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The vaccine passport (QR code), a new debate.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
When I read bullshit like that it puts me off, economy first and human beings are not important.
That is not bullshit. This is about freedom. I completely agree with that governor. We need leaders like that in Canada but Canadian society like Socialism too much. Freedom over protection any day. Freedom is the most important and valuable thing a person can have.

Bat Crusader

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2006
That is not bullshit. This is about freedom. I completely agree with that governor. We need leaders like that in Canada but Canadian society like Socialism too much. Freedom over protection any day. Freedom is the most important and valuable thing a person can have.
Freedom also applies to buisness owners. They have a right to safety & operate their buisness as they wish. The client can go elsewhere...


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

Despite being down overall, COVID cases are actually rising among unvaccinated Americans.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2005
Freedom also applies to buisness owners. They have a right to safety & operate their buisness as they wish. The client can go elsewhere...
Interesting and accurate point. I'm someone who's not only been vaccinated but I also have a state issued vaccine passport. In NY, these issues really haven't come up I guess because our vaccination rate unlike Texas is above 70%. But if you read the above article it doesn't prevent businesses from using safety protocols like temperature checks and social distancing. "Businesses may still implement “COVID-19 screening and infection control protocols in accordance with state and federal law to protect public health.” It does ban businesses from requiring someone to show proof of vaccination in order to receive services.

This is a direct shot at the cruise line industry. For the life of me I have no idea why anyone would want to go on a cruise ship this early in a "post pandemic" world. It wasn't that long ago when cruise ships weren't permitted to dock during COVID all around the world and had thousands stuck on boats while being sick just waiting to die. A covid passport to go on a cruise ship to me doesn't seem like a lot to ask. But they can also have people that cannot provide a covid passport with other options like quarantining 2 weeks before getting on the ship. If anything this would motivate people that want to go on a cruise to get vaccinated instead of having to quarantine for 2 weeks. But that's common sense, and when the politicians get involved you can forget about common sense.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Freedom also applies to buisness owners. They have a right to safety & operate their buisness as they wish. The client can go elsewhere...
Yes but it does not apply to discrimination based on vaccination status. This governor did the right thing to ensure citizens are not discriminated and forced to take a vaccine. Asking ppl to wear a mask and social distancing is not the same as forcing ppl to inject a foreign substance into their body that is not FDA approved with unknown long term effects and unknown effectiveness.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
"Businesses may still implement “COVID-19 screening and infection control protocols in accordance with state and federal law to protect public health.” It does ban businesses from requiring someone to show proof of vaccination in order to receive services.

A covid passport to go on a cruise ship to me doesn't seem like a lot to ask. But they can also have people that cannot provide a covid passport with other options like quarantining 2 weeks. But that's common sense, and when the politicians get involved you can forget about common sense.
Exactly. The idea is to prevent discrimination based on vaccination status. Like I said asking ppl to wear a mask and social distance is a big difference to forcing vaccines.

About covid passport it does not seem like much but once you open that door you open the door to a social credit system like China. This is a very bad idea.


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2005
Exactly. The idea is to prevent discrimination based on vaccination status. Like I said asking ppl to wear a mask and social distance is a big difference to forcing vaccines.

About covid passport it does not seem like much but once you open that door you open the door to a social credit system like China. This is a very bad idea.
I would even go further by saying the cruise ship industry is probably doing this because of insurance issues or a way to fuck you out of a paid ticket refund. This industry has never been consumer friendly and I'm sure they're not doing it for your safety, but more for their bottom line.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
My thoughts exactly. And remember that politicians and corporations benefited a lot from the lockdowns. They made a lot of money off this.


Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2006
Dubé is now talking about giving privileges to those vaccinated. Or does it mean placing restrictions on the non vaccinated ?


Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2006
So they will implement a vaccine passport and IF there’s a new wave, unvaccinated people will have restrictions on things such as gyms, restaurants, bars and sporting events.
Since it takes over 6 weeks from start to end of the vaccination process, people that want to guarantee such privileges in the future need to get started sooner.


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
Dubé a annoncé today qu'il visait le 1er Septembre pour l'utilisation d'une preuve vaccinale--passeport pour ceux qui auront recu 2 doses. Cela permettra d'accéder à des services et activités QUE SI LA SITUATION ÉPIDÉMIQUE LE JUSTIFIE dans un secteur

d'activité ou territoire donné. Les ''non vacciné'' auront accès AUX SERVICES JUGÉS ESSENTIELS ....alors on a compris le message.....vivement la vaccination pour ne pas revivre un reconfinement généralisé.... o_O
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Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

Striking the proper balance between public health and personal freedom, and figuring out whether one must be relinquished to protect the other, will become increasingly key as the country reopens.

For a growing number of jurisdictions and institutions, the solution is a vaccine passport, a document the bearer can show as proof of immunization against the coronavirus in order to be granted certain freedoms.

