Montreal Escorts

The vaccine passport (QR code), a new debate.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
La communauté des affaires est massivement favorable au passport vaccinale.

T'as le choix de rester à la maison. Quelle tyrannie que tu peux pas aller dans un bar, pendant une épidémie, sans un vaccin. C'est épouvantable.

T'as un choix démocratique. Vas voter quand ca sera le temps. PS la MAJORITÉ des gens sont pour le passport.
That is what the media says? How true is it? Mainstream media shows what goes with the government's agenda the ones opposing it are silenced. And the ones that say they are in favor is mostly because what is the alternative? Another lockdown? No business wants to go through another 6 month lockdown and curfew. The government is using the police to do their dirty work. They got the weapons and equipment. Businesses are powerless against them. They are forced to accept it. I can say the opposite. Those who are too afraid can stay home the rest can enjoy outside without the masks. Just to clue you in I will always be for freedom over security but I am with the vaccine passport only because the alternative is far worse. Anything to avoid another lockdown and I never want another curfew enforced on us. I was not for this vaccine either but I took it just to not ever have another lockdown or curfew again. This past winter was hell and the curfew was the worst part of it. Never again I want that.

Ohh yes the difference between Florida and Quebec.


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Strong as a bear. Swift as a deer.
Sep 22, 2020
Je suis certain que la Floride et autres états du sud des USA t'accueilleront à bras ouverts. À moins que tu préfères le Brézil, tous des endroits très libres en ce moment... Le seul problème, les lits en soins intensifs sont tous occupés... Mais ça tu t'en fous. Sois certain d'avoir de bonnes assurances avant de partir... Mais je suis pas trop inquiet pour toi, tu resteras ici à vivre dans ton monde imaginaire où les méchants gouvernements veulent t'enlever ta prétendue "libaaaarté" dont tu ne sais quoi faire. Tu te donnes beaucoup trop d'importance...
Continue d’essayer de m’attaquer personnellement à cause que nos opinions diffèrent, c’est rendu un sport professionnel chez les soumis à l’état. Et bien sûr l’argument des lits d’hôpital en soins intensifs qui ressort because why not… 27 hospitalisations dans toute la province?!?


Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2006
Et bien sûr l’argument des lits d’hôpital en soins intensifs qui ressort because why not… 27 hospitalisations dans toute la province?!?

C'est 27 aujourd'hui et sans la vaccination ca sera des centaines d'ici peu.

Avec le "backlog" de patients qui ont dû attendre en 2020/21 on peut pas se le permettre. La vaccination réduit la demande sur les hôpitaux par un facteur de 10x.


Strong as a bear. Swift as a deer.
Sep 22, 2020

Tu devais être à la manifestation contre le passeport vaccinal?

J'imagine que tu es anti-vaccin, anti-masque, anti-touttte, et anti-science, donc si tu es malade tu devrais être aussi anti-hôpital.
La dernière fois que j’ai été à l’hôpital c’est il y a plus de 15 ans après m’être fracturé la main en jouant au football.
Donc pour répondre à ta question, je suis anti-weakling et la manifestation est demain le 14 août. Soyez-y en grand nombre!
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Active Member
Nov 15, 2006
Je vais replacer les mots dans le bonne ordre…l’état d’urgence n’a aucune logique. À part bien sûr la logique de notre gouvernement pourri qui est d’avoir davantage de pouvoir et de contrôle sur la vie et les droits fondamentaux des gens.
Alors un virus qui fait tant de ravage et tue des milliers de gens dans le monde entier ce n'est pas un etat d'urgence ??? Je pense que cest les gens comme toi qui sont anti toute chose qui manque de la logique. Heureusement que pour la majorite des gens cest assez clair.


Feb 17, 2014
I give kudos to Quebec for leading the way on this. In Ontario, we are set up for a very bad #FordthWave, because Ford again refuses to listen to the science and health experts. Alberta forget it, they may be the worst come the fall and winter.

Je félicite le Québec d'avoir ouvert la voie à cet égard. En Ontario, nous sommes prêts pour une très mauvaise #FordthWave, car Ford refuse encore une fois d'écouter les experts de la science et de la santé. L'Alberta oublie ça, ils pourraient être les pires en automne et en hiver.


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2010
Et bien sûr l’argument des lits d’hôpital en soins intensifs qui ressort because why not… 27 hospitalisations dans toute la province?!?
Si tu te donnais la peine de lire et de comprendre, tu aurais compris que je parlais de la situation en Floride où il n'y a plus de place en soin intensif. (Je suis certain que la Floride et autres états du sud des USA t'accueilleront à bras ouverts. À moins que tu préfères le Brézil, tous des endroits très libres en ce moment... Le seul problème, les lits en soins intensifs sont tous occupés... )
Pour ce qui est du 27, ce sont des cas qui auraient été évités si ces gens avaient été vaccinés. Ce sont des lits non disponibles pour les crises cardiaques et les AVC. C'est aussi du personnel épuisé, non disponible pour les autres maladies. Ces 27 personnes ont des familles qui pleureront et regretteront longtemps. N'oublions jamais que derrière les nombres, il y a de vrais personnes.

