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The Trump Crime Family

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Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
Moore is a fat a.h. publicity seeker who is as bad as trump.

Now he claims that trump wrote the anonymous op ed. Ridiculous.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
They hate everybody and believe any change is better than none.

The biggest joke of all is that the US economy is doing well, so he may just live to rule his kingdom again for another 4 years.

Many people are fed up with politicians, the US has Trump and Canada has Trudeau, both are not fit to run a country. The media hates Trump and loves Trudeau.... can guarantee if Trudeau did the same as he is doing now but was a conservative the media would be all over him.
Yes, the US is doing very well and with that Trump could win again if he decides to run.


Active Member
Sep 9, 2015
Ho fuck I almost forgot about that! If I lose it's because the system is rigged!!! Fuck I still cannot believe he said that many times before being elected. It just reinforce me how a fucking loser he is. I still for the life of me cannot believe what people see in this moron!!

I love how people can make an argument on a social media forum one day. And then another day they make another argument with the surreal ability to completely disconnect the two. This bizarre skill is not limited to liberals, but with liberals there is the enormous emotion driving their politics and of course TDS.

If you have been reading this thread over the last year and watching American news, the Justice Dept, FBI and now the Mueller investigation are trying to remove Trump from office. That is no longer in doubt. You, yourself Jalimon and Valcazar, have not just criticized him vehemently, but have been calling for Trump's removal. We now know the FBI has been investigating Trump and his campaign since his rise in the primaries in 2016. Several Justice Dept and FBI employees actually have been fired or forced out for their overzealous pursuit of Trump.

So how the fuck was Trump's paranoia in 2016 not warranted? If Trump is not linked to Russian collusion and/or impeached, we might be left with some minor charges or simply association with indicted people. However, the Washington establishment will have done a pretty good job delegitimizing his Presidency.

Chuck Schumer's warning to Trump:


Active Member
Sep 9, 2015
.........Trump's "the system is rigged" call had the advantage last time of him having no real track record. I don't think he can run the same playbook again.

C'mon Val follow the ball or the puck. If Trump emerges from this Mueller inquisition with nary a scratch and only some indicted/convicted colleagues, he's going to beat that drum all through the 2020 election cycle. And seriously, who would blame him? except of course some whiny liberals.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Sambuca do you seriously think that the voting system of the most powerful country in the world could be rigged?

the proof that its not is that he had 3 million less vote then clinton. Ho wait true trump said that was false so he still think its rigged, do you?


Active Member
Sep 9, 2015
Jalimon, even if they don't nail him with a Russian charge they will have certainly done great damage to his legitimacy. What do you call that? Trump's "rigged system" comment was initially made during the campaign when it was uncovered that Comey had wrote an exoneration statement for Hillary well before the email server investigation was completed. (Remember when our Attorney General Loretta secretly met Bill Clinton in her plane on an airport tarmac. The FBI actually pursued the leaker of this info for internal govt. discipline (discreditation). WTF, slap my fucking forehead!) Whether you agree or not, we call Trump's words in our politics "campaign rhetoric". I'm not sure in its relation to Comey, AG Lynch and Clinton it is really unfair.

You are entitled to your own thoughts and opinions. You are not entitled to your own facts.

PS- By the way in english, it's not "ho" it's "oh". On a monger forum, your comment #988 that began with "Ho fuck" can be misconstrued.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
It amuses me that Canadians in this thread are in a complete rant over Trump, almost frothing at the mouth and not a peep about the full retard we have ruining Canada. This just shows the power of the media. If I was an American I would be upset with the tweets and BS Trump does but the average working American is not complaining. Media sheep, the ones who are glued to the news of the horrors Trump did, his wife did not hold his hand, he may get divorced. Really.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Because Trudeau is a little idiot and not a complete idiot like Trump. Trudeau does not put our democracy in danger.

To all those who say all politicians are crooks and that everyone are fed up with politicians I say what's your alternative? No one can answer because the alternative is much worst!

What do you want? An autocracy, communism or socialism society? Go to north korea, russia or venezuela and let me know if you are still convince Trump is the solution.



Active Member
Sep 9, 2015
Because Trudeau is a little idiot and not a complete idiot like Trump. Trudeau does not put our democracy in danger.

To all those who say all politicians are crooks and that everyone are fed up with politicians I say what's your alternative? No one can answer because the alternative is much worst!

What do you want? An autocracy, communism or socialism society? Go to north korea, russia or venezuela and let me know if you are still convince Trump is the solution.


Who the fuck you kidding Jalimon? You voted for the Quebecoise.


Active Member
Sep 9, 2015
It amuses me that Canadians in this thread are in a complete rant over Trump, almost frothing at the mouth and not a peep about the full retard we have ruining Canada.

