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The Trump Crime Family

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Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Ok. So the Farrakhan thing has been dropped. Fair enough.

Will you accept that the interpretation I should be taking away is that because you support his policies, as do many (roughly 40% of the population), he is unstoppable and rightly so?

Why not.......

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Has the so-called 'caravan' disappeared from the face of the Earth? For two weeks that's all you'd hear about on Fox News. Every single day. Morning, afternoon & evening. The 'caravan'. The one they claimed was coming to invade the United States. The one which Trump claimed contained middle eastern people (i still can't figure that one out), possible terrorists, rapists, murderers, disease-infected people who were coming to 'rape and infect our women and children', etc.

But since Tuesday nothing. Not a word about that 'caravan'. What happened?? Did they turn around or something? Or did it simply disappear?


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
You mean the caravan was real? I tough it was just fake news. Hard to know who to believe. Like those mail bombs. Glad it never happened and all was fake.



Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2013
@SolTeeNutz. Thanks for an straight answer to that.

@DocHolliday. Like the Ebola thing and Hilary's emails, the election is over so the GOP doesn't have to pretend they care about it any more. (They will mention it occasionally to keep it alive as a talking point, but that's it.) The military force has already had it dropped as a named mission and may not even be sent. If anyone asks, they will point to the reality of the caravan being smaller and not full of gang members and middle Easterners and claim it was Trump's tough talk that saved us.

The media never should have been reporting on it anyway since it was basically a non story, but sadly >80% of editors and publishers are conservative.


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Apr 29, 2004
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Cadet Bone Spurs, the Supreme Commander of the Twitter warriors, couldn't honor the soldiers who died in the trenches in WW1 by attending the ceremony at the Aisne-Marne American Cemetery because of a tiny bit of rain. He must have stayed warm in his hotel room getting a golden shower, as he did once in Moscow. Maybe, he was also frightened that his orange makeup would wash off.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Has the so-called 'caravan' disappeared from the face of the Earth? For two weeks that's all you'd hear about on Fox News.?
I heard yesterday that the "caravan" was mentioned 11 times last Friday on Fox and Friends, 10 times on Monday, 11 times on Tuesday. Not a mention of it since. They must be too busy licking their wounds after the shellacking their lord and master took on Tuesday.

I'm so looking forward to the investigations...and the indictments.

There seems to be some thought, with some validity to it, that Trump can't be indicted for his crimes while he's Preznit of these USofA. I wonder if he's aware that he can be indicted the day after he leaves office in 2021.

Poll: Will Trump die in prison, die broke, or both. I kind of think both since he's already broke.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
God, I wish I'd written this. This guy pretty much nails the pickle Trump has gotten himself into. I'm not going to identify the author in this board, but will say that he's a distinguished scholar and a member of the Council of Foreign Relations.

"No one knows the skeletons in Donald Trump's closet better than Donald Trump. No one knows the crimes he has committed, aided or abetted so well. No one has such a firm grasp on the wrong-doing that was the daily bread of the Trump Organization, his children & close associates.

Now, after an election defeat that was humiliating regardless of what pundits may say,a blue wave that produce greater Democratic gains in the House than any since Watergate & big wins at the state level,Trump is haunted by his knowledge of what coming investigations may uncover.

He does not know what Mueller may have. It may not implicate him. It seems likely to implicate others close to him. He may have a plan for sidestepping the findings of campaign finance wrong-doing relating to hush money uncovered by the prosecutors of the SDNY.

But without the shield of a complicit Republican House of Representatives and with a slowly building wave of state and federal level investigations of his charity, his abuse of the emoluments clause, his company and his close associates, he can see the writing on the wall.

Democrats may not press impeachment for now...nor honestly, should they. They, like Mueller, should patiently wait to build their case. They have time now. The House is a block on many (but not all) of the worst impulses of the president.

But they will not and should not hold back on investigations. Trump will let Ross and Zinke go as a way to avoid the embarrassment of their inevitable prosecutions or at least the detailed revelations of their wrong doing. He will try to put officials in place to protect him.

Whitaker is, of course, the prime example. And of course, that example now has Trump rattled. Because it reveals the incompetence of Trump and those around him to perform even basic tasks of vetting that would be necessary to have a team that could protect him.

Further, Whitaker, is of course, a Trump wanna be--a hyper-ambitious, not-so-bright partisan with a shady past that includes dubious businesses, bad practices, associations with racists (Steve King) and crooked dopes (Sam Clovis), and grand-standing attacks on the LGBT community.

Whitaker's appointment is both unconstitutional and a violation of the law and so now Trump can see his own best "plan" to protect himself will come undone. Further, the power of his office, the prestige he tried to rent with his election, is no longer working.

His first move was to seek celebration by those who would sell it to him, like the Saudis, but that has been undone by the Saudis own brutality and immorality (that was coaxed into full view by their sense that Trump would never challenge them).

