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Active Member
Sep 9, 2015
sambuca - That is a remarkably conspiratorial take on the Fed. While I think they should have left the interest rates as is given the <2% inflation and evidence of encroaching weakness, unemployment <4% usually is a sign they will raise rates, plus they have been slowly moving back up for a while since they were trapped at nothing for so long. The announcement that they would only consider raising them twice in 2019 also seems like a signal for "we don't want to be too aggressive here". The whole thing sounds like they kind of reached a wishy-washy compromise, honestly. No need to posit weird urban legends like they don't raise rates in an election year or are planning a recession. Ockham's Razor.

It's not conspiratorial in any way. It's just an observation on natural Fed bias. Common wisdom suggests that while the Fed rates will be active during an election year they will not go up or down as aggressively as they would in another year. The closer we get to election day the more likely they will wait it out until the election is over.

I asked the question about a soft-landing recession in late 2019. Okay, the Fed doesn't actually technically want a recession, but raising rates does slowdown the economy. Soft-landing is perhaps an imperfect but common description of the perfect world the Fed seeks when raising rates.

Occam's razor - Yes, the Fed hawks won this round in a divided committee. Perhaps the talk of raising rates twice next year is just

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Good word of advise I think. Even tho Trump tariff will end up very bad for the economy and even if I hate Trump because he is a liar and a bully I think we would have had a recession anyhow. Seems we have one every 10 years.

Most recessions are caused by very bad economic decisions. They can be avoided and have been over the past century or so. Bad leadership is also often the cause.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Government shuts down, stock market melt down & is in a free fall.....Secretary of Defence resigns & now the person in charge of leading the war against ISIS also resigns. Nobody wants the Chief of Staff job so it's given to another Trump crony on an interim basis. Still no confirmed Attorney General and the current crony appointed by Trump refuses to recuse himself from the Mueller investigation although his own DOJ's ethics division recommended he do so. Children are still getting locked up in cages south of the border. And on & on.



Active Member
Sep 9, 2015
Most recessions are caused by very bad economic decisions. They can be avoided and have been over the past century or so. Bad leadership is also often the cause.

Extremely wrong. No country (capitalist, socialist, communist, dictatorship) has ever avoided economic cycles. China has pushed and pushed the economy against natural forces. Inevitably, the economic downturn in China will either be more severe and/or elongated.

I'm almost thinking you should be commended for chutzpah.


Active Member
Sep 9, 2015
Cloudsurf and others, I'm not saying I have the answers in Syria. It's one of those messes that disturbs me greatly, but I don't know what can be done to eliminate the chaos.

Afghanistan is a different story. Cliche time: "The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results." At least last year, the military scaled down their definition of success in Afghanistan.


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
Cloudsurf and others, I'm not saying I have the answers in Syria. It's one of those messes that disturbs me greatly, but I don't know what can be done to eliminate the chaos.

Running away before the job is finished is certainly not the answer

Leaving the Kurds to the mercy of the Turks is not the answer.

Gaining a compliment from Putin.... you know has got to be the wrong decision.

Trump will make ISIS great again. Cut out most of a cancer and if you leave a bit behind it will come back faster and stronger than ever.

Yes and Trump can take credit for wiping out trillions from 401K `s in the past month.


Active Member
Sep 9, 2015
cloudsurf, I try to play out the strategy. We can't guarantee and defend a Kurdish state in the region. Regardless of how savory it is or not, the Turks have a sovereign right to protect their country. I have no idea what the end game of staying would be. Our military is continually inept at answering this question.

We can put pressure on Turkey, but they have been fighting Kurdish insurgencies inside and outside their borders for decades.

I don't think this is about ISIS. I think Assad is committed to fighting elements of ISIS if it gains vitality.

Does anyone here remember Khobar Towers?


Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2013
More idiotic moves...

He is willing to send 6000 troops to the border with Mexico but is unwilling to keep 2000 troops in Syria to train and arm Kurds to finish the fight against an ISIS resurgence, as well as serve as a deterrent to Russian, Iranian and Turkish expansion into northern Syria.

