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Time to reboot my brain


Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2005
just a quick update for those who may interested. going on 5 weeks now. have used porn maybe 4 times during this time (as opposed to every day before starting this reboot). Had an encounter with my favourite provider recently. Man, I was for the most part really hard! So much more enjoyable sex. Plus, I had control. Hard and excited, but still in control. And let me tell you the sex was amazing! I'm on the right track. Not fully cured, but getting there.

For those of you having erection problems and maybe watching too much porn, you must consider stopping the porn.


Well-Known Member
Jan 8, 2006
Way to go !

I am also watching much less porn these days. Maybe once a week. But have traded that for sessions 2-3 X per week. Using Viagra most of the time but not always. Can't say I have noticed any significant delay of ejaculation from Viagra, main thing that causes that is having had another session or two in the last day.


Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2005
another update. still watching porn at a greatly reduced frequency. Usually watch porn the evening after I had an encounter with an sp and then the flowwing evening again. Being doing this for a few weeks now. Still have my erections with providers which is great, but I find I am back to having control issues (hence my name 2fast2slow). I always have to tell the provider to 'go slow' to avoid coming. So basically we are stopping and starting a lot. Although this is a big emprovement to not beinng able to even get hard, i find this frustrating. I have had a couple of providers who were clearly getting into it and wantinng to go fast, but i have to keep telling them to slow down. One provider was on the verge of coming and i interrupted it :)

The one time i tried viagra, i felt nothing in my dick, and did not enjoy the encounter. I was hard, but could not feel annything and could not come....


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
another update. still watching porn at a greatly reduced frequency. Usually watch porn the evening after I had an encounter
The one time i tried viagra, i felt nothing in my dick, and did not enjoy the encounter. I was hard, but could not feel annything and could not come....

Yes, Viagra makes you hard and it can make cumming a challenge. That's good and bad. I like the fact that I can fuck much longer without cumming but at the same time, it can make the orgasm a challenge. Vitamin V is necessary after flying all night from the USA and heading out to the FKK or Clinica on 30 minutes sleep. You still need stimulation from the girl.

I am really board stiff (no pun intended) with Porn. Like Jackie Treehorn told the Dude in the Big Labowski

Jackie Treehorn: People forget that the brain is the biggest erogenous zone.

The Dude: On you maybe

But the problem with Porn is that it sucks. I am always searching for good role playing such as Mother-Son POV for example. It's always the voice of that same guy who is probably older than the hot mom's he's fucking. I have even seen in the comments section things such as That poor kid has been shuffled from mother to mother. Poor thing! Everything is so contrived that it is terrible.

I also like hot wifeing and there is some stuff that is not half bad but it is not good either. You have the old ex-Marine sitting there talking to the couple for 20 minutes ( talk about a buzz kill) and then he brings out someone he refers to as a male porn star and it is some guy that I sure never heard of...or there is the amateur movies where the TV is blaring in the background. I hate on Porn Hub how you search a theme and you get the same movie in three or four categories: She's a Cheating Wife, also Brother Sister, and Mother Son. Really? Could you have turned off the Flintstones blaring in the background prior to making that cheap clip? I mean there is 2 minutes of sex and it could fit almost every category on Porn Hub because there is no lead up or seduction.

Recently, I looked up a name i read in the MERB's favorite Porn Star thread. She was really hot but I lost interest when a man walked up to her in the bed and kissed her, slapped her in the face and then spit in her mouth and then they made love by a manner in which I am unaccustomed and then she started howling fake cries of joy that were contrived and unbelievable.

This is the state of porn today. I am no longer addicted. I am more addicted to these web sites. How do you quit this?


Jul 25, 2019
This thread just goes to show how we men are so fucking addicted to sex and porn and masturbation! Most of us here are addicts! Let's face it, we love having filthy sex with beautiful women. What Im worried about is how it changes people's brain chemistry and focus in life. I think it's far more important to have regular healthy sex with a woman rather then masturbate to porn. The problem is that porn is basically almost everywhere! Instagram, magazines, Internet ect.. Which makes it so much harder for the average guy to focus on his life goals and motivations! We are constantly thinking about sex and then constantly being fed promiscuous context through media or sites in our daily lives. Porn is the biggest epidemic in history and most of us don't even realize it. It's porn that drove me here to see SPs. The next step in evolution is AI robot sex, which will be far worse then anything we men will face yet... Just think about it..


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
But the problem with Porn is that it sucks.

Very true. Until you hit Men these japanese make great porn with great movies fuck!!! I have not watch american/european porn in a few years it's so fucking boring!

