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Time to reboot my brain

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Well-Known Member
Dec 17, 2018
Yes Patron when Art watches Jack's home movie at the end he is with his teen girlfriend. Was it Carol Kane ? You are correct this film used to be on television a lot in the 80s but seems to have vanished; have not watched it for a long time. Anyway I love the final scene between Jack and Art when Art starts saying how his teen gf is so worldly she is opening his mind etc. Jack then cuts him short by telling him he is simply lucky to have a young piece of ass and to stop with the pretentious rationalization. Pretty honest movie haha. I always laugh at the line when Jack tells Art something like "you are 40...she is 12".


Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2005
I don't get it 2fast. If the answer is trying new provider than why not just try new providers? There are plenty to try.

because i love her :)

seriously. she is the reason i rebooted my brain in the first place. At the time i first met her, i could only get hard with first time encounters with really hot women who gave amazing service. Anything less and my dick went numb. With her i made through 5-6 encounters before things started going numb. I knew i had a problem and i knew if i wanted to continue seeing her (suucessfully) i had to reboot. I had done it once before 10 years ago. And it worked! After a few weeks of abstinence from porn, i got hard-ons back and the sex was great again. Even with repeats. Even with lesser quality of service and looks.

But things were going so well, that i started slipping and started watching more and more porn (I have a pre-paid 3 year subscription to pornhubpremium :)) The increase in porn viewing has led me straight back to my original problem. Now I am re-starting a detox. Bad timing because I am craving to watch that Jessica Alba video....damn


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
Sounds like you are normal.


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2009
Well i fucked up. I met with my favourite provider yesterday and felt NOTHING in my dick. Crying fucking shame.

Now I don’t feel so weird and terrible as this has happened to me a couple of times. With certain SPs by the second or third encounter I feel nothing for her and go limp even on something like Viagara. There were encounters where after the first shot I just lost physical attraction for her and noted to myself this is the end. She was a great girl of course but suddenly I felt nothing and just ask for a handjob for the second shot. Then there was a time I met an amazing SP in the first encounter with her where the whole session was off the charts and the rest of the encounters after her couldn’t compare. Saw Naomie of then Satin Dreamz and that intense session kind of ruined the other three encounters I planned after her.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Haha Numerati I do not think you understand 2fast and my problem here...

You mention you feel nothing.. But then write you ask for a second shot with an handjob?? haha

Our problem is no where near that. Forget the second shot. Forget the first shot. Forget the handjob (there is no way on earth a girl will get me with a handjob... period).

To resume.

We reached a stage where we can only have a shot with new girl.

With repeat girl it's extremely difficult to get a single shot. Unless we completely stopped porn. And then again it's a hit and miss.

The only good side is it's still not a problem to get hard...



Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2005
The only good side is it's still not a problem to get hard...

do you mean for you, right now?

because when my dick gets numb, my erections are soft also.

when i started my reboot in march, by apri-may, i got my full erections back. But over the course of the summer, with the increase of porn comsumption, my dick has softened a whole lot, unless i am with a totally new sexy provider (novelty masks the problem).


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
do you mean for you, right now?

because when my dick gets numb, my erections are soft also.

when i started my reboot in march, by apri-may, i got my full erections back. But over the course of the summer, with the increase of porn comsumption, my dick has softened a whole lot, unless i am with a totally new sexy provider (novelty masks the problem).

Hum were different then. When I go numb, for pretty much same reason as you, it's probably I overdid porn a bit or saw a repeat, but I am usually still very hard but numb. Meaning I kind of loose pleasure because I reach a point I know I can fuck a full hour but I wont have a shot (unless I am with a real pro that just wont quit on me). Only alcohol gave me problem getting hard. Now I know. I simply cannot have a single drink before a girl.

But all that, like you, is erased with a new provider ;) Novelty mask the problem.. Haha I love it! ;)


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2009
Jalimon.... lol... I would hate to be you. Hmmmm... question I have is do you play porn scenes in your mind to help you get a shot in?

I stopped that porn nonsense since March 2016. Went extreme monk mode and allowed neuroplasticity to take its course as this took almost a year and a half for me to finally reboot/rewire. Have not wacked off to porn ever since and it was liberating.


Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2005
actually, to be exact, i oscillate between being pretty hard and then softening, getting hard again, and then softening. but basically i am hard enough to fuck. so i too can go for a long time. My fav noticed that and proposed other means of finishing to save her pussy :)

but off the porn i seem to have the other problem, where i cannot hold off cumminng, unless i stop and start the thrusting. but i prefer that problem to being numb


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
actually, to be exact, i oscillate between being pretty hard and then softening, getting hard again, and then softening. but basically i am hard enough to fuck. so i too can go for a long time. My fav noticed that and proposed other means of finishing to save her pussy :)

but off the porn i seem to have the other problem, where i cannot hold off cumminng, unless i stop and start the thrusting. but i prefer that problem to being numb

haha! Yes me too my fav (hum well right now I can only say I have 1) will not mind stopping, playing with me, teasing me, letting me use her as I want until she will simply put all effort in to finish. She always succeed. But in 3 years she is the only one.

