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Top 10 Myths about SPs, MERB, 'The Hobby'


Recreational User
Nov 5, 2006
In a house, on a street, duh.
OK, I'm feeling a little cynical this aft - take the following with a grain of salt, it is intended to be funny, even if it isn't entirely. Let's see you do better!

10) Your dick really is big
9) You made her come
8) No really, you did.
7) SPs don't have a higher incidence of STDs than the general population, so go ahead, DATY!
6) 'I really appreciate the champagne, roses, chocolates and Victoria's Secret outfit you bought me! Now, where did you say the envelope is?"
5) Getting together with a bunch of men with only one thing in common, buying the services of SPs isn't a little weird and creepy.
4) That duo you just paid for? They really are two hot lipstick lesbians who spend Sunday afternoons doing hot lipstick lesbian things.
3) They're real, and they are spectacular! Well, one out of two ain't bad ...
2) GFE: Big fun for both parties!
1) She's doing this until she saves up enough to go back to school


New Member
Jun 6, 2005

Let's see. The following are part of the game.

1.) I do not have a boyfriend.

2.) Age does not matter.

3.) I do not count the dances.

4.) You mean there is a website about this.

5.) I never go on merb.

6.) I'd love a vacation / I enjoy travelling.

7.) I don't do drugs.

8.) I'm doing this to get out of debt.

9.) You are interesting to talk to (touching is another matter).

10.) Do you come here often?
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New Member
Jun 6, 2005
Half Full / Half Empty

Elizabeth said:
How about men who have sex with just any women they find at least a bit attractive? Is it weird and creepy on their part too?

No doubt it is. Men tend to be more competitive then women so running up the score matters.


Recreational User
Nov 5, 2006
In a house, on a street, duh.
eastender said:
No doubt it is. Men tend to be more competitive then women so running up the score matters.

Good additions to the list EE, indeed, yours are a bit funnier than mine.

As far as men sleeping with women they don't find overly attractive is concerned, i disagree that it is because of the competitive aspects of the male of the species. As I said in the 'Quebec Stripper writes a book' thread, I think there is a strong biological need for men to spread their seed around, in other species this happens a lot, the survival of the fittest, and and instictive need to minimize genetic defect is at play.

For example, admittedly tangentially related, in places where there is a high infant mortality rate, women have more babies. That satisfies the biological need for successful reproduction.


New Member
Jun 6, 2005

YouVantOption said:
As far as men sleeping with women they don't find overly attractive is concerned, i disagree that it is because of the competitive aspects of the male of the species. As I said in the 'Quebec Stripper writes a book' thread, I think there is a strong biological need for men to spread their seed around, in other species this happens a lot, the survival of the fittest, and and instictive need to minimize genetic defect is at play.

For example, admittedly tangentially related, in places where there is a high infant mortality rate, women have more babies. That satisfies the biological need for successful reproduction.

Your point is valid. Conversely men in groups - fraternities,athletic teams will play competitive sex games publically. Tonight the idea is to find and bed the best looking......... or the ugliest......... or the......... etc.

Women will not. Sororities or female athletic teams generally will not indulge in such activities.


New Member
Jun 6, 2005
Elizabeth said:
For women, it's weird and creepy to sleep around with strangers but for men, it's natural?

For men it is much easier to have such an activity viewed as socially acceptable.


Recreational User
Nov 5, 2006
In a house, on a street, duh.
Elizabeth said:
Ok, so let me get this straight...

For women, it's weird and creepy to sleep around with strangers but for men, it's natural?

By jove, I think she's got it!

OK, OK, touché, I wasn't clear. Let me expand a bit on my thoughts - I think there are undeniably powerful instincts that drive men away from monogamy.

I hold absoluelty no negative moralistic stance on female promiscuity, without it I probably would not have had nearly as much of a sex life as I have been fortunate enough to have had. Indeed, I celebrate sluttery!

In all seriousness Elizabeth, I hate the word slut, I think it is an anachronistic pathetically perjorative hold-over from a by-gone era. I think men may be more naturally inclined to have multiple partners, but could certainly see the argument being made that women must be equally promiscuous to find the appropriate biological mate.

In other words, no, I don't hold onto the hoary old clichés of a promiscuous male being a stud worthy of praise and a promiscuous female being a slut worthy of derision. I reject those stereotypes as moronic.

On the other hand, I find myself conservatively tisk-tisking the likes of Paris Hilton, who by all accounts is a mega-slut, but I think i disapprove of her not so much for her promiscuity as the fact that she holds sway over very young girls who can't make as informed choices about their sexuality as can a woman in her 20s.
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Recreational User
Nov 5, 2006
In a house, on a street, duh.
eastender said:
Women will not. Sororities or female athletic teams generally will not indulge in such activities.

Woah woah tabernac! Just one minute. Once upon a time I was involved in an organization. We were at a group meeting when I noticed, standing side by side were three attractive women. All of whom i had slept with. One of them had been my girlfriend. I spoke to her afterwards and said something to the effect that it was a little disconcerting to see 3 women I'd slept with standing side by each in case they exchanged notes.

