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The NEW 2011-2012 NHL Free For All thread.

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New Member
Dec 1, 2011
Montreal & Toronto
Gentle, you're not much of a Montreal Canadiens' fan. .....Bruins got OWNED in the first round, some defending champs they were:lol:

Bruins didn't get owned.
They went to the last game, into OT and the series was decided by one goal !
Still haven't read about Hockey hey ?

Also my little grade 4... There is a difference between being loyal and being blind.
Leafs fan have been so blind loyal that the old batch all died before they saw the cup again and they were able to breed another batch who will be miserable all their lives trying to understand what hockey is all about !

'Through thick and thin'... which is obviously half true !

BTW Looks like you enjoyed my 'flower' to congratulate you ?
Hope you weren't blind like a Leafs fan... how 'bout asking Iggy about them :wave:


New Member
Dec 1, 2011
Montreal & Toronto
And your right, hate to say it again but you are and when someone is right, I will admit it, but ya, your right...

Gee Iggy Doc's absence here is really showing !
Looks like you just found another pal for your brown nosing habit :lol:

BTW no real Hockey fan... only root for their team.
A REAL HOCKEY fan (not a bandwagon one) likes the game of hockey all the time.
The one with 2 teams, 2 goalies, a puck, sticks and ice rink ? you know ?
The one sport Leafs didn't learn to play ?

Not all the stupid draft period in the summer when everybody is playing golf.
I don't go to sleep when my team isn't in the playoffs and hibernate until next year.
I don't switch to baseball either because I won't watch my team on the ice until next fall.

Problem with Leafs fans is that they saw too much golf games in their life to truly appreciate hockey being played by anyone else than their team.

We all know why you guys don't have a choice to root for Leafs since you don't have any other sports in TO to root for.
You are jealous of Boston since Boston always been a sports town.

Poor Lovemaker, doesn't know I have part of my family living in Boston which I sometimes like to kid against while... knowing they are far better than TO when it comes to know about sports.

Can you help him trying to understand hockey and watch the team is rooting for ?
He seems all upset now he had to learn the hard way about which player was in the minus or plus in the playoffs !

I luv it :smile:


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
:eek: First we have "men" talking about their love for dildos and now we have another giving out "flowers" to other men. :eek: I think someone enjoyed merlots pic of a guy in tights a lil too much. :lol: Here, for you gentle, before we lose you to the other side. :lol:


BTW Looks like you enjoyed my 'flower' to congratulate you ?


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Guess you have found a great excuse for the scabs season that just ended with them in the basement eh? After you got passed all the tears you now love the game of hockey as a whole, nevermind not showing up before the end of the season, nevermind you were never here to talk about either the GAME itself or your habs until the Leafs were eliminated. That my friend is the definition of BANDWAGON and you fit the bill perfectly. Carry on, google is your friend! :lol:
BTW no real Hockey fan... only root for their team.


New Member
Dec 1, 2011
Montreal & Toronto
After you got passed all the tears you now love the game of hockey as a whole, nevermind not showing up before the end of the season, nevermind you were never here to talk about either the GAME itself or your habs until the Leafs were eliminated. That my friend is the definition of BANDWAGON and you fit the bill perfectly. Carry on, google is your friend! :lol:

Poor Iggy... don't you know that I don't live my life on Merb ?
Didn't you already figure out who I am ?
Didn't you pm me to go see a Habs game together before ?
You a true and loyal Leafs fan ?
Maybe you should tell your newly found pal about this one !

Sorry Iggy but... I don't need like you to spend my whole life (5,282 posts in 3-4 years) on Merb, Google or a 'computer' to enjoy hockey.
Nor do I have to pm guys out here to go see a game.

Pls try again !


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Wow, what a comeback......Bwhahahahaahahahaha! Maybe Max Pax will beat out Lupul and Alfie for the Masterson and you can have at least ONE thing to cheer about this offseason. Would you like the other 14 teams to send you down some food or water? Is it lonely down there? :lol: Worst scabs season in over 70 years I think i heard. Ahhhhhhh, how Sha-Weet it is. :thumb:
Iggy... with all your brown-nosing to men out here... you should not go into this.
We'll know how excited you were with Doc's pics on Gomez. :smile:


New Member
Dec 1, 2011
Montreal & Toronto
Guess you have found a great excuse for the scabs season that just ended with them in the basement eh?

It's funny I didn't even notice you were trying to impress people out here with this one !
You sound like the bonhomme 7 heure !

