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The Trump Crime Family

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C.B. Brown

Nov 29, 2019
Right here


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
With Stone's recent jail sentence how many of Trump's close guard are in jail or in the process to?

Ya pas de fumé sans feux!

C.B. Brown

Nov 29, 2019
Right here
With Stone's recent jail sentence how many of Trump's close guard are in jail or in the process to?

Ya pas de fumé sans feux!
Clinton bidens and many more should be in jail so whats your point.
Trump will win 2020 thats mine.


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
Many are blind to the smoke and then panic when the fire is upon them.
You can say that about the orange one and his admiration of thugs and demonizing his country`s pillars of democracy like the free and open press, intelligence apparatus and judiciary.

C.B. Brown

Nov 29, 2019
Right here
But they are not. That's my point.
exactly republican elites who commit crimes don't go to jail
man on a sub takes a picture not even top secret just against rules and gets 5 yrs in jail
hey but cause clinton got off scott free trump did the rigth thing and pardoned him
clinton deletes 33,000 emails claiming it was yoga and stuff about he daughters wedding
she is beyond a pathological liar she is pure evil.
and again big deal trumps got some guys in jail if you applied the law evenly you could probably put most politicians in jail excerpt trump :)
he will win 2020 ...


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
Doc, do you believe that trump has a plan to profit from the coronavirus health and economic collapse ?


Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2004
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Hundreds of Americans will die or already have died due to Trump's not paying attention to the reports of the US intelligence agencies months ago regarding the spread of the virus. From the data from Italy, Spain and Iran, some epidemiologists are already predicting that hundreds of thousands will die in the US.

Obviously, the mortality rate can only increase if he succeeds, as he said today, in re-opening the country earlier than recommended by his medical advisors. After all, his hotels and commercial buildings need visitors.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Good point. He truly thinks the remedy solution is worst then the problem.

For Trump, like in the mafia, humans are only a kind of livestock.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Obviously, the mortality rate can only increase if he succeeds, as he said today, in re-opening the country earlier than recommended by his medical advisors. After all, his hotels and commercial buildings need visitors.

Money has always been what has driven Trump for most of his life. He's also an immoral, non-compassionate person. He'd rather see millions of Americans get infected & die from the virus than losing money & the stock market. It is who he is & always been. And people voted for him because they were fooled by his acting skills where he played the part of a successful fake billionaire in a successful tv reality show.

One thing about Trump: he promised to run the country like he ran his businesses. Boy was he right!

Gee, maybe it wasn't such a good idea to elect a so-called 'businessman' as President?

By the way don't be surprised if you see right wing media supporting Trump about this & stating on their shows that sacrificing a few million Americans in order to save their prized stock market is the way to go. Money first & money only, folks! Money, money, money!!

If Trump gets his way it'll only lead to a bigger catastrophe! Thank God the US/Canadian border is closed & my guess is that it'll remain closed for at least another year unless Trump starts listening & obeying the health experts. But i'm not counting on it!


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
One thing about Trump: he promised to run the country like he ran his businesses. Boy was he right!

Boy man stop it! My neighbors heard me laughing inside their home! haha They must think I already went nut.

Again any who think, as Trump and other right wings suggest, is completely delusional. It just wont' work. People will not take on their regular life until we have a universal sense of safety.

Carmine Falcone

Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2017
I give you Rand Paul.

Or the fact that Liberty University reopened and they expect about 5,000 students to return, even though no other universities are that reckless. Important context here is the Liberty University runner Falwell Jr grignote on Trump's asshole regularly.

The reason it's essential that authorities disseminate accurate information is that some people just do as they're told without thinking. So many will listen to Trump's "Back to Normal" message and die for it, the same way many are now taking chloroquine and paying for it because Trump said the drug was effective against coronavirus.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Or the fact that Liberty University reopened and they expect about 5,000 students to return, even though no other universities are that reckless. Important context here is the Liberty University runner Falwell Jr grignote on Trump's asshole regularly.

Jerry Falwell Jr..... Isn't he the minister who got caught in a scandal involving threesomes with his wife & their pool boy?? I think he ended up paying hush money to the pool boy or something like that.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
What's with all the hate about Trump?

The guy is a great president in my opinion. Far better than Trudeau for sure. ��

Trudeau is a Prime Minister, not a President.

And Trump is doing an absolutely great job and i’m so fucking tired of all this winning!

jeff teliska

Active Member
Feb 26, 2013
Native Land
Yesterday , ironically , The Boston Globe's editorial board concluded that Trump is unfit for a pandemic and has blood on his hands.
South Korea and the USA , both had their first case confirmed the same day , January 20th ,2020.
We can all concur that the testing was much slower in the USA . Who is to blame ? History will provide answers someday.

Another gem at yesterday's press conference , The self proclaimed 'very stable genius " said : " I know South Korea better than anybody " then went to say that Seoul has 38 , yes 38 million people in it.
I wish i was making this shit up.


Well-Known Member
May 31, 2014
Donal Duck probably mixed up Seoul with Tokyo , not his first blunder and certainly many more to come
But no worries everything is under control , by end of April the whole Coronavirus will start to disappear , what a “mickey mouse “ statement
But in the meantime the first line of defence their “healthcare professionals “ are already struggling without the proper protective equipment

I take shots at the POTUS once in a while because I’m anti Trump but definitely not anti American
I definitely believe they are “ ill prepared “ because of his indecisive actions early on

The US and NY are experiencing the worst of the covid_19 outbreak right now and I’m hoping fir the best
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