I find some of you funny...
"I want to bang hot quebecoise so ill get vaccinated" or "i want to go to my fav bar so ill get it"
I love Cinema... i do enjoy bars in a while and yeah i wish i could go at shows again or comiccon. But at the price of freedom? No screw it !
Accept it now and we will be stuck with it for generations !!
I don't want the gov to know where i ate or wich movies i got to see ! Yes im aware that with cards they can know but not with good old cash !
You guys love cash don't you? Well news for you... if their all electronic society keep going forward you will loose that too. Explain that Montreal 240$(or 320 by then) payment to that "obscure montreal society) ...
Remember how this crap started. We lost liberties 1 by 1... a small dip at a time cause of course it pass way easier...
This gov don't care about peoples. It care about power !
Who cares a few unlucky die from Covid? Roads, murders and other diseases kill thousands more every years ! Its call acceptable losses. Every wars has them. We can do all we can to protect the weak ones including vaccines, offering them free protection equipements and highly sugestkng them to stay home during the crisis including "PCU" but after that damn it let the rest live... enough with the fear mongering nonsense.
And sadly too many peoples like some of you contribute to this China wannabe nonsense. Oh... i wanna f#ck so ok ok ill take it... pfff
Sorry but NOTHING you can offer me under 5 zeros at the very least will make me budge ! If you want me to give away my freedom sorry it ain't cheap... 100 000$ minimum.
Otherwise take that hot dog and shove it... well you know.
Im sorry if i sound harsh but hell i don't even have kids yet i don't want kids of the futur to show IDs where they go and have a "life quote". Yes thats an actual thing in China... look it up