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Torture for terrorists?


Sixty Minute Man
Aug 30, 2010
Merlot, I wonder, would you torture a Nazi general to save 3 million Jews? Or would you just sit back?

We are dealing with the same thing today, perhaps much worse, although people are afraid to admit it.

19:21 "And thine eye shall not pity; but life shall go for life, eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot."


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
Merlot, I wonder, would you torture a Nazi general to save 3 million Jews? Or would you just sit back?

We are dealing with the same thing today, perhaps much worse, although people are afraid to admit it.

19:21 "And thine eye shall not pity; but life shall go for life, eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot."

Hello StefanoUS,

So you are JEWISH??? Because the basis of Christianity...Christ...refused to have anything to do with the above philosophy. Your quote from Deuteronomy was by Moses around 1250 B.C.E. when he was encouraging the Israelites to show no mercy in conquering Canaan and the early version of mass murder/genocide...Ironically considering the torture for terrorists subject here.

"For in the way you judge, you will be judged; and by your standard of measure, it will be measured to you." - Matthew 7:2

"Man has two great spiritual needs. One is for forgiveness. The other is for goodness." - Billy Graham

You see, there are quotes a plenty to match to anyones views. Mine are Christian, yours not.

NUTZ should read the first one, Matthew 7:2, unless he doesn't mind eternally being tortured, healed, tortured again. ;)

Stefano, how does "FRY HIS ASS" say "sit back". I also said multiple times some harsh measures are acceptable. No not torture, but that definitely has nothing to do with sitting back.

These grossly excessive tests like torturing "a Nazi General to save 3 million Jews" have nothing to do with reality. Anyone would kill Hitler to spare his victims. It's still a nonsense question.

Torture is world-recognized as a high percentage failure in getting information, it's best effect is to inflict gross suffering to pleasure sadists.

Yes, just like 99% of gun owners never had the balls to serve their country against an armed enemy, the pro-torture crowd here would never have the balls to do it. And if anyone did, I hate to be anywhere near a person with the sickness it takes to carry it out.




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Apr 29, 2004
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...give me 1 good reason why taxes should pay to keep this person alive.

Here's one you might accept. Suppose I expected to be convicted of murder. In Canada, I will not only kept alive, but released after 25 years.

On the other hand, if I expect to be executed, why not kill anyone who impedes my escape or annoys me in any way for as long as I am free- bystanders, the police etc.?

The fact is that the murder rate is lower in countries which don't have the death penalty. We can debate the reasons, but it is certainly not a coincidence.


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
Merlot, I wonder, would you torture a Nazi general to save 3 million Jews? Or would you just sit back?

We are dealing with the same thing today, perhaps much worse, although people are afraid to admit it.

19:21 "And thine eye shall not pity; but life shall go for life, eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot."

Quoting the bible now? That's rich! Christians are so much better than other religions. The Crusades ring a bell for anyone? Witch hunts? The Holocaust? The KKK? How about the Westboro Baptist Church if you want a more recent bunch of nutbar Christians. Yeah, Christians are much better. :rolleyes:

More wars have been started and more people have been killed in the name of their god than for any other reason in history. Everyone who believes in a religion believes that their religion is the one true religion and all others are false. Their god is the only true god and all others are false. It's the ultimate my dick is bigger than yours contest.


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Feb 9, 2004
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Quoting the bible now? That's rich! Christians are so much better than other religions. The Crusades ring a bell for anyone? Witch hunts? The Holocaust? The KKK? How about the Westboro Baptist Church if you want a more recent bunch of nutbar Christians. Yeah, Christians are much better. :rolleyes:

More wars have been started and more people have been killed in the name of their god than for any other reason in history. Everyone who believes in a religion believes that their religion is the one true religion and all others are false. Their god is the only true god and all others are false. It's the ultimate my dick is bigger than yours contest.

Techman, we are in 2013, not 1213. Christians are not running around killing non-believers today. Christians are the civil people. Radical islamists are murdering non-believers today. It's the world we live in. And to make things worse, whole countries vote these radicals in to run their countries, e.g. Libya, Egypt.

I know Doc loves Bill Maher. Here is one video he is in I really agree with:

Maher To Defender Of Islam: Equating Christianity And Islam "Liberal Bullshit"

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Merlot why are you so obsessed with me not posting about the kids being killed? I did not know when it was posted and I thank you for your searching it for me, way to go sherlock. I can tell you have no one close to you and no kids, these killings have had not much effect on you, if you ever do get into a relationship it may change your views. ANYONE who ever hurts my kids, family members or friends would be better off just slitting their throats if I was allowed to punish them. When the little shit who bombed the Boston marathon gets out of jail he can room in your basement. Now do your research again and search previous post because I am about to say it again " GROW UP, quit being a dick " ( the last part I just added ). I believe in really fucking up terrorists & mass murderers and you can include pedophiles and rapists but not to an extreme degree. TADA.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
He is 19 years old and if he isn't executed, and this is considered a federal crime so the death penalty is on the table, he can expect to spend the next 60 or 70 years of his life in a cage and finally die there. He will spend the rest of his life never knowing the touch of a woman again, or even the pleasure of seeing a woman again.
I guess you never heard of conjual visits eh?

I get a laugh out of the people who are crying out saying he should be tortured. Not one of you would have the balls to do it yourself. And please spare me the claims about how tough you are and how you'd have no problem doing it. It's easy to make bullshit claims when you're sitting behind a keyboard. If you don't like the way our justice system works, maybe you should move to North Korea, Iran, Saudi Arabia or another such society where you'd fit right in.

