Testing is a temporary plaster. The test just tells that you were negative when you took the test, not that you are "clean" now. They were a game changer when there were no vaccines and while vaccination was going on. They are not the way to go now to fix permanently the problem.Free and fast covid testing is the way to go, that way you make sure that covid positive person (vaxx or not) are not in contact with others.
A vaccine offers a 24 hours protection (70-98% efficiency), day after day. That is freedom. The protection is maximum toward the original virus and less toward variant, although still efficient against severe conditions.
A test cost is $150 when performed by a clinic. So if someone is tested twice a week, it is $300 by week. If it goes on for 6 months, the bill goes to $7,800 (26 weeks X $300). See the link.
A Pfiser vaccine cost around $25 CAN, let's add $100 for other fees. 3 shots are $375. I assume we may need a third shot.
A day in a ICU cost a few thousands $ buy day. I don't want to put a price on a death.
An unvaccinated for COVID patient occupies a bed that someone with a cancer or other deadly disease should wait for, decreasing is odd for health recovery. What is the price for this?
Test reliability goes from 50-75% for rapid antigen test, false negative and false positive occurs regularly. Rapid test help to be sure a symptomatic vaccinated person has probably a cold not COVID. If positive, the person is isolated and test again with a PCR test and treated if symptoms are severe.
I am fed up paying for careless people asking the society to pay for there crazy decision based on nothing, now that we know vaccines are safe and efficient and relatively cheap. It prevents disease and deaths, propagation and more importantly the selection for a new variant.
I am fed up, restraining myself attending restaurants, shows, because I want to put all the odds on my side, avoiding contact with unvaccinated people.
I am fed up with business having problems because of the unvaccinated people, losing money, some going bankruptcy (bars and restos).
Mandatory passport vaccine is the way to go.
By the way, as we are on a hobbying site... Who would trust and go with a SP that goes bareback all the way, several time a day with johns she doesn't know who do the same with other SP providing the same service. Nobody reasonable would. And why? To avoid STS causing conditions from mild (treated by antibiotics) to more and sometime very severe but rarely causing deaths. We are within a severe epidemy and we have a powerfull way to end it, vaccination. Vaccine passport and test are tools to help control the spread, Vaccination is a deadly weapon against the virus. Let use it.

GMF Sante Medic Clinic - Montreal
Un GMF est un Groupe de Médecins de Famille qui fournit plus de services, plus de personnel et surtout plus de disponibilités aux patients. Dépistage itss, covid, VIH, Gonorrhée...

L’efficacité des vaccins de Pfizer et de Moderna tombe à 66% contre le variant Delta
L’efficacité des vaccins de Pfizer et de Moderna est passée de 91% à 66% depuis que le variant Delta est devenu dominant aux États-Unis.