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Active Member
Sep 9, 2015
Trump won
Obama's done
Perhaps Obama is God's son
Perhaps Trump is a big con
but hey we're having fun


Active Member
Sep 9, 2015
Well said Rosbos. Many still underestimate him, still don't believe he won fairly and are trying to delegitimize his victory. Since 80% of the U.S. media passionately despise him, people don't feel comfortable answering pollsters honestly. It's easier to just quietly go into the voting booth and vote for the crass guy with orange hair who you think will get things done that you think are good for the country. If Trump holds the House and Senate this November, the victory will begin to look more and more real to his haters.

In true Rosbos style, my Trump review:

Attitude 10
Service 9
Looks 6

I'm sure if Trump and I smoked a joint, he would start to look better. Cheetohs look pretty good with a joint.
Now Rosbos STFU and go review some more pussy! :rockon:


Active Member
Sep 9, 2015
Rosbos' point about U.S. polls are very important.

Trump's approval ratings are generally in the low 40s. However, a recent CNN poll noted 57% thought the country was going in the right direction. 57% doesn't sound too optimistic, but it is a 11 year high. The two numbers say two very different things.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Im Canadian so this is all armchair analysis from the sidelines, but so far I believe he is genuinely trying to make America great again.

Just like your grandpa is telling you all was better in the good old days. Well maybe thing were better but these days are gone.

America moved all those jobs abroad to improve production to lower price. They did it in the spirit of pure capitalism. Now going back to good old days of living would need a LOT more socialist policies to improve the quality of life of the middle class which is suffering greatly.

But that wont happen with Trump as he is not part of the middle class and only care for the upper 2% billionaires.



Active Member
Sep 9, 2015
Jalimon, you are absolutely correct!!

The question is have U.S. trade and immigration policies aggravated wage stagnation. I bet if Canada runs these current trade deficits for a few years, Canadians will be asking similar questions. Although, I do believe the commodity cycle has more impact on Canadian trade and could swing the other way very quickly.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Yes, what North America needs is more socialist policies, be just like Venezula. Free stuff for the non working, raise taxes to the working, WTF, why can they not pay 65% of their wages so people with no drive can have a good life. Personally I am getting sick of paying over 50% of my hard earned income so some parasite can sit at home and have a few beer and enjoy life. Thousands of middle class can not afford tax increases, when it does happen the kids get less food, clothing or even the treat of seing a sporting event. Fuck socialism.
Trump is doing more for the working Americans than Obama ever did or HRC would have ever done


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Sambuca Canada is in the exact same shoes as USA as far as Trade and immigration are concerned. You cannot hope to sell your shit to the world while closing your border. The equation will not work. Simple as that.

STN free healthcare, free education and paying your high school teacher decently so they do not need to get an extra night job to make ends meet has nothing to do with the shit socialism stuff you write off...



Active Member
Sep 9, 2015
Sambuca Canada is in the exact same shoes as USA as far as Trade and immigration are concerned. You cannot hope to sell your shit to the world while closing your border.

I couldn't disagree with you more. The recent global history of trade is that mercantilist countries like Japan, South Korea and China need the U.S. market to buy their goods not vice versa.

I have more empathy with your statement about healthcare and education, but no the sovereign United States doesn't need foreign markets to thrive. In fact, I'm quite sure the U.S. and Canada together would be fine without foreign markets. You could probably add Mexico to that bloc if you insisted. Hmmm, sound familiar.........perhaps we tighten trade with Asia and Germany and call our trade bloc the North American Free Trade Agreement. I'm not stuck on that name if you have another name in mind.

Perhaps you meant to say U.S. Multinationals need foreign markets and cheap labor. That my friend is a whole other discussion.


Active Member
Sep 9, 2015
U.S. Multinational shareholders and their executives are the ones who benefit from the current imbalanced trade regime. Who do you think pays asshole economists directly or indirectly to say $600 billion annual trade deficits are not a problem for the United States?

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Jaliman.... Nothing is free, someone has to pay for it. Thought you were old enough to figure it out.
Just to add.... heathcare is "free " ( In Alberta anyway ). Proven due to the dropout rate in Quebec if you do not have to pay for it why try ( for some ). When people get something free they take advantage ot it, sluff it off. Yup... free shool rocks, different topic but take the natives for example, free everything and the drunk addicted rate is very high. Their only saviour is that we will always have to pay for their free stuff ( Hard example ). Denmark is seeing many dicided to go on assistance because 63% ( about ) kind of sucks, why work.
Make doing well come at a cost, get a part time job, push yourself.... Fuck.... Free makes you less of a person.
Just my opinion.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
If we got rid of 35% of the politicians that just show up to get a check, cut yheir gold plated pensions, stop their outrageous spending this could be possible. My main complaint and always has been is the famalies who can not afford even a $100 increase. Sure some can pay $250 a few times a month to have sex with a 19 yrbold do not care, millions can not afford any cost of living increase.
Free stuff does not work.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Yes Canada is nice but it is changing and not for the better, our debt is growing at an alarming rate, household debt is at record highs taxes and the cost of living are rising faster than wages. We basically have " free " education up to college and Quebec has basically free college, university is half price compared to other province, no one here should complain, Quebec is also the highest taxed place in North America.
My son finished his education and is doing well, my daughter is still in school and is also doing well. She has friends whose parents are not well off and through grants their kids are getting an education. I am against anything free that has people who do not need the service having to pay for others. No reason for a couple who do not want to have kids pay for someone else kids education, just the way I am, I do not like to receive free stuff.


