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The Official MERB Baseball Offseason Thread (trades, signings, NO fucktard comments!)


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Who is John Dewan? For one, he's not the kind of guy Joe.T, noted fucking moron®, likes to quote; he's not a journalist. John Dewan is the founder of Stats, Inc., the company that has made a fortune supplying most of the websites we read with their stats. He's also the author of The Fielding Bible. And is one of those who vote on the Fielding Bible awards each fall.

John Dewan estimates that the Red Sox have added between 8-9 wins defensively this winter. His explanation:

The Red Sox Believe in Defense

January 12, 2010

The Boston Red Sox fell from an estimated 20 Defensive Runs Saved as a team in 2008 to second worst in baseball at -52 Runs Saved last year. This, no doubt, was a key contributing factor for the pitching staff’s increased ERA. Mike Lowell played through a hip injury that turned a previously good defender into an abysmal one, totaling -18 Runs Saved at third. Additionally, young shortstop Jed Lowrie hit the DL early in 2009, forcing Nick Green, Alex Gonzalez, and the defensively-challenged Julio Lugo into the lineup as fill-ins. The team acquired another bat in Victor Martinez, a notoriously bad defensive catcher.

Recognizing their defensive shortcomings, General Manager Theo Epstein has brought in three defensively-minded acquisitions this offseason: Adrian Beltre, Marco Scutaro, and Mike Cameron. Here’s how each performed in 2009 compared to the Red Sox at their respective positions:
Red Sox Offseason Acquisitions
Player Position Runs Saved
Adrian Beltre 3B 22
Red Sox 2009 3B -18
--- --- ---
Marco Scutaro SS 12
Red Sox 2009 SS -19
--- --- ---
Mike Cameron CF 3
Red Sox 2009 CF -10
--- --- ---
Total Acquisitions 3B/SS/CF 37
Red Sox 2009 3B/SS/CF -47
Difference 84

Source: Bill James Online

If the new acquisitions manage to repeat their performances from last year, that’s an upgrade of 84 runs on defense alone. Beltre, Scutaro, and Cameron all had defensive seasons consistent with their previous seasons, based on Defensive Runs Saved, so a repeat of 2009 isn’t out of the question.

Additionally, the Red Sox will move centerfielder Jacoby Ellsbury to replace average defender Jason Bay in left field, where Ellsbury’s weak arm can hide and his range will shine. Based on his previous performance at the corner outfield spots, Ellsbury is likely to be a five to ten run defensive improvement over Bay.

Using the rule of thumb that 10 runs equals one win, defense could boost Boston as many as eight or nine wins beyond their 2009 win total. While the Red Sox haven't signed any big name free agent hitters (though they did add pitcher John Lackey), it is our estimation that improved defense alone will easily more than make up for lost offensive production (primarily the loss of Jason Bay.)


Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2003
Le Chabrol, Saint - Jacques
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rumples - Your stats that you keep pumping out about the Red Sox defense might be fine and dandy but I still haven't read a prediction that says that the Red Sox have improved enough to win the East.:)

Now do all of us a favor and apologize to eastender for calling him "rearender", If you do that he "might" come back to the thread, I miss his knowledge on the history of the game.:(


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
rumples - Your stats that you keep pumping out about the Red Sox defense might be fine and dandy but I still haven't read a prediction that says that the Red Sox have improved enough to win the East.:)
I just love these geniuses who go around making predictions in January. Only a fucking moron® would cite one of these idiots. Any fucking morons® here? Oh, hi Joe.


Red Sox Nation
Jan 28, 2009
Ok, I honestly don't know if I can stand anymore out on a limb news or predictions this week...

I mean holy crap:
Mark McGwire used streroids!?!:rolleyes:
Some one is predicting the Yankees to win the AL East in January!?!:rolleyes::rolleyes:

What next...wait I got it...The sun will rise tomorrow...LOL :p:D
And I bet it snows at least one more time in Montreal this winter...what do ya think?
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Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2003
Le Chabrol, Saint - Jacques
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Ok, I honestly don't know if I can stand anymore out on a limb news or predictions this week...

I mean holy crap:
Mark McGwire used streroids!?!:rolleyes:
Some one is predicting the Yankees to win the AL East in January!?!:rolleyes::rolleyes:

What next...wait I got it...The sun will rise tomorrow...LOL :p:D
And I bet it snows at least one more time in Montreal this winter...what do ya think?

What difference does it make if it is made in January, the rosters are pretty much set except for a few missing pieces to be ironed out(Damon), are the predictions going to change in March? or are you just sour because nobody is picking the Red Sox to win the division despite all of rumples bluster.:D


Red Sox Nation
Jan 28, 2009
What difference does it make if it is made in January, the rosters are pretty much set except for a few missing pieces to be ironed out(Damon), are the predictions going to change in March? or are you just sour because nobody is picking the Red Sox to win the division despite all of rumples bluster.:D missed the sarcasm...every year all the geniuses go out there on a limb and pick the Yankees...

