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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Meanwhile, he is going to pay 2 billions $ to First Nations people that attended residential schools like every other kids.
They were going to school and coming back home each afternoon.
The prejudices they had to suffer what learning English and Christian religion.
Indeed, this is the definition of buying votes. What a corrupt sleazeball.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Spring feeling in February in Montreal

Also FYI
Do convince yourself that. Consider this, the most powerful governments could not stop covid from spreading but scumbags like Justin Castro say he can change the weather if you pay more taxes. He also says eating bugs will change the weather. Do continue to believe the climate change hoax. You will keep on paying more and more taxes so politicians can live like kings and many naive people believe it will change the weather. Lol The weather will do what it wants. No force on Earth can stop nature.

However I firmly believe in the free market. It will find solutions for things that are better for the Earth. More taxes is not the answer, those are scams being played by the government to collect more revenue. Technology is the way to better things for the Earth. Nuclear energy is one such thing, it is a carbon neutral energy source. The way the government goes about it is all wrong like forcing electric. The reality is the government has a terrible track record for green energy initiatives.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2017
You got it opposite, Canada has the most refugees entering and thousands cross Roxham Rd daily. Many are not political refugees, just people from poor countries wanting to have free stuff. The US is smart, they paid them bus tickets and sent them off to Plattsburgh to cross illegally via Roxham Rd. All will be welcomed and taxpayers are forced to foot the bill. The people that left are the ones contributing and working. Many people left to go to for example the USA, many of those in the medical profession who get paid far better and are taxed much less. Some people got fed up of having so much of their money stolen in taxes only to be handed out to others or for politicians to waste it living like kings. Legault wanted Roxham Rd to be shut down but Justin Castro refused. Justin Castro does not care as it does not cost him anything, he just takes it from taxpayers by jacking up taxes and adding new ones. Still many idiots are fans of Justin Castro.

I saw on TV that our Jet Fighters didn't have the armement to bring down the UFO over Yukon.
Canada bought air-air missiles 2 years ago and is waiting for them.
Trudeau has been Prime Minister since 2015.
He sent 4 Leopard 2 tanks to Ukraine among the 82 the army possess.
I would like to know how many were in working order !
The Liberals have cut the buy of search and rescue helicopters when Jean Chretien was elected.
They kept Harper from buying F35 fighter jets to buy them 8 years later at a much higher cost.


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2017
You got it opposite, Canada has the most refugees entering and thousands cross Roxham Rd daily. Many are not political refugees, just people from poor countries wanting to have free stuff. The US is smart, they paid them bus tickets and sent them off to Plattsburgh to cross illegally via Roxham Rd. All will be welcomed and taxpayers are forced to foot the bill. The people that left are the ones contributing and working. Many people left to go to for example the USA, many of those in the medical profession who get paid far better and are taxed much less. Some people got fed up of having so much of their money stolen in taxes only to be handed out to others or for politicians to waste it living like kings. Legault wanted Roxham Rd to be shut down but Justin Castro refused. Justin Castro does not care as it does not cost him anything, he just takes it from taxpayers by jacking up taxes and adding new ones. Still many idiots are fans of Justin Castro.

After months and months, finally the Trudeau government is transporting a good portion of irregular Roxham Road migrants in other provinces.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
After months and months, finally the Trudeau government is transporting a good portion of irregular Roxham Road migrants in other provinces.
That is good news. But they should be all sent back. Canada is not a saunctary. That is a slap in the face to all the immigrants who apply legally and there is a backlog at IRCC. The homeless population has exploded, they need to help those living in Canada first before foreigners.
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Active Member
Oct 12, 2010
According to this chart, JUSTINFLATION,,,,,,LOOKS GOOD.

I honestly don't understand how people justify the horrible "work" the current gov is doing by comparing our cost of living or other metric with other countries. Other counties are not Canada. Other countries do not have the same workforce and resources as Canada. Pretty pathetic and scary how complacent and apathetic many Canadians are.


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2017
I honestly don't understand how people justify the horrible "work" the current gov is doing by comparing our cost of living or other metric with other countries. Other counties are not Canada. Other countries do not have the same workforce and resources as Canada. Pretty pathetic and scary how complacent and apathetic many Canadians are.

Canada's debt has doubled during pandemic to more than 1200 billions $.
We are now paying 30 billions $ / year in interest and in a few years it will exceed 50 billions $ / year.
I wonder how it compares with other like countries.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Canada's debt has doubled during pandemic to more than 1200 billions $.
We are now paying 30 billions $ / year in interest and in a few years it will exceed 50 billions $ / year.
I wonder how it compares with other like countries.
All countries following the far-left organization WHO that did lockdowns and covid mandates all accumulated a lot of debt for no reason.

However before covid hit, Justin Castro has accumulated $160 billion of extra debt. Justin Castro just keeps on spending and spending. He sent so many tax dollars to foreign countries in the hopes to have a seat in the UN security council only to be rejected.

Justin Castro is one of 3 prime ministers that increased per person debt without a war or economic recession.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Great illustration at how Justin Castro and the rest of the idiotic far-left politicians are ruining society with their own vision of social engineering.


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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
More evidence that Justin Castro is a lunatic. I am convinced he is a sociapath. This is not normal behavior folks. CIBC CEO warns of a social crisis due to Justin Castro's mass immigration policy. To put it simply. bring in too many immigrants is disastrous. It is artificially driving up demand and supply is not keeping up. Since Justin Castro has been elected, rents and the cost of houses have skyrocketed to new highs never seen before in Canada. I mean come on, a 3 1/2 apartment in Toronto these days is renting on average for $2200 a month. That is ridiculous. On top of that the POS is welcoming as many asylum seekers who come here to get the free stuff. There is a reason the homeless population exploded.

