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The Trudeau Crime Family


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
In 2021 Justin Castro called a Federal election during the covid mandate, was the most costly election ever due to covid mandates. The SOB said he wanted to give Canadians a chance to choose who they wanted. All lies, he just wanted a majority which he failed to get. Fastrack to 2024, most want Justin Castro to resign but he is not calling an election. He lapdog Singh is constantly propping the Liberals to give Justin Castro a false majority. Why is he not giving Canadians a chance to choose now?

Rishi Sunak the prime minister of the United Kingdom has called a snap election, he is twenty points behind. He will probably loose. Trudeau needs to be like Rishi Sunak and show some integrity to call an election. Justin Castro took this country down a hole, housing crisis, high inflation, mass immigration, stagnant GDP per capita growth, the most corrupt of any prime minister of Canada. But Justin Castro will not do that, he is not much of a man. He is a power hungry greedy sleazeball.

So in a desperate move by Justin Castro, he will now change the laws so Canadians who give birth out of the country, their children born since 2009 will get automatic Canadian citizenship. Total madness, this will add an unknown number of people, increase our population in the millions. Justin Castro is cashing in on the immigration votes. He will do anything, he will lick feet just to get votes.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Justin Castro is a true Marxist.

Marxists Just Lie

They lie so overtly and blatantly that people begin to question their own perceptions. It works because no one expects another person to lie so overtly.

They Do Not Believe in Shared Truth. They use words as Weapons

Until you learn to keep this in mind during every interaction, you will continue to get played. They rely on you implicitly assuming that they have good intentions (like Trudeau's Carbon tax) and are aiming at shared truth, and so dialogue can be productive. That is a deception. For Marxists, dialogue is not a way of attaining truth. It is a forum for manipulation.

Justin Castro is a specialist in lies, every word that comes out of his mouth is a lie and he has a hidden agenda for everything. He is a manipulator. Pierre Poilievre is not without faults, but he is a far better choice then Trudeau, because another four years of Trudeau is madness. With Trudeau in power it is like being on the Titanic.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 28, 2024
In 2021 Justin Castro called a Federal election during the covid mandate, was the most costly election ever due to covid mandates.

He knew he was going to lose in 2023 so he called a snap election to keep power for two more years, he has a plan and 2023 was too soon to complete it. If he was out we would not have over 500,000 immigrants every year, there would be no carbon tax, the housing issue would not be as severe as now and we would be in recovery mode. As it stands our economy is still eroding and will continue to do so. I find it amusing that when he boasts 46,000 new jobs he fails to mention a large portion is public service jobs and 400,000 immigrants entered during that time but his followers still squeal with glee. I have a few retired friends that sold their house and left Canada just to get away from Trudeau and the added No Snow is a plus for them.
Also to note, JT was the only world leader to hold a snap election and raise taxes during the pandemic.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
And we still got many who are still fans of Trudeau and consider the word Conservative a dirty word.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
He knew he was going to lose in 2023 so he called a snap election to keep power for two more years, he has a plan and 2023 was too soon to complete it. If he was out we would not have over 500,000 immigrants every year, there would be no carbon tax, the housing issue would not be as severe as now and we would be in recovery mode. As it stands our economy is still eroding and will continue to do so. I find it amusing that when he boasts 46,000 new jobs he fails to mention a large portion is public service jobs and 400,000 immigrants entered during that time but his followers still squeal with glee. I have a few retired friends that sold their house and left Canada just to get away from Trudeau and the added No Snow is a plus for them.
Also to note, JT was the only world leader to hold a snap election and raise taxes during the pandemic.
500,000? The number is much higher. In 2023 alone the madman brought in 1.5 million ppl. Really think about how fast the population is growing, in 9 months Canada's population went from 40 million to 41 million. That is madness. No wonder we got a housing crisis and high food price inflation. Real estate and grocery stores are racking in millions of if not billions of dollars.


