Montreal Escorts

The NEW 2011-2012 NHL Free For All thread.

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Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth

Scabs is in reference to a hockey team no? ROFL!.... learn your hockey boy. And last i heard betting in a open thread was against the rules as well. Mods?

Leafs fans have got to be the most desperate criers I ever knew. They constantly complain when the goading is done by others, when they do it it's just part of being a real fan. :lol: Then when they get SCHOOLED they go crying even more to the mods. It's been a pleasure teaching them. :thumb:!!!

If our mod has no problems with name-calling in this thread, i also won't have problem with it. However, be warned that i won't restrain myself if i'm allowed to do my share of name-calling. I hope you girls can hack it! :lol:

In case you didn't know, and I'm sure you do by now, the rules in the Free For All thread are team and player names are fair game, personal insults against Merb members are not...and to keep on hockey.. So you can stop nagging to the mods. As for your name-calling against teams, since you don't have a team to be proud of you will need something. ;)

Bruins 5 Leafs 4

Just when you thought the impossible might be possible, as the Leafs took a lead for once, these 12th place total failures give up 4 goals (Seguin, Kelly, Caron, Seguin again) in 1 period...always finding new ways to choke and get their girlie butts beaten. Ahhhhhhhh, there's nothing like playing the Leafs to break a losing streak.

At least the win is worth 2 points. Surely, beating a team that has failed going on 46 years doesn't prove much of anything except they still just plain STINK!

Just another Leaf taking another beating...per usual...


I feel so sad for them...

2011-2012 Toronto Maples Leafs.




New Member
May 31, 2008
If our mod has no problems with name-calling in this thread, i also won't have problem with it. However, be warned that i won't restrain myself if i'm allowed to do my share of name-calling. I hope you girls can hack it! :lol:

Thought you had a heart Doc.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Yet Kessel now has 7O points to seguins 54 and seguin plays with a better team, the best team last season and a cup contender again this season btw. True seguin is 4 years younger but at 20 "The Thrill" never had the same bruin talent that seguin has the luxury of playing with every night. Kessel is a star and seguin will be, both will be great players for years if healthy but I will take what Burke got in both trades combined with boston anyday.

How are the habs doing anyways? :lol: Look at it this way, at least there are no more headlines like "Montreal is Buring! :thumb:

Btw, there are 29 gm's, unless you think that disneyland operation in Montreal with mickey or mini at the helm qualify as "Real" gm's.

(is that the bell centre in the background? Oh.... nevermind, cant be, afterall Le Centre Bell is the most UNHAPPIEST place on earth these days, my bad.) :D

Bonhomme could do a better job as habs gm than what you have now.....on that note, stick with M&M :thumb:


Wow that Seguin kid is gonna be scary in a few years. What a hockey player. I'm sure if you ask all 30 GMs who did would pick between Kessel and Seguin 29 of them would pick Seguin.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Why would I disagree with a guy who was the mastermind behind the current Vancouver Canucks, won a Stanley Cup in Anaheim and was left with NOTHING when he got to Toronto and has his team as close to the playoffs as it's been since he got here, John? It takes time when you start from the bottom, ask Edmonton, how many years is their current rebuild with no end in sight? Ask Florida, and several others while your at it. For a fan of a team who is the joke of the entire NHL, "Les Canadiens" (aka, puke) I am sure your just venting out of frustration, but cmon. You'd Kill to have a great GM like Burke over the current M&M' crew running the "show" in downtown Montreal.

I will Laugh until no end if the next habs gm is Patrick Roy or coach for that matter, like is being rumoured. :lol: The QMJHL, (rumps/merlot/john) that stands for Quebec Major Junior Hockey League, is no NHL boys :thumb: although there is MUCH MUCH better hockey being played these days at Le Colisée Pepsi in my favorite city and part time home, Quebec City. ;)

Do you ever disagree with blowhard Burke?


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
pK soup-can can fly!

ok, not really, afterall he is pk Soup-Can, not Superman :lol:



New Member
Oct 3, 2008
:rolleyes: wow...... Ok, i'll bite lol.....

