Justin Trudeau on why he wants an LGBT prime minister | Xtra Magazine
Canada’s prime minister explains why Pride still matters

^^^^ Check this video out. I knew it existed, it is from 2016. Listen to what he says very carefully. He says that Canada to have a LGBT Prime Minister and no one would notice, except a bunch of us are noticing now. I believe now that Trudope is 99% gay. The way he talks is lisp, the way he sits, jogs, his positions on policies. His wife divorced him. He deceived us. Why it matters? Because he has been implementing public policy like gender affirming care, including mass funding of $100 millions going to the LGBT community, putting tampons in the mens washrooms of the CRA and Canadian Armed forces, Federal buildings. This he did for his own self serving interests, he was not honest to Canadians about this. As with most things with Trudope, he is a big liar and completely corrupt. He is doing things in Canada that is for him and he is hiding his true self to Canadians. I did not vote for gender affirming care. What Trudope is doing is traitorous. This is not a LGBT bashing post, this is a Trudope exposing post on what a sleazeball he is. Because I care that if Trudope is gay, he is lying about it and dictating public policy based on his image of what suits him and has changed Canada to suit him.
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