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Threats, insults and intimidation directed at MERB from MERC. How do we stop it?

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It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
and what are the answers? now before you tell me to look it up myself, be aware i have many dollars to vote with towards your cause, but my level of interest in it is undecided. a hostile answer would definitely tip the scale in an unfavorable direction. so i would appreciate a direct answer from one of the leaders of this cause.

First off, John, if one was to call only agencies that advertised on the blue board, one would need to do a lot of research to find the legitimate agencies that advertise amid a large number of bait and switch agencies.

1. Goals - The deletion of all the lies and slanders posted by Ziggy and Tony over the last six months. This could be done simply by deleting all of their posts. Between them, they have posted lie after lie about me, Merlot, Sapman, Techman, Scarlett, Jasmine, Amelie, just to name a few. Beyond that, the board needs to be moderated so that this swill doesn't continue. To acheive this end, we are prepared to withhold our business from any and all merc advertisers starting December 1. We do not want to withold our business from them, but we cannot in good conscience pay them for services knowing that a portion of every dollar will go to Tom to further promulgate this filth.

2. Do we have a deadline. Our action commences on December 1.

3. Time and energy. We've already put more than enough time and energy in and, in large part, there's a lot of going in circles here. Going forward, my time and energy will be spent with the girls of Chloe's Playground, Angel Escorts, Candyshop, Devilish, Girls on Fire, and others to whom I apologise for leaving them out.

We are not asking you to give anything up. You need not sacrifice anything. There are plenty of places for you to continue playing. Thanks for listening.

And, by the way, you're taking enough hits over there yourself for the CIM thread which you're actively maintaining. I've stopped looking at merc so I have no idea of the shit they're continuing to throw your way or the names they're calling you.

Also, please understand that I'm just speaking for myself.
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It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
how do you stop that from happening to your level of satisfaction?
Yes, there are a lot of new agencies. This is a buyer's market in a down time of year. It doesn't take a lot of business lost for it to have an effect. And, again, let me re-state. We don't want this boycott: we want these girls and agencies, some of whom we have years long relationships with, to pull their advertising. We cannot allow them to spend a portion of the money they get from us to continue going to Tom and, as such, we have to spend our money elsewhere.


Born again punter
Nov 13, 2005
Ziggy, the « friend » girls wish they never had

Ziggy has gone to great lengths to prove his theory that he is a better friend to the ladies than “we” all are. He pulled a post from EQ the other day in support, and he mentions that he constantly “receives email messages of support from several SPs”. All of which is akin to beating your own drum, and allegations (the emails).

I have compiled a list of nine girls strictly from memory who I am sure feel (or in one case felt) sorry to ever have made his acquaintance.

Ziggy is uncaring and vindictive to an extent I have never before witnessed. He has dissed ladies either out of personal spite, or used them in conflicts with other males. I will talk about some of the cases here. Names will not be necessary because he trotted them out enough times so most will know who it is. I feel bad even stating their cases again, but people need to open their eyes to this demagogue and misogynist.

One of the girls was publicly ridiculed and discussed over countless posts, used in his MERC “tagline” (Will you be my friend?) for simply refusing a virtual friendship request from him.

Another was used in his war against another active MERC poster. He started talking about her as his “love interest” on the one hand while composing a gross porn ”poem” to her that included references to a dildo coming out of an ass stinking and Bukake. By the way, he never met this lady.

He repeatedly hammered on a young SP over drugs, totally ignoring the prevalence of this practice in her age and social group, not to mention this trade. The reason: to once again bait another male member he is in conflict with. Do I condone drugs? Tough question as I smoked marijuana habitually up until 5 months ago… Drug abusers need help if they cannot break the habit on their own, that much is certain. His harassment had nothing whatsoever useful in and of itself.

He recently wrote a long ”review thread” of an independent escort, the intent of which was nothing short of her systematic destruction. According to my conversation with the lady, it contained several falsehoods. Regardless of this, none of his discourse was gentlemanly and he struck me as someone who makes it a habit of punching viciously until his opponent’s face is a pulpy, unrecognizable mess.

In his conflict with another proponent of the actions against MERC, Ziggy is often trotting out another popular lady from the past they both knew. His disparaging comments about her make me boil. Once again his total disregard for fellow humans and women of the trade in particular stand out for all to see. Everything he says about her screams denial that young people can make mistakes, or redeem themselves. Everything he says about her counters his claim that prostitution is damaging, because he is not taking the damage prostitution caused her into account, which made her act the way she did at the time. That was a long time ago…

While on the subject of that lady, her demise and descent into despair began about the same time he ridiculed her on this very board for refusing to go through with a date with him where he promised to pay later, but didn’t have the money on hand for at the time…

He “reviewed” (a few disparaging comments) a lady he never met in an attempt to demonstrate that reviews were all the same. If talking about GFE standards in a review is rape, I wonder what reviewing a lady you have never met is…

Some of the cases cannot be mentioned at the request of the girls, some are older and are better not brought up again. I have tried to paint a broad picture of this “man” who pretends to have empathy for women of the trade. I did not even need to sift through his “body of work” to find these glaring examples, nor consult with anyone else. Imagine the results otherwise…

He is a demagogue. He is a not a friend to anyone. He is a danger on the Internet. He is a hound, a virtual stalker, a virtual vulture. Beware of him.
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Born again punter
Nov 13, 2005
Banned on MERC

Well, MERC broke my "virginity", I am now permanently banned from there.

