one of my most memorable pleasant surprises.

In the case of Clemens, my sense in hearing him speak in interviews (especially the interview with Mike Wallace) is that he is a man of average intelligence who gets heated and confused by tough questions. Unfortunately average or below average native intelligence, inability to think on one's feet and getting angry are a horrendous combination for a witness in Court, and lead to the kind of rambling and stumbling testimony Clemens apparently gave.

Frankly, Clemens should have come out and said right off the bat that McNamee gave him some stuff, he did not know what the stuff was and that he relied on McNamee to give him stuff that was helpful and within the rules at that time. Sort of a variation on what Bonds did. Clemens never should have denied taking any substance in an unequivocal manner, especially if he had talked about it with Pettite and others. It's also possible his attorneys gave him this advice and he stubbornly rejected it. I have had a few clients stubbornly reject my advice and then watched them get their fucking asses kicked in Court. You never say "I told you so" because they know it after it has happened.
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It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
chercherfemmes said:
So how many innings do you think Lester and Buchholz will have to put in this year now that Shilling is hurt and Wakefield is iffy? And how many did they throw in 2007? They might be at a bigger risk for overwork than the Yanks Young Guns.
i figure Lester and Buchholz for 190 and 180 respectively. Wakefield iffy? I'd say Wake's no more iffy than are the balky elbows of Messrs. Pettitte and Mussina. There's more help on the farm, by the way, with Masterson and Bowden both fairly close. Should a deal become necessary, the farm system is overflowing still, rated only behind that of the Rays.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Good analysis of the hearings, Beav. There's nothing as sad as a man hanging himself.


Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams
Hello Rumples,

Clemens has a real problem with the deposition from Pettitte. Not only is Pettitte confirming what McNamee has said, Clemens himself has credited Andy Pettitte with being a person of high moral character he holds in high esteem. As one senator said, Pettitte is the person, a friend of Clemens without an ax to grind, who tilts the balance of belief in McNamee's favor. It will be interesting to see if there is a move to discredit Pettitte beyond saying he has a mistaken memory.

Deeper and deeper,


Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Beave, you can check clips of the testimony on the ESPN website if you like. What i found the most interesting thing in regards to today's hearings was the partisanship. The Republicans were behind Clemens & blasted McNamee, while the Democrats appeared to be flabbergasted by Clemens' inconsistencies. I was logged on to CNNSi's blog during the testimony & the bloggers (Si reporters) appeared pleased that Rep. Elijah Cummings finally had the balls to ask Clemens tough questions & state the facts many had been thinking. For example, why would McNamee state the truth in regards to other players such as Pettite & Knoblough, and for some strange reason like in regards to Clemens? He also went on to tell Clemens that both Pettite & Knobloush corroborated McNamee's claims, both in regard to themselves & in regards to Clemens & his wife. He ended his questionning by telling Clemens that he always looked up to him, but that he did not believe his testimony (or words to that effect).

It was also quite funny to see Rep. Dan Burton's acting performance, worthy of an Oscar i may say. He kept on admonishing McNamee for lying in the past (when he wasn't under oath). So what? Who hasn't lied in order to protect themselves & others? I found it especially hillarious considering these claims came from a politician. Since when hasn't a politician lied? When's the last time a politician has ever told the truth about anything?? He sure looked like a jackass if you ask me. But not as much as that guy from Connecticut who kept on insinuating to McNamee that he was a drug dealer. Come on!! Fuck#*$ politicians!!
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Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams
Doc Holliday said:
For example, why would McNamee state the truth in regards to other players such as Pettite & Knoblough, and for some strange reason like in regards to Clemens? He also went on to tell Clemens that both Pettite & Knobloush corroborated McNamee's claims, both in regard to themselves & in regards to Clemens & his wife. He ended his questionning by telling Clemens that he always looked up to him, but that he did not believe his testimony (or words to that effect).

Hello Doc,

Yeah, I saw that too. If this keeps up Clemens career and legacy will need a head stone...if one isn't being inscribed already. Too bad, if he had just used a less defiant angle with some could have been quashed quickly.

So foolish,



It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
One writer from the Houston Chronicle commented last night that he wouldn't be surprised if Pettitte didn't pitch this year. He's an emotional guy, doesn't need the money, and, if his heart isn't in it, is not above walking away from a $16 M contract he doesn't feel he can earn wholeheartedly.

"So, you think the Red Sox have problems with Curt Schilling? That stuff is mild compared to this and what lies ahead for Pettitte and the Yankees." Nick Cafardo, Boston Globe, 2/14/2008

Cafardo also reports that Pettitte has requested and received permission to report 5 days late for spring camp. The man's ability to focus on his job this summer is certainly something to be questioned.
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Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams
chercherfemmes said:
Naturally, I have my own opinion about whether Clemens used so-called performance enhancers, and I don’t think he did himself any favors in his Congressional testimony yesterday. But where his statistical record is concerned, there is no smoking gun."

Hello CF,

No smoking gun, just the needle scars on his butt.




Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Is Papelbon Full of Shit?