I never said he should be tortured. If we are satisfied that we have collected all the pertitant information then he should be hanged or given the electric chair. Yes, I would consider it an honor to throw the switch. No, I don't trust or justice system. Too many people let off on technicalities. Too many repeat offenders. Too many dangerous people let out early. Too many prisons are run by the prisoners. On the other hand, too many prosecuters prosecute people because it is politicaly expediant and not because it is the right thing to do.

As William Kunstler said, our justice system is the best in the world if you are very rich and you can afford an attorney like him or if you are very poor and you are lucky to be represented by one of his talented young students but if you are middle class the system is a sham!

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
I get a laugh out of the people who are crying out saying he should be tortured. Not one of you would have the balls to do it yourself.

If it was my child that was killed I would have no problem.


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Feb 9, 2004
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I guess you never heard of conjual visits eh?

Conjugal visits are for married prisoners in states which allow conjugal visits and the Federal government. I am not sure is if death row prisoners can have conjugal visits.


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Feb 9, 2004
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The fact is that the murder rate is lower in countries which don't have the death penalty. We can debate the reasons, but it is certainly not a coincidence.

Are you sure that is true?


New Member
Sep 5, 2011
If it was my child that was killed I would have no problem.
Then would it be to know the truth or the exact some vengeance? Don't get me wrong I hate these bastards and would probably feel the same way if one of mine would have been injured. Would it be right? I am not sure.

I have read many times that torture isn't efficient. On the other hand I understand that if you can prevent people from getting killed or hurt by getting some answers you need to do something. My question is: What if we have the wrong guy? Just last week a guy was arrested in relation to the ricin letters. This week they realized it was not him. Imagine if they would have tortured him to know if he had sent other letters?

We are only humans thus not perfect. I hate torture but I understand why some people might want to use it. After all a law officer is allowed to kill someone if he is sure that the person is about to kill somebody else.

My wish? That they find a way to improve truth serums. It is more humane. Why do I want a more humane way to know the truth? Because I don't want to lower myself to the level of these degenerates who kill innocent people because they don't agree with the society they live in.

Julius Ceasar

New Member
Nov 7, 2011
This is Canada, the law is the law, you can not torture prisoners. As far as putting them into general pop at the prisons, people will say they put in with killers knowing that they would be killed. Then the Jihadist will do payback on western society.


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
It's not about human rights. It's about opening our eyes and seeing we're not that much different from them. We give our 19 year boys weapons and send them off to become casualties of our war on terror - like their war on America. Do you agree with what they do when they catch our people? When we catch theirs, are we really going to behave like them? We call them barbarians?

I don’t remember who said it, but there's no point arguing against emotion. I understand, you have kids and I don't, but even if I did, I'd want justice not death. I can't imagine ever wishing something worse on someone than the slitting of one's throat... That reminds me of Daniel Pearl. Could you do something like that to a man?

Hello Sidney,

You better watch out. When I said these same things the insults flew in from the arm chair inquisitioner who talks a game behind a keyboard knowing he'll never have to follow through. Frankly, given his complete lack of care about 20 dead Newtown kids I think a lot of it is about hating on Muslim terrorists for him, not caring about child killers per se.

It's always been a perplexing irony for me that people can be so willing to become what they claim to hate and not understand what they seek to become, that they are accepting the same sickness that drove them to the depths of this loathing. As I said in my first post in this thread I feel the same need emotionally to get personal justice on the killers in kind as they did to children and families. If it happened to any of my boys it's hard to imagine any possible way I could hold back. It would probably be satisfying...for a moment. On every other level it would be wrong as well as personally disturbing and self-destructive.

People who have never had to face a killing have no idea what it takes out of a person to see it up close, never mind do it. Even soldiers, trained to kill, programmed to believe all the righteousness of national defense, the just cause, the normalcy of killing in war, absorbing the warrior code, of being a patriot...nearly always come back from the real thing changed for the worse, refusing to talk about or remember what they saw, often disturbed in various degrees, many times with deep psychological issues. Yet some seat cushion boasters on their MACS run on about the will and pleasure of performing a theoretically endless torture.

It's so easy to be glib when one is sitting home warm, enjoying a beer, and performing for the internet crowd without knowing what it really takes to do such a thing. I could never boast or be proud of craving revenge to the point of barbarism. Being emotionally pushed into feeling a need like that is all about the deepest inner pain, experiencing a crushing emotional disaster. Anyone who can feel good about experiencing all of that and enjoy being barbaric to a living being, no matter who, has the heart of a terrorist.

Fortunately for NUTZ, I don't believe he either has the balls to do it or the temperament to come out of it feeling normal afterward. That's a good thing NUTZ...otherwise you'd be one of them.




Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
It's not about human rights. It's about opening our eyes and seeing we're not that much different from them. We give our 19 year boys weapons and send them off to become casualties of our war on terror - like their war on America.
We are not much different than them? Are you kidding????? Oh yeah, I remember the two Bostonian brothers that immigrated to Afghanistan I think it was. They were given a free education in a madrassa and living on public assistance. Then one day when everyone was enjoying a nice stoning of a 14 year old girl who had tempted a village elder to rape her the day before, the two brothers set off an explosive that ruined the stoning!

Yes I guess we really are not that different
When they catch or people they cut their heads off the rest of their body!

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Well put Hungry101. Our laws are to liberal here and again I only agree with torture if 100% sure the person is a terrorist. If a terrorist is caught in North America they know no harm will probably come to them and get good accomodations and better food than at home, need to get that out of their thought process. Laws should be meant to protect people and you can not protect people when you have laws that let people get off easy. Pedophiles and rapists should be mandatory 20 years. Terrorists should be death after all info is received and if on the odd occasion you get false info because you hurt poor booboo too much well sucks to me him/her, they should not have put themselves in that situation. Fight fire with fire.
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