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The Official MERB Baseball Offseason Thread (trades, signings, NO fucktard comments!)


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
The Yankees got away with a 3 man rotation in winning a World Series.
Yup, for once I agree with you, Beav; if not for the schedulemaker, there would have been a big parade down Market Street in Philly. Hopefully, this kind of travesty won't happen again.
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Special K

‹^› ‹(•¿•)› ‹^›
May 3, 2003
Red Sox Nation
Visit site
Anybody interested in some discourse more intelligent and satisfying than the drivel you get from the likes of Joe.T and his ignarant puppet? MLB Trade Rumors now has a merb-like v-bulletin forum.

For the record, I just registered there as oil can.

I registered as Zimmer Toss


Red Sox Nation
Jan 28, 2009
Thanks rumples.
I'm in as GreenMonstah.:D
Only because K took my

But listen - I could never give up the entertainment value provided in this thread. Just the visual of jt, eb and iggy sitting around a little yankees logo in a circle patting each other warms my


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Thanks rumples.
I'm in as GreenMonstah.:D
Only because K took my

But listen - I could never give up the entertainment value provided in this thread. Just the visual of jt, eb and iggy sitting around a little yankees logo in a circle patting each other warms my
Good. Now let's all delete our posts before the 2 o'clock bus arrives from Moronia and the inmates register.


Red Sox Nation
Jan 28, 2009
Typical uninformed comment from an uninformed "fan." :cool:

Iggy...uninformed?! Really...LOL:rolleyes:
Sometimes its the deals that are not made that are the best ones...:D
Or the ones that follow those.;)


Red Sox Nation
Jan 28, 2009
I guess Theo thinks that Bay's replacement Jeremy Hermafuck will do much better than 36 HR, 119 RBI.:D

Just when I thought you were down for a long winters nap...:D...there you go again...

No one could ever replace Manny either...or Nomar...or...:rolleyes::p...


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.

There is a stat called WAR (Wins above replacement) which, of course, Joe will never understand. Since 2002, Cameron has produced approximately the same WAR as David Ortiz, Aramis Ramirez, and Jim Thome.

Using WAR as an indicator of value, Jason Bay was worth $15.7 M last year for his 3.5 WAR; Mike Cameron, on the other hand, was worth $19.4 M for his 4.3 WAR. For less than half of what the Mets are paying Jason Bay, the Red Sox got a better player.

Theo Epstein is a fucking genius; Joe is a fucking moron®.

How do you replace Bay's 36 HR? With Cameron's 25 and by taking away a whole shitload of runs from the other side with his glove. Defense wins.

Last year, Damon, Cabrera, and Matsui hit 65 HR and knocked in 240; Johnson, Gardner, and Granderson hit 41 and knocked in 156. How you gonna replace them?


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Rumps, you really know how to make me laugh, you and your silly useless yet "hopeful" grasping at straws stats... :)


Red Sox Nation
Jan 28, 2009
Truth hurts, doesn't it?

There is a stat called WAR (Wins above replacement) which, of course, Joe will never understand. Since 2002, Cameron has produced approximately the same WAR as David Ortiz, Aramis Ramirez, and Jim Thome.

Using WAR as an indicator of value, Jason Bay was worth $15.7 M last year for his 3.5 WAR; Mike Cameron, on the other hand, was worth $19.4 M for his 4.3 WAR. For less than half of what the Mets are paying Jason Bay, the Red Sox got a better player.

Theo Epstein is a fucking genius; Joe is a fucking moron®.

How do you replace Bay's 36 HR? With Cameron's 25 and by taking away a whole shitload of runs from the other side with his glove. Defense wins.

Last year, Damon, Cabrera, and Matsui hit 65 HR and knocked in 240; Johnson, Gardner, and Granderson hit 41 and knocked in 156. How you gonna replace them?

