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The Trump Crime Family

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I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
No amount of socialism works, proven in many countries. What is failing people all over the world is politicians, greedy mother fuckers.

It's when you start to look into alternative solution to bypass corrupt democratic countries that you end up thinking hum well just like capitalism it's still the best system available as all other solution are simply worst.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Bitch be crazy!

As crazy as Trump yes ;) Plus she's black haha

I bet anyone a nice bottle of cold Chablis that all SP like so much that Omarosa and Trump fuck each other a few times ;) Within 3-4 days it shall come out. Who needs to watch any other tv drama with the king of reality in the white house? As ignorant and stupid as he can be got to admit he is a fucking great show to watch!


Active Member
Sep 9, 2015


Active Member
Sep 9, 2015
Why don't you just take a little trek to Norway, Finland, Denmark, Sweden...

There, you'll find a great bunch of HONEST politicians who work for the people because they know they are not eternal and they sure know they are part of the People...

I'm sure the Scandy countries have their problems. They also have unique cultural factors and advantages that make them far more similar to each other than to any country outside Scandinavia. Liberal Americans idealize $20/hour minimum wages and unlimited free education. It's not exactly what people romanticize about. First off, I have a hunch that job creation is stunted. Unemployment might be tamped down because so many choose not to work. Anecdotally, I have heard dealing with the service sector is not good. Things are also very expensive. So it's possible that $20/hour doesn't really go far.

I still think the U.S. will drift towards a Canadian and UK model. Socialism is a big word that when people want to discredit it they talk about unsuccessful countries like Venezuela or perhaps Argentina. When they want to champion it, they talk about idealistic images of Scandinavia. The truth lies somewhere in the middle. Anyway, I think when the U.S. adopts drifts toward socialist policies we will have no choice but to limit our commitment to free trade and immigration.

Carmine Falcone

Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2017
Omarosa. Omarosa. Omarosa. :D

Eh. Not much to see here. Both of them are a mess and are attention whores but one's not in charge of a globally influential country. It is pretty funny that for a guy that threatened that there had better not be any tapes, two people close to him have now caught him with his pants down with...tapes. They deserve each other. What no one deserves is turning government into a reality show.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
As crazy as Trump yes ;) Plus she's black haha

I bet anyone a nice bottle of cold Chablis that all SP like so much that Omarosa and Trump fuck each other a few times ;) Within 3-4 days it shall come out. Who needs to watch any other tv drama with the king of reality in the white house? As ignorant and stupid as he can be got to admit he is a fucking great show to watch!

Nope. Trump only fucks white girls. More often white europeans and white porn stars, among others. But always white girls. White girls only. Doesn't know what he missed all along. But that's okay. I know black guys who always fuck white girls also.

But i'll agree that Omarosa is as nuts as Trump is. She's not only a Trump creation but she's a Trump mini-me. Dr. Victor Frankenstein created the Monster and it ended up killing him. Will it be deja vu?

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
They should have reality tv series staring Trump and Omarosa, it would be hilarious.

This entire so-called 'presidency' has literally been a reality tv series. Every day it's something crazy, something new. Every week ends with a cliffhanger. EVERY SINGLE DAY!!!! And it's only been a year-and-a-half with probably at least two-and-a-half years to go!!!

Just take the Omarosa storyline. The boss created her to his image. He literally trained her into his own image. Think MY FAIR LADY FROM HELL. He then gets the top job in a huge organization and brings his creation along against everyone's wishes and advice. They tell him "She's evil!!! She's nuts!! She'll only cause total chaos!", they try to warn him. But he ignores their advice. She's nice to him and says nice things about him, which is his reasoning to want her around. And then one day they finally have had enough of her and get rid of her, only to have her come back and get her revenge and they soon turn into bitter, sworn enemies.

Previously in the 'tv series' we saw the exit of colorful characters such as The Mooch, The Grim Reaper a.k.a. Steve Bannon, The Russian Spy a.k.a. General Mike Flynn, the Model a.k.a. Hope Hicks and wife-beater Rob Porter, among others. And The Model just happened to be banging every creep that moves such as the weird former campaign manager Corey Lewandowski and wife-beater Rob Porter. And rumours are buzzing that The Boss has his sights on her to make her his fourth wife. FOURTH WIFE!!!! A reality tv show prominently featuring family members Donnie, Eric the dummy, Ivanka & her gay husband Jared......only on this tv show would some of them be given prominent White House positions.

Only in a tv soap opera would this all make sense, where its scripts have often had people come back from the dead or have evil twins come back to cause havoc onto unsuspecting characters. Could you imagine a company CEO who lies all the time to his board and to his employees about the company's performance and numbers? Could you imagine that company CEO being okay with hiring someone totally unqualified and incompetent and put that person in a top position with a great salary practically for doing nothing against the wishes of everyone inside the company? And his reasoning to them is that this bad employee says good things about him so that's why the employee gets hired and gets to stay?? NEVER!!!!!

And there's the Lieutenant Philip Gerard character in the form of special prosecutor Robert Mueller, a law-and-order type of guy who's mission is to hound the corrupt Trump circle and put back some law-and-order into the American government by riding it from the most corrupt administration in the history of the country, which is being led by one of the most corrupt families in the history of the country, a family which has been mobbed up for decades and has spent a lifetime surrounding itself with some of the most shady characters in the country.

Only on the Trump Family Chronicles is this possible. On the Trump Show. Nowhere else.


Active Member
Sep 9, 2015
People have said Mueller is not partisan. He is just fastidious and relentless. I've read articles about his upbringing and life. He's kind of chiseled out of the past. It should not surprise anyone that he was an excellent soldier in the stupid war we call Vietnam. On the downside, Mueller seems robotic and willing to walk through many walls to get to whatever truth he perceives to be on the other side. I call him Rosenstein's Monster.

At some point, we have to figure out how to wind down this sweeping, unfocused and vastly expensive investigation. I know some of you think it must go on until there is a third act climax where the King is brought down.


Active Member
Sep 9, 2015

The simple answer is that Brennan made himself apart of paid media and a media enemy of the President. He is no longer in the government. He has never been elected by the American people for anything.

I don't know why someone should be allowed to declare the President guilty of treason for a biased TV network and audience. Then still be allowed to operate under the credibility of being a continuing member of the intelligence community. Anyone still having security clearance after leaving the government must still adhere to government policies in order to maintain their status.


Active Member
Sep 9, 2015
EB, do you really want to be one of those snarky, insolent posters on a forum that steps outside the discussion thread to take shots at people?

There, that is a question.
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