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The vaccine passport (QR code), a new debate.

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
The simple fact that this is taught about personally repel me and when i see peoples like "Like_it_Hot" being in favor of it, it infuriate me to a degree you have no idea.

Right now i try to go to the theatre as much as i can while i can. I heard this crap could arrive in September, so i may be missing The Batman in theatre as its schedule for October. Sucks but if it goes to that, then so be it. I won't accept this vaccine unless i been given a 5 figure check, yes GIVEN, not a lotterie. But under the current way i refuse to go to restaurants or bars, as its completely wrong the way its done. I refuse to dox myself on purpose and put my phone number and name (altough i heard some friends say they put just about anything for fake names) and the whole mask in bars thing is just too constraining. I like to move freely and i enjoy arcade bars etc, im not gonna "jouer au fou" (play crazy) all night in putting the facial diaper or, off, on, off etc

At least the good news is i don't travel anyway, so on that side whatever. But yeah will sucks to not be able to go to the theatre for a few years, and maybe even miss the next comiccon, but i refuse to put an experimental product in my body for a virus that has such little chances of hurting me.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
I agree government is not your friend but neither are the unvaccinated.
The unvaccinated will continue the spread of the virus, which if kept alive long enough may mutate into a variant that vaccinations will not be effective against.
I find it strange and almost funny that we have people that were ready to lock up all the elderly and immune compromised so that they can enjoy life to the fullest, but now bitch like hell against getting vaccinated and perhaps being denied services without a vaccine passport.
Karma is a bitch sometimes.
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Jan 10, 2005

You nailed it right on and you are the only one that understands what I am pedalling. Whether you vote for Liberals or Conservatives both are the same. Both are for authoritarianism. Government is too involved in everything and the vaccine passport is going too far. This would be no different to the social credit system China has.

The one thing I learned is how little Canadians value their freedom. I am perplexed by this. For those that choose not to vaccinate that is their choice to make and if they get sick that is on them. If you are vaccinated then it should not matter if others are vaccinated or not because they claim there is over a 90% effective protection rate. Ever heard of anyone telling you when you get vaccinated against malaria or yellow fever to not travel unless the local population is already vaccinated. Makes no sense. Government has a hidden agenda for sure. It is funny how cases begin to rise globally everywhere at roughly the same time and a lockdown follows. I told everyone that there will be another lockdown in September.

One thing to notice is never in history has government been so involved in the personal lives of people and locking them down for a virus that is nothing compared to smallpox. Restricting ppl freedoms in the name of protection. It is going to be 2 years with no end in sight. It will never end till people stop complying. Their compliance ensures the lockdowns continue. It has to be a global rebellion against the government. The government is our enemy.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
Unfortunately it is not as simple as everybody can do what ever the hell they want because it may have a life and death effect on others.
Sort of like second hand smoke but more deadly in the short term.
I don’t like government mandates but they are kind of damned if they don’t and damned if they do.
I don’t see anything wrong with a government passport/ vaccination certificate and let all businesses make their decisions as to who they allow in people with or without passports. A federal government issued passport will at least be the same for all states and can be easily regognized and used to enter businesses and other countries instead of all states having their own or none at all and at least the same vaccines will be deemed acceptable instead of the crap that is going on all over the world now for entrance requirements into each country (I was helping someone get all their shit together to visit their family in Europe, it was a nightmare of documents including visiting and filling out Police web sights documents) Same thing here in Canada, Europe is already using approved vaccination certificates/passports. We maybe the first ones in Canada to use it come September first, I am sure most like me have downloaded their Code and vaccination proof, it is easy to have it on your smart phone.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
I am not convinced that the rights of the other passengers outweigh the privacy and freedom rights of that infected person. It is a hard call.
You are right it is not an easy call, I don’t like governments poking their nose into my affairs anymore than the next guy.
I am convinced however that I would much prefer a vaccinated person sitting next to me on an airplane or anywhere else, even though I have been fully vaccinated.
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Active Member
Nov 15, 2006
You are right it is not an easy call, I don’t like governments poking their nose into my affairs anymore than the next guy.
I am convinced however that I would much prefer a vaccinated person sitting next to me on an airplane or anywhere else, even though I have been fully vaccinated.
In my opinion societal rights trump individual rights in a health emergency that affects the entire planet.


Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2006
In my opinion societal rights trump individual rights in a health emergency that affects the entire planet.

I made that comment before the mod chose to delete it. I understand why. It wasn't my intention to start a debate on smoking in public places, but the analogy is valid. It's an individual right that comes at the expense of someone else's right.

Each country has government that enforces a balance of those rights. And we have the right to select a government that defines our beliefs. If someone doesn't like it they are free to change governments or place to live. That's freedom.

And in a context where healthcare resources are stretched, it's everyone's responsibility to prevent compromising them. The backlog for healthcare is already a disaster.

I suspect an overwhelming majority of people are for different rules for those that are vaccinated. I am against forcing people to vaccinate but if they choose not to, they should have different responsibilities to try and protect society. Extra testing, different mask mandates are theoretically possible but not practical.


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019
Each country has government that enforces a balance of those rights. And we have the right to select a government that defines our beliefs. If someone doesn't like it they are free to change governments or place to live. That's freedom.

I suspect an overwhelming majority of people are for different rules for those that are vaccinated. I am against forcing people to vaccinate but if they choose not to, they should have different responsibilities to try and protect society.
Totally agree with you.

We live in a free country, if you don't like the way the country you live in doesn't suit you, you are free to move on. It's freedom.

If they choose not to be vaccinated they respect those who want to be vaccinated. It's not by burning, or by breaking that we are going to change our mind.
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Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
I It's an individual right that comes at the expense of someone else's right.

Each country has government that enforces a balance of those rights. And we have the right to select a government that defines our beliefs. If someone doesn't like it they are free to change governments or place to live. That's freedom.

I suspect an overwhelming majority of people are for different rules for those that are vaccinated. I am against forcing people to vaccinate but if they choose not to, they should have different responsibilities to try and protect society. Extra testing, different mask mandates are theoretically possible but not practical.

You can move around as freely as you say. I can't decide tomorow i am going to live in another country, there is a lot of process to be accepted and it takes a crazy ammount of time. Unless they add Covid as political refugee status?

I refuse to get the vaccine but i also refuse any Covid tests personally, and i am strongly against masking wich is not only useless but so detrimental to society. I am sick of going to stores and being greeted by peoples looking like train robbers from the farwest.

Ultimately you do keep one of your right too, the right to stay home and live in fear. I chose to live freely and without fear of what is basically just a flu that has a 0.0 something chance of killing me.


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019
Vous pouvez vous déplacer aussi librement que vous le dites. Je ne peux pas décider demain je vais vivre dans un autre pays, il y a beaucoup de processus pour être accepté et cela prend un temps fou. A moins qu'ils n'ajoutent Covid comme statut de réfugié politique ?
Ne l'imaginez pas, aucun pays ne voudrait que les gens ne se fassent pas vacciner.
Je refuse de me faire vacciner mais je refuse aussi tout test Covid personnellement, et je suis fermement contre le masquage qui est non seulement inutile mais tellement préjudiciable à la société. J'en ai marre d'aller dans les magasins et d'être accueilli par des gens qui ressemblent à des voleurs de train du Farwest.
La solution ne va pas dans les magasins.
En fin de compte, vous gardez aussi un de vos droits, le droit de rester à la maison et de vivre dans la peur. J'ai choisi de vivre librement et sans crainte de ce qui n'est fondamentalement qu'une grippe qui a 0,0 quelque chose de chance de me tuer.
Nous ne restons pas à la maison et nous ne vivons pas dans la peur.
Un conseil arrêtez de vous vanter d'être plus brillant, un jour une variante vous rattrapera.
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Feb 14, 2012
You can move around as freely as you say. I can't decide tomorow i am going to live in another country, there is a lot of process to be accepted and it takes a crazy ammount of time. Unless they add Covid as political refugee status?