Gee, I wish they had a thread where each and every single banning and post deletion would be explained...

The only thing I did on MERC recently is vote on Maria's poll, so I assume I was banned from there for something I said here :confused:.

Oh hang on, I DID say something about no moderation on MERC here yesterday, maybe that was it :cool:. Well, they "moderated" me it seems but not psychos who post personal info and start purely agenda-driven threads on "rape" meant to disparage posters who did nothing of the sort.

I still hope for reason to prevail, somehow, somewhere...
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CS Martin

Apr 21, 2007

The reason for your banning is usually explained on the login screen after attempting to access the board after being banned. Tom's explanation on mine was so utterly ridiculous that I directed more than a few posters to it as a good laugh. Tom ultimately changed the reason after being embarrassed so many times. Last I checked it said, "at the poster's request". LOL



Jun 13, 2003
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As I told Dee, and you probably saw, I have not posted about everyone I have seen. As I indicated in the previous post the boycott will affect me concerning previous choices. And, as you have probably seen I have made a few posts in both threads with a lot of "teeth" taking on every offending member you have targeted.

Here you go BBE. Your standards to skew the scale of the offense by classifying it as "life damaging" doesn't change the reality that this is a serious threat or the fact that by keeping it and refusing to do anything about it, or the member who posted it, TOM is promoting an illegal act. By the way, you posted in this thread containing the threat on the previous page. Perhaps you did not read on or participate there further, but the time for inferring this never happened is now over.

As for our other grievences about slander:

The rape accusation is just the newest slander, and has been detailed much further by it's author in other posts. Now that the evidence is here maybe we can get back to the issues instead of inferring none of the issues exist.

Cheers, Merlot

Come on Merlot, how old are you? If your girlfriend says I'm gonna kill you!, are you going to take it so literally?

First: 2Legit made that statement to back up Benson who had received some threats if you read the original post in the thread you linked. He was speaking figuratively about what should happen to people who dish out threats. It's freakin internet TRASH TALK. Can't you see that? Why do you guys take things so literally??? Use your better judgment and obvious intelligence. He wouldn't crack someone's head open over a freakin ESCORT discussion board. Come on Merlot!

Second: About the stop the rape sayings. DT believes guys are strongly pressuring agencies to make sure the girls offer extreme services like CIM or CIMWS even if they rather not. However, the girls comply because they are afraid that a bad review will get them fired for not doing what is posted in regards to their offered services. That's why he says stop the rape.

This could be psychological from watching material such as hardcore porn. Because, let's be honest, once you cum, you're done, so why is their an absolute need to cum in a girl's mouth? Do you get a feeling of power for doing so? Does it make you feel manly? Why not cum in the condom or on her body instead? Anyways, I'm not into CIM myself but to each his own as long as a woman is not forced or pressured into doing it.

Conclusion is: A girl can do whatever she wants sexually if she LIKES IT or WANTS TO DO IT. But, if the reason she is doing it is out of fear of losing her job at an agency due to a review saying she would not swallow or accept CIM then that is wrong and is extremely disrespectful to women.

Stop taking words like rape so literally and be less narrow-minded in order to see the whole conveyed message.
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It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Second: About the stop the rape sayings. DT believes guys are strongly pressuring agencies to make sure the girls offer extreme services like CIM or CIMWS even if they rather not. However, the girls comply because they are afraid that a bad review will get them fired for not doing what is posted in regards to their offered services. That's why he says stop the rape.
DT believes that it's OK to stalk girls, to write bogus reviews, to cast his swill wherever it may lie. There are agencies that offer GFE services and there are agencies that do not. A girl is free to work for whomever she chooses to work. There are agencies where the services offered by the girls vary. Ziggy the Clown thinks he's god. The only rape around here is the psychological rape Ziggy is foisting on many girls, as outlined in Sapman's recent post.


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
Ziggy has gone to great lengths to prove his theory that he is a better friend to the ladies than “we” all are. He pulled a post from EQ the other day in support, and he mentions that he constantly “receives email messages of support from several SPs”.

