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The NEW 2011-2012 NHL Free For All thread.

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New Member
Jul 26, 2005
I pushed it. It still makes no sense.

Anyone who can read might have noticed that I wasn't defending the Habs, just attacking the hopeless pathetic sad sack bunch of losers known as the Leafs. (In future history books they'll have two names : 1. Canada's National Embarrassment 2. Burke's Folly).

Special K

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May 3, 2003
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Haven't looked in on here in awhile but I see nothing ever changes..Haha.

Iggy makes asinine statement about Habs playing golf

JC owns Iggy with response

Iggy makes predictable "JC's a Habs fan comment"

JC owns Iggy with response again

Iggy makes predictable "if you cant take it don't dish it" comment, and pretends it doesn't hurt him.

JC owns Iggy with response AGAIN

Iggy makes next lame ass response referencing JC's adulation of the Habs

JC easily decimates Iggy in latest response at 11:11p.

Wow...Nice to see that some things never change. Hahaha.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
It isnt that C, it is the fact you defend the habs MOST of the time, and thats fine, just goes to show your a big supporter of Les Scabitants, and thats your right. At least you talk real hockey sometimes unlike blowhard wagoneers who dont know a slapshot from a wristshot. ;) :lol:
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New Member
Jul 26, 2005
It isnt that C, it is the fact you defend the habs MOST of the time, and thats fine, just goes to show your a big supporter of Les Scabitants, and thats your right. At least you talk real hockey sometimes unlike blowhard wagoneers who dont know a slapshot from a wristshot. ;) :lol:

I have to give you credit for this post.

Usually you're 100% wrong but on this one it's only 50%. Your first sentence is wrong but your second is correct.

Sincere congratulations on your improvement! Keep up the good work.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Awwwww shucks, really no need for that, but thanks joey! One day, if you keep studying the game, apply yourself, take your vitamins, and say your prayers, then you might understand the great game of Hockey like Doc and myself do as well!

Btw, I know your not a dead things fan, but who are they gonna sign to replace Nikky Lid? Suter said screw you and even highly touted rook Justin Schultz did not even list the "things" on his final list, and told Holland "no thanks" right off the bat. Seems Detroit is not the destination for players to go to as it once was... dont blame them, have you ever been to Detroit!?!?!?! Oh well, being a SCABS fan you do not have to worry about that :lol:
I have to give you credit.


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
All intelligent hockey players LOVE the idea of being a Wing:

Best ownership in sports
Best management in sports
Best active GM in hockey
Second best hockey GM of all time
One of the 5 best coaches in the NHL today
A great tradition for approximately a century (yes, even during the dark years between 55 and 97)
FOUR (!!!!!!!) Cups in the last decade and a half
Over TWENTY (!!!!!!!!) consecutive years in the playoffs
Howe, Lindsay, Abel, Yzerman, Lidstrom, Federov, Datsyuk, Zetterberg, Shanahan, Hull, Robitaille, Ullman, Kelly, Pronovost, Probert, Sawchuk, Hall, Hasek, Gadsby, Redmond, Mahovlich
A GREAT history and a GREAT future
No Ryan Suter? No problem! At least Detroit doesn't have a useless overrated prima donna like Dion Phaneuf messing up its D!

Just compare all that to a piece of crap like the Leafs, who haven't had a decent team since Bobby Orr was a rookie!


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
See, you are a scabs fan, always talking about the past! :lol: I knew it! :lol:
A great tradition for approximately a century (yes, even during the dark years between 55 and 97)
FOUR (!!!!!!!) Cups in the last decade and a half
Over TWENTY (!!!!!!!!) consecutive years in the playoffs
Howe, Lindsay, Abel, Yzerman, Lidstrom, Federov, Datsyuk, Zetterberg, Shanahan, Hull, Robitaille, Ullman, Kelly, Pronovost, Probert, Sawchuk, Hall, Hasek, Gadsby, Redmond, Mahovlich
A GREAT history


New Member
Dec 1, 2011
Montreal & Toronto
Hey ! is there any Leafs fan left ?
I thought they were all gone in the last ice age !

Ice... like in Hockey Iggy ... au cas tu l'aurais pas pognée du premier coup ! :D


Nov 4, 2009
In all honesty, don't be surprised if Montreal doesn't see a Stanley Cup for the next 200 years. Shit aint looking good, and this is coming from a big time Montreal Canadiens' fan but also a big time fan of all Canadian hockey teams. We're competing against American teams and not against each other. If any Canadian hockey team gets into the playoffs and goes far it benefits our entire economy, especially if the Leafs are successful, since Toronto is our economic hub. So chill out and stay unified, don't let the media fool you.

