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The Trump Crime Family

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C.B. Brown

Nov 29, 2019
Right here
I am in contact with some americans>those seem to be ones with money>by all accounts they say trump has made their wallets thick.they also mention
obama was the worst.yet many canadians who live here and not ther foam at the mouth to this comment

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
How dare you...... Even to say Trump is better than Obama may mean jail time.

C.B. Brown

Nov 29, 2019
Right here
How dare you...... Even to say Trump is better than Obama may mean jail time.
we got the real prize trudeauonly thing that idiot is qualified to do is anything involving him handling shit with his hands
or doing a selfie on his cell phone.Trudeau is so in love with himself
im sure he cant see his face in the bathroom mirror for all the kiss marks


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
What makes him dangerous? People working, the stock market doing well? 15 million people in the US probably disagree with you and since they live there and you do not their clout is much bigger than yours.
Question, why do you continuously rant against Trump when he has no effect on you ( he is assisting the Canadian economy though ). You seem content with Trudeau changing Canada for the worse, the place where your kids will grow up.

Because I do not care about the market. I do not care about the economy. The market will eventually collapse. By then maybe Trump will be potus maybe not. The potus as very little effect on the market on the long term. Believing otherwise is pure bullshit. Everyone forgot that Obama inherited an collapsed economy and turned it around to what we have now.

What scares the shit out of me is seeing someone in such powerful authority, and leader of the free world, blatantly and deliberately making such little lies. Pretty sure if you would ask right now more then 80% of Trump supporters think Trudeau ask the CBC to cut Trump out of the movie. That does scares the shit out of me.

C.B. Brown

Nov 29, 2019
Right here
Because I do not care about the market. I do not care about the economy. .
most people who have nothing have the same opinion as you
>for someone to live in qubebec and not even know the reality of the politics here shows you live in a bubble

Bred Sob

New Member
Jan 17, 2012
The potus as very little effect on the market on the long term. Believing otherwise is pure bullshit.

Tell that to the Nobel laureate Paul Krugman who wrote on the day Trump got elected:

It really does now look like President Donald J. Trump, and markets are plunging. When might we expect them to recover?
Still, I guess people want an answer: If the question is when markets will recover, a first-pass answer is never.

Everyone forgot that Obama inherited an collapsed economy and turned it around to what we have now.

Makes a lot of sense, especially in light of your comment in the previous sentence.

C.B. Brown

Nov 29, 2019
Right here
inherited an collapsed economy and turned it around to what we have now.
ya for a guy who has no interest in the market you make a lot of sence.
good thing trump took over when he did or obama would have turned the states into a 3rd world country.obama is the worst president in history

C.B. Brown

Nov 29, 2019
Right here
Georege Bush Jr summed it up with a stupid laugh
In this world there is the haves and the have nots
and since im a numbers guy 70% of people lvie pay check top paycheck and they dont care about the markets either
and the $20 in their pockets the market does not care if they dont get it either.

A new study finds the median American household has $4,830 in a savings account. That's enough to cover minor emergencies and potentially even a few months of living expenses. Overall, between bank accounts and retirement savings, the median American household currently holds about $11,700, according to MagnifyMoney.

im on pension and i save more per year than than mediam average household pretty pathetic for them.i spend as much or more than on hobbying as well


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
C.B. you pretty well describe the big issue America has. Do you think it's normal that 70% of people live pay check to paycheck? In the richest country on earth? It was not like that in the great again days...

Inequalities is what will cause the biggest problem in America has the gap continues to evolves between the rich and the poor. Such inequalities are really fucked up.

Ho and by the way I don't give a shit about the market because I do not understand it at all. I have come up to the conclusion that you need to either really know yourself what you are doing to invest heavily or have at least 1 to 2 million to invest in order to have a quality broker. If not for one of these 2 you are just a sheep that will let your broker buy what his institution tells him to buy. You will be the first one fucked up when it collapses...


jeff teliska

Active Member
Feb 26, 2013
Native Land
15,413 false or misleading claims, as of December 16th
You are on the right side of History, Jalimon.
PolitiFact has awarded him the 2019 "lie of the year "
At least, he kept his promise and did show us his tax returns...


Well-Known Member
May 31, 2014
@C.B.Brown where were you hiding all this time old timer haha , no seriously I’ve been reading you and you are most entertaining at times ,although I must say you and Jalimon do tend to exaggerate a bit to prove your point , no ? But then don’t we all

As for the orange one what is there to say these days
The impeachment won’t amount to much , but at least he will be stress tweeting well into the new year and that in itself is a form of punishment I guess

Carmine Falcone

Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2017
This is false of course. Quelle surprise.

This is my first time reading this thread since I authored that post. I do stand corrected because Andrew Johnson was also impeached in his first term. There's nothing difficult about admitting a mistake, especially when it's not part of a greater pattern of errors. Well-adjusted people with healthy egos admit mistakes all the time. What I should have done was round up all the textbooks and change them with a sharpie. That's certainly how your boy would have handled it.

C.B. Brown

Nov 29, 2019
Right here
@C.B.Brown where were you hiding all this time old timer haha , no seriously I’ve been reading you and you are most entertaining at times ,although
I must say you and Jalimon do tend to exaggerate a bit to prove your point , no ? But then don’t we all
Well thank you,my spider sence is tingeling i feel your 1 of the skeletins in the closet from years past not sure which one yet drop me a pm if you wish.
and trump streessed by the impeachment is like saying a ducks ass is not water tight....Donald reminds me of some a few older hobbiests i knew,lives in his owon world
and makes up the facts as he sees fit,and if you dotn play the fiddle stand on 1 leg and sing you cant be his friend.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
So not follow the US politics much but if Trump is impeached by the house and not the Senate he is allowed to run two more times because his first term in nullified.
Think, Trump for four more years.


Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2004
Visit site
No, that's incorrect. Regardless of whether the Senate convicts him, unless there is an amendment to the Constitution, he can run once again only.


Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2013
So not follow the US politics much but if Trump is impeached by the house and not the Senate he is allowed to run two more times because his first term in nullified.
Think, Trump for four more years.

As anon said, this is false.
It is something his fan club started saying even before the impeachment about having lost so much time due to the Mueller investigation. They have been testing the waters for Trump staying in power unconstitutionally for a while.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
About the Trump lead attack.

To many Iranian dissidents and freedom fighters around the world, it was cause for major celebration. Indeed, Iranians and Iraqis were dancing on the streets and celebrating this major blow to the Iranian regime.

Soleimani is the primary reason that Iran is known as the world’s foremost terrorist state.

Leading the top branch of Iran’s secret army, the Quds Force — which has been designated as a terrorist entity by both the U.S. and Canadian governments for a decade — Soleimani’s fingerprints are all over terrorist insurgencies and destabilizing wars throughout the Middle East.

Many different reactions, this is one of them.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
^^^^^ You need to keep an eye on the people who condemned that strike.
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