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The Trump Crime Family

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Active Member
Sep 9, 2015
Romney was chastised by the Press for his tax returns and his large wealth was turned against him. Trump wasn't going to let the Press find more ways to attack his wealth. It's likely you will never see a Republican with substantial means release their tax returns ever again. The U.S. tax code was and is still extremely complicated. As a business person, I for one don't want to hear MSNBC and CNN break down some one's tax returns.

For me, it's very simple. You either file your taxes within the law or you don't. We have intense scrutiny by the IRS to ensure you stay within the law. You can now see Mueller tearing up Manafort for tax fraud. That proves the point further. If you think Trump's tax returns will unlock some deep and nefarious connection to the Russians, Mueller is on it. If you want Rachel Maddow using all sorts of charts to draw inane, speculative connections between this offshore investment and this European bank with ties to some Russian company in the hands of a Russian oligarch who is friendly with Putin, then you must absolutely have these tax returns. That kind of conspiracy conjecture isn't good for our Republic. Most people are too emotional and/or lacking intelligence to understand that's entertainment.

Me thinks "Whataboutism" doesn't apply to a situation where Trump hasn't violated any laws or codes and his opponents are simply annoyed by his action. It's just a discussion point. For that matter, it's just a discussion point to note that most major democracies don't see the need to require politicians to release their tax returns. Certainly in a move designed to gain politicial points, some of Canada's NDP leaders released their tax returns. So there is your nugget of wisdom buried in Manitoba's NDP party's actions. It's up to the voters to decide to penalize and reward politicians for filing their taxes or not filing.


Active Member
Sep 9, 2015
See what I did their Carmine. I used a matter of fact, expository style above to state my opinion. I also avoided making it personal. At the end of the day, that's all it is. My opinion, your opinion.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Please don't make me list the things that Obama and his surrogates lied about in regards to policy. Policy Jalimon!! Not stupid, irreverent comments on Twitter.
Trump is unabashedly full of hyperbole, but people get it.

Haha do not overestimate the stupidity of the people. People do not get it. They truly believes what he writes. He should be impeach just for saying the press is the enemy of the people. Just saying thing reinforce all countries in the world run by dictators. Just hearing that put a big smile on Putin's face, on the leaders of Iran and China. For them it's a sign that America is now failing into their own path.

Very dangerous... And it's been only 2 years

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
I'm sure it's a typo, but there is a certainly irony in your writing "overestimate" in this particular sentence when it's clear from the context you meant "underestimate".

oups mea culpa and thanks Anon you are correct.



I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
I suppose this is the basis for your moralistic outrage. You know what's better for them and they're too stupid to realize it.

I base my judgement on me. Nothing else. You see I like the fact that life is not only about ying or yang. White or Black. Republican or democrats. Spinner or BBW... Oups I am getting ahead of myself here... haha

In reality I do not mind Trump. I get it that he was elected. There was, I guess, a need to a big fuck you to establishment or something like that. Even if he did not won the popular vote he won according to the rules.

Like I said I enjoy zone of grey. A bit of socialist measure to counter balance pure capitalist one. Pretty much what we have here in Canada. We have it fucking good if you ask me. Ya we do pay high taxes but I don't care. Life is not about if you are not my friend you are my enemy. FUCK that we are all human beings.

That is why I will never like dudes like Trump. I lost it as soon as they started to talk about "alternatives facts" following discussion about attendance at Trump inauguration. I tough if that is important to them and can lie about that just fucking imagine how far can they go!!! And that's what they are doing all along and now openly saying the press is the enemy of the people. When was the last time we heard a president say that? Probably Hitler.

Being not white in America right now is not a very good idea. Unfortunately there is not much one can do about that...



Active Member
Sep 9, 2015
Jalimon, I don't support all of Trump's propaganda. As some of us told you all, the U.S. media is in full blown propaganda mode. CNN spent all Sunday morning trying to narrate and counter-narrate the headlines. First, they beated the drum about how some Congressmen who supported Trump is being indicted for insider trading. Throw in Manafort's tax problems in for good measure. He's guilty by association, you know. CNN then spent much time countering Fox News' Trump coverage. It's kind of petty, since Fox News has a successful Sunday show about the news media called MediaMatters that is far more intelligent and balanced. Whatever CNN tries to do with their media show Reliable Sources seems to miss the point of balance.