Mr. NON-hockey, please stop talking the sport, you horribly fail each and every time....I could care less what a non hockey mind like yourself "thinks" about Kessel/Seguin, Burke, Gretzky, Bobby Orr, Howe (not the late great Steve Howe, merLot), Boom Boom (look it up grapes), Guy, Roy, Sitler, Horton (no no merLot, not that Horton although sometimes I do think you reside in Whoville), but Tim Horton (rolls eyes...yea sure meRloT, the guy who has donuts coast to coast) or even Paul Coffey (yes merLot, it is Coffey, not coffee) but love how you make me laugh about your "knowledge" of the game, so for that reason alone, I will respond, lol.

Burke does not play goalie and nor did he trade away a good goalie. Now with a defensive minded coach in Randy Carlyle, they have to go get those type of players, not a whole team makeover but one or 2 to fit the Carlyle mode, plus likely a goalie. The fact remains he has done a excellent job and this is a Leafs team who could very well be in the top 5of the eastern conference next year much like Philly a few years ago, who turned things around lightning quick within one season. Should be a good summer in Leafs Universe much to the chagrin of "Scab Nation" :lol:

Stick to arguing with everyone about escorts and politics, and doing silly polls because you fail miserably at sports, especially HOCKEY! :lol:


PS. You forgot the word Bandwagon in front of "fan of the current Stanley Cup Champions" below. ;)

Hmmm,From a fan of the current Stanley Cup CHAMPIONS, apparently four years of alleged rebuilding by Burke isn't going to do it. As for Burke bringing the team closer to the playoffs than any time since he took over, they are in 24th place and still have to face the Panthers, Senators, Bruins, Rangers, Sabres, Flyers, and the Capitals in 7 of their last 10 games. They are likely to sink lower, not improve their place in the standings. I doubt they will beat their 22nd place finish last year.



Red Sox Nation
Jan 28, 2009
We are so LUCKY here...

You know everytime I read EXPERT commentary here on merb from sports geniuses (2 specifically) I am so grateful to be able to share in such a small part of it all...:nod:. I mean think about it...ESPN employs dozens, perhaps hundreds of experts in SPECIFIC sports so that their commentary on a SINGLE sport can be precise, concise and well respected. They have hockey guys for hockey; baseball guys for baseball, etc. Hell they even have position players to comment by position.

But here...we have f'n genius experts who KNOW EVERYTHING and are not afraid to tell us they do know everything...and we have TWO of even regularly answers his own posts (and the other is starting to). And if a guy answers his own posts...he must be smart...right?! :confused::nod:. It's a wonder these guys are not on ESPN...:confused:...they should be. Yes, we are so lucky...:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:...after all, an "Escort Review" board with 2 sports experts...what more can you want?
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New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Why I would swear if you changed that to a red sox plate, same words, the headline would read something along the lines of "The JOKE of baseball for 86 years, AND of the 2011 season!" :lol: "47" your hypocrisy amazes me lil fella, but amuses me at the same time, I cant lose! :D

The motto of brain Burke and Laffs nation...

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New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Why you so mad all the time? :crazy: Stress does nothing good. Since when does being a fan mean one has to go by the "47" standard of what a fan is supposed to be like? If i did not no better I swear your calling yourself a genius. Yikes!

Ok here is your chance, sir forty-seven, show us your the genius you claim to be, or at the very least you know even a tiny bit about the team you say your a fan of. How do you feel about your teams up and coming prospects for the next few years? Tinordi, Kristo, Leblanc, Beaulieu, Avtsin, Gallagher, or the recent addition of Patrick Holland via the Cammy trade with Calgary to name a few off the top of my head. Tell me your thoughts on them in your own words. Also, which Scab free agents will be let go and what do you think will happen with the GM and Coaching situations in Scabland? Do you think the once proud habbs will go after Zack Parise or Rick Nash? (ever heard of either??) Will Gomez be bought out and shipped to Hamilton? (thats the farm team "47") Will Patty Roy be brought in to be President? GM? Coach? ... Please tell all of us YOUR thoughts about everything habs, afterall they are YOUR team so you say, so please do enlighten us with your "Genius Expertise" my good man. C'mon, show us the scabs fan you are since you wanna put others down for being fanatics the way they see fit.