I was told the reason the two other girls had slept with me was on the ADVICE OF MY EX-GF. (if you must know, my ex-wife could not come unless I (or anyone else) went down on her. For hours. I became somewhat ... profficient at it.)

Now, tell me who is more cold-blooded ... guys or gals?


New Member
Jul 30, 2006
YouVantOption said:
OK, I'm feeling a little cynical this aft - take the following with a grain of salt, it is intended to be funny, even if it isn't entirely. Let's see you do better!
9) You made her come
8) No really, you did.

Women coming isn't as rare as a solar eclipse. They do come. Besides, you do it enough, you can tell the bad fakes from the real (or really good fakes)...

7) SPs don't have a higher incidence of STDs than the general population, so go ahead, DATY! purpose of oral sex is going down there to check out what you're getting into before going in. There's no way that escorts have lower incidents of STDs than the women who screw maybe 4 guys a year. That we know!

6) 'I really appreciate the champagne, roses, chocolates and Victoria's Secret outfit you bought me! Now, where did you say the envelope is?"

Champagne, roses, chocolates, Victoria's secret? Who would do this sort of things for escorts? I'd light a candle and bring out some wine, but those cost me very little but enhance the mood by 2x. Besides, those are good things to have around when you bring home a regular girl.

Please let this thread not devolve into another exercise in cynacism like the last thread on a similar topic about a month ago. I can do cynacism on my own. I get plenty of inspiration from everyday life. Seeing escorts is no different than watching a Broadway play. If you're watching Cats, you don't run up to the stage and start pulling the cats' tails and yell, "Hey, you're just actors wearing skin suits and fake cat tails." Christ! You paid top dollars, so sit back and enjoy the show.
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New Member
Jun 6, 2005
That's my point..........

YouVantOption said:
Woah woah tabernac! Just one minute. Once upon a time I was involved in an organization. We were at a group meeting when I noticed, standing side by side were three attractive women. All of whom i had slept with. One of them had been my girlfriend. I spoke to her afterwards and said something to the effect that it was a little disconcerting to see 3 women I'd slept with standing side by each in case they exchanged notes.

I was told the reason the two other girls had slept with me was on the ADVICE OF MY EX-GF. (if you must know, my ex-wife could not come unless I (or anyone else) went down on her. For hours. I became somewhat ... profficient at it.)

Now, tell me who is more cold-blooded ... guys or gals?

That's my point.The women did not try to bed the other male members of the organization whereas you admit having slept with them. They did not have the let's see if each of us can leave with one mentality.

Cold-blooded.Men tend to be much more physical in such situations.Women tend to be more underhanded.

A high school male sees another trying to steal his girlfriend may get into a fight.A female seeing another trying to steal her boyfriend may call the other girl's home knowing when she was out.When one of the parents answers, whisper "(name), Your pot has arrived" and hang-up.

The effects on the victim of the second scenario are greater and last longer.
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Recreational User
Nov 5, 2006
In a house, on a street, duh.
Elizabeth said:
ee, no doubt about that!

YVO, hey, don't make fun of me! If we were debating in French, I would kick your butt. :p

Seriously... You pretend you have "no moralistic stance on women promiscuity" but in your first post, you say it is "weird and creepy" that escorts sleeps with many strangers. Don't you think it's incoherent?

Nu-uh. Oh no i di-unt.

here is what i said:

5) Getting together with a bunch of men with only one thing in common, buying the services of SPs isn't a little weird and creepy.

I was referring to the MERB get together last night.

Oh, and Elizabeth darlin'? The (only) other good thing about my ex-wife is that she became a unliligual française whenever she was angry, and so I know how to debate in either official langue you choose to come at me with!!

If you would be a more worthy adversary, more comfortable expressing yourself en français, allons-y. It might take a little effort on my part to fully understand the gist of what you are saying, but I don't mind the practice, not at all.


New Member
Jun 6, 2005
Do you realy want to know?

chef said:
Does it matter if it is a myth or not if after the dances the dancer tells you that what you give her is up to you, and then she does not count the money you give her?

Just posted that it was part of the game.Never took a position as to whether it is a myth or not.

Do you really want to know how each magic trick is performed by the magician or do you simply want to enjoy the show?

Answer yes and I will reply with a PM explaining how the girls who use this approach keep track and value your contribution.


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
YouVantOption said:
Indeed, I celebrate sluttery!

In all seriousness Elizabeth, I hate the word slut, I think it is an anachronistic pathetically perjorative hold-over from a by-gone era.

Todd Rundgren: "S - L - U - T, well she may be a slut but she looks good to me".


Mar 26, 2004
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orallover said:
not ture.. you don't have to officially married for this. Do you want an example? :D :D :D *sorry Dee, I could not resist*

Hey not so fast... I'm not sure we can draw any definative conclusions after only 4 years....


Actually I meant to include those in common law unions too....

Old joke: How do u stop a woman from giving u a BJ?

Marry her!


Sep 19, 2003
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Gene Simmons of Kiss once said women want one man to fill all her needs,men want all women to fill there one need.This from a man that claims he slept with thousands of women.
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