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
There is no DIRTY party...only à certaines périodes questionable leaders...and some more than the the past i voted LIB. and problem....i never voted BLOC or NDP....not because they represent dirty parties...cause i NEVER shared their
philosophy and liked their leaders....except LAYTON que j'ai respecté BUT for whom je n'aurais quand même jamais voté.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 28, 2024
For the above, yes Layton was the best NDP leader they had. I always have voted Conservative but did like Chretien, he was fair to all of Canada not like the Trudeaus.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
I agree that there is no dirty party, just dirty leaders. Justin Castro is an extremist, I do not think Canada ever had a prime minister as corrupt and dishonest as Trudeau. He is a dirty man. He most probably ruined the Liberal party image for years to come. I tend to vote depending on the leader of the party and their platform. I am 100% against Socialism.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2017
For the above, yes Layton was the best NDP leader they had. I always have voted Conservative but did like Chretien, he was fair to all of Canada not like the Trudeaus.

Don't you remember that Chretien stole 42 billions $ from the unemployement benefits reserve in 2001 to erase his Government deficit ?
In fact, cutting the benefits for hundred thousands of unemployed Canadians that had payed for those benefits !
And it's just one example of his bad moves.
Remember, he was minister for 6 years under Pierre-Elliot Trudeau.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005

Trudeau's days are numbered. He goes down as the most hated prime minister ever. Corrupt to the max, lies after lies. He drove Canada into a hole. As per the latest Nano polling, even Liberal voters want Trudeau to go. They want to see someone else leading the party. I agree. Anyone else with any shame or even an ounce of integrity would have resigned. Not Trudeau because he is power hungry and greedy and corrupt to the max.


Well-Known Member
Jan 28, 2024
Anyone else with any shame or even an ounce of integrity would have resigned. Not Trudeau because he is power hungry and greedy and corrupt to the max.

Trudeau will ruin the Liberal name for years to come. IMO Trudeau is not leaving because he has plans to implement before the 2025 election and they will not be good for Canada. Maybe digital currency or a basic income, either or both would not be good for Canada, could be something else but nothing positive.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2017
Trudeau will ruin the Liberal name for years to come. IMO Trudeau is not leaving because he has plans to implement before the 2025 election and they will not be good for Canada. Maybe digital currency or a basic income, either or both would not be good for Canada, could be something else but nothing positive.

Today, Pablo Rodriguez told that mass immigration isn't responsible for housing crisis in Quebec Province and Canada !
What a blind man that don't want to see.
There is so much shortage of housing that refugees coming in Quebec by plane later cross the frontier on foot to flee to USA.


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2017
Today, Pablo Rodriguez told that mass immigration isn't responsible for housing crisis in Quebec Province and Canada !
What a blind man that don't want to see.
There is so much shortage of housing that refugees coming in Quebec by plane later cross the frontier on foot to flee to USA.

Mark Miller wrote in the Globe and Mail last week that immigration was the solution to Canada's problems.
1 450 000 immigrants last year greatly increased problems !


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005

A preview of things to come for the worst and most corrupt prime minister ever in Canadian history. Trudeau lost the St.Paul Toronto byelection, which was a Liberal stronghold for decades. No one expected this, yet here it is the Conservatives won. People are beginning to wake up and I am pleased by this. This means no part of the country is safe for the Liberals, no seat is secure. Trudeau will be out, the sooner the better. If it were anyone else with even one bit of integrity and shame, they would voluntarily resign. But not Trudeau, the SOB is so power hungry and has no shame at all. He will do whatever he can to hold on to power.

Is this why he wants to remain in power? Is this why he has a mass immigration policy? Is this why he keeps on raising taxes? While the sleazeball takes a six day trip, the airplane food cost $220,000. What a narcissistic entitled garbage. I never seen such garbage before. While he makes housing unaffordable, food prices very expensive (because of mass immigration), Trudeau is zipping around living like a king. Only someone who is entitled and narcissistic would do that. I am shocked that Trudeau still has any support, he should have ZERO support. And his lapdog Singh also needs to go. Never seen more fake corrupt politicians before.
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