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The Trump Crime Family

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I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
I tough it would never happened (except for girl where we would probably get along well haha) but I agree with Sambuca here ;)



I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
"Trump: 'When I can, I tell the truth'"

Finally something true coming from his mouth haha Never tough it would happen. Men you cannot even believe how I despise such bully ass hole as trump.



Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2013
PS- I'm not saying it's a direct threat, but rather it's a threatening concept.

No,you said it was a "not-so cloaked, biased attempt at threatening President Trump".

As far as the criticism, I have no problem with the Secret Service being pissed, since the punch line apparently is they help the assassin. And while this is pretty obviously hypocritical "who's uncivil NOW libs!" bullshit from the right wing outrage machine, I can still agree that they maybe should have held it back from the print edition given the soros bomb had come out between the original online publication and the print. (The rest of the bombing spree hadn't come to light yet).

The attempt to equate the rhetoric is, of course, the same kind of nonsense as the "But McConnell was yelled at in a restaurant". As far as there being a time something like this wouldn't be published in a major newspaper... maybe? When did the Times start publishing fiction as well as reviews in the book section? I have no idea, I don't think it did so when I was a kid. I think it is recent.

Carmine Falcone

Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2017
Valcazar, you're either a genuinely patient person or a glutton for punishment (perhaps both). Trying to argue with Sambuca is like playing tennis with a wall. The wall always returns even your best shots, mostly because the wall is immeasurably dense and non-sentient.


Active Member
Sep 9, 2015
If you were to discuss tax policy, healthcare, defense expenditures and a host of other issues you would find that I can be quite flexible. Perhaps if you paid attention beyond Obama all good, Trump all bad, we could have more of those discussions. If all you are interested in doing is focusing on attacking the President, it's easy to counter most attacks posted here on Trump because they came straight from Liberal media in the same news cycle. If you don't think Liberal media is biased, then we have to disagree on that. Since the Liberal media helps feed so much excessive Trump anger, it really is a large point of disagreement.

I've been polite and not personal when your emotion carries you from one point or another. I don't have a long history on MERB, but I've had the same debates with Obama's conservative detractors when he was President. I'm not interested in painting our Presidents as binary good or bad caricatures. I more interested in discussing policy solutions and how American people with support them.

Perhaps you've noticed the media hyped Red Wave has diminished to a mild tide.. Probably no more than any typical mid-term. And the Senate, that's a completely different story.


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003

CNN has reported that Trump has lied an average of 30 times a day in October. How is that even possible?

Interestingly FOX news hasn`t contradicted that finding.

So paraphrasing Nazi propaganda. Lie often enough and it gets to sound like the truth.

No wonder Trump believes that the free and honest press is his enemy.


Active Member
Sep 9, 2015
Cloudsurf, for me to say Trump doesn't lie would be silly. But let's face it, Trump embellishes a lot. Perhaps more than any other President in our history.

However, some of this is petty, little scorekeeping by the folks at the NY Times and WashPost. We aren't stupid. We know an exaggeration when we hear it. And we also know all politicians lie and embellish. Embellishment is a rhetorical device. Obama laid down some whoppers, but hey the progressive end justifies the means. On the other hand, if Trump says this is "the greatest economy in U.S. history", you'll get petty, micro-analysis when it's impossible to objectively measure "greatest economy" other than its sheer size.

Here's how the biased media on both sides faces off on the subject. The truth is probably somewhere in the middle.


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
Sambuca there is a huge difference between an embellishment and a lie.
Many guys, me included , sometimes embellish looks on a review,because we may still be under the lady`s spell.
There is a big difference between embellishing that the escort I saw was one of the prettiest escorts that I`ve seen recently.....or falsely stating that she was the prettiest woman that I`ve ever seen in my life.


Active Member
Sep 9, 2015
I'm sorry, but the American media seems to be obsessed with measuring things that Trump says is the biggest, the most, the greatest. In most instances, who really gives a fuck one way or another.