Good Evening Gents, guys make me laugh.
Here we are expecting dumb and dumber to understand statistics and value equations...:confused::eek::rolleyes:
What were we thinking?!?! :p:D


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Truth about :rolleyes: "WAR"? ROFL!! , not quite my friend, but tell me this, who will forever be listed in cooperstown as the 2009 World Series Champions? more importantly, who wont be? :) so how is that truth hurting these days anyways? ;)
Truth hurts, doesn't it?
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Special K

‹^› ‹(•¿•)› ‹^›
May 3, 2003
Red Sox Nation
Visit site
tell me this, who will forever be listed in cooperstown as the 2009 World Series Champions? more importantly, who wont be? :) so how is that truth hurting these days anyways? ;)

Man, you've really gone way downhill on your responses, 'Ol JoelCairo must be really getting on your last nerve. Tell me this, what the fuck difference does it matter who's listed as the 2009 WS Champion? Who's listed as the 2007, 2004, WS Champion. Oh, who won't be? Who gives a fuck? I hope your New Years resolution is to come up with something better than your typical asinine responses here.

Happy New Year my misinformed friend. ;)


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
oh quite the contrary my misguided buddy ,lol...the other is just a rag doll i am toying with, you are a good guy, but seriously, it doesnt matter who won what, just like "WAR" STATS are meaningless, the point i was making is your "truth hurts" , really never gave me one ounce of pain at all lol. hopefully your 2010 posts are not as full of anger , its not good for your heart ya know and i want you around for a long long time, afterall, you owe me boustan and a guinness! Happy New Year my friend, drive safe

Man, you've really gone way downhill on your responses, 'Ol JoelCairo must be really getting on your last nerve. Tell me this, what the fuck difference does it matter who's listed as the 2009 WS Champion? Who's listed as the 2007, 2004, WS Champion. Oh, who won't be? Who gives a fuck? I hope your New Years resolution is to come up with something better than your typical asinine responses here.

Happy New Year my misinformed friend. ;)
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New Member
Oct 3, 2008
no remark "AT" you, just truth as always , one f tard response deserves one back as soon as you make an intelligent post w/o whining, crying endless drival about the Yanks, than i will play fairly to ya big baby :)...... glass houses with stones will never work, how many times do i need remind ya? , pffffft , but once again i will take the high road and be the bigger man by saying, go ahead and take the last shot in 2009, and Happy New Years!

Hello Special K,

BANG! Right in the eye on that one. I'll bet you Iggy can't make three posts in a row where he both does a real baseball evaluation AND leaves out all insults at Red Sox fans too. Can't be done. And you can use the whole year of 2010 to find these three baseball only posts. Now here comes a remark right at

Here we go...waiting,



New Member
Jul 26, 2005
Man, you've really gone way downhill on your responses, 'Ol JoelCairo must be really getting on your last nerve. Tell me this, what the fuck difference does it matter who's listed as the 2009 WS Champion? Who's listed as the 2007, 2004, WS Champion. Oh, who won't be? Who gives a fuck? I hope your New Years resolution is to come up with something better than your typical asinine responses here.

Happy New Year my misinformed friend. ;)

It's not that anyone is getting on iggy's nerves - it's just that he knows almost nothing about baseball. (He thinks Mickey Mantle is another name for a fireplace. He thinks Barry Bonds are an investment you purchase if you are patriotic. He thinks Willie Mays is the month that comes after Willie Aprils.) I have to be fair though - he knows more about baseball than he does about hockey, because he knows less than nothing about hockey.


Red Sox Nation
Jan 28, 2009
Hello Special K,

BANG! Right in the eye on that one. I'll bet you Iggy can't make three posts in a row where he both does a real baseball evaluation AND leaves out all insults at Red Sox fans too. Can't be done. And you can use the whole year of 2010 to find these three baseball only posts. Now here comes a remark right at

Here we go...waiting,


Comon' Merlot...this is a sucker bet if I ever saw
And joel - you're just not giving the poor guy a chance with a post like yours...:p
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