Active Member
Sep 9, 2015
In the U.S. we set up a ridiculously idealized view of higher education. We send unmotivated, underachieving students away from home for four years to study things (and party) that might be worthwhile for exceptional students, but a total waste for most. Some of the degrees are a total joke and a way to reward mediocrity while trying to politically indoctrinate average minds. Not to mention the phenomenon of six plus year college students.

The heavily subsidized U.S. system of higher education needs a restructuring, but it will be another bitter political fight for another day. There will always be idiots and the academians on the receiving end that think our current system can be fixed with more money.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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The cost of college and graduate education is obscene. I have a close family member who is a tenured US college professor since the early 1970s. He tells me that his students are much weaker academically and in terms of motivation and attention than they were in the past. He calls them “Centennials” who are cellphone babies with too many distractions and lack of focus. This to me corroborates Sambuca’s post above. It’s sort of like the decline of the Roman Empire. I don’t know if the Roman Empire’s decline was visible while it was happening but this decline quite visible. The biggest problem we have as a society in ridding ourselves of Government debt is a population growing older, not working, and generating massive amounts of medical debt thus eating up meager life savings and taxing government subsidies. The Republican Plan is essentially to throw old
and sick people in the street but there are so many it can’t be done. The problem isn’t ever being discussed let alone developing solutions for it. Going forward I think population control will be implemented by governments in the next 100 years (meaning mandatory limits on children). Too many people and not enough jobs due to automation. Only solution is to cut back on people.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Well said EB but I do not agree cutting back on people is the solution. It's completely opposite to how america was built. As Bill Gates said maybe the solution will be to tax robot (fucking serious). Corporate America is not doing it's job to give back. At some point Apple had more money then US tresory. The 2% needs to slack off and make changes to cut the inequalities. A bit like in Europe or to some extend in Canada.

STN the problem with Quebec free education is not that it's free. That is perfect. The problem is that programs are way too open so we end up giving bogus diploma. Like in France university entry should be much tougher to enter and we should almost cut the bogus programs producing "chomeur"... There is thousand and thousand of technical jobs that requires professional non university degree and no one to fill them. This is insane.


Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Our main problem in North America is our governments, be it left it right, they cost us too fucking much and are not working for the people. They are out of touch with reality ( take Justine for example ) and have no clue the needs of the average working person.


Active Member
Sep 9, 2015
The cost of college and graduate education is obscene.

You do realize the government has aggravated this run up in tuition. Falling under the law of unintended consequences, the more the government has lent and granted for higher education the more tuition has increased. And as one can expect when the laws of supply and demand are manipulated, university administration personnel and costs have skyrocketed.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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But aren’t those loans and subsidies really a hidden tax that is being paid by the end user of the service- the student or the student’s parents? The Canadians, on the other hand, offer you a quality education at McGill at perhaps 20% the cost of comparable education at Yale or Harvard. The difference is that all Canadians are taxed including those who are not seeking the education or parents of same. So that’s why it’s that much cheaper. And if your American kid wants to go to college you sit his or her bratty ass down, discuss those facts and push for going to college in Canada. Unless you enjoy the feeling of being fucked hard in the ass, financially speaking.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Yes, the hatred of Hillary isn't proportional to her sins. The problem she is not a natural politician. She always seemed uncomfortable and it always seemed like she thought it should be a coronation.

Yet despite all her flaws she still managed to get three million more votes than Donald Trump. Think about this.

Trump barely won the election. He won by a very small margin of 80 000 votes in three combined swing states. And had the Russians not polluted social media with fake news and all types of anti-Hillary articles she easily would have also won the electoral college.

Hillary Clinton had as many people voting for her than there were for Barak Obama in the 2012 election.

She wasn't a flawed or 'bad' candidate. She performed as well as any other candidate would have done (even Joe Biden admitted in an interview that there was no guarantee he would have outperformed her). She was screwed by the outdated electoral college system & especially the Russians, which DID collude with the Trump campaign.

And meanwhile the Russians are continuing to push their influence in American politics and no one is really doing anything to stop them. Trump has refused to impose sanctions on them in order to punish them for their meddling. Congress had overwhelmingly voted to punish the Russians for this but Trump vetoed them.

Now were hearing that the Chinese have 'donated' $500 million (half a billion dollars) to a Trump hotel project in Indonesia. No wonder he's now telling Americans that he wants to save jobs in China. "Make China Great Again."


Active Member
Sep 9, 2015
Yet despite all her flaws she still managed to get three million more votes than Donald Trump. Think about this.

This article does a good, quick job of summarizing why Hillary's huge majority in California is meaningless beyond just our electoral process. Every state chooses how to run their elections and the process in California is very unique. In November, many Californians can only choose between a moderate Dem and a liberal Dem in the state and local races.

I would prefer a parliamentary system like Canada. I don't like divided government. However, Canadians don't actually vote for a Prime Minister. They vote for a MP.
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