Justin Castro has tweeted that all asylum seekers are welcomed and Legault said Trudeau needs to change that. We do not have the resources to support all of this. There is a housing crisis, there is a healthcare crisis as everyone knows.

Direct Quote from Article:

Dodig said that while the government has taken a number of steps to improve the issues that have troubled the country’s immigration system, some challenges that immigrants face today continue to reflect the ones that his parents faced decades ago. He talked about how his father struggled to find a decent job. “I think that still holds true for immigrants today. He was unskilled and for those that are coming with skills, many of the skills aren’t being recognized,” said Dodig, adding that the job obstacles of today are “soft trade barriers.”

^^^^^ That is a typical problem with Canada. Justin Castro brings more immigrants to be able to collect more tax dollars and big business lobby to have cheap labor to do those shitty low wage jobs.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
This is how Justin Castro views himself.


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Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2017
This is how Justin Castro views himself.

Are you aware of China interfering in 2019 and 2021 Federal election in Canada ?
You can see that on Global News.
The chinese helped the Liberal Party win over The Conservativ Party.
Trudeau was informed of that before both elections and repeat that it didn't influence the results.
Naturally, it helped him !


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2010
In fact, the truth is that the Chinese Gov. wanted a minority government, not a majority liberal one. When people are fighting each other, they are not united to fight external threat.

We will never know, for sure, what motivated voters. The only sure thing is that Canadian only should decide on their politics, not Chinese gov., not US right wing supporting the FreeDumb CONvoy.


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2017
In fact, the truth is that the Chinese Gov. wanted a minority government, not a majority liberal one. When people are fighting each other, they are not united to fight external threat.

We will never know, for sure, what motivated voters. The only sure thing is that Canadian only should decide on their politics, not Chinese gov., not US right wing supporting the FreeDumb CONvoy.

Very interesting discussion at Mordus de Politique this afternoon about China interference in Canadian Elections in favor of Liberals.
Also the 1 million $ Chinese gift to P.E. Trudeau fund.
Many interesting things to watch in the future.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
.....sans doute que ça risque d'être le coup fatal pour pression devient de jour en jour plus après 10 ans de gouvernance sûrement temps de tirer sa révé même avec un nouveau leader il n'y en aura pas de facile aux prochaines élections...
my 2 cents.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
......cela étant dit....un sondage LÉGER ce jour pour le QUÉBEC place TRUDEAU avec 33% du vote devant ---surprise---le BLOC à 31% et le PC qui stagne à 15 %.......MAIS l'on s'entend que tout va se jouer en ONTARIO et plus particulièrement dans le grand TORONTO.... qui risque fort d'être le KING MAKER.


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2010
Le problème est qu'il n'y a aucune alternative crédible. Comme leader de partie, J. Trudeau, a toujours été lamentable. il a été mis en place par l'élite libérale de Toronto. Ceci dit, les conservateurs avec Poilièvre sont lamentables. Ils feront le plein de vote dans l'ouest (sauf Colombie-Britanique) et "pouet pouet" ailleurs. Les Canadiens n'aiment pas les extrémistes. Avec le Bloc au Québec, on se dirige vers un autre gouvernement minoritaire. Pour le Parti Libéral, le mieux stratégiquement serait que Trudeau se retire de la politique et qu'une Crystia Freeland en prenne la tête. Un autre gouvernement Libéral minoritaire à Ottawa, je pourrais très bien vivre avec ça. Le Parti conservateur "flushera" Poilièvre et un autre candidat plus collé à la réalité émergera peut-être de ce parti. Si non, il se verra confiné aux banquettes de l'opposition pour un bout. Dans le fond, le Parti Conservateur du Canada a des défis semblables au Parti Républicain américain. Laisser tomber la frange extrémiste se nourrissant aux "Fake News" et théories du complot et perdre ou se coller à elle et perdre encore... Là ou s'arrête la comparaison, c'est qu'il n'y a pas de Chambre des Représentants à Ottawa. Aux USA le pouvoir est partagé entre la Présidance, le Sénat et la Chambre. Ici il n'y a que le Gouvernement élu, majoritaire ou minoritaire et le Sénat... Et le Sénat a un pouvoir très limité, n'étant pas élu.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2010
......cela étant dit....un sondage LÉGER ce jour pour le QUÉBEC place TRUDEAU avec 33% du vote devant ---surprise---le BLOC à 31% et le PC qui stagne à 15 %.......MAIS l'on s'entend que tout va se jouer en ONTARIO et plus particulièrement dans le grand TORONTO.... qui risque fort d'être le KING MAKER.
Avec ces chiffres, le Bloc auraient plus de députés au Québec que le Parti Libéral. Ce dernier fait le plein avec les votes de Montréal mais fait beaucoup moins bien dans le reste du Québec. Avec seulement 2% d'avance sur le vote total, cela se traduit par moins de siège.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Are you aware of China interfering in 2019 and 2021 Federal election in Canada ?
You can see that on Global News.
The chinese helped the Liberal Party win over The Conservativ Party.
Trudeau was informed of that before both elections and repeat that it didn't influence the results.
Naturally, it helped him !
Yes I am fully aware. But many will let it slide just because he is with the Liberals. But this is a very serious threat to democracy. Liberal MP Han Dong secretly advised Chinese diplomat to delay the release of the two Michaels.

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