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The official 2012 NFL thread.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
For me though, it's just an exercise. For Joe, another week of the pompous bragger burning and usual.
For me, it's not even an exercise; hell, I'm just picking numbers out of a hat. It's all about taking Joe to school. Gawd, I wish I were Joe's bookie.


Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2003
Le Chabrol, Saint - Jacques
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Time for my legendary picks for week 17-

My Raiders +9.5 over San Diego(I actually want my Raiders to lose this one in order to solidfy a shot at a top 5 pick in the draft).
Ealges +7 over the Giants(look for Vick to put up a good show for potential new teams for next year, I'm hearing the Jets).
Buffalo +3.5 over the Jets(look for Sanchez to put up another stinker as this will be his last game as a Jet, Bills win big in this one).

My sure shot pick of the week is Miami +10.5 over that stinking, rotten, dishonest, cheating organization from Massachusetts(boy did Brady look shakey last week against the worst team in the NFL, two picks as he was constantly hammered by the Jacksonville defense, I can't wait for the playoffs, one and out!!!!).


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Time to own Joe.T.Loserboy one more time. Some random picks.

Jacksonville to cover +4
St. Louis to cover +11
Atlanta to cover -3.5
Detroit to cover +3


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Well, Mr. Expert, you tied my random picks. Once again, you're no better than a coin flip and once again, you're bookie is a happy man, the vig in his pocket. Maybe you should try something else. How are your curling picks doing?


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Wrong you are AGAIN rumpie-poo, Mr.T had a very good day as i won 8 and lost 3 of the picks he gave me for a whopping $52 (lol, i did not go big what with the holidays and all), and i dont think anyone who proclaimed the red sox had the best team "evah' 2 seasons ago and predicting they would run the table from beginning to end should be making fun of anyone else who makes predictions, that one my friend will go down as the biggest joke prediction of all time, what for the BIGGEST CHOKE job of all time in MLB. Still sooooo funny to this day :lol:

here, take a look-see :D

In other NFL news, nice to see the Giants out of the playoffs and it would not surprise me to see Dallas join them by the end of the night, if RG3 is human they have a shot, but the verdict about him is still out if he is human at all, he is :crazy: good and seems to be a wonderful person as well, sorta in the Derek Jeter mold.

Well, Mr. Expert, you tied my random picks. Once again, you're no better than a coin flip and once again, you're bookie is a happy man, the vig in his pocket. Maybe you should try something else. How are your curling picks doing?


Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2003
Le Chabrol, Saint - Jacques
Visit site
Time to own Joe.T.Loserboy one more time. Some random picks.

Jacksonville to cover +4
St. Louis to cover +11
Atlanta to cover -3.5
Detroit to cover +3

The day you own me in any sports thread is the day I stop seeing escorts and start sucking my own cock a la Ron Jeremy(not gonna happen), but if it makes you feel good then good for you because in the end everybody knows that you are really famous for being this.:D

Well, Mr. Expert, you tied my random picks. Once again, you're no better than a coin flip and once again, you're bookie is a happy man, the vig in his pocket. Maybe you should try something else. How are your curling picks doing?

Much better than your Metric analysis of Baseball, BAWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Hahaha......... good one Mr.T! (and soooooooooo true)

Btw, i would like to personally thank you for all your picks you sent my way this season.... I did not bet every week and did not go too crazy with large ones either but overall, thanks to you my good man i came out ahead by $437 and had fun doing so, Merci Beaucoup Joe.T! and Happy New Years (see ya soon, friend)

Much better than your Metric analysis of Baseball, BAWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
The day you own me in any sports thread is the day I stop seeing escorts and start sucking my own cock!!!
Well, don't forget to post the videos on YouTube and share the link. We can't wait.

And, iggy, do you really us want to believe joe's great at sending you picks in private, while he sucks at posting pics in public? I suppose you also have a bridge to sell?


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Hasnt he been like, injured for like, the last 2 months? Yer at ure best when yur on the fence instead of trying to make a ONE SIDED point, mErlot :lol:

PS, Joe knows his football, deal with it and dont be a hater ALL yoor life..... if only i would have bet big $$$ all season! Arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!! Seriously Joe, great job this season, i owe you a steak and eggs @ L'Avenue or anywhere you wanna go for a meal the next time you are in Montreal broskie!

Hey Boyz,
Vick is a dud, he can't even beat the Giants who have been terrible for a few weeks


Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Denver / Seattle..................... Seattle :) But I am an Oiler fan so what do I know :)


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Trust me "Oh sitter atop of fence" you have the patent on the word, my excuse is I could care less what anyone thinks of me on here, why would I? and why do you? ... tell us some more how the Patriots will win it all but wont win it all lol....... pick a side for once and stick with it, whatcha got to lose, someone (all 5 of us) seeing yer wrong :noidea: talk about paronoia :lol:

Denver or bust for the Super Bowl! Go Orange Crush, Go Peyton, GO BRONCOS!