Off porn I cannot hold more then 20 min... And I will not get a second shot. This is why I prefer 30 min meet and repeat often ;)

Jalimon.... lol... I would hate to be you. Hmmmm... question I have is do you play porn scenes in your mind to help you get a shot in?

I stopped that porn nonsense since March 2016. Went extreme monk mode and allowed neuroplasticity to take its course as this took almost a year and a half for me to finally reboot/rewire. Have not wacked off to porn ever since and it was liberating.

1 year!! Shoot... I dont know if I can because I could end up seeing more girl then I already do (about 1 a week) so my finance would take a hit!


Active Member
Aug 3, 2016
I stopped that porn nonsense since March 2016. Went extreme monk mode

Going "cold turkey" can work for some people. Practicing abstinence forever is often not possible for many people without professional help. But rebooting -- short periods of abstinence -- can be done and helpful.

It seems porn addiction is spreading among youths in the States. CNN featured an episode about this in its "This is Life" show. (I found this episode very insightful on the topic.)


Rebooting one's brain about porn by abstaining and seeing escorts is therapeutic, IMHO.

I prefer to see different ladies (particularly debutantes) and rarely repeats. But when I have repeated, my success rate on the subsequent rendezvous has been 60 percent to 70 percent. The ladies whom I connected include Erika, Sarah, Annabelle and Stella @ Euphoria; Ariella and Eliza @ Velvet Love; Sophie @ XO; and Michelle @ MSC.


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2009
The worst moments of doing reboot/rewire is that flatline period. I never knew when it was going to end as it took about a year and a half for me for it to clear my head. Hobbied to test the waters and also got a Viagara prescription. It was an awesome session as I didn’t need to flip porn scenes and fantasize porn in my head. Realized later on I didn’t need the Blue Steel pill. Also adding to the fact that I started wearing contacts as that helped as things were not a blur.

With that I just discard porn from my life altogether. Plus realize the women in porn these days are full of plastic work, plain janes, full of tats or old.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
I would like to rewire my brain so that I could once again enjoy porn. It is so cheesy and cheaply made. There is no seduction in most films. They jump right into the sex. When they try to seduce it is contrived and doesn't work 99 out of 100 times.

Go watch an old film like the series Taboo from the 80's. They actually know how to seduce.

Porn is terrible. Maybe I should stop seeing escorts so that I can enjoy porn?


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Hungry if you have an interest in Japanese lady (I crave them!) watch r18.com. Their movies are nicely made. Many categories for stuff to like. I wish I could stop watching it but it would be too expensive ;)



Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
Thanks. I looked at it but it's not free and anything I tried to watch fro free had genitalia distorted.

The girls are hot. Maybe I'm getting yellow fever?

Let me know if you can get one off to this? https://www.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=ph5a91485c0c6db

I just may have a smoke fetish????

The key is to follow your fetishes.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Pretty much all these vids on r18 are free on jav list sites like javcl, jaguru, jav mama, there are many more. I prefer to pay the 2 to 5$ (when they come on sale) on r18 to avoid the multiple add of the free sites.

I have not found any smoking fetish on japanese sites but I am sure there is.... Let me know if you were serious and I will found some haha ;)

My recent fetish has been the husband who find his wife sucking and fucking the loud, horrible and obnoxioux neighbor ;) No clue why but it happened to me a few times in the last 2 years were the girl made me feel like she was really cheating her bf with me. And that turned me on so much ;) Haha Yes the key is to follow you fetish and mostly not to be afraid to talk about it.


Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2005
I've given up porn again. This time its for a long time. Not that I was consuming it that much, only once or twice a week. But that stuff really poisens me when it comes to seeing a real person. I felt zero when receiving bbbjs. Would go limp if not commpletely turned on, ....

Yesterday, after 3 weeks of porn abstinence, and 5 days no 'self pleasuring' I was going to explode (plus a few dances at Cleos the night before). Saw a provider I like a lot yesterday and I had to stop 3 times during bbbj. I cut short the bbbj cause i did not want to lose it. Then in full service had to go super slow. Such a much more pleasurable experience. The only problem is now control (hence 2fast2slow) and i become a little 'crazed' when i start wanting to book someone...


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
The only difference between being de-sensitized by an over indulgence in porn, and losing interest in sex by getting old....is that old age is permanent..


Jan 18, 2014
There's a few things to consider here:

- Regularly masturbating to porn results in you rewiring what can get you off. If you keep seeking more and more exciting porn, your baseline dopamine will drop over time and there's a neuroplastic component with respect to what your brain gets off to. This is very different than interpersonal interactions/physical sex

- There's a cost benefit component with respect to abstinence. If you go a really long period without masturbating, keep in mind that you can build up carcinogens (cancer causing agents) in the prostate so masturbation is fine as long you're not doing it multiple times a day to material that goes farther and farther from actual sex

- Age is also a factor. Roughly after the age of 30, most men see a drop of 3-4% of free testosterone a year (medical journals will say 1-2% but your body also produces more moleculesthat binds to androgens as you age) and this may also impact libido, but this doesn't relate to this topic as much since most of you guys seem to have a healthy libido, you just can't get off.

- Jacking off is fine if you do it in moderation, just try to get it as close to a real encounter as possible
- The internet has a ton of pseudoscience, feel free to confirm anything I've written with a physician
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