I met Justin Trudeau in 2000 when I was finishing work on a Master's degree. He is exactly as he presents himself, an arrogant, ignorant, pompous, spoiled elite prick who never once worked an honest day's work.
I spoke with him for about half a minute and he insulted me as he parted. I will never forget the moment.
I do not understand how this clown was ever elected and the point that his good looks and elite family name got him elected is probably true and reflects poorly on the judgement of Canadians. These same Canadians then look down upon Americans as inferior and dumb hillbilly fucks, look at yourselves in the mirror, you have reaped what you have sown.
Canadians are now suffering the consequences of that decision to put him in power and will suffer for decades, financially and socially. He has sown the seeds of hatred and division. It will worsen before it gets better, even after his departure. So sad to see the destruction of a once proud and peaceful nation.