Hello Sapman,

You mean the kind of friend Ziggy is who fails to bring money to pay for meetings like the infamous duo. The ladies must really appreciate that. I wish I was that kind of friend with the fabulous women of Montreal, but...I actually have the donations the ladies request. If Zigster is getting emails it's reminders to...have the money because as the ladies would say: we do this for the donation inspite of who you are.




Born again punter
Nov 13, 2005
The real "Shill Board"

OK, follow me on "Find the real shill"!

In October 2008, a poster with the handle of "metroke" was banned here, reasons explained in this

In October 2009, I saw a "review" from the same "metroke" on MERC, and sent the following PM to Mod9@MERC: "
Hi there, just want to let you know, this poster has been banned on another board for shilling. he contacts girls and offers "services" such as web, driving and he has a standard fee for writing shill reviews as well. also known as a con artist with the girls... I hope this is helpful."

As an aside, a girl I know well was stung badly by this guy: she trusted him to post her schedule on her website. He changed all the passwords he had access to (email, boards and website) and then demanded a cash payment to have her virtual life restored.

I any case, I never received a response from their moderator, nor was any action taken against the poster. He is still posting "reviews" :D on MERC.

P.S.: Gosh, this whole conflict has driven me over 400 posts lifetime... I am not a happy camper. I should be writing reviews. Remind me to erase all this drek the moment the conflict ends :).

Note to CSM: "You have been banned for the following reason: No reason was specified. Date the ban will be lifted: Never". This is what I get on attempting to log on to MERC :cool:. Besides, a public thread explaining bans and deletions to EVERYONE is needed...
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CS Martin

Apr 21, 2007
Note to CSM: "You have been banned for the following reason: No reason was specified. Date the ban will be lifted: Never". This is what I get on attempting to log on to MERC :cool:. Besides, a public thread explaining bans and deletions to EVERYONE is needed...

Ahh, he changed it again!!! LOL, I guess he keeps searching for a logical** reason.......ROFLOL.

**at least logical to him.
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Sep 19, 2005
The only thing I did on MERC recently is vote on Maria's poll, so I assume I was banned from there form something I said here :confused:.

Most people were banned from there because of what they wrote on MERB. The mods are very busy on smurfland moderating MERB as weird as this might sound :eek:. It would be better of they cleaned up the crap being posted there instead and start minding their own "business".


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth

Second: About the stop the rape sayings. DT believes guys are strongly pressuring agencies to make sure the girls offer extreme services like CIM or CIMWS even if they rather not. However, the girls comply because they are afraid that a bad review will get them fired for not doing what is posted in regards to their offered services. That`s why he says stop the rape.

Well BBE,

Explain this please. Why is my name on this list? In my many tens of thousands of words in reviews, or anywhere, I have never made any allusion of any sort to wanting or having CIM. I have never wanted CIM, and I am on record saying so. Almost losing control maybe, several times, but never wanting and have never had CIM with an escort. My last review of Marika also has absolutely no reference to CIM despite the description of her most incredible and the uncontrollable sexual stimulation of being with her that was the general message of my review. Ziggy knows all of this and yet my name is there too. How could I ever force anyone to do something I have never wanted over 9 years of hobbying or had. You make no sense. So stop acting like an apologist for the slander. You are making yourself look very foolish.


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Jun 13, 2003
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Well BBE,

Explain this please. Why is my name on this list? In my many tens of thousands of words in reviews, or anywhere, I have never made any allusion of any sort to wanting or having CIM. I have never wanted CIM, and I am on record saying so. Almost losing control maybe, several times, but never wanting and have never had CIM with an escort. My last review of Marika also has absolutely no reference to CIM despite the description of her most incredible and the uncontrollable sexual stimulation of being with her that was the general message of my review. Ziggy knows all of this and yet my name is there too. How could I ever force anyone to do something I have never wanted over 9 years of hobbying or had. You make no sense. So stop acting like an apologist for the slander. You are making yourself look very foolish.



Merlot. Here is my general conclusion as a very neutral observer. Yes, believe me or not I am neutral. Anyways you didn`t reply to my perspective about the baseball bat quote.

1) All these guys you have issues with are banned from this board correct? Yes, therefore why do you worry about what is said there if your allies and supporters are all here.

2) If Merb is a superior board with much more traffic and useful information as many claim, wouldn`t a board like MERC go out of business on its own theorectically without the injection of pressure from Merb members?

I`m just saying, I`m sure many of you have better things to do than argue over old dirty laundry.

Anyways, I have no issues with you and I barely know the guys on the blue you refer to. The only reason I posted here is because you generalize that 5 people on MERC make all their members pieces of crap. I write my reviews and have helped many hobbyists over the years have fun and pleasant experiences. I have the PMs and e-mails to prove it. So I don`t appreciate that you label all of us because of 5 people.