Get ready it comes...:rolleyes:


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Should Maris's 61 homer season be put back on top of the record books?

interesting article just came out, now that McGwire has admitted his heavy steroid use, should Roger Maris's former homerun record total of 61 be officially put back atop the record books again, and maybe even a push to get him somehow into the hall of fame?
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It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Well, Joe can keep posting his predictions from such notables as Joe Blow. I'll keep looking at research. One of my favorite tools over at BP is their Pythagorean Winning Percentage. Developed by Bill James years ago, PWP projects how many games a team should win or lose based on run differential. 90% of the time, teams win within 4 of their Pythagorean projection. When a team varies significantly from their projection, the primary reason is luck. They managed to score 10 today, when they gave up 8. They scored 4 yesterday, when they allowed 3. Switch the scoring around, and they split the games.

I don't read the morons Joe does. And I'm not a fan of analysis from journalists. Here's an article from a respected Yankee fan blogger, one who is often cited over at Bronx Banter, probably the best of the Yankee blogs. Was Watching, named after the Phil Rizzuto scoring notation, "ww" for wasn't watching, points out that the Yankees were the second luckiest team in the AL last year.

I'll be back more toward the end of March with my own projections, but so far what I have is the Sox adding 8 wins on defense, the Yankees losing 8 to luck evening out. Other than that, I think, without sigificant analysis, that both teams have improved themselves, primarily on the hill.


Red Sox Nation
Jan 28, 2009
interesting article just came out, now that McGwire has admitted his heavy steroid use, should Roger Maris's former homerun record total of 61 be officially put back atop the record books again, and maybe even a push to get him somehow into the hall of fame?

You raise a point that could be debated endlessly. It is a valid point and a good one, but I for one do not believe it is fixable. :confused:

If MLB wipes out McGwire's record and reinstates Maris' record then which record, accomplishment or statistic do they look to alter next? The list can be long and ugly...pitching statistics, hitting statistics, W's and L's, standings...even possibly changing the WS Champs a few times. :rolleyes:

The task would be impossible...and who is to judge what effected which performances? Even the so called "admissions" to date are bullshit. Comon did you here the BS McGwire was spinning; the stories from Clemens, ARod, Sosa...hell all of them are partial admissions at best - only made to get people off their backs. The real truth will never be known.

What is really sad about all of it is the impact and effect it had on young athletes who used the crap and caused harm to themselves thinking it was the "wonder drug" that would get them the 7 figure one gave a crap about the kids while they were lining their own pockets and setting records. :mad:

The era will just have to be asterisked* in the books and future fans educated about the "enhancements" that occurred.

Just my 2 cents...let's pally ball...5 weeks, pitchers and catchers...


Red Sox Nation
Jan 28, 2009
I don't read the morons Joe does. And I'm not a fan of analysis from journalists. Here's an article from a respected Yankee fan blogger, one who is often cited over at Bronx Banter, probably the best of the Yankee blogs. Was Watching, named after the Phil Rizzuto scoring notation, "ww" for wasn't watching, points out that the Yankees were the second luckiest team in the AL last year.

I'll be back more toward the end of March with my own projections, but so far what I have is the Sox adding 8 wins on defense, the Yankees losing 8 to luck evening out. Other than that, I think, without sigificant analysis, that both teams have improved themselves, primarily on the hill.

Ahh now comon was the "genius" of Cashman that produced everyone one of the close W's...LOL...right Lggy?! :rolleyes::p


Red Sox Nation
Jan 28, 2009
couldnt have said it better myself Jman! , your coming around, i knew there was a little Yankees fan in your soul! :)

Nice try yankee boy...:rolleyes:

Your f**kin' killin me lggy...what, do you work for Fox...they make a living quoting things out of

Special K

‹^› ‹(•¿•)› ‹^›
May 3, 2003
Red Sox Nation
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I'd be honored to take Theo Epstein's load of man sauce on my tongue and twirl it around on his cock before swallowing it!

Yea, Iggy's great when it comes to contorting quotes. Too bad I "quoted" this one before he deleted it last night. Who would have thought but I guess we all now know he's got a closet Theo crush!


Red Sox Nation
Jan 28, 2009
Originally Posted by lgna69xxx
I`d be honored to take Theo Epstein`s load of man sauce on my tongue and twirl it around on his cock before swallowing it!

Originally Posted by Special K
Yea, Iggy`s great when it comes to contorting quotes. Too bad I "quoted" this one before he deleted it last night. Who would have thought but I guess we all now know he`s got a closet Theo crush!

