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The Official M.E.R.B. Hockey Thread

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Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
I watched Theo Fleury get interviewed on OTR yesterday. Mike Landsberg then listed names & asked for Fleury to say what came to mind when he heard them:

Landsberg: "Roman Hamrlik"

Fleury: "Gutless puke!"

Fleury was acquainted to Hamrlik when both played in the Calgary Flames organization. I loved the interview & liked the previous show (with Stephane Richer) even better. If you want to watch any of the shows, here's the link:
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New Member
Oct 3, 2008

another loss for the SCABS! Kovalev 2 points to bury his old team,. hey GOSCABSGO, u gonna take ur seat under the wagon or stay here cause the Leafs lost again??????? at least we werent predicted to win the Cup this year and every year like that QMJHL team you call a Professional team........ suck it up boy, your team SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:p


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
Both teams are playing like crap but no one expected the habs to be one of the best teams in the league this year after making such huge changes. But going on what the Leaf fans have been posting since the draft and free agent deadline, you'd think they would be a top 4 team in the league instead of dead last in just about every category.

The way things are going, I wonder if either team will pick up another point before they meet again on the 31st. :eek:


Habs Fan
Aug 27, 2003
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. But going on what the Leaf fans have been posting since the draft and free agent deadline, you'd think they would be a top 4 team in the league instead of dead last in just about every category.

Toronto – “0 for October”

30th in point percentage - .071 :eek:

30th in goals against per game – 4.57 ! :eek:

30th in penalty kill – 60.7% ! :eek:

Toronto isn’t dead last in everything …

29th in goals per game – 2.00

What do all these numbers mean? The Leafs suck ass!

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
no one expected the habs to be one of the best teams in the league this year after making such huge changes.

Huh? Say what toolman? I predicted the Habs would struggle to make the playoffs with the three smurfs & the two slow giants they picked up. The Habs in reality should be 0 and 7 right now if it weren't for Price (and a bit of luck) playing over his head in the first two games. The Habs suck & their bargain-basement coach sucks also & always did.

The Leafs, meanwhile, are better than their record indicates. However, i was thinking tonight that i shouldn't let this bother me since i knew from day 1 that they're in rebuilding mode for the next few years. Of course, it would be nice if they'd win more games (actually, they played pretty good tonight, but Lundquist was unbelievable), but what the heck....they're in rebuilding mode. The Scabs, meanwhile, are in 'total confusion' mode. That's a team that's going nowhere, has no idea if it's rebuilding or not (they deny they are) and relies on their goaltender way too much. Jacques Martin was the wrong guy for this team, considering the kind of money they're paying their top forwards who were picked up for their offense. It must have pissed Gainey off tonight when Kovy got a standing ovation after his goal!! I loved it!!! :D

(By the way, there's a problem somewhere when George Laracque gets so much ice time)

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
[What do all these numbers mean? The Leafs suck ass!

Who cares? The Leafs are in a rebuilding mode. Your team sucks ass as much!!! :rolleyes:

(Is Lapierre playing this year? The Scabs must have the worst defence in the league......the players suffer from BBR (bleu blanc rouge) disease already....a bunch of lousy marginal players who are treated like kings in a one-sport city & it's all gone to their heads already.)
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Habs Fan
Aug 27, 2003
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The Leafs are in a rebuilding mode.

rebuilding mode? yeah, nice excuse for being winless in 7 – pure, 100% B.S.!

Here’s what Gasbag Burke had to say:

Brian Burke says Leafs built to make playoffs

The Leafs caphit is almost $61M! – all for a team in “rebuilding mode”

Once again you’ve changed your tune (which certainly wouldn’t be a first) because your team sucks, so they’re in “rebuilding mode”. In fact, here’s what you had to say not too long ago:

since the arrival of Burkie, they're a team on the right path

Francois Beauchemin signs with the Leafs for 3 years at around $10 million!!!!!!

Great news!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now that's what i call a GM!!!!!!!!!!!!! Bravo Burkie!!!!!!!!

I love the Leafs defence right now....big!!!!!!!!

It's great to be a Leafs fan these days!!!!!!!!!!

Doesn’t sound like “rebuilding mode" to me – you lose again fool!

btw, there’s probably a few more posts like that, but once again, you probably went back and deleted your posts when you realized how foolish they made you look - which seems to be happening at an alarming rate!
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New Member
Oct 3, 2008
I think thats the most honest thing i have ever heard on merb!

the players suffer from BBR (bleu blanc rouge) disease already....a bunch of lousy marginal players who are treated like kings in a one-sport city & it's all gone to their heads already.)


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
so care to tell me the Scabs excuse since they are not even supposed to be rebuilding? i am waitng :rolleyes:............. thought so,........... mums the word., EH????....... ur wagons ready buddy :D

rebuilding mode? yeah, nice excuse for being winless in 7 – pure, 100% B.S.!


Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
The Leafs caphit is almost $61M! – all for a team in “rebuilding mode”

Strange numbers, considering the NHL cap is currently $56.8 million.

I also found some astonishing numbers while doing my own research:

Scott Gomez: $8 million per year for the next 5 seasons. (Crazy!!!!!)

Mike Cammalleri: $5 million this season, $6.25 million for the next 4 seasons (Nuts!!!)

Brian Gionta: $5 million per year for the next 5 seasons. (Holy crap!!)

Roman Hamrlik: $5.5 million per year for the next 2 seasons. (Say what??)