You forget this battle heated up with Liberal media publishing photos of 2016 Trump campaign rallies before they start and saying they weren't well attended. On the flip side, a photo went viral of a Clinton rally where it was dramatically cropped to make the auditorium look full. In some cases, he's just trying to outshout and out bullshit them.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Yes the American media is obsessed of course. Washington post has 1 million more subscriber since Trump. Do not count on them to stop digging as much dirt as possible. Especially since there is plenty of shit to dig ;)

Compare that with class act Obama... He was boring ;)

I do not care much about all of that. Me I worry the day the regular population, which is not very intelligent to say the least, starts believing Trump's shit. Then it can get scary. These people do not realize Trump is only there to win is battle at ALL cost whatever the consequence are. The end justify the means. Remember that. Especially when there will be many scars to repair.



Active Member
Sep 9, 2015
The national division went back several years before Trump ever declared. There was a media narrative that the Tea Party in 2010 was uneducated and racist. When the Democrats lost 63 House seats in 2010, the reaction was the same country that elected Obama was now two years later was racist and unintelligent.

I don't care for the new narrative that Trump voters are stupid. For one, I can't really believe that the core Democratic base is any more intelligent on average. Liberal elitism is very much of the nature you're too stupid to appreciate what we were doing for you. It's a dangerous idea in a democracy.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Sambucca I wrote the general population is not very intelligent. And frankly I really mean it. I did not wrote Trump voters are stupid. That is another story.

Basically what I mean is to never underestimate the power of stupid people in large group (can't remember who wrote that). This is not really left or right but let's say Trump is quite a master in that area.


Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
^^^^ And how about the left wings who believe that a tax will solve climate change or that there are more than two genders or that open borders are a great idea?
Those are the ones that scare me.


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
Woah Sol . When you talk about genders you are stepping into a minefield.
I believe that most accept that there are only 2 genders, but the line between them is not always clear....there are a lot of grey areas. Boys who feel like girls and girls who feel like boys no matter what they have between their legs. They were born that way and with modern science, doctors can help correct what nature has screwed up.


Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2013
@sambuca, As jailmon points out, the media focuses on Trump because Trump is ratings and this is something we can all agree Trump is VERY good at. He knows that most of the news programs are actually entertainment programs and have been for years. So he treated them like entertainment programs and they gave him constant coverage. This is one thing I will unreservedly give him credit for. As long as they fall for it, he is going to keep doing it. He also gets that repetition gives a story legs. Look at the story about his criminal business practices. It was one huge, well researched story. So people have basically forgotten about it. Trump would have taken a story like that abut Clinton and repeated it for weeks. He probably would have released it in stages too, with a story about his start, then one about the 80s, then one about trying to fuck over his dad on his death bed. That's how you roll out a scandal so that the TV people stick with it. (Wikileaks is good at this too. There is a reason they release large sets of hacked emails in "tranches" and then highlight which ones they want to be the narrative between tranches.)

The press should really ignore him more, since so much of what he says is bullshit. They should report more on the things actually being done and the corruption involved. But then our media has sucked for years that way.

As far as the "stupid" thing - stupidity doesn't track with political agenda. I think what jailmon is pointing out is that believing untrue things as a symbol of tribal loyalty is a major step towards authoritarianism. The whole "we can only trust conservative news" is part of that. One of the reasons to lie outrageously to someone's face is to see if they believe the lie, or at least pretend to. If they do, you know you have them. (It's like the misspellings in scams - you weed out the people who are likely to question). That's why you lie about obvious bullshit like the crowd size and how many jobs the saudi deal makes. (I mean, he literally changed the number during the same speech, let alone day to day.) That's a dominance move. The problem is that once people have decided to accept it, they will start convincing themselves to believe it because cognitive dissonance sucks. Then you can act on the lie, and they won't oppose you.