See, your lying just made Joe look foolish, as you always do.


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
Worst Team and Fans...EVVVAAAH!

...I could care less what anyone thinks of me...


Hence the lies about phantom bets to cover Joe.t's butt.....

WOW...have you ever seen anything harsher, or more truthful. :thumb:

Why Your Team Sucks 2012: Dallas Cowboys


I covered the Cowboys for NBC for three years, and I think it's clear to anyone following the team that Jerry Jones is growing more and more out of it by the second. And I mean this in relative terms. The Double J has always been a raging, megalomaniacal nutcase. But now, as he edges closer to his 70th birthday, it appears as if he's completely coming off the hinges. There's the rapping. There's the "glory hole days" comment. Cowboys fans have loathed Jones's meddling for over two decades, but the scary thing is that all of that now feels like a prelude to the REAL madness.

By now, we're all used to Jones looking for any open microphone and then using it immediately to undermine his own coaching staff. We're used to him hand-selecting players like Dez Bryant—a player so rotten he needs 24-hour babysitting to keep from curb-stomping his own mom—and then demanding that those players be showcased, often to the detriment of winning football games. We're used to him bringing in turd after turd after turd because he fancies the Cowboys as America's greatest ongoing reality show. Early in his ownership, Jones loved winning because it brought him attention. But now that the Cowboys suck and can't win, he's more than happy to get ANY attention, good or bad. Any time a Cowboys player shows up in the pages of US Weekly, the Double J orgasms out of his face. And as he grows older and closer and closer to death, he's become dangerously addicted to that attention. He's a meth head for publicity. It's enveloped him so much that winning games has become incidental.

Which is a good thing because this team is awful. The Cowboys consist of a rapidly aging core of players—Tony Romo, Miles Austin, DeMarcus Ware, Jay Ratliff, and Jason Witten—who were all brought in by Bill Parcells. For the past several years, Jones has desperately tried to assemble a decent roster around this core, and he has failed horribly. The line is awful. The secondary, despite adding rookie Morris Claiborne, is puke. And the linebackers can't cover anyone. The old core is getting closer and closer to eroding and all that will be left are the dogshit scraps that the Double J brought in. It's a roster that's coming apart as quickly as Jones's psyche, and as they sink deeper into a cycle of consistent losing, the antics will grow more and more reckless and insane. I'm telling you, we haven't seen anything yet. Jones will burn this franchise to the ground and salt the earth behind him on his way to the casket.


Tony Romo's chokery is so reliable that you can now schedule it. Want proof? Seven straight Sunday Night Football losses. Each one more pathetic than the last. It has become a fall tradition for people to gather around the TV on a Sunday night four times a year to watch this team gag like a rookie pornstar. And the best part is that I get to watch it happen again TOMORROW! That's right! This team lost its last two SNF games to the Giants, and loogit who they get to play in the opener. In primetime. On SNF (albeit on a Wednesday night). These same Giants. They have no prayer of winning. None. If you have a deed to your house, go ahead and bet it on New York and enjoy having two houses next week. Five of this team's eight losses last season (Jets, Lions, Pats, Cardinals, Giants) were epic choke jobs; other franchises don't have five losses like that in their entire HISTORY. The Cowboys don't simply lose games. They vomit them up and then slip in that vomit and then fall face-down in that vomit and then choke to death on that vomit. Why would anything be any different this season? They still have Romo, and they still have ...

3. "Hmm. Yes. Indeed."

"Few coaches would have the Princetonian gumption to ice their own kicker, but I, Jason Garrett, know that it's a strategy far ahead of its time. Pity my own players weren't able to execute such a masterfully counterintuitive act of daring. I am convinced now, more than ever, that if we simply repeat the strategy five or six more times, we shall be proven prescient. TALLY HO, NOBEL COMMITTEE. I expect fine eatings when I arrive in Stockholm the year after next!"

4. You are NOT long-suffering.

I barely need to tell you how horrible Cowboys fans are. They're nothing but a bunch of front-running, carpetbagging dipshits, most of whom have NO ties to Dallas or Texas whatsoever. They spend more time perusing the Cowboys NFL Shop catalog than watching live gameplay. Virtually every Cowboys fan introduces himself as a "longtime Cowboys fan" in the hopes of sustaining the illusion that he was a fan long before 1992. Everyone knows it's bullshit. These are awful, horrible fans, the kind that buy tickets to JerryWorld and spend half the game drinking with their fellow flight attendants in the Bud Lime-a-Rita Zone and barely paying attention to the game itself.

