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The Trump Crime Family

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Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
^^^^^^ Hard to say with him.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
So now that we know Trump is a good person who never did anything wrong (only 3 collaborators are in jail and most probably a 4th one soon) all will turn on 2020 election wich be all on health.

With Trump on one side who needs to kill Obamacare out of pure revenge (not giving a fuck by the million uninsured) while the democrat will battle full head on expending it.

The greedy rich ass hole against the poor.

Strange to associated the poor to the democrat as this was what Trump wanted to battle in the first place in 2016... Haha I love the US but got to say it's a fucked up country.


Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
^^^^^ When I visit the US I find no difference if it is the Dems or Rep running the show. If a person did not read the newspapers there is no difference for a tourist.


Active Member
Sep 9, 2015
Jalimon, I'm guessing you haven't taken the time to understand Obamacare. Most Americans didn't either. It is not just a plan to provide health coverage to the low income uninsured. It has some overly-complicated and onerous mechanics that greatly impact people who buy their own health insurance.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Jalimon, I'm guessing you haven't taken the time to understand Obamacare. Most Americans didn't either. It is not just a plan to provide health coverage to the low income uninsured. It has some overly-complicated and onerous mechanics that greatly impact people who buy their own health insurance.

What's wrong with that? Of course it will have an impact. Name me one political change policy that has no impact on anyone?


Active Member
Sep 9, 2015
Okay, Obamacare was unfair and inequitable to individuals who buy private health insurance for themselves and their families.

Again, if you think you are getting potable information from many American media outlets you will always be at a disadvantage when you voice your opinion. They have chosen to advocate not inform.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
What's wrong with that? Of course it will have an impact. Name me one political change policy that has no impact on anyone?

Good one, love your sarcasm :usa2:


Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2013
I would just like to say I am impressed by how little victory dancing happened here after the Barr letter.

It will be interesting to see the Mueller Report, given the few things we already know are in it.


Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2013
I realized. :)

I'm very intrigued by what is in the Mueller Report now. The full court press to invalidate it, get rid of Schiff (who they can't forbid looking at classified info), and remove journalists for political reasons really makes them look scared of it.


Active Member
Sep 9, 2015
My opinion is that this is the Collusion/Conspiracy theory running on fumes. I think the Mueller Report will be released with some intelligence assets redacted. I hear certain grand jury proceedings also cannot be made public.

If Mueller had some revelation, someone on that Special Counsel would have leaked it to Congress. More than likely, Schiff and Company will take some ambiguous sentences and continue to make the claim improprieties were possible. He can't realistically walk back anything he has said.

This would probably be like Eric Swalwell on Fox News Tuesday night where he kept beating the drum that "The Dossier" has not been entirely disproven. I believe you and I Valcazar have debated this in the past. I credit Swalwell with always appearing on Fox. (Actually a smart move. A white guy with a WASPy name will need Republican votes to win a statewide race in California. The California primary system means he needs to just finish in the top two in the jungle primary to compete against another Democrat in the general election.)


Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2013
I haven't seen Swalwell so I'm not sure what your point is there. The Dossier is largely irrelevant but unless I'm misremembering it has ended up being a mixed bag. The more salacious stuff seems not have held up, and the a lot of the general bits about Russian ties have. So meh?

As for the Mueller Report, assuming Barr's letter isn't just a complete fabrication (always a possibility with the Trump Administration but I don't think it is), then all we really know so far is the following based on what Barr said

Russia worked to help Trump and get him elected, primarily with the DNC hacks and through social media disinformation/manipulation campaigns.
Mueller did not establish that the Trump campaign conspired or coordinated with the Russian government in its election interference activities. (The two things above.)
Trump committed a bunch of stuff that could be reasonably construed as obstruction of justice.

At this point, that's all we know. (Again, assuming Barr isn't just bald-faced lying.)

Since Trump himself asked for it to be released and so did the entire Republican caucus of the House, only to suddenly reverse course, demand Schiff resign, claim anyone who said Russia helped was a traitor (even though Barr says that is what happened), is odd.

Bred Sob

New Member
Jan 17, 2012
Mueller did not establish that the Trump campaign conspired or coordinated with the Russian government in its election interference activities. (The two things above.)
Trump committed a bunch of stuff that could be reasonably construed as obstruction of justice.

Right. Trump obviously fought like hell against all attempts to clear his name and reputation.


Active Member
Sep 9, 2015
Now some of us need to find a way to gracefully bring our friends back into the normal workings of the Republic. Call it reconciliation. We need to persuade people from both sides that the best method for removing politicians is the ballot box. We elect a new House every two years and I believe our Presidential elections are more frequent than most Presidential and Parliamentary systems.

I say both sides because I got tired of hearing crazy shit from right wingers when Obama was in office. No matter how much you hate a politician, there's very few things that can't be simply undone after the four years. Voters are fickle enough. They don't need needless distractions from public policy. I really don't wish this on Canada with the SNC-Lavalin scandal.


Active Member
Sep 9, 2015
Right. Trump obviously fought like hell against all attempts to clear his name and reputation.

The only thing keeping the jackals from tearing Trump apart are the articles of impeachment. It effectively protects our head of state from Congressional overreach and indictments for minor infractions at the State level and in this case the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York. The articles are what previously protected Bill Clinton twenty years ago.
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