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The Trump Crime Family

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Active Member
Sep 9, 2015
“Off to the races” is an actual legal slang expression that is used in the business by attorneys to refer to the commencement of any litigation frivolous or otherwise. It is a figure of speech.
Yeah, I got that the first time. Your overeagerness suggests you think the lawsuit is a big deal. I do not. I think there's money coming from the Left to try to keep this woman in the news. Perhaps she would take some cash from Trump to go away, but I'm guessing there are backers prodding her lawyer to keep this going and going. Her smarmy lawyer has been hyping something big to come and we keep waiting.

Summer Zervos is taking a similar tact by suing for defamation not sexual assault. Her history is that she's been desperate for fame since her brief appearance on The Apprentice in 2005. It's a lot of legal wrangling over small potatoes that I think is just initiated to annoy and try to embarrass the President. There's always going to be a court somewhere in the U.S. that will hear these cases.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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I in no way suggested the lawsuit was a big deal. It mainly seems like a vehicle in which to take some depositions. It strikes me as above the threshold needed to stay in Court which I assume under California law is very low or lower than other jurisdictions.

The intersection of defamation claims with public figures happens to be an area of law I have litigated and have experience in. The New York Times v. Sullivan and Hustler v. Falwell cases are the critical relevant US Supreme Court precedents. The cases I was involved with involved local, small time politicians taking shots at each other in the media. The analysis is the same whether it’s small time or big time politicians: if you are a public figure, there is a recklessness standard and greater shots can be taken.

The interesting issue is whether Stormy Daniels qualifies as a public figure. By virtue of her porn star status and her status as presidential mistress I would argue she does under the aforementioned cases. This would of course be what Cohen can or should be arguing. That’s why I mentioned “off to the races”- this is the issue that will get litigated pretty quickly.


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Apr 29, 2004
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Could Cohen argue that as he is famous in his own right, any utterance of his pertaining to Stormy would increase her notoreity and her revenues so that his calling her a liar not only resulted in no financial damages, but in fact will make her richer?

With the facts you know about the case, what are her chances of a) winning his lawsuit? b) collecting more than a token amount if she wins?


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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I am not licensed in California and can’t comment on that, but I don’t think winning the lawsuit is the objective here. Getting depositions under oath is the objective and that may be doable.

The only relevant analysis on public figure doctrine is of the person claiming to be defamed- Stormy Daniels.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
I think there's money coming from the Left to try to keep this woman in the news.
Someone's been watching too much Faux News. Channeling Steve Douchebag?

There's a lot of money coming from the left alright. Also from the center. But that money's going into voter registration, candidate recruitment and the like. Smart money says the Dems pick up 50 seats in the house. I'm giving Beto O'Rourke a 40% chance of sending Ted Cruz back to join Sol T in the tar sands.

Carmine Falcone

Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2017
Someone's been watching too much Faux News. Channeling Steve Douchebag?

There's a lot of money coming from the left alright. Also from the center. But that money's going into voter registration, candidate recruitment and the like. Smart money says the Dems pick up 50 seats in the house. I'm giving Beto O'Rourke a 40% chance of sending Ted Cruz back to join Sol T in the tar sands.

Not that the Left is immune by any means (e.g. some leftie fever pitch about George W Bush and how he let some Saudis leave right before 9/11 or some inside job nonsense), but it always strikes me that conservative types are more prone to conspiratorial thinking (too many examples to give) when Occam's Razor is generally suffice to explain things. In the case of Stormy and her lawyer, um perhaps they never met a camera they didn't like? There doesn't have to be an underground Left wing machinery or "Deep State" agency to explain everything you can't wrap your head around. (Maybe Soros got upset and sat this one out because Stormy slept with a marginal billionaire instead of a comfortable one? )

Even though the potential campaign finance violation angle makes it relevant (not to mention exposing Christian fundamentalists for what they are), it's hard to argue there isn't a "Pay attention to me" aspect to their operations. In that regard, I applaud them because they're reminding the world's preeminent attention whore that other people can play that game too.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
(Maybe Soros got upset and sat this one out because Stormy slept with a marginal billionaire instead of a comfortable one? )


I do agree with you. As much as I hate Trump, this is just a smoke show. And in the end this will turn in his favor.

Men where is US politics going? We are quite far from great Obama speech and class just to name him, like him or not.



Active Member
Sep 9, 2015
Someone's been watching too much Faux News. Channeling Steve Douchebag?

There's a lot of money coming from the left alright. Also from the center. But that money's going into voter registration, candidate recruitment and the like. Smart money says the Dems pick up 50 seats in the house. I'm giving Beto O'Rourke a 40% chance of sending Ted Cruz back to join Sol T in the tar sands.