But do you know what the worst part is? Now that the Cowboys are undeniably fucked for the next decade, these people are begging you for PITY. All through the '90s, you couldn't find a more arrogant, obnoxious group of fans. But now that the Cowboys have become the premier choke artists in all of sports, they have come looking for sympathy. "I'm a long-suffering Cowboys fan." FUCK YOU. YOU DO NOT KNOW SUFFERING. Don't you dare try to lump yourselves in with Lions and Browns and Vikings and Bills and Bengals fans. There is nothing pitiable about a Cowboys fan. This team is exactly what you pieces of shit deserve after casually attaching yourself to a dynasty all those years ago. You deserve a senile Double J. You deserve Wolfman Rob blitzing 10 men on every snap and giving up 20-yard gains on every play. You deserve Cousin Sal. You deserve Romo somehow fumbling and throwing a pick simultaneously with 57 seconds left on the clock. This is your time of reckoning. You earned every horrible second of it.

5. Hear it from Cowboys fans!


Did you know we were only one game away from the Super Bowl last year? No? We'll that's because you're not a complete sociopath like our owner. Ol'Jer is so insane and in love with himself that he thinks that he is the team and therefore refuses to listen to anyone who knows what they're doing. And, if that's not enough, we have his terrifying death mask of a face that causes local children to eat all their vegetables less the Jerry Monster gets them in their sleep.

We can't just be a football team, we have to be America's Team! Which means we bring in hotshot coaches who insist on running the shotgun despite being on the opposing team's goal line. We have to bring in every reclamation project that's out there, we go through running backs like our Governor goes through hairspray, and our fans are so completely deluded that even when we're obviously headed for a 8-8, or below, season we manage to talk ourselves into the Super Bowl.


DAMN!!!!!!!!!! And I thought the Cubs and Leafs had it bad. Poor Cowboy fans...poor Iggy! ;) :nod:

Meanwhile the Patriots have been THE STANDARD for all sports teams, with another real chance this year.

Cheers ,



Wanna bet there's a nonsense Iggy reply.
Last edited:


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Aweeee shucks! You do care about me merlot! :eek: Really tho,cud care less, sports are great but dont run my life, nor will they ever. If my teams win then i am happy and when they win championships i am even happier and enjoy if for a long time, when they lose, the season is over and onto something else until the next season begins. If you wanna live and die by your teams success in your life then i guess the 2011 and 2012 red sox really keep you tearing up year round lol. Enjoy your life as a fan and i will do the same. Hopefully the Broncos go all the way as they were always my second fav team growing up. And, hopefully the NHL lockout is over soon so a new season can begin on the ice as well.

Dallas lost, so what, i have already moved on my friend, as letting it get to you (like you do with the red sox) does nothing to enhance your life, nor your health. With that said, i hope ANYONE but the patriots win the big game in Feb ;)

Now dont you have a "fence" to paint somewhere :lol:

DAMN!!!!!!!!!! And I thought the Cubs and Leafs had it bad. Poor Cowboy fans...poor Iggy!




Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2003
Le Chabrol, Saint - Jacques
Visit site
Aweeee shucks! You do care about me merlot! :eek: Really tho,cud care less, sports are great but dont run my life, nor will they ever. If my teams win then i am happy and when they win championships i am even happier and enjoy if for a long time, when they lose, the season is over and onto something else until the next season begins. If you wanna live and die by your teams success in your life then i guess the 2011 and 2012 red sox really keep you tearing up year round lol. Enjoy your life as a fan and i will do the same. Hopefully the Broncos go all the way as they were always my second fav team growing up. And, hopefully the NHL lockout is over soon so a new season can begin on the ice as well.

Dallas lost, so what, i have already moved on my friend, as letting it get to you (like you do with the red sox) does nothing to enhance your life, nor your health. With that said, i hope ANYONE but the patriots win the big game in Feb ;)

Now dont you have a "fence" to paint somewhere :lol:



New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Wow, i see you really do hang onto my every word like Mr.T and Doc have always tried to point out to me, lol....... took you less than a minute to edit your post after i replied, btw my reply was some 3.5 hours later than your response, talk about insecure and paranoia! wow! were you just sitting and waiting? :nod:

My reply was truth, nothing nonsensical about it, all true baby! :nod: :thumb:

Wanna bet there's a nonsense Iggy reply.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Time to embarrass poor helpless Joe again with my random picks. I believe there are four games this weekend, no? Before I take a look at who is playing who, I'm going to pick the visitor in the first game each day, the home team in the second. the numbers.

Cincinnati +4.5
Green Bay -7.5
Indianapolis +7
Washington +3

You gonna crawl out of your hole, Josey me boy, or are you still busy sucking your own cock? Why don't you just have your twin, iggy, do it for you. And, don't forget, is awaiting the results.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Well, I nailed the expected 1 for 2 with my random picks on the first day of the playoffs. Meanwhile, poor Joe, ashamed and embarrassed at having been shown up by my coin flips, no longer wishes to play and, instead, bides his time in iggy's bathroom, lonely and forlorn, busily sucking himself off.
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