Again we have the story of Papelbon's dog eating the ball making the news. This from ESPN's baseball blog:

"Papelbon also addressed what was likely the most offbeat baseball story of the offseason -- how his dog ate the baseball from the last out of the World Series. "A guy in Mississippi was interviewing me," Papelbon said. "He kept [talking about] this ball. I said, 'Man, my dog ate it.' ... If you believe it, you believe it. If you don't, you don't. What can I say?"

Is this story to be believed?

(1) Yes, Papelbon isn't smart enough to have made up a story like that

(2) No, it's bullshit, Papelbon is hiding the ball until he retires at which time he will sell it for enormous personal profit, and the story is just a ruse designed to relieve the pressure of turning the ball over to the Hall of Fame or the Red Sox as appropriate


Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2003
Le Chabrol, Saint - Jacques
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My fantasy team.

Round Player

1 Albert Pujols (1B, STL)
2 Lance Berkman (1B, OF, HOU)
3 Alfonso Soriano (OF, CHC)
4 B.J. Upton (2B, OF, TB)
5 Ian Kinsler (2B, TEX)
6 Garrett Atkins (1B, 3B, COL)
7 Rafael Furcal (SS, LAD)
8 Cleveland Indians (P, CLE)
9 Mike Napoli (C, LAA)
10 Travis Hafner (1B, CLE)
11 Jhonny Peralta (SS, CLE)
12 Freddy Sanchez (2B, PIT)
13 Raul Ibanez (OF, SEA)
14 Michael Cuddyer (OF, MIN)
15 Troy Glaus (3B, STL)


Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams
Hey Joe...even Hench doubts Clemens.

Hello all.

We start this week's Hit List sifting through the wreckage.
1. Roger Clemens

The Rocket may have forfeited his first-ballot induction into Cooperstown, but he is on track to be the first Hit List Hall of Fame inductee. With each passing week, the in-order-for-Roger-Clemens-to-be-telling-the-truth exercise gets more and more inconceivable. Clemens would like us to believe he is Kafka's Josef K., an innocent man caught up in a surreal witch hunt, but c'mon. If we are to believe Clemens is innocent, we also have to believe: A) Brian McNamee told the truth about Andy Pettitte and Chuck Knoblach but lied about Clemens despite the threat of prosecution. B) Pettitte is lying about Clemens' admission of HGH use (Note: People don't "misremember" seismic revelations like this). C) A professional athlete lacked even a passing interest in the physique-enhancing drug he knew his wife was taking. D) IRS criminal investigator Jeff Novitzky is a crook, forcing witnesses to implicate innocent people with his bullying interrogations. E) The famous abscess on Clemens' buttocks in 1998 came from a vitamin B-12 injection. F) Former Sen. George Mitchell and his investigators have been duped by McNamee and smeared an innocent man. G) That Roger went from 40 wins, 39 losses from ages 30-33 to 55 wins, 27 losses between ages 40-43 all naturally. And so on and so on. It was noted in some corners that Clemens was a much better witness than McNamee, sitting upright, speaking forcefully. Which was true. But if you take away the performance and merely read a transcript, you see that McNamee's answers were succinct and on point while Clemens engaged in loud, proud immaterial evasion. Asked to reconcile Pettitte's statements, Clemens, in typically evasive, non-germane fashion began, "Andy Pettitte is my friend." You sure about that, Roger? You just called him a liar. Because everybody else is lying, right? You're the only one telling the truth.

Tell me you still agree with everything your idol Hench says???


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It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Even the corpse of Mike Mussina is worried about Pettitte

"I don't know how he's going to handle it," Mussina said at newly named Steinbrenner Field. "It's going to be challenging. He's probably trying to figure out the right way to handle it, probably trying to figure out how he's going to deal with [the media] way more often than he's accustomed to or that he'd be comfortable with. However it happens, he's got to be able to go out there and pitch. He's got to find a way to deal with it, lay it all out there in one or two [media] sessions, and hope it eases a little bit from there.

"I don't think he's going to be able to do his job properly if he has to answer questions about it all season long."

"We're expecting Andy to go out there and pitch 190-200 innings and win 15 games or so," Mussina added. "The question is, can he deal with all this and focus on pitching at the same time?"


Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams
rumpleforeskiin said:
"I don't know how he's going to handle it," Mussina said at newly named Steinbrenner Field. "It's going to be challenging.

Hello Rumples,

It's really too bad that Pettitte is likely to face some rough handling by the media and the fans. He seems to have handled his situation with integrity, class, and guts. At this point, there is no reason to believe he did anything more than he has acknowledged. Even according to McNamee that seems to be all there was to it, and I think he deserves a break from all fans.

Class act,



It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Korbel said:
It's really too bad that Pettitte is likely to face some rough handling by the media and the fans. He seems to have handled his situation with integrity, class, and guts. At this point, there is no reason to believe he did anything more than he has acknowledged. Even according to McNamee that seems to be all there was to it, and I think he deserves a break from all fans.
The problem with what you say is that Pettitte's story keeps changing. First it was once, then twice, now four times. When will it stop?
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