Andrei Kostitsyn: $3.25 million per year for the next 2 seasons. (What's he ever done?)

Hal Gill: $2.25 million per year for the next 2 seasons. (Another marginal multi-millionaire!)

Jaroslav Spacek: $3.83 million per year for the next 3 seasons. (Again, what's he ever done? I didn't even know who he was until he signed with the Scabs.)

I see that Carey Price is on the last year of his current contract (under $1 million). He'll be an RFA after this season & will likely be looking at something in the $7-10 million range. Where will Boring Bob find the money to re-sign him? The Scabs are currently almost capped-out. Of course, it's entirely possible that Boring Bob no longer will be this sad-sack team's GM.

Reflecting upon this, i'm amazed at the kind of money thrown around at marginal to 2nd line players. Yes, Gomez, Cammalleri & Gionta are 2nd line players on half of the other teams in the league. Makes me wish i wasn't 5'7 instead of 5'11....maybe i actually could have made a career in the NHL if only i had Boring Bob Gainey as the Scabs GM back in the day! How did Roman Hamrlik wind up getting that kind of money? Hal "The Big Stiff" Gill being rewarded with a multi-million dollar contract? "Gutless" Andrei Kostitsyn already a multi-millionaire even though he's never accomplished ANYTHING in this league? Jaroslav Spacek earning millions for the next few seasons? Who the hell is Jaroslav Spacek?? :confused:

ASTONISHING!!!!!!! :eek: :eek:
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New Member
Oct 3, 2008
simple answers Doc., Gainey was desperate
Reflecting upon this, i'm amazed at the kind of money thrown around at marginal to 2nd line players. Yes, Gomez, Cammalleri & Gionta are 2nd line players on half of the other teams in the league. Makes me wish i wasn't 5'7 instead of 5'11....maybe i actually could have made a career in the NHL if only i had Boring Bob Gainey as the Scabs GM back in the day! How did Roman Hamrlik wind up getting that kind of money? Hal "The Big Stiff" Gill being rewarded with a multi-million dollar contract? "Gutless" Andrei Kostitsyn already a multi-millionaire even though he's never accomplished ANYTHING in this league? Jaroslav Spacek earning millions for the next few seasons? Who the hell is Jaroslav Spacek?? :confused:

ASTONISHING!!!!!!! :eek: :eek:


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
C'mon, Doc! No one here or anywhere else claimed that the habs would be a great team this year. In fact the only thing I've seen here is that they will finish above the Leafs which I will admit is not much of an accomplishment.

No matter what habs management claims, the team is in a rebuilding mode. What else can you say about a team that has replaced about half their roster, their coaching staff except for one, and their owners. But the Leafs seem to be like the Champlain bridge or Quebec roads, in other words... in permanent rebuilding mode and full of holes.

Yeah the habs made serious mistakes last year by not signing at least a couple of their free agents during the season and instead sitting back and watching them leave and getting nothing in return. And yes, they overpaid for the players they did sign and signed them for overly long contracts. Big mistakes and they're paying for them now and probably will into the next season or two. But the team will come together eventually and the wins will come. I think the only thing the Leafs have to look forward to is more of the same. We'll see next weekend when they come back from a week off and if they can at least pick up a point before the end of the month when they face the habs again. Who knows? Maybe they can beat the habs here in Montreal on the 31st and it will turn their entire season around. Or maybe not.

I find it very funny that you guys still cheer for your Leafs and claim that they're great but at the same time you use them and the fact that the habs needed overtime to beat them as an example for how bad the habs are. You can't have it both ways. Either the Leafs are a good team and it was an accomplishment that the habs beat them, or they're terrible and so are the habs. Make up your mind!

As for salaries...well at least we're not paying Jeff Finger 3.5 million a year.

And RFA or not, there is no way that Price is worth the money you stated. He hasn't proven himself yet in any way to be worth that kind of money. Personally, I think and have always thought that he is highly over rated. And with the salary cap going down next year, I don't see anyone offering him that kind of a contract.

So I'll accept the fact that the habs are a bad team so far this year if you accept the uncontestable fact that the Leafs are even worse. The way both teams are playing this year I'd be surprised to see either make the post season and if things don't pick up, I doubt that either coach will make it to the end of the season.



I'm Back Baby!
Aug 10, 2003
Quebec City
The only thing the Leafs are rebuilding is the Boston Bruins. :D Your savior himself says he is re-tooling :rolleyes: which is funny because this thread is proof there is no shortage of tools in Leafyland. :D

As for the Habs, when completely healthy they are a middle of the pack, playoff bound team but without Markov they fall into the bottom third and likely out of the playoffs. I could use pathetic logic like Leaf fans and say they dominated in 4 of their 5 losses and should be 6-1 but that would be pointless because even Leafy logic won't produce any hockey games in the month of May. :rolleyes:


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
Leafs seem to be like the Champlain bridge or Quebec roads, in other words... in permanent rebuilding mode and full of holes.

I think the only thing the Leafs have to look forward to is more of the same.

I find it very funny that you guys still cheer for your Leafs and claim that they're great but at the same time you use them and the fact that the habs needed overtime to beat them as an example for how bad the habs are. You can't have it both ways. Either the Leafs are a good team and it was an accomplishment that the habs beat them, or they're terrible and so are the habs. Make up your mind!

So I'll accept the fact that the habs are a bad team so far this year if you accept the uncontestable fact that the Leafs are even worse. The way both teams are playing this year I'd be surprised to see either make the post season.


Exactly right on all counts.
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