Hello all,
I guess none of you have ever heard of Soccer fans, have you? Soccer riots make whatever happens here look like a country picnic by comparison. By the way...I used the term 'soccer' instead of the proper term, football, so that you 'knowledgeable sports fans' wouldn't get confused.
Oh come on Techman. Surely you know comparisons about which type of fans are worse are off the point. It's just awful that these riots happen, and some of the hooligans are real fans, unfortunately.
Get over your jealousy, bitterness and frustration. Do you really think these thugs are hockey fans? or give a shit about the Habs?
So, are you saying that in a sport where many of the fans enjoy the fights, and where many encourage retaliation, that these sorts are 100% above public disturbances or riots??? Not that hockey fans are alone in that by far, since some fans during or after championship games seem to excuse vandalism at this time as a right...but c'mon GHG, let's be real. Or did you just put the Montreal hockey riots of 2008 when the Canadiens hosted the Bruins out of your mind.
Montreal Canadiens Hockey Riots: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KJLGMMBuzhQ We know the thug and thieves element will use the huge crowds as a cover opportunity, but there are also like fans there at any time.
As I said, the point is it's a sad situation.
Hello SK,
I think you are selling
Philadelphia fans short.

They are the worst in sports...any sports... twice as obnoxious and half as educated as Yankee fans.

Yankee fans are then second.
Have fun,
Quite possibly true. I've seen long documentaries practically proving this, and the fans there seem to be quite proud of it; though English football/soccer fans would give them a run and have a horrendous reputation worldwide to the point of being banned from tournaments in some years.