Si tu voulais aller exhiber ta "libaaarté" en Alberta... trop tard, le gouvernement d'Alberta recule et renonce à lever les restrictions.


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
QUÉBCE---.Pour mettre les pendules à l'heure....en date de Vendredi 13 Août.....426 CAS.....80 HOSPITALISATIONS dont 27 aux soins intensifs.....rien encore de dramatique MAIS on risque fort de connaître une situation exponentielle dans les prochaines semaines..
c'est malheureux que certains ne comprennent pas encore la voix du bon pour eux pour le mieux être de leur communauté.


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019
Ça s’en va d’un bord pis de l’autre tes quotes mais personnellement je peux t’assurer que je refuse le passeport vaccinal et que heureusement mes horizons sont étendus plus loins qu’au Québec.

Une question que je me pose, dis-moi pourquoi être anti-vaccin? J'imagine ta réponse, et si c'est ta liberté de choix qui est perdue, je te conseille de devenir un hermite.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2005
So for the most part we all walk around with our phones tracking our moves, knowing what we buy, where we eat, and pretty much use our phones for everything. The debate seems to have shifted from a privacy issue to a vaccination issue. I for one am not comfortable having to show my vaccination status to anyone. It's my choice to be vaccinated and it shouldn't allow me more freedoms than the non vaccinated. But if it means I get to live my life in a somewhat normal fashion then I guess I have to conform. We live in a world where everything we do is being monitored. Your probably more at risk these days of big brother watching you if you haven't been vaccinated. The death rate for COVID amongst the vaccinated is less than 1% so the idea that we need to be separated via a passport doesn't really make a lot of sense to me but I go along with it because people are generally more comfortable with it. The bottom line for having a vaccine passport for me is how much I want to travel, bang hot Quebecois girls, and enjoy a bloody Caesar in downtown Montreal. For those reasons I have no issue with a vaccine passport.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
So long as stripclubs remain open and there is no curfew I am for vaccine passport.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2010
So long as stripclubs remain open and there is no curfew I am for vaccine passport.
The idea behind the vaccine passport was also to relax the constrains for the vaccinated ones. As cases are now rising "big time", we will probably have de "statu quo" for some weeks or months, the time needed to evaluate the situation within this 4th wave. We need to move forward prudently so we will not be obliged to go backward.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
What I don’t understand is why scientists still say we will not have herd immunity because a certain percentage are not vaccinated.
Most agree that getting the virus is equivalent to being vaccinated with at least one dose and that most who get it are immune for a while.
Now that roughly 70% are fully vaccinated and 84% have one dose, how long before the rest have gotten covid and will also be sort of same as if they were vaccinated.
Some countries are actually allowing both fully vaccinated people in as well as those who can prove they have had covid and recovered from it ( treating them the same as if they were vaccinated ).
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Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2006
What I don’t understand is why scientists still say we will not have herd immunity because a certain percentage are not vaccinated.
Most agree that getting the virus is equivalent to being vaccinated with at least one dose and that most who get it are immune for a while.
Now that roughly 70% are fully vaccinated and 84% have one dose, how long before the rest have gotten covid and will also be sort of same as if they were vaccinated.
Some countries are actually allowing both fully vaccinated people in as well as those who can prove they have had covid and recovered from it ( treating them the same as if they were vaccinated ).
About 4.5% of the population got Covid (381k). About 64% of the population has been double vaccinated. ( It's more than 70% of eligible people vaccinated. There are a lot of people still not eligible)

So there remains 30% of the population which is "vulnerable". That's a lot of people, especially if you consider only 4.5% caught it and look at the shit that produced.

They hoped that once we hit 75% it would start dying out. 75% will not be enough with the more transmissible variant, so this is here for a while.

We are basically hit a point where you the overwhelming majority of people will get your antibodies through vaccination or being sick. You get to choose the easier path.

I hope that those that chose to not vaccinate understand what they are doing.


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

MONTREAL -- Thousands of citizens gathered in Montreal Saturday to voice their displeasure at the Quebec government's plans to implement a COVID-19 vaccine passport to enter restaurants, bars, gyms and certain non-essential venues.

Organizers from Québec Debout say the "Non a la passe sanitaire!" (No to the health pass) demonstration is to show the discriminatory aspect of the passport.
The group was also behind protests against public health measures last May.

"The planned implementation of the health pass (proof of vaccination for restaurants, cinemas, sports teams, educational institutions, etc...) is an unprecedented prejudice for the population and is highly discriminatory," the event page reads. "We must say no together."


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2005
^^^^I love a good protest as long as it's peaceful!
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