To be fair, the 6,000 to Mexico was a publicity stunt with no risk to the troops, it just cost taxpayer money.


Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2013
"Common wisdom suggests that while the Fed rates will be active during an election year they will not go up or down as aggressively as they would in another year."

So you made it up, gotcha. (Yes, there is an unofficial freeze on announcements in the two months before - and I'm even skeptical that really holds up to scrutiny - Any more than that you should try and find some evidence.)

"Perhaps the talk of raising rates twice next year is just"
Yes, it is an announcement. They rarely get the next year prediction exactly right. (They did in 2016, getting 2017 right.) These are all announcements about what they expect.

If all you are saying is that they are doing the normal thing to try and keep the economy in the sweet spot then... yes?


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
To be fair, the 6,000 to Mexico was a publicity stunt with no risk to the troops, it just cost taxpayer money.

There is always a risk of accidental casualties when 6000 troops are on the move. Plus they were taken away from their families.

How many American casualties have there been in Syria this past year? As far as I know.....non.
American troops in Syria are not on a combat mission.....they are there to train and support with arms the alliance (mostly Kurds) against ISIS. They are also there as a deterrent towards Russia and its pals Assad and Iran.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
The Trump presidency has been nothing short of a gigantic clusterfuck!

However as bad as it's been it still hasn't been as bad as the George W. Bush/Dick Cheney presidency. These two individuals are directly responsible for over a million deaths in Iraq & the destruction of a country. Their terrible decisions made it possible for ISIS to be born. The world has not been the same since they invaded Iraq under false pretenses. They also badly damaged the environment back home with decisions which backed pulluters over environmentalists. All in the name of money & getting richer.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Does anyone know what the record number is of cabinet departures during any one term of a Presidency? I am just curious about the numbers, what the record is, and how far Trump is from it at this point. I realize records are meant to be broken, but what is that milestone?


Active Member
Sep 9, 2015
I just hope Trump keeps around that pretty, blonde racist Kirstjen Nielsen even if she would've left Baby Jesus to die.*

* Per Congressman Luis Gutierrez.


Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2013
@clousdurf - "How many American casualties have there been in Syria this past year?" One. IED back in spring, iirc. Your point stands, though. It isn't a combat mission. It is a combat zone and I still think a more dangerous deployment than his publicity stunt with the caravan. (I expect another one of those soon. First chance they get I figure we are going to get a Fox News/Tweet blitz about someone coming because there is no wall.)

@Doc - I agree that Trump's lack of opportunity for an invasive war has kept the overall damage lower.

@EagerBeaver - "Does anyone know what the record number is of cabinet departures during any one term of a Presidency"

I think it is one of those things that is hard to measure because the size of the cabinet has changed over time. I also wouldn't be surprised if the record is during the civil war or something. I do know that in the last 100 years the record for first two years was 4? Trump is up at 8 or 9 now I think. But I don't know if second term numbers run differently.


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
Some people complain that they can`t tell Africans apart.
I find that I can`t tell these blond chicks apart.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Wasn’t there a blonde on Fox News that Trump had a big tiff with and he called her an “awful journalist” and other names and then Fox fired her? Which was odd because she seemed to be the usual conservative mouthpiece you would expect on Fox News. Can’t recall her name- Meg or something similar.


Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2013
Wasn’t there a blonde on Fox News that Trump had a big tiff with and he called her an “awful journalist” and other names and then Fox fired her? Which was odd because she seemed to be the usual conservative mouthpiece you would expect on Fox News. Can’t recall her name- Meg or something similar.

You're thinking of Megyn Kelly. She ended up leaving Fox News during the Roger Ailes purge for harassment. She went to NBC news as they were trying to recruit more right wing people after Trump's win. (Unfortunately, their "liberal late night block" on MSNBC has their highest ratings, so they can't go as right wing as the boss wants them to.)

While Trump will happily hire hot blonde Fox women for stuff, he won't to replace Mattis because he has that whole "Central Casting" thing. He will want a general, or someone who "looks tough". Remember, he casts for TV appearances and for personal loyalty. He doesn't really have other criteria.
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