Basement ! isn't it what Leafs fan are used to see their team ? Bouh ! are you scarred now ?
How long you're gonna try to make us feel bad... the same as with your Kessel for Bruins' fans ?

I know that the last time Leafs won LPs weren't on the market but like we say in french "change ton disque man !"
It's boring to hear the same thing again and again !

Here's a lesson on trying to impress people :


New Member
Dec 1, 2011
Montreal & Toronto
BTW funny you mentioned Iggy...the Masterton since Leafs only had one player to win it while both Habs and Bruins got 4 each.

SO hopefully Lupul will win it and 2 other Leafs will before the next ice age so that we can all say that Leafs really "exemplifies the qualities of perseverance, sportsmanship, and dedication to ice hockey" ! to the same degree as Bruins and Habs !

Naturally you'll google this one in trying to answer !
You probably just heard about it because one Leafs is finally a finalist !

Bwouahwahwaha :lol:


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
(since the playoff thread is only for playoff talk, I decided not to give mod8 anymore headaches and put this over here)

No more habs should of kept halak crap please, we all know this. :lol:

I say, Go Blues if they play Halak and if not, then go Preds! (the Carrie factor) ;)

Gentle, about not being a business thing, thats what a large majority of habs fans are wrong about. Hate to burst your blue, white, and red bubble but all sports are about business these days. What used to be about 90% passion 10% business is now more the opposite and thats sad to see but it will never ever change back so live with it. This complete nonsense that there must be a french speaking gm and coach instead of hiring the best person for the job is running a team based on passion, but not running a business to be the best it can be. Yes the habs want to play to the approval of many die hard French Canadians, but isnt winning gonna do that even more so? To some extent it is like being a racist. "we wont hire him because of his skin color" "we wont hire him because he does not speak french" Looks the same to me.

There can still be passion in sports, but it is big time business and sometimes passion is more coming from the fans than the players, not all but some players are playing for the paycheck more so than their love of the game. Look at the guys not wanting to play in Montreal or Toronto because of the spotlight, where is their passion??? Sad but true. About Kessel, sorry but if you feel that way then you really do not know your hockey, he is a great player and at 24 should only get better, and if he gets that true #1 centre, look out!
They should have kept Halak because he made Montreal, Habs fans and Habs players proud to play !

Anyone who is a true Habs fan who watched this team getting back to back Stanley cups understand what true hockey is all about.
And it is not a business thing !

So give us a break with your Kessel stuff... we'll all know the song !


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
And? So what, stop being that living in the past guy all the time, ooops, I forgot, you are a habs fan LOL! My bad! :lol: Lupul deserves it more than either the other 2, he was told in 2010 he may never ever even WALK again let alone be a ppg hockey player. If you dont know his story, go look it up, it is a great story of triumph and determination. (you should be able to find it with the help of your best hockey buddy called, Mr. Google) :thumb:

BTW funny you mentioned Iggy...the Masterton since Leafs only had one player to win it while both Habs and Bruins got 4 each.


New Member
Dec 1, 2011
Montreal & Toronto
(since the playoff thread is only for playoff talk, I decided not to give mod8 anymore headaches and put this over here)

No more habs should of kept halak crap please, we all know this. :lol:

I say, Go Blues if they play Halak and if not, then go Preds! (the Carrie factor) ;)

Gentle, about not being a business thing, thats what a large majority of habs fans are wrong about. Hate to burst your blue, white, and red bubble but all sports are about business these days. What used to be about 90% passion 10% business is now more the opposite and thats sad to see but it will never ever change back so live with it. This complete nonsense that there must be a french speaking gm and coach instead of hiring the best person for the job is running a team based on passion, but not running a business to be the best it can be. Yes the habs want to play to the approval of many die hard French Canadians, but isnt winning gonna do that even more so? To some extent it is like being a racist. "we wont hire him because of his skin color" "we wont hire him because he does not speak french" Looks the same to me.

There can still be passion in sports, but it is big time business and sometimes passion is more coming from the fans than the players, not all but some players are playing for the paycheck more so than their love of the game. Look at the guys not wanting to play in Montreal or Toronto because of the spotlight, where is their passion??? Sad but true. About Kessel, sorry but if you feel that way then you really do not know your hockey, he is a great player and at 24 should only get better, and if he gets that true #1 centre, look out!

Again Kessel ? we all know he can be good... bla bla but who cares about the past wih Bruins ?
Stop living in the past. Hockey in TO is done.

There isn't any futur for hockey in TO.
Only for the fans who still believe in Pere Noel !

