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The Trump Crime Family

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I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
It's a public board all opinion are welcome. Something you obviously do not understand.



Apr 11, 2017
Le courage d'un nabot consiste en cracher le plus loin possible.

Ce que vous faites.

The courage of a dwarf consists of spittin as far as possible.

What you do.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
haha you truly made me laugh hard here. Hats off to you at least you are humorous! So yes you got me I am a little "nabot"

Cheers and keep licking Trump, he likes it!



Apr 11, 2017
J'en doute.

Parce que il est bien connu-que les personnes primitives-ce qui vous connaîssez bel et bien et dont une vous avez dans votre miroir brisé-toujours pensent(ce que est étonnant-car il est très difficile d'inmaginer-qu'elles ont avec quoi penser)-que tout le monde est comme elles.

Vous lechez le cul d'obama-et imaginez-que le reste du monde fait la même chose.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Haha year 1 and the government is currently shut down. Nothing could better represent his year in office ;)

Same thing happened to Obama

Meanwhile, more than a dozen moderate lawmakers met Saturday afternoon in the office of Sen. Susan Collins (R-Me.) to try to advance a solution, according to Sen. Joe Manchin III (D-W.Va.). Collins led a similar bipartisan group in 2013 that worked to resolve that year’s 16-day shutdown.


Jun 14, 2015
Qu'est-ce qu'on ne peut pas lire, des fois!!!

Le gars dont la "voix crie" devrait peut-être s'acheter des yeux pour voir aussi!


Jun 14, 2015
Y a juste un gars qui prétend avoir une "voix qui crie"... Faque, si tu comprends pas (ou que tu ne veux tout simplement pas comprendre), c'est juste que t'es bouché...


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
I always said that the right-wing conservatives mess up the economy. Under Trump we see this happening. This guy is the laughing stock of the world. He makes a great game show host. One of the things that he is doing is his protectionism and is always threatening to pull out of NAFTA. The Trump administration has just imposed a 30% tariff on solar panels. This was clearly an act of cronyism, being that Trumps Secretary of State was the chief executive of ExxonMobil for a decade, and even if were negate this, this move still illustrates Trumps inability to see the negative repercussions of protectionism.

The initial and most apparent consequence would be a raise in price for consumers. Free trade allows seperate economies to engage in a mutually beneficial manner called a comparative advantage. Comparative advantage essentially insinuates that one country can produce a particular good more efficiently then another country can, while the other nation produces a different good more efficiently then they could. The nations then trade the manufactured goods with one another, which allows the consumers of the importing nation to purchase them at a lower cost. Trump and the protectionist must note that trade is not a zero sum game.

We cannot forget about the impact that Bush's steel tariffs laid. The Bush administration levied tariffs on steel imports in 2002. The immediate effect was an increase in domestic companies output and jobs. This was expected.

However, the increase in price from tarrifs also dramatically effected companies in other industries that used steel to manufacture their products. This led to steep, unaffordable production costs that ultimately forced businesses to lay off an estimated 200,000 workers to off set the increase in costs.

Conclusively, tariffs and protectionism are inefficient manners in conducting economic affairs. Additionally, it is a violation of one's liberty to be denied the ability to freely trade with another individual, or group of individuals. The ability to engage in commerce without interference from a governing entity is vital in a free society. Trumps issuance of tariffs and his cries for protectionism should be denounced, and be regarded as a threat to free trade. Who will pay for the right-wing conservatives method of running the economy? The low and middle class.
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Apr 11, 2017
2"titilleur"-vos conversations avec votre miroir brisé sont três interessantes.

N'avez vous jamais essayé de donner des spectacles dans l'institut Philippe Pinel?


Apr 11, 2017
No."cloud9"-you mistake-loke all anti-Trump.

Precisely under Trump american economy improved drastically.

