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Trading reviews for freebies/other perks?

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
They need extra status, special status to feed their ego

I did not include the controlling info part but an ego is apparent here. I do not think it is an ego thing to try and scam/blackmail someone into doing things they do not want, it is just being an asshole and these people will try to fuck over anyone and it does not matter what the business is.
As I mentioned earlier it would be great if these people get exposed so they have a difficult time finding someone to see them, what they are doing is wrong no matter how you look at it.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Totally agree Sol and there are a few guys that have been blacklisted by some ladies i know personally (and likley many more) for these reasons alone. The ladies want a safe environment to work in, free of these shenanigans and anyone ASKING to do reviews for "favors" should absolutely be exposed.

I did not include the controlling info part but an ego is apparent here. I do not think it is an ego thing to try and scam/blackmail someone into doing things they do not want, it is just being an asshole and these people will try to fuck over anyone and it does not matter what the business is.
As I mentioned earlier it would be great if these people get exposed so they have a difficult time finding someone to see them, what they are doing is wrong no matter how you look at it.


New Member
Jan 19, 2014
I am not presumming their "naive little girls", but I can't help thinking of my own experiences at that age I wasn't immature per say, but it's like my grandfather would say: life experience is valuable thing even if most of your life you haven't had a clue. So, while it might be wrongful bit of bias to apply, I do think it has some general validility. In fact, when I look through the ads and such of providers on Merb, I notice the majority of Indy's are over 21. With regards to agencies, I am perhaps overstating the point, but the higher volume and fact you have coworkers, are constrained by the same chains some my feel in their 9-5 jobs compared to an entrepreneur (Indy) I think leaves room for more 'underhanded stuff'. Of course I could be completely off base, and I am not saying agencies are bad ( they have their place in all this), but I will stick to what I stick to. That said, I already know I would like to see one woman who works at Mojo, and two So who work at Nadya's. So I'm not that rigid!!!

I would like to see several women who work out of Mojo and several women who work out of Nadya's! I won't say "work for" because IMO they are free agents. The ladies in Montreal are, on average, much younger than you'll find in the states. On some level, you have to realize that all women in this industry are indies. Agency/indy? It comes down to whether or not you want to do your own scheduling and update your own web site.


New Member
Mar 29, 2015
I would like to see several women who work out of Mojo and several women who work out of Nadya's! I won't say "work for" because IMO they are free agents. The ladies in Montreal are, on average, much younger than you'll find in the states. On some level, you have to realize that all women in this industry are indies. Agency/indy? It comes down to whether or not you want to do your own scheduling and update your own web site.

As an agency girl turned Indy I think there is a HUGE difference between the two! Agency girls are far from autonomous - they don't have the luxury of choosing their clients, their rates, or how much time to spend with their clients (client books for 1hr you can't give him an extra 15 min), etc.


Nov 12, 2014
As an agency girl turned Indy I think there is a HUGE difference between the two! Agency girls are far from autonomous - they don't have the luxury of choosing their clients, their rates, or how much time to spend with their clients (client books for 1hr you can't give him an extra 15 min), etc.

and that's why we switch with indies, we don't like to watch the clock and hear the phone of the girl ringing constantly by her driver who is waiting for her.
personaly I never been asked by any ladies to make a good review for her, but many times they asked me not to mention certain details, for good reason and i've respected their wishes. as long as they don't ask me to lie about the session.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
and that's why we switch with indies, we don't like to watch the clock and hear the phone of the girl ringing constantly by her driver who is waiting for her.

I agree with your point but what if the indy you are with has an arrangement after your allotted time or do you chose indys who know you will be the last client of the day.


I love women a bit too much
Sep 23, 2011
As an agency girl turned Indy I think there is a HUGE difference between the two! Agency girls are far from autonomous - they don't have the luxury of choosing their clients, their rates, or how much time to spend with their clients (client books for 1hr you can't give him an extra 15 min), etc.

That exactly what I was thinking and personally what I like the most with Indy is you can exchange directly with the girl beforehand. That way you can talk about what you like and don't, and what are your expectation. So it's lot easier than in person, when it's my first meeting with a girl I am a bit shy in the beginning so it's harder to tell what you expect and like.

Zoe I am very happy that you have chosen me to be one of your client :) Can't wait to see you a few weeks.


Sep 4, 2006
Didn't read the whole thread but I wanted to add that the reverse also happens. Some SPs will offer a discount for a good review. I won't name names as it was told to me in confidence, but the last person I heard about in reference to this does not advertise here on MERB. The point is, ladies who offer this create the impression that it is OK to request it from others.