2fast2slow we do share a lot alike in our success/problem with our dick in recent years. I too cannot give a real go to a girl anymore as it will make me cum way too fast or not at all. I found out it's better for me to aim for a quick cum in the first 20 minutes then just play more or talk. Except for my last toronto trip or Sabrina at velvet where I fucked for a full complete hour non stop... And they miraculously make me cum a bit passed the hour mark... Real fucking pro's ;) Just 4-5 years ago 2 sog within the hour was so easy... Now it's one per day that's it!

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Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2009
Best way to make NoFap a success is to go on monk mode. Means you take a very strict approach to life for 30 days. Easy to understand but hard to execute. For me this means:

1. Must move an hour a day. This means exercising. For seven days straight you are on the move. With me it is HIIT classes one day and yoga the next.
2. Must read a real book an hour a day.
3. No sugar and junk food. Just water and tea. No snacking.
4. No smartphone use unless to make phone calls and for business matters. That means no games and other time wasting activities.
5. No porn and masturbation.
6. Wake up at 6 am.
7. Only two meals a day. Must have lean protein, three servings of veggies and fruit each meal. Or no fruit altogether and just veggies.

One just needs to have a purpose in mind. Most likely you watch porn and masturbating because you are bored and not because you are addicted. Have something to strive for to keep you busy the problems with porn will go away on its own. I remember going on an Outward Bound kayak/camping course for eight days. Sex was not even on my mind as I was on a kayak eight hours a day. Once landing on an island I have to set up camp and sometimes cook. There was no way I would be whacking.


Active Member
Jul 7, 2013
another update. still watching porn at a greatly reduced frequency. Usually watch porn the evening after I had an encounter with an sp and then the flowwing evening again. Being doing this for a few weeks now. Still have my erections with providers which is great, but I find I am back to having control issues (hence my name 2fast2slow). I always have to tell the provider to 'go slow' to avoid coming. So basically we are stopping and starting a lot. Although this is a big emprovement to not beinng able to even get hard, i find this frustrating. I have had a couple of providers who were clearly getting into it and wantinng to go fast, but i have to keep telling them to slow down. One provider was on the verge of coming and i interrupted it :)
When we watch porn, we are looking for a quick fix, typically before work or before going to bed. We basically associate watching porn to a quickie. Most of us can come within 2 minutes of watching porn. I don't think it's surprising that many men either cum too quickly or lose their erection after a while because we are conditioned to being stimulated by the hottest porn videos of our choice. If we can come within a couple of minutes by masturbating and watching people fucking on camera, imagine how quickly we can come with a real life hot SP after all these years of quick releases. I think that after a while our brain just gets conditioned to coming quickly. Now apply this conditioning with a real look hot SP. All you want to do is fuck her the same way they fuck in porn. Porn is almost entirely genital. Boy meets girl, and faster than dropping a zipper, they're deep into oral sex and intercourse. Porn-style all-genital sex puts tremendous pressure on the penis, which reacts by ejaculating quickly. Porn-style sex cements PE.

What about ED? I think that it's also related. When we watch porn, we're intensely stimulated for about 5 minutes. Many of us are able to watch a few videos within those 5 minutes. Some of us even prepare those videos in advance and tab through them to constantly be stimulated with what excites them. Notice how many compilation videos are out there? Those videos are made for guys who want to cum asap! So being exposed to constant porn related stimulation, our brain gets bored very very very quickly, and this even with the hottest SP. So either you come within a few seconds or you lose your erection after a few minutes for lack of stimulation.

As many have mentioned, the good news is that there is a way out of this shitty situation. I won't repeat them because they're all clearly mentioned...


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
I do not agree. Your penis is a muscle. You need to exercise it. It will really help you last much longer. Close to 50 and still have no problem doing 2h session completely hard, ok ok a few downtime of a few minutes... Porn help but you do need to learn when to stop. Also try watching porn for longer session like 45 minutes but do not explode. It will help with control.



Active Member
Aug 3, 2016
Most of us can come within 2 minutes of watching porn. . . . If we can come within a couple of minutes by masturbating and watching people fucking on camera, imagine how quickly we can come with a real life hot SP after all these years of quick releases. I think that after a while our brain just gets conditioned to coming quickly. . . .

Interesting theory.
If true, would male porn "stars" have a short career working in the porn industry? :noidea:Unless, as Jalimon, said the penis is a muscle and the more fucking a male porn star does (for work), the stronger his penis gets. So, we should all do more fucking, instead of watching porn -- we (male Merbites) all go make porn. :rockon:


Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2017
I do not agree. Your penis is a muscle. You need to exercise it. It will really help you last much longer. Close to 50 and still have no problem doing 2h session completely hard, ok ok a few downtime of a few minutes... Porn help but you do need to learn when to stop. Also try watching porn for longer session like 45 minutes but do not explode. It will help with control.