He has come to see the Europeans and the Chinese neither fear nor respect him. He has come to see his association with Vladimir Putin, the one that helped him get the job, is now a serious liability.
The President who made his signature appeal be one for a wall, who has sought to wall off America from the world, is now, in rapid order, watching the walls fall all around him. His inner circle are leaving. His big name hires will soon depart.

HIs first and second and third team of lawyers have departed and the ones that are left behind are a pretty mixed bag. His family will soon be fractured as they try to defend themselves. His party is weakened. His control of the House is lost.

The world ridicules and rejects him. They have figured out his games. They see through his lies and his racism. He himself knows his base of bases is comprised not of America's best but of its worst. He calls them the "super-elite" but he can smell his own BS.

Mueller and prosecutors in NY and investigators in the House and courts across America are stalking him, closing in on him. And worst, there are the ghosts, the ones in his head, the ones who know the secrets he most fears to tell.

Once we thought there might be a Russian secret tape that would embarrass Trump. But two years of Trump as president has produced more to disgrace him than any tape could whether it involved hookers or golden showers or goats dressed as his sainted mother.

But he knows. He knows there is worse out there. He knows his own past. And so today, he sits alone in a Paris hotel room, unable to find the wherewithal to even withstand the rain to honor the fallen of World War I. They were so brave. He is so very craven.

He hides himself away as he does in the White House every day now, going out into public only into meetings where the crowds can be counted on to cheer. And that is fewer and fewer places these days.

Abraham Lincoln once said the only way America could be brought down is from within. Trump's presidency has been cited frequently as the greatest example of such a threat in modern times. But Lincoln's warning can be extended further.

Ultimately Trump too will be brought down from within, by the ghosts of his own past, by the secrets only he knows. The walls have crumbled. So too, very soon, will this weak, corrupted, cowardly, ignorant, racist, incompetent, pathetic excuse for a man."


Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2013
Yeah, give me a bit. Mind you it is a number from a while ago. You know that survey people always cite about how reporters are liberals/Democrats? It's the same one. (People just leave out that part.)

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
^^^^^ I will wait, do not forget.


Active Member
Sep 9, 2015
Rumple, that long narrative just seems like another piece in the long smear campaign. Over the last two years, I have randomly clicked on so many narratives on how they were going to bring down Trump. This way, that way. I think the general purpose is for the Liberal media to cast so much doubt in people's minds that they convince you he must be guilty of high crimes.

We got this thing called the Mueller report coming. Let's see what Flynn gives up, etc. etc. The FBI has been actively investigating since mid-2016.


Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2013
^^^^^ I will wait, do not forget.

Sadly, there are so many media bias studies out now, finding anything is a bit of a nightmare. I will try and to a proper library search. Can't seem to find anything recent that looks at editors and publishers at all.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Oh, if there only were a thing such as a "liberal media," perhaps the country would not be run by a mob boss.

There was an attempt some years back called "Air America" but it didn't take. MSNBC has some liberal hosts, but they also have conservatives such as Joe Scarborough and Nicolle Wallace, real conservatives unlike Trump who has polluted the term.

For the most part, the corporate media runs down the middle. While papers like the NY Times, has liberal columnists, they also have conservatives like David Brooks and Ross Douthat, real conservatives unlike Trump who has polluted the term. While it appears that the news section runs liberal, fake conservatives like the talking donkeys Limbaugh et al see telling the truth as liberal.

While the Washington Post might appear liberal, they also have conservative columnists like Michael Gergen, Jennifer Rubin, Max Boot, real conservatives unlike Trump who has polluted the term. While it appears that the news section runs liberal, fake conservatives like the talking donkeys Limbaugh et al see telling the truth as liberal.

Fake conservatives look at Fox, a pure propaganda arm of the Trumpist party, and think anything that is telling what is actually going on is "liberal."

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Funny, most think the majority is Liberal media. The reason I question the 80% conservative editors and publishers is because people like Jaliman will read that and take it as fact when it is far from the truth.


Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2013
Totally fair. If I can't find the numbers specifically I will take it back. Either way, it is unlikely the current number (just like the "all the reporters are liberal" is also outdated.)

It was one of the big studies in the early 2000s, the one that usually gets cited.

The latest thing I can find of any serious weight came out of Indiana University but only has reporters. It has overwhelming majority identify as independent, with 20-something percent as Democrats and 7 percent as Republicans.


Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2013
(and yes, party registration is actually a terrible way to measure bias instead of actually looking at stories, but it keeps getting used because it is less work)


Active Member
Sep 9, 2015
^^^^^I am waiting too.

I think campaign contributions is a fair metric for measuring journalists' political sympathies. People put their money where their head is.


Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2013
At best I will get to the library Wednseday, sadly.

This has been interesting in that the sheer NUMBER of studies that are out there now amazed me. People have been definitely doubling down on the "lies, damn lies, and statistics" over the last decade or so. Finding a decade old study is going to be hard, and the sheer level of crap methodology in most of the current ones is impressive. (On all sides, this has clearly become a "find an angle to craft a talking point, just make the math work" kind of thing.)

You would think people would publish cross-tabs, but its less and less common.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
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