Long Live Canada!

new york rangers lookin dangerous with nash, richards and callahan

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
I am an Oiler fan ( since they started ) and hopefully they get out of the gutter this year. I was hoping that they would trade one of their forwards for a goalie but that is not going to happen, if you do not have a top goalie you will always be at the bottom. Maybe after the 4th first round pick they may decide to trade for a defenceman or goalie.


New Member
Dec 1, 2011
Montreal & Toronto
In all honesty, don't be surprised if Montreal doesn't see a Stanley Cup for the next 200 years....

Bwahahahahaha :lol::lol::lol:

Now why don't you do this stupid math of yours while you're at it !
Divide 200 by 12 cups (in order for the Leafs to have more than the Habs) and Leafs would have to win one each and every 16 years for the next 200 years. Ain't f*ckin' looking good. So far !

Reverse the math and if by some sort of magical sh!t the Leafs would win one in 2013 (after 45 years ???).
At that rate in 200 years, the Leafs will win only 5 more. Which will still be shy of 7 cups to beat the Habs.

So at this rate it will take a whopping 540 years for the Leafs to beat the Habs.

If you want to take it this way then....
Sorry pal... but this game was owned by the Habs a long time ago.

Bwahahahahaha hahahaha :lol:

Chill out :D


Nov 4, 2009
^ Now that you've successfully proven to us that you're a prodigy at advanced Calculus and mastered the art of solving derivatives as well as anti-derivatives, I think it's time for you to set-up an immediate rendez-vous with a psychiatrist so that you could receive some much needed help in solving other more complex problems.

Arent you the same kid who was going for the Boston Bruins in the playoffs after they almost murdered one of our players? Now you mean to tell me that you're a true die-hard Montreal Canadiens fan? Nice try kid and I bet Elvis is still alive.

My picks for 2nd round (the ones I'd like they move on).
Eastern conf :
Pls. let it be Flyers against Bruins again this year !!!
I will be able to enjoy every goal from either side !



New Member
Dec 1, 2011
Montreal & Toronto
....I bet Elvis is still alive.

You probably woud have more chances to win your bet than any bet on the Leafs to win the cup ! :lol:

And btw... the 'Elvis is still alive' falls into the same category than 'The Leafs will win the cup'

It's something only the fruitcakes still believe in !
No.2 meaning in the urban language for ya !

Do I need to try ??? Nop !
Cuze I don't give a sh!t !

Kid ? :D
No Leafs ever won the cup ever since I was born !
Ain't that great ? It's quite a feeling I tell ya !


Probably another pissed off like this guy :


New Member
Dec 1, 2011
Montreal & Toronto
Hell, I just read that even Venezuela won it's first gold medal after a 44 year drought.
It was practically a national holiday for them today !

Can you imagine what Leafs fan must be feeling after all this time waiting ?


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
Congratulations to ESPN Magazine

It's 100% accurate in stating the obvious: namely, that the Toronto Maple Leafs are the absolute worst franchise in all of professional sports.

The Leafs, not surprisingly, have also ranked as the absolute worst franchise in the NHL for the last 5 consecutive years.

The Leafs: love 'em or hate 'em...and MOST people are wise enough to hate 'em!What a sad sack piece of dogmeat organization!

Congrats to ESPN Magazine for being right on the money!


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Saw that yesterday and then saw the source and had a heck of a good laugh. Even you, cairo, know more about hockey than espn, lol.... I give you credit tho, i was wondering how long it would take you to post it and i still can't believe you let 24 hours go by lol. Espn is and always has been a joke when it comes to all things NHL, and this once again proves the popularity of the Leafs Brand as the NHL's most important franchise. Good stuff, thanks for posting, finally! Bwhahahaaahahahahahahahahaha......... have a nice day :wave:


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
you, know more about hockey than espn, I give you credit. Good stuff, thanks for posting

You're welcome, and I congratulate you on your appreciation of my profound knowledge of hockey (not bragging, just stating the obvious truth).


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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I don't know if you are aware but ESPN fired Matthew Barnaby as analyst. This was due to a DUI and other incidents he had on and off the air. Last I heard Barnaby was going to be deported back to Canada. It's actually ironic because the Canadians go apeshit at the border on any Americans who have DUIs.
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