You remind me of a guy who does not vote in an election but complains about who was elected. :nod:

You know everytime I read EXPERT commentary here on merb from sports geniuses I am so grateful to be able to share in such a small part of it all. I mean think about it...ESPN employs dozens, perhaps hundreds of experts in SPECIFIC sports so that their commentary on a SINGLE sport can be precise, concise and well respected.

But here...we have f'n genius experts who KNOW EVERYTHING and are not afraid to tell us they do know everything...and we have TWO of even regularly answers his own posts. And if a guy answers his own posts...he must be smart...right?!


New Member
Dec 1, 2011
Montreal & Toronto
You remind me of a guy who does not vote in an election but complains about who was elected. :nod:

When you have the choice between an asshole and a piece of shit... you don't vote for the asshole just to be able to complain that you were stupid enough by voting for it.

Problem with you 2 guys is that you keep saying that you know hockey more than everyone else because you take so much time in reading about statistics and falling in love with hockey players when it is not brown-nosing everything that a stupid GM does. You keep on saying that the Maple Leafs is the best hockey team of Canada if not the world.

Being a Habs fan, I'm not blind to say that they suck big time this year and that every other guys on this board rooting for another team has the right to say it. Habs GM has made stupid moves specially since letting go Halak and this year the 2 good goalies formula in St-Louis is proving him wrong.

Being a Habs fan it sucks to see them in the gutter and frankly I hope it will be the right time to get rid of some asshole up there who constantly think the same way you 2 guys are thinking which is "you know better" when you don't know shit !

I hope The Blues or the Canucks win the cup but I would laugh if the Bruins would do it again simply because our stupid GM would get it right on the nose.

Keep on brown nosing Burke... cuze we love to see you guys humiliating yourselves with over 5000+posts of the same ignorance on hockey !

With the habs, we don't need a genius to turn this around. Only a normal guy who listen and stop saying he knows everything.
Merlot would do the job plenty. Jman, GHG, Joel Cairo and most of the guys out here.

But for the Leafs... I'm sorry they didn't need a 'genius' to turn this around.. what they need is mother f&ckin "Jesus" !


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Gentle, cmon now, tell us how you REALLY feel! Bwhahahaahahahahahah! (you take us and this stuff waaaaaay to seriously holmes)

I hope the Blues win the cup also, it will make the habs look even worse because of the Halak trade lol! (Lars Eller is a nice third line player but will likely never be the superstar i read habs fan saying he will be)

Now, If you dont like hearing about the Leafs and Burke, it's simple. dont read it, there is nothing wrong with a fan being a silent fan or a fan being excited about his team, either way a fan is a fan, you choose your way I choose mine, it is what it is. If my way bothers you so much, you have a choice to NOT READ now dont you, BUT if you wanna sit there and complain then how come today is the first I have ever heard of you? If you wanna complain then at least talk the sport once in awhile or jump back on your wagon with "47" and "ghg", at least one of them talks like a fan when the habs are actually winning sometimes. Fact is habs fans are on the whole the most arrogant fans in all of hockey, if not sports (close second behind red sox fans) so when you suck and hear about it tough poo poo and when the Leafs fans were playing good hockey for four months habs fans were silent because well, they sucked the whole season.

So now that the Leafs went into the tank for the last 4 weeks, all that Burke did to get them playing in the top 8 for 4 months is no longer forward progress? Sure it is, now we need to do it for a whole season, he is still a great GM. Burkes only fault was thinking we could be good in a very short period of time. And whether he believed that or not, he was saying it to install confidence in his team and I can not fault him for that one bit.

