Jusqu’où ira la tolérance envers les non-vaccinés?
Les signes avant-coureurs d’une 4e vague sont assez évidents. Malgré tout, les non-vaccinés ne sentent toujours pas l’urgence de recevoir le vaccin.

The time has come for the government to raise its tone even more.
I hear more and more people agreeing to the health passport and compulsory vaccination for health workers, teachers, educators, and factory workers.
Other employers would also like to be able to apply binding measures to those who refuse the vaccine.
After more than a year and a half of the pandemic, there are limits to the rights and freedoms of the recalcitrant which risk affecting the general well-being of the citizens of Quebec.
Imposing temporary and well-defined limits on our Charter would be fully reasonable and justifiable.