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The Trudeau Crime Family


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

The Canadian government has introduced a travel ban for passenger flights from India and Pakistan for the next 30 days due to growing concerns around the spread of COVID-19 variants, beginning at 11:30 p.m. ET on Thursday.

Finally Trudeau has decided his mind quickly, that's a very good thing.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Trudope's father is the virus and his son Fidel Trudope is the variant far worse then his father. Happy Fathers Day.


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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Nah. Trudope is the WORST crime minister Canada has ever had. Since he has been elected he has caused a surge in poverty and racism. His reckless spending and the open floodgates to mass immigration and refugees is eroding the middle class. Trudope has to go.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
This sleazeball Trudope does not get as much attention as he should. He is far worse then Trump. Having said that the house of commons has passed the TREASONOUS Bill-C10 at 1:30am in a blatant attack on YOU AND YOUR FAMILY.
The mainstream media (government propaganda outlets) is completely silent on this taking place. This has to pass by Senate and I doubt it will go through before summer ending. Only two members of parliament have the guts to vote against this Derek Sloan and Jody Wilson-Raybould.



Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Parliament is dysfunctional because of Fidel Trudope. All opposition parties have been trying to obtain documents on what happened with the 2 scientists removed from our level 4 lab since May. His government has been doing everything in their power to make sure that does not happen. Yet he has the nerve to call others obstructionist? Does he need to be reminded of how he prorogued parliament last year in order to delay investigations into the WE scandal? You can be sure he is getting ready to call an election when his rhetoric escalates.

What are they hiding? They took it too far. Anyone that voted for Trudope should jump out the window.

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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Fidel Trudope does not practice what he preaches. Back in 2009 when MPs wanted documents related to Taliban prisoners in Afghanistan, Trudeau rejected the government releasing only partial information.
In that case, a compromise was reached where MPs from each party were granted access to the full documents and could then decide what could be released and what was too sensitive during an ongoing war. The Liberals are not looking for compromise, they are not looking to work with elected officials. In going to court, the Trudeau government is showing that they want to reject the will of Parliament, to rule without oversight and trample on the longstanding rights and privileges of MPs.


Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
More corruption by crime minister Fidel Trudope. The POS crime minister awarded contracts to Data Sciences, the company was founded by Tom Pitfield a childhood friend of Fidel Trudope who served as the chiefe digital strategist for the LIberal party. The Ethics watchdog is reviewing on whether to open up an investigation. But I am sure Trudope's lapdog Singh (to save his own job) will support Trudope as usual and the corruption keeps going on. Details are in this article.



Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Fidel Trudope extends CERB by another month especially in a time where businesses are experiencing a labor shortage and all are blaming CERB. People rather sit home and get paid. Trudope does not care that he is destroying the economy and bankrupting Canada he just wants to win the election at any cost. You will see he will keep on extending it till the election call happens.



Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Being a Canadian board I am surprised this is not getting as much attention as the US elections did and up until today there is still discussions of Trump. We can see all the Liberal/Socialist lovers on this board. Having said that... Fidel Trudope announced an election. Even Canadians are not that stupid and know this is nothing but a power grab. All that money he is sending to various countries, making promises to marginalized communities (playing identity politics), and of course extending CERB till the end of October (buying votes with taxpayers money), then poof he announced an election. An election at this time is very irresponsible. For starters we are in a pandemic entering a fourth wave, fires are burning in BC, there is the situation in Afghanistan and the sleazeball crime minister all he can think about is an election. He does not care for anyone but himself. He just wants power. He is a power hungry greedy SOB. With the covid rules this will be one of the most expensive elections of course funded by taxpayers.

Since Trudope has been elected we have never seen such high inflation. Homelessness is at an all time high, we got a mass housing crisis all due to Trudope and his mass immigration policies (a way to import future Liberal voters). Trudope was already playing dirty but now he is getting desperate. He played the same abortion card when O'Toole clearly said he will not make abortion illegal. Fidel Trudope wants to regulate what you say for 'disinformation' while he spreads disinformation himself. Chrystia Freeland's tweet was flagged by Twitter as manipulative media. Even Twitter flagged this POS. The LIberals edited the video that O'Toole said last year claiming that he wants to make healthcare two tier which is not true he never said that. Trudope has been a lying manipulative liar from day one. Everything that comes out of his mouth is a lie and a manipulation tactic. Oh yes he also said on August 18, 2021 that he does not think of monetary policy. Lol How can a trust fund baby understand at all? He was born a rich millionaire and now living off taxpayers. The rest of us got to think of monetary policy. His reckless spending speaks for itself. This has only one effect and that is mass inflation. We see it everywhere today. The Conservatives are closing in fast. My prediction is it will be a minority win for the Liberals but they do not like minority governments and two minority governments in a row and Trudope will be outed. This shows how divided Canada is. Trudope encourages division. Trudope is also using forced vaccinations as a wedge issue. Trudope has to go. The 6 years of damage he did will take a long while to repair. Trudope's arrogance will be his undoing. Time will tell.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
even the immigrants are on to him