Never go full retard. Right Sol Tee!
Half retarded, slow, autistic, but never full retard. That's Trudeau's big mistake. Trump is just crazy.

Robert Downey Jr. said it in better fashion:


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Who the fuck you kidding Jalimon? You voted for the Quebecoise.

What? You mean the PQ? No I never did. Federally I voted conservative since early 1990's.

PS- By the way in english, it's not "ho" it's "oh". On a monger forum, your comment #988 that began with "Ho fuck" can be misconstrued.

Noted and thanks!

You, yourself Jalimon and Valcazar, have not just criticized him vehemently, but have been calling for Trump's removal.

Not true. I even wrote a few post back that he will be reelected. And a few post back that the alternative to Trump is worse! Pense, Cruz... My god no!!


Active Member
Sep 9, 2015
Trump is a great danger to america. Just get that idiot out of there and regroup. Not that complicated.

He should be impeach just for saying the press is the enemy of the people.

Some of youz forget a forum is like a tape recording of all your ranting.

And Jali, I meant Trudeau is a Québecoise. Je connais assez français pour comprendre la différence entre Québecois e Québecoise.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Some of youz forget a forum is like a tape recording of all your ranting.

And Jali, I meant Trudeau is a Québecoise. Je connais assez français pour comprendre la différence entre Québecois e Québecoise.

sorry i do not get it at all, you mean trudeau is a girl ?


Active Member
Sep 9, 2015
Our friend Sol Tee Nuts likes to call him Justine. I thought you would pick up on that.

Trudeau does seem to be a very sensitive male. I think he might be described as a metrosexual.


Active Member
Sep 9, 2015
America is far from being fixed. Economic inequities and global trade (initiated mainly by the US) is killing american middle class which are way too upset. It takes years to overcome that.............

It's not normal not being able to make ends meet in Washington, Boston, San-Francisco, New-York if you make 100k salary. But this is what's happening right now.

It's not normal for teachers in Arkansas to get a second night job because their main jobs is not enough.

I'm not quite up on how the Canadian middle class is doing. I'm under the impression it's under pressure in almost all Western, industrialized nations. I would surmise the Canadian social welfare system helps those under pressure more than ours.

The comment about the cost of living of Washington, Boston, San Francisco and New York is completely not thought through. Boston and San Francisco are high tech centers generating enormous wealth for our country. The global financial center in New York the same. Washington is a sore point with some of us because the growth in federal spending underpins the enormous wealth and high cost of living there.

In other words, extremely successful economic and desirable regions will always have high costs of living. It's true all over the world. Paris, London, Milan, Tokyo, etc. I've also read things about the high cost of living in Vancouver and Toronto.

The issue of teacher's salaries is true. It's very uneven from one state to another and even one community to another. It's far too haphazard for a vital government service.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Can someone please explain Trump's logic when it comes to tariffs?

I heard the other day that 99% of economists do not agree with imposing tariffs. Who's advising Trump on this? And what's his rationale?

From my point-of-view it'll only eventually lead to an economic disaster (especially for average Americans) and it seems there are a whole lot of people 'in-the-know' who share my view about this. American consumers will pay more for products, American companies will suffer and especially American workers. Many of those American companies may be forced to close down and many American workers will lose their jobs. No one wins in trade wars and this has been proven over and over for more than a century or so. A trade war is what lead to the Great Depression of 1929.

Another question: are average Americans even aware that the current deficit (which is already huge) is expected to triple less than two years from now?

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.

As for tariffs, every country has them, Trump and many Canadians agree that Canada's supply management should be shut down, it is costing Canadians a lot of money, not just effecting American dairy producers.
If the dairy association was in Alberta mostly than Quebec and Ontario you can be guaranteed that it would have been shut down.


Active Member
Sep 9, 2015
STN, I kind of got lost in the wilderness on this, but there also seems to be an important issue of manufacturers back-dooring products with high Chinese content through Canada. I get the impression Trudeau was lobbied hard by North American companies (many U.S. based) that import parts, assemble in Canada and sell in the U.S. I would say if Trudeau initially fought back against Trump on this matter he was a fool.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
"It may have been the least impressive sex I'd ever had, but clearly, he didn't share that opinion"

Stormy Daniel on Trump over sex.

I do not care much about the first part. I am a lousy lover myself. But I am not surprised upon the second part haha The guy is so full of himself!



Active Member
Sep 9, 2015
"It may have been the least impressive sex I'd ever had, but clearly, he didn't share that opinion"

Jalimon if you weren't a entrepreneur, you could've been a journalist. This would pass for hard hitting journalism with many media outlets.
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