That is what the media says? How true is it? Mainstream media shows what goes with the government's agenda the ones opposing it are silenced. And the ones that say they are in favor is mostly because what is the alternative? Another lockdown? No business wants to go through another 6 month lockdown and curfew. The government is using the police to do their dirty work. They got the weapons and equipment. Businesses are powerless against them. They are forced to accept it. I can say the opposite. Those who are too afraid can stay home the rest can enjoy outside without the masks. Just to clue you in I will always be for freedom over security but I am with the vaccine passport only because the alternative is far worse. Anything to avoid another lockdown and I never want another curfew enforced on us. I was not for this vaccine either but I took it just to not ever have another lockdown or curfew again. This past winter was hell and the curfew was the worst part of it. Never again I want that.La communauté des affaires est massivement favorable au passport vaccinale.
T'as le choix de rester à la maison. Quelle tyrannie que tu peux pas aller dans un bar, pendant une épidémie, sans un vaccin. C'est épouvantable.
T'as un choix démocratique. Vas voter quand ca sera le temps. PS la MAJORITÉ des gens sont pour le passport.
Ohh yes the difference between Florida and Quebec.