So basically - everyone should keep their opinion to themselves for fear of violence? Sounds like you're victim blaming to me. Should women also not be in public without a burka and male escort for fear of being raped?You still don’t get it do you.
Yes she has every right to say and chose who ever she wants to back it is not about that at all.
It is about having a bit of common sense and not putting a target on yourself.
I responded to a comment made that Trump is endangering her by saying he hates her.
It is not Trump who is endangering her what did you expect him to say that he loves her, but her own stupidity of not keeping her mouth shut, with the amount of crazies and guns out there it doesn’t take much for one of them to get pissed off enough at her. If you cannot understand that well it’s on you,
Perhaps instead of the symptoms, we should be more concerned with the cause - Trump and stochastic terrorism. Why that guy isn't in jail is a mystery.