Active Member
Mar 18, 2005
That's board terrorism

Please expose the culprit

Best Regards


Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Yes Tina, expose the person.


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth

What about threaten to post bad comments/reviews because one refuses to meet a new client not willing to respect the booking policy?


How about sending backdoor threats to a member's friends and escort favorites when that member says anything honestly critical about some shill's favorite agency.

Some members really take this trading-reviews-thing to the next level.






New Member
Mar 29, 2015
I recently had a guy try to blackmail me and he threatened to write bad reviews on my thread because I told him I no longer wished to see him as a client. I really do think these people should be named on merb. It's really disgusting behavior.


Active Member
Feb 9, 2004
NY State
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I have been asked a few times after the session by a few girls for a review. One was a pair of girls who I did a duo with or a menage trios. The sessions were good and I was going to do the review anyhow. I have never been asked after a mediocre or bad session. The girl usually couldn't wait to leave because they were of those types of girls who really don't belong in the business. They hate what they are doing.

So, my rule of thumb has always been if the girl deserves a good review, it does not matter if she asked or not. If she doesn't deserve a good review, then I give the mediocre review or bad review, accordingly. I have decided in a few cases not to write a review because I was not attracted to the girl and was ambivalent when the session started. I determined it was my fault that I went through with the session.

I get the impression from my experience that when you meet a new SP, there are one of four reason for good or bad outcomes:

1. The girl doesn't like what she is doing and she gives bad service to everybody.

2. The girl doesn't like you or is having a bad day, and therefore, you don't have a good time.

3. The girl likes what she is doing and she would have a good time with you or anyone, and you like her.

4. You are attracted to the girl, and you do not refuse her because of that, and someone else may be attracted to her. If you were attracted to her, you probably would have had a good time.

Maybe, you could name a couple more outcomes, but as long as the reviewer is honest to his best ability (we all can be biased to our preferences) and the review is not to gain favor, then reviews have a good purpose. I usually like to see a few guys agree with one another before deciding one way or another. The other option is TOFTT, which sometimes works well, and sometimes not.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
I recently had a guy try to blackmail me and he threatened to write bad reviews on my thread because I told him I no longer wished to see him as a client. I really do think these people should be named on merb. It's really disgusting behavior.

Totally agree with you Z, it is truly truly disgusting. More like pathetic.


Active Member
Mar 28, 2005
I recently had a guy try to blackmail me and he threatened to write bad reviews on my thread because I told him I no longer wished to see him as a client. I really do think these people should be named on merb. It's really disgusting behavior.

i dont get why peopel get upset by a ladys decision not to continue to see a hobyist. for me, if same thing hapen and the encounter was good, i would write good revu and if she mensions that she no longerss want to see me as hobyist, it would not mean a bad revu for me if encounter was good & if encounter was no good i wuld no longer wish to be client of hers anywyas. i would much rather have lady who is confortabel seeing me then for ladys who doesnt want me there and get bad service the next time.

wen i scene anastasia from euphoria for first time & there was an issue with time at end, i had good time xcept for ending wich mite have ben honest mistake with time or b/c she wantd me out fast for watever reason. b4 seeing her again, i ask booker to see if it was honest time mistake or issue with her&me. if it was issue with her&me, i wold not be upset since veryone has prferences/likes. booker mension it was honest time mistake and anastasia allso mension honest mistake on merb bord to me. i just didnt want to see someone if they dont want to see me. spending 200$+ makes no sense to see lady who doesnt want to see u or doesnt feel comfrotabel seeing u. why resort to blackmail to see her or any lady?

genraly at end of encounters i will ask lady i plan on repeeting with if they have problem with me seeing them again. if she says no she would not like to see me for watever reasons, if i ask quesion it was b/c i had good time so it would still mean good revu even tho she doesnt want me to repeet.

she could not want to repeet 4 watever reasons like too ruff, bad hygene, reminds too much of ex, does not click, makes uncomfortabel, raciel prefrence, age prefrence, recognizes hobyist in private life, ect, ect, etc. for any/all hobyist, why keep trying to see someone uncomfortabel with seeing u? and then resort to revu/bord blackmale for this? rely stupid in my opinion.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
I recently had a guy try to blackmail me and he threatened to write bad reviews on my thread because I told him I no longer wished to see him as a client. I really do think these people should be named on merb. It's really disgusting behavior.