Move on guys. Have fun an enjoy the hobby!
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Active Member
Feb 11, 2009
Heard stories about you Gugu on your EQ board. I won't comment as I don't post there. But you weren't no angel yourself from what I heard. LOL So cut the Defender of Human Rights and Freedoms act. LOL If it's not true than fine as well as it probably does not effect the lives of 99% of hobbyists.

Saying “your EQ board” clearly suggests I own the EQ board. Can you back up that statement?

What do you mean by “you weren’t no angel yourself”? You have to agree that such a statement cannot be made without any detail. Please extend.

Bigboyeddie, if you give a credible response to those two questions, I will do you a favor and provide to you by pm corroborated proves of the threats I have received, of which mod 11 has a copy, and some other details I cannot make public.

Sorry to post this again. Bigboyeddie, you came in this morning and did not answer this post. I am now asking you to answer or retract. I am not going to be intimidated by yet an other emissary of MERC in this thread.

CS Martin

Apr 21, 2007
2) If Merb is a superior board with much more traffic and useful information as many claim, wouldn't a board like MERC go out of business on its own theorectically without the injection of pressure from Merb members?

Can't agree with you on this point. Let's remember that Tom's marketing plan concerning the existance of MERC appears to be different from MERB's/Fred Zed.
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Jun 13, 2003
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Saying “your EQ board” clearly suggests I own the EQ board. Can you back up that statement?

What do you mean by “you weren’t no angel yourself”? You have to agree that such a statement cannot be made without any detail. Please extend.

Bigboyeddie, if you give a credible response to those two questions, I will do you a favor and provide to you by pm corroborated proves of the threats I have received, of which mod 11 has a copy, and some other details I cannot make public.

Sorry to post this again. Bigboyeddie, you came in this morning and did not answer this post. I am now asking you to answer or retract. I am not going to be intimidated by yet an other emissary of MERC in this thread.

LOL. I'm not attacking you or intimidating you in any way. I don't even know you personally. Don't be so paranoid. I'm an emissary to myself and to my fellow hobbyists that appreciate my feedback and reviews. No board owns me.

I was wondering if you are Gus (Gugu), proprietor of the francophone EQ board. Heard or read that you had issues with some women that were advertising on your board and that things got sour. Also an SP I saw told me you are the same Gus. I don't have any proof so please confirm.

So conclusion is, if you are not that person than I retract. If you are, please confirm. Let's be clear I never insulted you in any way.

Feel free to e-mail me at [email protected] if you would like. I'm open-minded enough to hear all perspectives in this debate. I support debates when people have strong valid cases.
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Jun 13, 2003
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Can't agree with you on this point. Let's remember that Tom's marketing plan concerning the existance of MERC appears to be different from MERB's/Fred Zed.

I'm unaware of the managment "mission statements" or their ultimate marketing plans.

Can you clarify by differentiating the differences in the marketing plans? If it's too confidential to post publicly, please e-mail me at [email protected]

CS Martin

Apr 21, 2007
I'm unaware of the managment "mission statements" or their ultimate marketing plans.

Can you clarify by differentiating the differences in the marketing plans? If it's too confidential to post publicly, please e-mail me at [email protected]


If you look at my posts in this thread and it's sister thread, I've put forth my basis of personal experience and proof. I think it's well supported.

Your comment leads to the following comment and observation. A clear concise mission & implementation statement for the boycott has not emerged. Nor, is there clear consensus that such a boycott should proceed (less than a apparent 30% supporting vote online**). It's beginning to seem this is a failed solution to the overall issue.


**over 2000 views and 108 posts later IN THIS THREAD ALONE!!! Not to mention its sister thread with 314 posts and 9661 views!!!!! You have to ask yourself when is enough enough??
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Jun 13, 2003
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If you look at my posts in this thread and it's sister thread, I've put forth my basis of personal experience and proof. I think it's well supported.

Your comment leads to the following comment and observation. A clear concise mission & implementation statement for the boycott has not emerged. Nor, is there clear consensus that such a boycott should proceed (less than a apparent 30% supporting vote online**). It's beginning to seem this is a failed solution to the overall issue.


**over 2000 views and 108 posts later!!!

I agree CS. And to make matters more complicated, some women who wish to remain anonymous have sent the link to this boycott to organizations like Stella as boycotts can damage their quality of life. They pay for their advertising and the board is now openly allowing boycott threads. I'm sure Merb does not have the time nor desire to start debating and arguing with Stella over the rights of Sex Workers because of a small minority that want to start a boycott.

TO THE MODS: Rename your thread, Boycott Blue or face a lot of UNNECESSARY headaches with organizations like Stella.

My suggestion however is delete the whole thread. Only 27 votes out of a pool of thousands of members. Not worth the trouble or bandwith. It's your board, so your decision ultimately but the facts show this boycott is futile and not supported by the masses and could bring unecessary headaches.
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