It's not a muscle, but you can train yourself to last longer. The thing helpfing you last longer is a greater awareness of your sensitivity levels along with a psychological aspect. Finally, the muscles that are helping you last longer are the pelvic floor muscles - and those certainly can be trained (kegels).


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015


Active Member
Jul 7, 2013
Interesting theory.
If true, would male porn "stars" have a short career working in the porn industry? :noidea:Unless, as Jalimon, said the penis is a muscle and the more fucking a male porn star does (for work), the stronger his penis gets. So, we should all do more fucking, instead of watching porn -- we (male Merbites) all go make porn. :rockon:

You might be interested in this video ShyMan


Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2005
Well i fucked up. I met with my favourite provider yesterday and felt NOTHING in my dick. Crying fucking shame.

It is parlty her fault :) she was gone most of the summer so I 'was forced' to try other, new providers, which i did plenty of. The problem is (as mentionned earlier in this thread), novelty masks the problem with my porn brain.

So over the summer, i started watching a little more, and a little more porn (from once a week to maybe 4-5 times a week). But this was not having a negative impact on my performance with providers because they were all new to me, they were 'novel'. But as soon as my fav came back, so did my limp fucking dick.

Time to get back on the horse. I wish i could just have both, regular porn and an huge erection with my favourite provider!


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
I don't get it 2fast. If the answer is trying new provider than why not just try new providers? There are plenty to try. We all get bored of the same thing all the time and want to try something new. The greatest offenders of this are women. That is why they get divorced every 5-10 years and set up house with someone new. They don't give a shit about their current husband, the kids, what the parents will think. they have no financial skin in the game in fact their lust for newness is subsidized...but I digress. I would say that this has nothing to do with porn.

I repeat rarely. Many times I repeat and I am disappointed. (Is this because of porn? I think not.) There are others that were so good that I don't dare repeat with because I cherish the memory. There are a few that I really want to repeat with if I could just get on the same schedule in the universe (Sasha Johansen, Giselle, Bianka etc. to name a few others have disappeared.) But the point is that there is no shortage of new thrills.

I know guys that get hooked on their wives or girlfriends. They are monogamous because they can't get it up with someone else because they have such a strong connection. This is mostly a good thing. Some of these guys will get into swinging and hotwifing and their wife becomes their own personal porn star. In a way, I actually envy these guys that can worship a woman like this but again I digress.... The point is that it is probably not a good thing to have such a strong bond with a single escort. I'm a little older now so I feel I am in more control but if I ever had the bond with an escort that I had with certain S.O.s during my lifetime I would be broke.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Hungry I do agree of what you wrote. In the meantime I completely understand 2fast2slow as I am in the exact same situation as him.

It used to be the opposite. Having hard time with new sp and no problem with repeats.

Now I am struggling with repeats. Except one... Of all my repeats over the last 2 years only Sabrina of Velvet has succeeded every single time to make me have a huge orgasm (actually at the top of my orgasm richter scale top magnitude is the Sabrina orgasm haha).

With new girl no problemo... Not even with 30 minutes so so session. Not even with 15 min cbj session like I do with cute Lucy in st-eustache...

But trying to have a great session with a repeat great provider??? Nope I fell flat... Hard for 60 or 90 minutes no problem... But my dick will go numb...

I surely understand your frustration 2fast...

As Hungry suggested we could simply only see new provider... Problem is I love repeats. I love when the girl jump on you because she's happy to see you back. And I love how repeats can let go. If only my dick go let go as well!!


Bbw hunter

Well-Known Member
Dec 17, 2018
Another great post Patron. CARNAL KNOWLEDGE is a great film. It's honest and funny. It rings true for a lot of middle aged guys. I saw it as a young man and I could relate to it even then. Thank God I have not become as jaded as the Nicholson character though. I go with the flow and appreciate that I get to have sex with attractive young women. It is a privilege and there is no point in overthinking it, taking it for granted or being negative because it may not always be exactly what you want. Sure many of us could probably relate to Jack's character and his experiences, myself included, but I am happy we get to enjoy these encounters with so many wonderful ladies. This film was a rare case of Hollywood being honest about male sexuality though , even if it seems a bit too cynical at times. Btw I think the prostitute in the end scene was not Asian. If I remember correctly she was played by Rita Moreno.
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