As for racism ? there is much of that in every place, every country and cities... etc.

To me it's racism not to speak French & English when you live in Quebec.

Any dumbass who is complaisant about speaking only one language in Quebec in the 21st century is a racist to me (both French or English) !
A pure low life expectancy mother f*cker !
Unless he has the excuse of being an 1-2 years less immigrant.

It's because of both that political sh!t always go on and we're fed up about this whining from both sides !
There's plenty of other places to live if you can't cut it here !


New Member
Dec 1, 2011
Montreal & Toronto
... Mr. Google

Again ? Mr. Google ? Kessel ? Leafs will win the cup ? Burke is a genius ? Wilson is a genius ? Dion is a genius ? I'm the expert and all the others are bandwagon fans ?
You really are starting to sound like a broken old record Iggy. Fact like your old buddy who kept saying Gomez, Stalker, Burke, Gomez, Stalker...

See where it brought him to ?
He's got the blues now !

Get back on track with the playoffs man ! you did good with both Kings and Preds so act like you still know somethin' about hockey !
We'll never know the difference :D

About Lupul ?
It's even worse than that !
He was even told that he would win the Stanley Cup being with the genius of Burke !
So I agree with you... he deserves it !

As if I didn't know :rolleyes:


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
Hey Boyz,

You'll have to hand over the cup and wait another 15 years also (that's the average it takes Bruins to win a cup since 1924) to see this cup back in Boston's street I guess.

As for TO ? well.... you can stick to your 40+ years I guess :thumb:

You know, 15 years for the Bruins, 45 years for Toronto, that means, that's three to Toronto's...ooops, I was going to say to their one, but they haven't won anything in the Expansion Era. real Habs fan EVER roots for Boston, period! Just like Yankees fans NEVER cheer for the Red Sox. And your right a second time as well, Leafs fans are some of the most loyal fans in ANY sport.

Gee Iggy Doc's absence here is really showing !
Looks like you just found another pal for your brown nosing habit :lol:

BTW no real Hockey fan... only root for their team.
A REAL HOCKEY fan (not a bandwagon one) likes the game of hockey all the time.
The one with 2 teams, 2 goalies, a puck, sticks and ice rink ? you know ?
The one sport Leafs didn't learn to play ?

I don't go to sleep when my team isn't in the playoffs and hibernate until next year.
I don't switch to baseball either because I won't watch my team on the ice until next fall.

Problem with Leafs fans is that they saw too much golf games in their life to truly appreciate hockey being played by anyone else than their team.

We all know why you guys don't have a choice to root for Leafs since you don't have any other sports in TO to root for.
You are jealous of Boston since Boston always been a sports town.

Poor Lovemaker, doesn't know I have part of my family living in Boston which I sometimes like to kid against while... knowing they are far better than TO when it comes to know about sports.

Can you help him trying to understand hockey and watch the team is rooting for ?
He seems all upset now he had to learn the hard way about which player was in the minus or plus in the playoffs !

I luv it :smile:

Geeez Gentle, I couldn't say it better.

Iggy's mode of thought has been to bitch about anything and everything related to the opposition and their fans since he arrived. It's never been about sports, it's about being an antagonist. As you say, real fans appreciate the the sport itself, the game and the pursuit of excellence, no matter which team or which player.

He enjoys blind idolatry for his team and players, and attacking anything else. His take on Burke as a genius despite four years of utter failure is the irrefutable proof of blind idolatry, and his statement above shows how narrow his personal view of sports is. This is not appreciation of sports, it's an obsession with bias. Coming to a review board and NEVER posting a review...obsession.

Pissing is his game! PERIOD!!!

People who love sports appreciate real competition and EXCELLENCE wherever it is. Sports are not about loving to hate. :thumb:


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New Member
Dec 1, 2011
Montreal & Toronto
And how about that fucktard Cherry who just said that the best team lost !

Gawd I wasn't quick enough to switch chanels before I heard this prehistoric a$shole who probably woke up in the last 5 minutes of the game to say that Ottawa was the best team because they did a great effort to try and tie the game.

Hey moron ! you should have watch the hole game instead of dozzing in your rocking chair !
Rangers were controling all the way to these last minutes !

C'l'temps de retourner a manger mou... vieux crouton !


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Wait :confused: What :confused: You just admitted you were watching, make up your mind will ya? :lol: sorry, your just too easy buddy.
Very good game between Devils and Panthers too.

Betcha Bandwagon fans aren't even watching ! :eyebrows:
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