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Active Member
Sep 9, 2015
Starting with the Obama years, I've been more concerned with the Federal government expanding and what seemed to be a general lack of budgeting. It's been a great ride for government employees. Of course, both parties share in the blame.

I would think most of us, liberal, conservative, centrist are not happy in the increasing wealth in Washington D.C. and the counties surrounding it. That always seemed to me to be a screaming indictment of how the Federal government was being run.


Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2004
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Obama doubled the entire US debt in 8 years and no one complained.

1) It happened in eight years, not a couple.
2) Obama inherited an economy on the verge of collapse. Trump inherited a stock market which had tripled and a robust economy. Borrowing, whether household or national, should be increased in bad times, not good. The deficit is largely due to tax cuts to the 1% and a military budget larger than the Pentagon ever requested.
3) When one has no defence to a Trump stupidity, the answer is either "but Clinton" or "but Obama". Both now have no power and very little influence.


Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2013
@Sol Tee Nutz - "Obama doubled the entire US debt in 8 years and no one complained."

People complained constantly. It was a major theme of Republican arguments against him for years. That is why so many people pointed out that after 8 years of complaining Obama was raising the debt so much, that the GOP turned right around and raised it FASTER seemed a tad hypocritical.

@clousdurf - "Hey Doc I don`t see why you think she is a porn star. She is a class C actress from Scotland"

Right, that's more or less what I remembered. That's why I was surprised by Doc's assertion about porn. Seemed odd.

To go back a bit, this is an interesting article on the long-standing Russian money connection to Trump and what is known about it. It includes a bunch of people pointing out how ties to international money in big business are actually normal, and is fairly even handed about what is known and unknown about the situation.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
^^^^^^ Well until after the last election the medias I read ( Canadian ) had nothing about it, now that Trump is involved the media here even talks about it...... which brings me to media biased news. Anyone out east hear about the protests out west, 2,000 semi trucks protesting Notley and Trudeau over the oil industry, happening in a few cities? Guess not but if it was about the Quebec dairy or Ontario auto sector it would make headlines across Canada.... Love Trudeau's $600 mil media purchase.


Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2013
You mean the one that CBC's been reporting on (along with the globe and mail and some other sites) for the last week? That convoy and trucker protest?

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
^^^^^^ Up 2

The news ( CBC ) is from western Canada, show a link from the east if you can find one. I Googled Globe & Mail trucker strike and came up with nothing. Yes, they will report it in the west but it go no further than Manitoba. Out west we hear the horrors of a Chevrolet plant shutting down and 2,500 workers being out of work or the steel tariffs slowing down a few thousand workers or the mafia dairy cartel being effected by the new NAFTA deal. Guess that 100,000 out of work and $80 mil a day in lost oil revenue does not match that.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Obama doubled the entire US debt in 8 years and no one complained.
Hate to confuse you with the facts once again, but the debt actually grew by 74% under Obama, considerably less than the 101% it grew by under GWB. And less than the 54% increase in GHWB's 1 term and lots less than the 186% it grew under Reagan. (BTW, it grew a mere 32% in Clinton's two terms, which begs the question, "why does the debt always grow more under Republicans than Democrats?)


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
What happened to the Mexicans paying for the wall? Now its a government shutdown unless there is a US budget for the wall.


Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Hate to confuse you with the facts once again, but the debt actually grew by 74% under Obama,)

What facts? I am to take your word? You can not provide a link to your dispute?

Based on quarterly data released by the US Treasury, the debt at the end of 2008 - just before Obama took office - stood at roughly $10,699,805,000,000.

As of the third quarter of 2016, the most recent data available, the debt as Obama is set to leave office stood at $19,573,445,000,000.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Take a moment to google her. She is hotter than any of those bimbos on Fox.

Hey Doc I don`t see why you think she is a porn star. She is a class C actress from Scotland

I figured if it's okay for the President of the United States to blatantly lie on a regular basis than it's okay for a nobody like me to lie also.

p.s. You're absolutely correct that Mnuchin's trophy wife is way hotter than any of those bimbos on Fox News.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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"why does the debt always grow more under Republicans than Democrats?)

Because they need to bring federal money back into their States/Congressional districts so they can be re-elected but don’t allow you to see that they are not correspondingly setting the bar with taxes to where it needs to be in order to fund such spending. It’s kick the financial can down the road politics which works to get them re-elected because the unbalanced budget is then the problem of others down the road. At some point that problem has to come home to roost.


Active Member
Sep 9, 2015
With the mindset of a capitalist economist, I don't think all deficits are equal. A deficit created by tax cuts still leaves the power to individuals and businesses. Unlike govt. spending that seems to only expand, taxes can be raised later in more sensible ways. I still say the corporate tax cut was necessary.

Interestingly, the pain from eliminating the deduction for state and local taxes might cause blue state voters to push back on state government largesse. It's been known for awhile that as state tax differentials have widened that some states have been draining the federal coffers.

Without getting too deep into the Obama bad/Trump good dialogue, I would say there was general criticism of the Obama stimulus package. Remember Obama joking that there was little "shovel ready" infrastructure spend. The Far Left loves a bastardized Keynesian strategy of ever expanding govt. spending to stimulate the economy. It kind of reminded me when Jimmy Carter woke up to the fact that the House Democrats weren't exactly spending money wisely.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
The Far Left loves a bastardized Keynesian strategy of ever expanding govt. spending to stimulate the economy. It kind of reminded me when Jimmy Carter woke up to the fact that the House Democrats weren't exactly spending money wisely.

I hope you do the not call the Obama era democrats far left haha They were probably still more rightist then our right conservator party in Canada ;)


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
What facts? I am to take your word? You can not provide a link to your dispute?
Here you go, oilbreath. Note that the debt has increased by a greater percentage more under every Republican since Nixon than it did under the Democrat who preceded him.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
With the mindset of a capitalist economist, I don't think all deficits are equal. A deficit created by tax cuts still leaves the power to individuals and businesses. Unlike govt. spending that seems to only expand, taxes can be raised later in more sensible ways. I still say the corporate tax cut was necessary.
In one word: bullshit. Considering that ALL tax cuts passed under Republican presidents do little more than line the pockets of the super-rich, they do little to help the people overall. What they do in the long run is saddle future generations with massive debt.

And most of the debt increase under Democratic presidents is caused by the increased debt service created by the tax cuts to those who need them least.

Hard to believe that, on the cusp of 2019, there's still someone defending supply-side. Here's a little tip for you, Sam, if it ain't trickled down by now, it's never gonna.


Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2013
^^^^^^ Up 2

The news ( CBC ) is from western Canada, show a link from the east if you can find one. I Googled Globe & Mail trucker strike and came up with nothing. Yes, they will report it in the west but it go no further than Manitoba. Out west we hear the horrors of a Chevrolet plant shutting down and 2,500 workers being out of work or the steel tariffs slowing down a few thousand workers or the mafia dairy cartel being effected by the new NAFTA deal. Guess that 100,000 out of work and $80 mil a day in lost oil revenue does not match that.

I literally saw it in the "Canada" section of the CBC site when I read it last week. So yeah, reported here as national news.
And in The National Post:
And on CTV:
Global TV:
The Globe and Mail:
The Toronto Star:
The Montreal Gazette:

So yeah, it seems it got reported here in the east a bunch.
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