look at what the lady says at 2:09:
Of course. Those that are waking up. Each day they cover on the news about the housing crisis and no one speaks the truth that it was caused by mass immigration. Look at the damage it did to Toronto. $2000 rents are the norm there. Owning a single detached home is out of reach of most young Canadian families. Many started to more to the maritime provinces in the dream to own a home but the prices are rising fast there also. Fidel Trudope is a madman. He said he wants over 400,000 immigrants a year. He is a sicko. That is very irresponsible. There is no place for so many or they should be settled to the northern sparsely populated areas where the much needed population is needed.

One cannot forget about all of Trudope's f%^& ups. He promised that every Canadian would have access to a family doctor. Not the case. When the premiers demanded for more federal money for healthcare due to the covid crisis Trudope said no but he has millions of dollars to send to foreign countries. Why? So weird. And one cannot forget about the WE scandal. The way he dodged and prorogued parliament to avoid the investigation. Trudope is sending money and giving favors to his buddies and LIberals friends and family members. He is using our taxpayer money. We are paying more taxes. His Carbon tax is another scam just a way to collect more revenue to buy more votes in the disguise of climate change. This man is scum and a lieing sleazeball. This dirtbag has to go. Anyone who did what Trudope did would be in jail but not Trudope.

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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
The politicians are using the residential schools as a way to push their agenda to get votes and I am referring to crime minister Fidel Trudope. The made yesterday September 30 the day of Truth and Reconciliation. Fidel Trudope took this opportunity to get a family trip to Tofino, BC (of course paid for by taxpayers) to enjoy on this day he claims to say he cares despite being invited to Kamloops where the graves were found. Lovers of Socialism voted this clown back.

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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Health Minister Patty Hadju cannot explain why Fidel Trudope went on vacation even though she herself was attending ceremonial events for First Nations People. But people will still vote for this clown because he keeps on bringing immigrants (who will all vote him because they want all their family in this country) and is giving away lots of welfare (those who benefited from this free money will also vote for this clown). This is the oldest form of corruption.



Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
TOFINO....hey boboy....TRUDEAU y a séjourné quelques jours ré bien cette luxueuse résidence--évaluée à 18 Millions----appartient à l'épouse de James McRoberts propriétaire de 2 compagnies à Malte dans les PARADISE PAPERS dont on a parlé ré plus ce monsieur a fait du lobby pro cannabis auprès du Cabinet Trudeau....hum....enough is enough pour son manque de celui de son sent la fin de régime. ;)


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2017
TOFINO....hey boboy....TRUDEAU y a séjourné quelques jours ré bien cette luxueuse résidence--évaluée à 18 Millions----appartient à l'épouse de James McRoberts propriétaire de 2 compagnies à Malte dans les PARADISE PAPERS dont on a parlé ré plus ce monsieur a fait du lobby pro cannabis auprès du Cabinet Trudeau....hum....enough is enough pour son manque de celui de son sent la fin de régime. ;)
In the past 6 years he has shown his lack of judgement quite a few times.
He poses himself as the champion for firearms safety.
What does he do ? He is letting the Provinces and Cities manage the problem even if the Street gangs and other criminals get their illegal firearms by traffic at the borders.
The borders are Federal Juridiction.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Why punish law abiding gun owners? These people got to pass a lot of tests and background checks to be able to own a handgun, people do not understand how many hoops they got to jump especially in Canada to own handguns. Owning a hunting rifle is much less strict. Get tough on criminals. Make the penalties harsher for those smuggling illegal guns usually coming from the US and also for criminals of possession of illegal firearms and those that commit crimes with it. But Trudope is always pushing his Liberal agenda to get votes.
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