CNN reminds me of some of the anti-Trump folks here. Paraphrasing some of today's commentary "Maybe we're too tough and overboard on Trump, but hey he deserves it. He's disgusting!" For a news organization, that kind of mea culpa isn't exactly taking responsibility.

Since Trump's outnumbered by a liberal media, I cut him some slack in tooting his own horn. Do you remember when they were manipulating crowd photos to make Trump's crowds look small and Hillary's look bigger. In contrast, much of the liberal media was anointing President Obama one of the GOATs. History judges Presidents. Without perspective, we cannot truly understand Presidents in their moment of time. We're all too close to it and far too partisan.

In case you haven't noticed, the U.S. has become more difficult to govern. A type of all or nothing party politics is now the reality. It started long before President Trump and President Obama.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
We have it fucking good if you ask me. Ya we do pay high taxes but I don't care,

That is the main issue " you " do not care abiut high taxes because " you " can afford them. For someone who cares a lot for people on this forum you do not really care. Many of us care about how the other half live' if they can have a good future, something high taxes do not support. To millions when taxes go up something gets cut, be it healthy food or skating lessons.
Under Trump unemployment is still dropping, with blacks unemployment is at an all time low, stocks are not in a nose dive.
Here in Canada the future does not look bright for millions but you are ok, good.
Edit: We had a great country, now we have a good country, keep up the way we are going and it will drop in the ranks some more


Active Member
Sep 9, 2015
We still have a great country, despite JT.
There is no other place I would rather live or raise children.

Think about how great Canada will become with Global Warming. I would definitely move to Canada when it has the climate of South Carolina.

Oh that ice wine of yours, ha ha ha (evil laugh) say goodbye mes amis.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Taxes are high and climbing but if the alternative is the US model, I'll pay the taxes.

Exactly. Always need to compare in life if not you end up always complaining and people get tired of your complaining. On as le "plus meilleur" pays au monde! (was this genious line from PM Chrétien?)
Beside we have the girls... Bring on the taxes but do not cut access to our girls please!!!!

Think about how great Canada will become with Global Warming. I would definitely move to Canada when it has the climate of South Carolina.

You will have no choice as South Carolina will probably be under water right?



Active Member
Sep 9, 2015
Mueller is likely going to meet with Omarosa. I'm sure that will be the demise of Trump. :blah:

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
We still have a great country, despite JT.
There is no other place I would rather live or raise children.

I agree 90% but when I was a kid ( way back when ), you did not need both parents working for a middle class family to have a good life. Moms stayed at home and raised a family, still had holidays, out to movies, out to dinners whatever. Now to have the same comforts both parents ( middle class ) need to be working. This is not just Justine but every political party, fucking over the voters, huge pensions for them, huge increase in politicians. This will only get worse year after year and nothing will be done, taxes go up so the middle class can not really enjoy life, the left make it worse than the right for having extra pesos.
The media is left wing mostly, if Harper would be doing what Justine is they would be all over him like a fat kid on a pork chop, now they bring up Trump to keep our mind off the shit going on here.
For a better place to live..... as doon as my daughter gets setup I will be in either Costa Rica or Panama, mostly due to the weather and partial distaste of our government.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
I agree 90% but when I was a kid ( way back when ), you did not need both parents working for a middle class family to have a good life. Moms stayed at home and raised a family, still had holidays, out to movies, out to dinners whatever. Now to have the same comforts both parents ( middle class ) need to be working. This is not just Justine but every political party, fucking over the voters, huge pensions for them, huge increase in politicians. This will only get worse year after year and nothing will be done, taxes go up so the middle class can not really enjoy life, the left make it worse than the right for having extra pesos.

This is called capitalism. Everyone wanted more for themselves while paying less for everything. Unions started to ask more and more and more while producing less and completely abusing their employer. Investors and shareholders kept putting pressure to keep cost down as they want more and more in their pocket. White collars made sure to vote raised of salary and action shares for themselves. All good until the only choice to keep at it is moving production moved overseas to shit hole countries who built product for less and accept horrible work conditions.

To counter balance this the only politics you can do is some socialist measure to make sure your working class is healthy and educated. 2 things with which canada and the usa are currently failing miserably.


Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
To counter balance this the only politics you can do is some socialist measure to make sure your working class is healthy and educated. 2 things with which canada and the usa are currently failing miserably.


No amount of socialism works, proven in many countries. What is failing people all over the world is politicians, greedy mother fuckers.
A very large percentage of out taxes go to politicians who are supposed to work for the people, they do not work for the people, they work for the next election.
Liberals give far too much tax payers money away for free stuff, stop the free stuff and people will have to work. Stop illegal immigration and save millions if not billions long term, WTF, not not to offend them they are to be called irregulars.. fuck that. We now have a new paid for by tax dollars some dipshit in charge of illegals... Send the fuckers back and have them follow routine.... but that is not the way to get vites and be liked.
Lets face it, Canada and the US can not exist as left and right, split the counrties up, left takes the east half and right takes the west half, both do their own thing, neither can in the future borrow money money form the other unless some serious ass licking is done and they give up their ideals.
Just my opinion.


Active Member
Sep 9, 2015
I agree 90% but when I was a kid ( way back when ), you did not need both parents working for a middle class family to have a good life. Moms stayed at home and raised a family, still had holidays, out to movies, out to dinners whatever. Now to have the same comforts both parents ( middle class ) need to be working.

This is all anecdotal. Economists have made a good case that the U.S. and Canada experienced unprecedented growth and living standards relative to the rest of the world the thirty odd years after World War II. A variety of factors have impacted the middle class dream not to mention many women didn't want to stay home anymore. That of course has helped the overall economy while it also increased competition for jobs.

I think you are also taking for granted increasing healthcare costs and higher public pension costs due to extended longevity. I will give you that higher taxes is a contributing factor towards stress on the middle class, but it's only part of a more complicated equation.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Now these are just my views and right or wrong this is my beliefs.
50 yrs ago immigrants had to get a job, no free ride, there were not this high of a percentage of people getting free stuff and not contributing at all ( socialism causes that ), he have never had this high a percentage of civil servents or politicians ( they constantly give themselves raises ). I do not get my monies worth when I pay taxes.
Unions, brought on by socialists to fight the capitalists, wanted an entry worker or low skill job to earn enough to feed a family, less work hours and more money. The companies jacked up their prices to cover the extra costs or started laying people off... Sheer genius.
Illegal immigrants.... Send them back within 10 min of arrival.
Canada gives you plenty of chances if you put in some kind of effort, work is out there and a chance to quality for the job is available. If someone has any handicap fine, assistance is there, for the parasites, sucks to be you.
Not candy coating it.
PS... Many have the same thoughts.


Jun 14, 2015
No amount of socialism works, proven in many countries....

Why don't you just take a little trek to Norway, Finland, Denmark, Sweden...

There, you'll find a great bunch of HONEST politicians who work for the people because they know they are not eternal and they sure know they are part of the People...


Active Member
Sep 9, 2015
Sol Tee Nutz

You're painting a pretty picture with too many colors. Unions have been on the decline since the Sixties. The relative cost of many things are much cheaper on an inflation-adjusted basis not to mention the many gadgets we now all have. Over the last fifty years, I don't think illegal immigrants have been sent back in 10 minutes here in the U.S. of A. In fact, I don't think U.S. government spending as a % of GDP has gone up that much over the last fifty years. People here are getting far more out of Social Security and Medicare than in 1968 due to longevity. We've already discussed Canadian and U.S. healthcare. You might not appreciate you are getting more healthcare than you pay for relative to us.

And I will again make the case that the post-war generations in North America were unusual. Decimated Europe and Japan had to be rebuilt, pent-up demand after fifteen years of war and depression and the baby boom population spurt drove economic growth. Before WWII, it's quite likely many of our grandmothers and great-grandmothers worked.

While the Baby Boom spurred economic growth through the 1960s, later Baby Boomers found the job market more intensely competitive with far more college graduates in the 70s and 80s. Fifty years ago, companies didn't lay-off older white-collar employees. We haven't even discussed the effects of Globalization. Now Millenials are influenced by the 2008/2009 Crash. Generational demographics and the environments the generations live impact their economic well-being. If you were born before or during the Depression and were reasonably motivated, you did well, your wife could stay home and your family was comfortable.
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