Look at the caravan. It's a non-issue. But because they have made it one, he's now talking about sending 15,000 troops to the border. (Although who knows what actual orders are being given, because he keeps doing the thing where he inflates the numbers every time he talks.) As people have pointed out, that is more than we have stationed in most countries around the world, including places like syria and afghanistan. That's like half a division, multiple brigades. That's military troops being deployed domestically. For nothing. He has now said these troops will be instructed to fire on people who throw rocks, which is against rules of engagement for active duty troops in places like Afghanistan and Iraq. This is the problem with believing pure bullshit. If people believe the caravan, and then believe it is really an invasion, then they are ready to believe that lethal force is required. That's what I assume jalimon means when he talks about being worried about people believing just obviously false crap from Trump.

sambuca, I've never seen you discuss tax policy or anything like it. You seem fixated on defending Trump instead. This is the Trump Crime Family thread, so presumably a place to talk would be to start another thread. This thread seems, rightly, to be focused on his lies and corruption.


Active Member
Sep 9, 2015
I've spoken in great detail about healthcare, tax policy, trade policy and international relations on this thread. I might have touched on some things like energy policy and defense expenditures. I'm not at all in agreement in every Trump policy as politics should not be binary at the level of individual thought. The world is far more complicated.

As far as defending Trump, it's far easier to play defense than play offense in most situations. If you noticed, I don't spend a lot of time touting Trump's policies. Similar to Facebook, you get people here who support the opposition party full tilt because they believe that defeating the evil of the party (or President) in power is the only thing that matters. Obama went through this same vitriolic opposition and when I thought it wasn't focused on policy or reality I played some defense even though I'm not a true supporter.

I think your psychoanalyzing and perhaps using some of your liberal political science training to try to discredit Trump. Politics is the art of persuasion. You can knock his style, but if he's effective at winning votes that's what matters. The Left's complaining he doesn't play by our rules seems a bit whiny. The caravan is not a big deal in sheer numbers, but it's symbolic of our screwed up immigration system and laws. The Democrats decided not to negotiate with him FACT and run on immgration as a campaign issue. He has the bully pulpit. He can drive home the issue the way he says fit. Just like the Dems can throw healthcare back in the Trump's face. (Best Edward G. Robinson voice: Where's your Obamacare replacement now Moses?)

And Valcazar, I have every right to post and respond on this thread. These are discussion threads not exclusively threads for grievances and bitching about Trump. If you and other Trump detractors need a safe ant-Trump thread, perhaps you can take that up with the Mods.

PS- If you think of Trump's exaggerated 15,000 troops like Obama's red line in Syria, it will be much easier to digest.


Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2013
It's a 1000-post thread labeled "The Trump Crime Family" - forgive me for not hunting backwards to before I joined it to look for tax policy arguments. :) But fair enough, I believe you. But if you want to talk about those things, why don't you make a thread discussing policy?

Wait, so you are in favor of politicians lying as long as it gets them votes? Is that what you're saying? Because he is lying about the caravan, its size, and the current immigration law concerning it. He lied about birthright citizenship, its history, its constitutionality, and how many countries have it.
Power is the only thing that matters? If it wins you elections, it is good? Are you in favor of the vote suppression then? That's a GOP thing, not a Trump thing.

I do think Trump has probably exaggerated the 15,000. As far as any one has been able to find from the letters that have gone out to active troops, it looks like 7,000 have been told they might be sent. Still more than a brigade. Still more than we have in Syria fighting Da'esh/Islamic State. And yes, current law forbids military troops from apprehending people at the border. So either they are going to be doing back end support stuff, or they are going to break the law, or he is going to declare it an actual combat situation and say they can shoot the refugees. Since this seems to be nothing but a racist campaign tactic, I assume he hasn't actually bothered to give orders. If he does give orders, I say it is about 50/50 he doubles down on "rocks are lethal weapons, you can shoot people who throw a rock at you". More likely he disbands the order completely after the election, because this is just bullshit like his "new tax cut" he will pass before the election even though congress isn't in session.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Wait, so you are in favor of politicians lying as long as it gets them votes? Is that what you're saying? Because he is lying about the caravan, its size, and the current immigration law concerning it. He lied about birthright citizenship, its history, its constitutionality, and how many countries have it.

I am so with you on this. For me any president that openly say that the press is the enemy of the people should be impeached. I mean really what the fuck is there to believe in when the president himself do not believe in the first amendment? If that is so just give him dictatorship right. It wont make such a difference.

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