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Threats, insults and intimidation directed at MERB from MERC. How do we stop it?

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Ricky bonds

the last of the mohicans
Feb 28, 2010
montreal or costa rica baby
You are really obsessed by your top 5 thread

Quotes by ohyesoui...

"""Oh and by the way did you post in the top 5 active service providers thread""""*
Last edited by OhYesOui; Today at 01:23 AM.

""Meanwhile I am doing my best on focusing on something positive like the top 5 service providers list and a lot of members are not participating or out of selfishness or on their preference of dipping themselves in constant negative termoil like this thread.""""


Born again punter
Nov 13, 2005
While we were away

Some of us decided to let time do the work, to ignore what was going on over at MERC and concentrate on the fun part of the hobby.


  • A thread started by Ziggy targeted a MERB member with a mix of leaked private information and false allegations.
  • Ziggy himself came over to MERB under a shadow handle to stir up a “somewhat connected” issue. Look for the “Cash Flow” quote.
  • He also used this shadow handle to demonstrate his true colors: in the Samantha Ardente thread, he postulates that as a sex worker, she was unfit to work in a school. Not a very far leap to saying escorts and clients conversely, are unfit parents. Some defender of the girls there…
  • Tony posts that for Eva Charm’s birthday, he wants her to “…. in his …..”. Need I say what action this statement would trigger here?
  • Dee continues his defamation of Merlot on a daily basis, while being allowed to post here, where he is nothing but a MERC troll.
  • A thread discussing “what women do to look hot but annoy men” is opened. In minutes, two gross posts are registered, posts worthy of bans here. Of course no action is taken.
I will remind you that here on MERB, the last bump of the main MERC related threads goes back to end of January. This latest round of action is only due to the fact that the smurfs can’t leave well enough alone, and their administrator has forgotten where his pants are.

I will be posting in the boycott thread in a few minutes. Looks like MERC’s back on the menu boys.
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