ROFL...I can`t stop LOL..!

Absolutely, without a doubt f***kin` PRICELESS post!!! :p

That may be the quote of the year and its only the 15th of January...
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New Member
Oct 3, 2008
well, it wasnt as bad as this little "love fest" Special K sent by accident to my email instead of Jmans....i guess your fingers were a lil sticky and you made a mistake, you dawg K!... i dont judge peoples "preferences" but please make sure you send your emails to the correct recipient

Oh Jman47, if the guys in the baseball thread ever found out why we meet in montreal every 6 weeks, we would never hear the end of it, i know im not as good as a sp or any woman for that matter, but i give you everything i have, and then some, but next time, i wanna flip flop you,( PROMISE ME PLEASE! ), and put 2 yankee temporary tatoos on your backside so i have something to aim for when you make me, well, you know ;) hihihihih..... ... damn, i will never go back in the closet after i am finally out my sexy red sox amigo......kisses!


Red Sox Nation
Jan 28, 2009
well, it wasnt as bad as this little "love fest" Special K sent by accident to my email instead of Jmans....i guess your fingers were a lil sticky and you made a mistake, you dawg K!... i dont judge peoples "preferences" but please make sure you send your emails to the correct recipient

LOL...very funny yankee boy...well I suppose I could share the news about you and your action figure hero Joe.t but....nah...:p

ROFL...K got you good man...I just went along for the ride...

Special K

‹^› ‹(•¿•)› ‹^›
May 3, 2003
Red Sox Nation
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Oh Jman47, if the guys in the baseball thread ever found out why we meet in montreal every 6 weeks, we would never hear the end of it, i know im not as good as a sp or any woman for that matter, but i give you everything i have, and then some, but next time, i wanna flip flop you,( PROMISE ME PLEASE! ), and put 2 yankee temporary tatoos on your backside so i have something to aim for when you make me, well, you know
hihihihih..... ... damn, i will never go back in the closet after i am finally out my sexy red sox amigo......kisses!
well, it wasnt as bad as this little "love fest" Special K sent by accident to my email instead of Jmans....i guess your fingers were a lil sticky and you made a mistake, you dawg K!... i dont judge peoples "preferences" but please make sure you send your emails to the correct recipient
Oh Iggy...Everyone knows that message couldn`t have come from me. You see, I certainly would not have made at a minimum 10 grammatical errors in a two sentence paragraph. Only an idiot with a 3rd grade education could have written something this riddled with errors. I mean, "tatoos," no proper sentence capitalization, apostrophe`s, etc. Lol. Oh well, nice try though, next time you pull an old email out of your "sent items" folder to Joe.t at least correct your horrid English.
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New Member
Oct 3, 2008
K got me good eh? ROFL! i beg to differ, and i think you should read the 2 posts again and take off the red sox blinders, or should i say the Kman blinders, and i sure" AINT " (for you kman, and your ed u cat tiona al skills, lol.... ) talking about the Rocket Roger Clemens., he likes young underage future country western sexpots, ummm female ones at that....... not, well, you get the picture....

Jman, be a leader, not a follower...cmon bro , and now, you have your "butt T, K" to thank for taking the thread off of baseball like usual, ... love the no Ftard comments by the thread starter when most every post made by him is one...... glass houses boys, GLASS HOUSES! :D

LOL...very funny yankee boy...well I suppose I could share the news about you and your action figure hero Joe.t but....nah...:p

ROFL...K got you good man...I just went along for the ride...


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
WTF? thats ALL you got? ROFL!.Kman, you let me down my friend, i was waiting with baited breath at a comeback that would make the YANKEES 2009 WORLD SERIES CHAMPIONSHIP look like old news, but thats all you got bro??????

the common man when his only retort is "gramour" , Punkuation", Speillling" "sentense CaPiTalisazation" , etc,etc,exceterawww :D means a defeated man...... care to try again? , or you ready to get back to baseball and stop contradicting your holier than tho "No F'tard Comments agenda"? i poked fun at jman like he does me and you wanna take it to the next step, fine, lets go bro,,,, like the Yankees/Red Sox Rivalry you will win, but rarely.. :p , but at least once in 86 years, that i am sure of

(ps, please feel free to correct my spelong, gramur, and anething else u feel makes a statement)

Oh Iggy...Everyone knows that message couldn't have come from me. You see, I certainly would not have made at a minimum 10 grammatical errors in a two sentence paragraph. Only an idiot with a 3rd grade education could have written something this riddled with errors. I mean, "tatoos," no proper sentence capitalization, apostrophe's, etc. Lol. Oh well, nice try though, next time you pull an old email out of your "sent items" folder to Joe.t at least correct your horrid English.
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