Seriously, I hope the Leafs end up with a top 3 pick this June. They are already ahead of the game so to speak because they are in training camp all over again under Carlyle right now which will be great come september, (already knowing his systems and what he expects) and landing a high pick, going after a skilled and or big forward and a goalie this summer and they will be back on track under a more defensive minded system in Farrish and Carlyle. Not at all worried about Burke, he has won before and he will get things straightened out before his time is up in the Center of the Hockey Universe...... If he could play goal like an Allstar, I am sure he would of got the pads on yesterday. Many fans wanted Wilson gone, and got their wish, (btw Burke never hired Wilson) now Burke has to retool for a totally different type of coach, but in this case retooling means getting rid of a cpl guys who are not RC type players for a cpl that are and how much you wanna bet Burke does just that before October?

As far as humiliating myself about Burke, how so? He has a history of turning around franchises, winning a cup and is a great humanitarian to boot. Love him or hate him, he is a tough but "GENTLE" man. You can call it humiliating all you want, I call it saying whatever I want as a fan of my team who I spend my hard earned money on and when will you understand, and here is the IMPORTANT part I dont give a rats ass what anyone on the internet thinks of me, and if you do then thats your problem not mine. Now, back to SCABS Bashing:thumb:

I hope The Blues or the Canucks win the cup but I would laugh if the Bruins would do it again simply because our stupid GM would get it right on the nose.

Keep on brown nosing Burke... cuze we love to see you guys humiliating yourselves with over 5000+posts of the same ignorance on hockey !

With the habs, we don't need a genius to turn this around. Only a normal guy who listen and stop saying he knows everything.
Merlot would do the job plenty. Jman, GHG, Joel Cairo and most of the guys out here.

But for the Leafs... I'm sorry they didn't need a 'genius' to turn this around.
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Red Sox Nation
Jan 28, 2009
Do you write speeches for Rick Sandorkum?
Or are you just one of the people not intelligent enough to know that the answer he gave you today was 180 degrees off of the one he gave the group of idiots he spoke to yesterday? Listen little mr have been trying to switch my words, quote me out of context and intentionally insight me for years now:confused:...when are you gonna figure out you and your genius pal little mr y don't have the combined IQ to do it:rolleyes:?

We all know who the self proclaimed "merb sports geniuses" are :rolleyes: ... and you may get some of the ladies to buy off on that cutesy, puppy dog, class clown act...but in a man's's horseshit. You are as transparent as the Laff's defense. Nice attempt at deflecting the real subject though..which is:

YOUR LAFFS SIMPLY SUCK :help: (have since '67) and Brain BURKE IS A MORON...again...:thumb:

Have fun,



Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
:rolleyes: wow...... Ok, i'll bite lol.....

Mr. NON-hockey, please stop talking the sport, you horribly fail each and every time....I could care less what a non hockey mind like yourself "thinks" about Kessel/Seguin, Burke, Gretzky, Bobby Orr, Howe (not the late great Steve Howe, merLot), Boom Boom (look it up grapes), Guy, Roy, Sitler, Horton (no no merLot, not that Horton although sometimes I do think you reside in Whoville), but Tim Horton (rolls eyes...yea sure meRloT, the guy who has donuts coast to coast) or even Paul Coffey (yes merLot, it is Coffey, not coffee) but love how you make me laugh about your "knowledge" of the game, so for that reason alone, I will respond, lol.

Burke does not play goalie and nor did he trade away a good goalie. Now with a defensive minded coach in Randy Carlyle, they have to go get those type of players, not a whole team makeover but one or 2 to fit the Carlyle mode, plus likely a goalie. The fact remains he has done a excellent job and this is a Leafs team who could very well be in the top 5of the eastern conference next year much like Philly a few years ago, who turned things around lightning quick within one season. Should be a good summer in Leafs Universe much to the chagrin of "Scab Nation" :lol:

Stick to arguing with everyone about escorts and politics, and doing silly polls because you fail miserably at sports, especially HOCKEY! :lol:


PS. You forgot the word Bandwagon in front of "fan of the current Stanley Cup Champions" below. ;)

Igna Rant,

Is this Leafs fan ever going to stop hiding out in the pissing threads and face others like a man where he has to behave like a MAN instead of continually pissing??? Oh wait..."Leafs fan"...I answered my own question. :lol:

Wait for it...:thumb:



New Member
Dec 1, 2011
Montreal & Toronto
Gentle, cmon now, tell us how you REALLY feel! ..
... and here is the IMPORTANT part I dont give a rats ass what anyone on the internet thinks of me, and if you do then thats your problem not mine. Now, back to SCABS Bashing:thumb:

Frankly Igna I was trying to do you a favor... a grown man should know when to STFU and not brag about loosers.