The mods should allow this to be put in a thread. As jecep said, why see someone who does not want to see you? Makes no sense.


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
I don't understand how guys have such big egos that they feel entitled to be a client to a certain sp or agency.

It's very exciting to get into this hobby and once you get past the natural worries around the need to be private and safe then realize all that's available and how wonderful the experiences can be how could you not feel so awesome at times. Still, there are some who lose and start to feel they are entitled...better than the rest. When you reach the point of actually saying you are a "Superstar" you've lost it.

...they should really look at themselves and probably that same ego and sense of entitlement are at the cause of the situation in the first place. It always surprises me how much low can someone get....

Wow, you hammered that nail right through to the next floor. Though it doesn't surprise me how low these superstars will go any more. Right! :thumb:



Thor Jr

Late Night Stud Muffin
Jul 24, 2008
I recently had a guy try to blackmail me and he threatened to write bad reviews on my thread because I told him I no longer wished to see him as a client. I really do think these people should be named on merb. It's really disgusting behavior.

Instead of starting a war by exposing the individual in question, maybe you can send the individuals name or handle to the MODs and let them filter thru the information and maybe suspend or exile the individual in question. Better then getting into a SHE SAID HE SAID kind of thread. After all, as much as i don't condone such behavior, it is between you and your ex-client and i hope his actions will not reflect unto us more civilized hobbyists, and perfect gentleman's.

Will a dozen roses and a big box of chocolate with caramel centers make you forget this bad bad man? :nod:

Thor Jr


Nov 12, 2005
Instead of starting a war by exposing the individual in question, maybe you can send the individuals name or handle to the MODs and let them filter thru the information and maybe suspend or exile the individual in question. Better then getting into a SHE SAID HE SAID kind of thread. After all, as much as i don't condone such behavior, it is between you and your ex-client and i hope his actions will not reflect unto us more civilized hobbyists, and perfect gentleman's.

Thor Jr

But don't we love the board drama?! :p

Thor's idea is a good one. But at the same time, why not make it transparent, rather than have it be decided by un-named Mods in a back room? Do it in the open. As others have suggested, expose the guy, and let it play out. If the client did indeed infract, he should be admonished, and, if warranted, banned. But don't exile the idiot forever, right off the bat. A good public shaming, and then give them another chance, everyone makes stupid mistakes, unless it's a pattern / repeat offender.

I've always thought one of the negatives of TER was the lack of transparency in these debates. I've had multiple reviews challenged by agencies in the past on TER - some of them were subjective / matter of opinion issues, but in most of these instances, the agencies were just flat-out lying. Luckily (?) for me, TER has always sided with me, correctly, but in a few of those cases, I could just as easily have lost the challenge. There will always be a risk that 'justice' isn't properly served in these 'he said/she said' situations. As a consumer, I'd much rather see these exchanges than not.

The last time I experienced this on TER, I learned after the fact from other local board members that the agency in question was not just challenging me, but many other regulars. It was a pattern. (That particular agency was fantastic and the best for well over a year, and then it imploded when the owner went on a drug binge, and went ape-shit over all his regulars for the slightest negative comments.) Likely I would've still tried G's services, because the track record was that good, but I would rather have seen the trend. The uptick in challenges would've been a valuable data point.

Anyways. For the SP, if she has nothing to hide, let the idiot post the review. And have the spat go down on public record, so others will be discouraged to do something similar in the future. Then again, if the SP has a history of these episodes, maybe that SP is trying to leverage her board position to weed out all bad reviews. We've all seen, at least I have, popular SPs and agencies leverage these tactics. :nono: (Slightly veering off topic, but isn't it un-natural for SPs to have a flawless review thread?? I've always taken it as a sign of an unhealthy board when there is so much consensus. It's possible but rare for an SP to have a flawless record. With the diversity of tastes among hobbyists, and the adage 'everyone has a bad day', it's just not realistic...)

Regardless, these 'spats' / debates are another data point for every individual reader to take into consideration for themselves. In the case of Tina and Zoe, both ladies have impeccable integrity, and I have zero doubt they say truth.

What's My Name

Who Are You?
Mar 16, 2014
And thank you to the morons who are doing this because now some SP's are requiring that we have references. I do not blame the ladies because just like us we want to both have a good time.

It take 1 bad apple to spoil the damn bunch.

To the guys who are doing these disgusting things, do me one favor.......GO GET A LIFE!!!!! and go learn some human decency on how to treat people. The world is a bad place because of people always trying to take advantage of another person
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