I'm not saying there needs to be a large, coordinated campaign against the President. I just think Stormy's lawyer needs to be paid. He seems to be risking a lot of time and money for me to think he's acting on his own. Nothing conspiratorial about this thinking. One wealthy liberal can underwrite this lawyer's time to make it worth it win or lose. Someone like the rich guy who runs the Impeach Trump ads. This rich guy does exist. He's not a theory.

In the same vein, Gloria Allred suddenly dropped out of the Summer Zervos suit. I won't say anything that you will twist as my conspiracy theory. It's just odd that Gloria "I never met a camera I didn't love" Allred is leaving the case.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Is there a more corrupt politician in DC right now than Scott Pruitt???

The list of the corruption is so long that you'll have to google it to learn more.

And to think that just last week Trump was considering replacing Jefferson BEAUREGARD Sessions with Pruitt. Unbelievable!!!!

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
or not. You wanna bet....I`ll give you 50 to 1 odds.

The Republicans are going to lose big in the mid-terms and many will blame Trump.

I agree with Cloudy. Trump's approval numbers are back down to 39% which is what they were back in January. People are not stupid (okay, most are not) and know fully well that the recent bombing of Syria is a sham & nothing but wagging the dog in order to distract Americans from the accumulating number of scandals surrounding Trump, his equally corrupt cabinet (e.g. Scott Pruitt) and his consiglieri Michael Cohen, who'll be appearing in front of a judge tomorrow.

Speaker Paul Ryan is bailing out on Trump and the Republican Party. People close to Ryan are telling people that he can't stand Trump anymore and would rather leave politics than to put up with this jackass for another year or so. Ryan also knows that Trump is ruining the party and people currently associated with this dying party and that many of current lawmakers up for election (like Ryan) are facing tough battles in the upcoming primaries and that many of them are likely to lose, which is why we've seen so many Republican lawmakers announce that they will NOT be running for re-election.

Trump advisers Fox & Friends have recently wondered allowed if Trump wouldn't be better off to wait until Monday in order to attack Syria. Why Monday? Because Jim Comey's book is coming out on Tuesday. Speaking of Comey, don't miss his interview tonight on ABC's 20/20 at 10pm. It should be a dandy!!!

However, Trump was told by John Bolton that the time to bomb Syria had to be prior to the weekend so he did. But the bombing came only after Russia & Syria were pre-warned of the bombing and where the bombings would occur, giving them ample chance to move whatever deemed valuable away from the targets.

We must also emphasize that the excuse used for bombing Syria was the fact Assad used chemical weapons (again!!) on his own people. For one, this isn't the first time Assad has used chemical weapons since the last bombing. It has occurred frequently. Two, the United States is pretty much saying that it's okay to kill your own people using conventional weapons as long as they're not chemical ones. Three, why bomb non-civilian targets? Why not bomb Assad's palace?? Because the entire thing is bullshit and we all know that it's just a matter of time before Assad resumes his acts of war.

We must also not forget that Assad's use of chemical weapons in bombing his own people only occurred after Donald Trump surprised even his own staff by publicly stating that the United States would soon be getting out of Syria, indicating that they simply do not care about Syria. This gave Assad every indication to resume bombing his own people figuring the United States doesn't care what it does. Had Trump kept his big mouth shut the chemical attack likely would not have happened & you can quote Sen. John McCain with this.

The hypocrisy is that Trump claims the crimes against the Syrian people was the red line and what led to the bombings. However the United States refuses to admit and help Syrian refugees into the country so Trump's claims are basically a sham since it's obvious he doesn't give a fuck about the Syrian people and it's all about deflecting from his personal scandals.

Trump has always been an extremely narcissist person with poor ethics and values. He's always only cared about himself. I would be shocked to hear that this prick has ever cried. And grandpa Trump will not change considering he's nearly 72 year old and with one foot already in the grave.

Even his backers such as Ann Coulter & now conspiracy nut Alex Jones are turning against him. Once his voters realize (and yes they will!) that he's conned them and fucked them up the ass they'll finally turn on him and want his head. It'll happen. It's just a matter of time before it does.

Will he get impeached?? This is very likely. Will he fire Rod Rosenstein and in the process special prosecutor Mueller? This is very likely. But even if he is impeached i truly doubt the Republicans have the balls to force him out of office. This is a very corrupt party with no balls so Trump is likely here to stay until at least 2020.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
or not. You wanna bet....I`ll give you 50 to 1 odds.

The Republicans are going to lose big in the mid-terms and many will blame Trump.

I agree that they'll very likely lose the House but i believe the spineless Republicans will hold on to the Senate. And yes they'll blame Trump but to be honest they're already starting to do so when the cameras aren't rolling.
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