I didn'y say anything about the Habs cuze I knew they would have a tough year and I waited to see if there would be a good time to root for them instead jumping on the band wagon like you guys did for your leafs once they got into first place.

It was so pathetic to see both brag like kids.
You would have proven us to be a lot more mature if you would have restrain yourself waiting to see if the Leafs could keep on.

Take it easy Igna sinon tu va t'peter une veine dans l'front !
Posting 5000+ or even 8000+ posts about hockey on Merb (escort board if you didn't notice) is REALLY taking this WAY too seriously :)

Again... if you didn't give a rats ass... you wouldn't have replied :):):)

So just swallow it ! and take it like a man !


Red Sox Nation
Jan 28, 2009
Frankly Igna I was trying to do you a favor... a grown man should know when to STFU and not brag about loosers.

I didn'y say anything about the Habs cuze I knew they would have a tough year and I waited to see if there would be a good time to root for them instead jumping on the band wagon like you guys did for your leafs once they got into first place.

It was so pathetic to see both brag like kids.
You would have proven us to be a lot more mature if you would have restrain yourself waiting to see if the Leafs could keep on.

Take it easy Igna sinon tu va t'peter une veine dans l'front !
Posting 5000+ or even 8000+ posts about hockey on Merb (escort board if you didn't notice) is REALLY taking this WAY too seriously :)

Again... if you didn't give a rats ass... you wouldn't have replied :)

So just swallow it ! and take it like a man !

Seems I have heard this on this very board before :eek: ...ROFLMFAO!

As for bandwagoning...he's a Yankees fan, its to be expected...they don't know how else to act...

Igna Rant,

Is this Leafs fan ever going to stop hiding out in the pissing threads and face others like a man where he has to behave like a MAN instead of continually pissing??? Oh wait..."Leafs fan"...I answered my own question. :lol:

Wait for it...:thumb:


Suddenly I can feel Mod 8's inbox filling...LOL!

And I feel another lame post coming to he Red Sox thread too...only to be answered by yet another from the same poster...

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New Member
Oct 3, 2008

Calm down there Champion before you go off the deep end like the other wagoneers who cant take the heat or think others should do as they say not as they do.(hypocrisy runs wild in their world ya know) ;)

Last i new MERB had a sports section to oh geez, i dont no, TALK SPORTS maybe :confused: If your this upset with what Leafs fans have to say right now, i would hate to be in your shoes when we finally win a Cup! :lol: Like i said, you be a fan your way,and I will be a fan MY WAY, which is 24/7 365. I speak my mind about my teams and dont care what anyone thinks. When I have a passion for something I invest my time and energy into it whether it is a relationship, sports, music or whatever I so choose, so what, I do not care like i said before what you or anyone else thinks and never will on the net. (for the record my good hockey friends go at it the same way in person but they have a thick skin and we all know it is a sport and for fun, not life and death)

In conclusion, the Scabs still suck and if not for Price would of sucked the last 3 seasons and a few more to come. If the Leafs had a Carey Price in nets, by the way i think he is a top 10 goalie in the league, we would of made the playoffs the last 2 years and this one easily, BUT, the Carey Prices of the world do not fall from trees.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
You remind me of a guy who does not vote in an election but complains about who was elected. :nod:
Or perhaps of a guy who makes thousands of posts in an escort review board, but never writes a review? :D


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Rumpie!!!!!!! Welcome back! Bwhahahahahaahahaha,..... feeling better? how was your stay? Did they let you keep the jacket? :lol:

Not much has changed, Habs still suck and will for a few more years and the Leafs are looking for a top 3 pick I hope and a great summer of retooling to fit RC's style. Again, Welcome Back :wave:
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