On the flip side, those who can't produce such evidence because they couldn't or wouldn't get vaccinated could be denied access to businesses, flights and university dorms, to name just a few potential inconveniences.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2010
En tout cas, c'est ce qui est en train de se produire dans plusieurs pays d'Europe. L'Italie a parti le bal, la France a annoncé qu'elle suivra cette voie (en plus d'imposer la vaccination obligatoire aux travailleurs de la santé) et les autres pays suivront. Les fanfarons qui ne seront pas vaccinés se verront refuser l'accès à certains services essentiels ou non. Ainsi, en France, la vaccination sera requise pour les trajets en train d'une certaine distance, mais pas pour les courts trajets.

Perso, je n'ai aucun problème avec ces mesures, au contraire. Les non-vaccinés qui voudront exercer leur liberté n'auront qu'à le faire chez eux. Comme ça ils arrêteront de nous mettre en danger inutilement par leur insouciance, leur inconscience ou leur ignorance.


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
113 IMHO le Canada devrait accepter éventuellement tous les visiteurs fully vaccinated .... même si ils ont été vacciné avec des vaccins autres que ceux utilisé au Canada....MAIS reconnus par l'OMS pour établir de solides standards dans la reprise des voyages
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Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2006
Very good article about the stupidity of re-entry COVID tests for the vaccinated, the problems when one country won’t reciprocate regarding vaccination certificates, and how difficult it is for a budget carrier to compete when the giants get government aid.

While I get your point, fully vaccinated people are unconscious carriers of variants.

Do you want people from hot zones (like Peru or Chile), doubly vaccinated with the Chinese vaccine, flying into Canada untested ?
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Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
While I get your point, fully vaccinated people are unconscious carriers of variants.

Do you want people from hot zones (like Peru or Chile), doubly vaccinated with the Chinese vaccine, flying into Canada untested ?
So based on this as long as not everyone in the whole world is vaccinated and tested every time they travel we should continue this nonsense.
We have a WHO that scientifically went through all the vaccines that they have approved for use throughout the world.
It is time countries accepted fully vaccinated travellers from all over the world and concentrate on all the ones that have not been vaccinated at home.
Like Patron said it is enough, vaccines are free all over the world, in Europe, North America they are readily available.
Who ever doesn't want to get vaccinated tough shit., are we to lock ourselves away for ever until somehow the virus disappears entirely because a certain percentage refuse to protect themselves.

I don’t have a problem with airlines setting up a rapid test prior to boarding to screen travellers for the next year, this is available and I am sure the airlines would be more than willing to comply to allow fully vaccinated passengers with approved vaccines by WHO that test negative prior to boarding, there is absolutely no need for anything more than that.


Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2006
Who ever doesn't want to get vaccinated tough shit., are we to lock ourselves away for ever until somehow the virus disappears entirely because a certain percentage refuse to protect themselves.
I agree with you when we've finished all age groups, 6-12 included. "Long covid" in children is real.

Until then measures, proportional to the risk have to be in place. The risk of someone from Denmark and Peru, even if double vaccinated, is quite different


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2010
There has been some discussion of combining flu and COVID booster shots. Maybe a COVID passport with an annual flu shot visa that can be stapled or pressed-on to the passport.

if we are going to continue having movement restrictions and greater border control, including potential quarantines, to protect the 12 and under group from COVID until the government lets them get COVID vaccines, should we start doing the same thing with respect to the flu, since they are similar in risks to the 12 and understand?

Not sure what is the point here as we know the flue consequences short and long term but not the COVID, for youngers. We are seeing more and more what his called long COVID and the consequences are not funny.
For adult, in Canada, it is estimated that influenza causes approximately 12,200 hospitalizations and 3,500 deaths by year. Covid killed 26,539 in 1 year. So it not fair talking about similar in risk. Even if we suppose (and it is a big IF) the risk for the child being the same for the two diseases, the consequences in the case of an adult contamination is not. That is why for kids COVID vaccination is more important than the flue. This being said, I take the flue vaccine every year and will take the COVID one yearly if necessary. Novavax has a flue vaccine in test and also a COVID one. Their goal is to develop a 1 shot / 2 vaccines product.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2010
Governments are very slow in approving the vaccines for 0-12 year olds. Not the easiest group to test since medical testing relies on volunteers, and they aren’t in much of a position to volunteer. To me, a rationale society would provide them with a few stock shares of the companies making the vaccine that are redeemable at 18. But the enthicists of the world say no. If the vaccine didn’t kill Great-Grandpa it probable isn’t going to kill Great-Grandson, but that isn’t his science and tort lawyers view it.
Within a few months, you will see vaccines approved for the 5-12. Government are not slow. They just take the requested time do get data and do the right thing. At first, elderly were the priority as they were affected, big time, more than others. Now we get close to the point we can vaccinate the younger ones. Ethicists and scientists should guide us.
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Dec 27, 2005
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