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Todd Bertuzzi Reinstated By NHL!


New Member
Jul 23, 2005
JustaJohn said:
It was a provoked act. End of story.

No it wasn't... Moores hit on their player was ruled fine after it was reviewed. Should Scott Steven's hit on Lindros be illegal/retailated against .. it was a legal hit.. Normally when you play dirty is because the other team is playing dirty and not getting penalties called... so the league has to do something better. Hitting a player from behind aka D. Brashere, and Moore victims of attacks are considered more severe.. someone could get killed.

Hatcher breaking Roenick's jaw for the knocking out Modano (no concussion). I understand this.. however Roenick didn't mean to hit Mike like that.. They are "friends". He also doesn't blame Hatcher for breaking his jaw.. because he felt bad about Modano.

No one from Philadelphia broke Steven's head open because he took out Lindros in the Playoffs back in 2000. Lindros had his head down and was hit legally in center ice through traffic.

I think its going to take a death in the rink to get the league to get real on getting the calls right.

I don't feel this "career ending" retaliation is justified.

EDIT: The Video link here.
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Mar 22, 2003
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HockeyFan4MSOG said:
No it wasn't...

Yes it was if you new anything about this incident.

I don't give a flying fuck what the league has to say about whats exceptable when playing the game of hockey. Bettman that yanky pussy and his dumbass ways at trying to improve the NHL. Hes never played the game and will never understand what it takes to be a hockey player.

Moore tried to take Naslunds head "off," but he failed. If Moore had his way Naslund would be on a stretcher. Lights out never to play again. That clown and those who follow in his foot steps are happy when they make the perfect check. (Perfect check as defined by the NHL) But if you play the game even at an amature level. You understand the perfect check isn't so perfect when the receiver has a concussion and his career is over.

Make no mistake Bertuzzi effed up in attacking Moore in the manner he did but Moore had to understand when you attack a star on a team someone is going to come gunning. Maybe not this game but it will be the next.

The only thing i can fault Bertuzzi with is attacking some sissy assed wimp named Steve Moore.

Goodenow new when his day was done why can't Bettman?

My first post how did i do?:)
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New Member
Jun 6, 2005
Interesting question

Interesting question.Do not know
if medical technology can be fine tuned
to such an extent.Suspect that the
combined effect would be greater than
each on its own.


Dazed & Confused
Dec 30, 2003
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I think you did great Kev.


Clit King

New Member
Aug 17, 2005
Throw the Bum out!!!!!!!!!!
I used to be tough guy in the league.....
but this yellowbelly,chickenshit should put up his dukes not his stick!!!
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