I refuse to get the vaccine but i also refuse any Covid tests personally, and i am strongly against masking wich is not only useless but so detrimental to society. I am sick of going to stores and being greeted by peoples looking like train robbers from the farwest.

Ultimately you do keep one of your right too, the right to stay home and live in fear. I chose to live freely and without fear of what is basically just a flu that has a 0.0 something chance of killing me.
With people like you around the virus will be around for a long time. Escorts should refuse to see you to protect other clients.


Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2006
You can move around as freely as you say. I can't decide tomorow i am going to live in another country, there is a lot of process to be accepted and it takes a crazy ammount of time. Unless they add Covid as political refugee status?

I refuse to get the vaccine but i also refuse any Covid tests personally, and i am strongly against masking wich is not only useless but so detrimental to society. I am sick of going to stores and being greeted by peoples looking like train robbers from the farwest.

Ultimately you do keep one of your right too, the right to stay home and live in fear. I chose to live freely and without fear of what is basically just a flu that has a 0.0 something chance of killing me.

To your first point, Alberta sounds more in line with your beliefs.

To your second point. I don't like driving at 50km/h. I want to drive with a blood alcohol level of 0.1g. I'm a really good driver and I I tolerate alchohol really well. Guess what ? Police doesn't give a shit what I like and don't like. When it's a law it's a law. If you don't like it, re-read first paragraph

I don't live at home and I don't live in fear. I will be the first to go back to Europe when it is a bit less of a hassle. In the mean time, lots to enjoy in this country. Last night after a day of mountain biking, I had a few pints with a friend in a pub, in a small town up North. I had to wear my mask 60 seconds while I got to my table and I had to write my name and number on a piece of paper. OMG the tragedy. How can we live in such oppression.

I am smart enough to trust the people who known best to hopefully maximize the time I can "enjoy like to the fullest". And I'm also smart enough to understand an epidemic is more than "what are my odds of dying".
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Bat Crusader

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2006
You can move around as freely as you say. I can't decide tomorow i am going to live in another country, there is a lot of process to be accepted and it takes a crazy ammount of time. Unless they add Covid as political refugee status?

I refuse to get the vaccine but i also refuse any Covid tests personally, and i am strongly against masking wich is not only useless but so detrimental to society. I am sick of going to stores and being greeted by peoples looking like train robbers from the farwest.

Ultimately you do keep one of your right too, the right to stay home and live in fear. I chose to live freely and without fear of what is basically just a flu that has a 0.0 something chance of killing me.
Nice Me myself & I attitude! You're probably going to be the first one complaining IF & when the vaccine passport is implemented

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
Wow you guys brainswashing levels are insane LOL

Read what i said above... VACCINES DO NOT STOP SPREADS. They only dismish the symptoms of peoples who contract it if they are at risk...

Its purely a personal choice of buying an insurance !! Litteraly. I mean you can pay an insurance for your stuff all your life yet never get robbed or victim to fire. And you can not pay it and it happen to you BUT instead of paying it you could had put that money aside in case and use it.

Covid vaccines are a gamble... at life. I gamble on me.. on my immunity system.

Vaccines are for the 55+ years old who are really at risk of covid. Not us with the 0.02% or less chances of death

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
Nice Me myself & I attitude! You're probably going to be the first one complaining IF & when the vaccine passport is implemented
You damn right i will. I don't want the gov to track all my movements and i surely care for my freedom !! But im willing to make that sacrifice of loosing part of my freedom to make a stand to get it back
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Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
Vaccines are for the 55+ years old who are really at risk of covid. Not us with the 0.02% or less chances of death
Here we go again with trying to lock up the elderly.
The shoe is on the other foot now, it will be the turn of the unvaccinated to hibernate and keep away from places.
No vaccines are for everybody who can get infected and spread it to anyone else, how difficult is it for you to understand that.

You know you might actually get lucky and some day get to be old lol.


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Jan 14, 2006
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