Quite opposite to this brainless idiot and moron obama.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005

No one asked you and your opinion means nothing. Bye :der:

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Vwhatever, you have to excuse Cloud500, no understanding of economics and politics. Liberals increasing the debt and having to raise taxes to pay it back means nothing to him. Obama 9 trillion in 8 years, Trudeau will double Harpers debt... all means nothing. Perhaos he has no kids and does not care about the future generations and lives in the now, for himself.
The recent tax break Trump gave was wiped out by the more recent California Republic tax increase... Way to go, people are hapoy with a tax decrease and their own politicians rack it up again. Same aa the POS here, campaign for tax savings and increase the taxes.
Umder Trump the working Americans will have a better life, more jobs, lower taxes and if they play the stock market big gains. But keep this quite, the left here do not want to hear that, it is fake news, they are more concerned if Trump's wife holds his hand or not, agast if Trump calls a shit hole a shit hole, for those of you that argue move to Haiti or even holiday there.
Is he a proper president no, is he working for the people yes.
Here we have a failed drama teacher racking up the debt and wanting to become man of the year and a seat at the UN and iur economy will not get in his way.
Enjoy the day.


Apr 11, 2017
2"Sol Tee Nutz"-so called"liberals"always live in Schlaraffia.

They only make problems and when these problems start to destroy themselves(lolololololol)-they flee and start to do the same somewhere else.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Vwhatever, you have to excuse Cloud500, no understanding of economics and politics. Liberals increasing the debt and having to raise taxes to pay it back means nothing to him. Obama 9 trillion in 8 years, Trudeau will double Harpers debt... all means nothing. Perhaos he has no kids and does not care about the future generations and lives in the now, for himself.
I'm curious, Sol, to know if you know as little about the Canadian economy as you do the US? Historically, the debt ALWAYS increases more under Republicans than under Democrats.

Under Obama - up 68%
Under Bush 2 - up 101%
Under Clinton - up 32%
Under Bush 1 - up 54% (only four years here)
Under Reagan - up 186%
Under Carter - up 43% (again, just four years)

Now tell me how giving huge tax breaks to billionaires, a gambit that Republicans have tried in the past and has failed repeatedly, is going to help working people? More jobs? You mean the 23,000 that are going down the toilet thanks to the recent tariff leveed on solar panels? Lower taxes? Nope, not for the working class. Play the stock market? With what money? BTW, the market went up an annualized 15.38% in Trump's first nine months in office. Under Obama? Oops, 16.25%. And Clinton? Oops, 17.49%. A long way to go to match the 300% gain during Obama's eight years in office.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
There was a TV spot where neutral economists did a tax savings with Trump's budget and in every wage bracket people saved on taxes, wait until Trump's term is finished to say he will not do as well. Check out the recent California ( left wing ) tax increase, it wipes out the savings by Trump. To be self sufficient on solar panels the cost is around 50K, you can heat a house with gas for 20 years for 50K and solar batteries will need to be replaced well before that, and at what cost. Trump is the man for pulling out of the climate change tax grab, no amount of taxes will alter what the climate is about to to. The climate tax grab is just a distribution of wealth and Trump did not fall for it, Obama on the other hand was about to give billions of tax payers dollars to it. Left wing have no clue about debt as it is always going up more than every group and taxes go up also, co concerns about the future generations having to pay it with higher taxes, live in the now and fuck the kids adults of tomorrow.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
The climate tax grab is just a distribution of wealth and Trump did not fall for it, Obama on the other hand was about to give billions of tax payers dollars to it.
Thanks for the insightful post, Mr. Oil. I assume, since your disdain for the planet in exchange for a few filthy Alberta bux, that you have no children or grandchildren who will have to reap the "rewards" for the fouling of the only planet we have. You really feel good about selling your kids and grandkids down the river for a lousy $30 an hour?

As for wealth redistribution, every Republican president since WWII, except Eisenhower, has ramped up the national debt through tax cuts that redistributed wealth to the very top. BTW, trickle down didn't work then, and it won't work now.

I assume your "neutral economists" were on Faux News?

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
I do not think that you understand Rump, Canada is carbon neutral, we do not increase the pollution of the planet, we produce 1.6 % of the worlds pollution. I teach my kids proper environment ways, recycle, do not burn plastics, drive economical cars, properly insulate your house to use less fossil fuels. This bull shit about having a carbon tax to fix climate change, only some fucking moron would believe that. Now the climate change masters are calling for a " pause " because their predictions are not happening, a cooling trend is about to start, not in their plans... Al Gore made millions of his false claims and the left falling for it. Do not worry about me thinking about future generations, I have steadly posted my concerns about the extreme cost for our childrens children.
How is life with your paid for lover?
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