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Trumped 202

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Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Did I miss something? Isn't the stock market going up since Trump won the election. That's good, no?

Everyone but the whining Liberals see Trump as a good thing, never seen a bunch of cry babies as Clinton losers. Yes that markets and US dollar has gone up, something that would not have happened if Clinton had won.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Quite typical of the market. When everyone thinks it will go down, it does not. And when all of a sudden all is well and life is all normal, it goes down. If you think the situation is because of Obama or Trump, maybe you should not invest in the stock market, or put your blind trust in your broker.


Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
I have 2 inverlstments that are doing ok. As for the sudden increase in the US dollar and the rise in the stock market, if not Trump what is your explaination. Just a happening?


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
I have 2 inverlstments that are doing ok. As for the sudden increase in the US dollar and the rise in the stock market, if not Trump what is your explaination. Just a happening?

I am an Internet entrepreneur, my explanation is what it is, it's mine, so I could be totally wrong. But my take is that Trump has not yet took office, so we are surfing only on the effect of the election, not on actual action/decision. Even for all those who hates Obama like hell because most of his action were social initiatives, you cannot deny the fact that he took the country in a devastating shape and turn it around. I think the reaction to the market is that many knows that the country is not as bad as some think it is, or as Trump said it is, (economically the USA is the strongest and richest economy in the world, it's just badly distributed amoung it's population). The election of Trump is nothing compared to 9/11 as some predicted. But as I mention, were only surfing on the effect now.



New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Yes and closing at record highs but libbys would rather say it's because of Santa Claus than give any credit to PRESIDENT Trump. How ya like those two words, libbys? :pound: ahhhhhhhhhhhh. feels soooo good, sweet victory :)
Did I miss something? Isn't the stock market going up since Trump won the election. That's good, no?


New Member
May 14, 2016
OK I don`t believe that Trump is racist or an anti-Semite. I believe that he is crude, an egomaniacle blowhard who loves controversy and is courting the right wing nut jobs who he`ll back-stab if he is elected.

Poor Hillary is a dumb liar and dishonest.

Neither of them qualify to lead the greatest nation on earth.

The US electorate is Trumped.

Every line, triple on the first was right on.

I have 2 inverlstments that are doing ok. As for the sudden increase in the US dollar and the rise in the stock market, if not Trump what is your explaination. Just a happening?

If you really think the stock market has done anything significant by someone who is not in office and has done NOTHING thus far then we should all invest in empty space.

Maybe you believe one so experienced in Bankruptcy hiring the "King of Bankruptcy" is that special magic. I that the new magic word?

I hear Rump has been avoiding "Intelligence" briefings. Hell, why change a lifelong pattern.

Everyone but the whining Liberals see Trump as a good thing,

I think you are smart enough to know this is a totally wrong. In the first place this kind of statement is phony narrow political bigotry. Case in point, I am not a Liberal. I have many relatives who are Conservative Republicans who don't see Rump as "a good thing". YOU know the many of Republicans voted for him ONLY because they saw Clinton as worse. Most Republicans did not want him. In primaries his wins were usually 40% on average. That's 60% opposed. And it's also just plain lacking or denying facts to say Democrats are all Liberals.

Here's a list of Republicans Opposing Rump:,_2016

2 Former Presidents
18 Current and former Senators
64 Current and former Representatives
19 Current and former Governors.
22 Current and Former Cabinet Members.
28 Current and former State Department Officials
28 Current and former Security Department Officials
16 Current and former Defense Department Officals
21 Current and former other Federal Officials

TOP OFFICIALS: G.H. and G. W. Bush, William Bennett, Michael Chertoff, Colin Powell, Condoleeza Rice, Tom Ridge, William Ruckelshaus, Christine Todd Whitman, Robert Gates, George P. Shulz, Lindsey Graham, Bill Cohen. John Negroponte. DARN THOSE LIBERALS

The above is less than half of those listed. Looks like over 300 top government and business people.

This idea that the whole world is Conservative or Liberal is for those who need over-simplification to be happy. I'm a Moderate Democrat. I didn't want Clinton to run. I made a choice as an American duty to vote and choose between damaged goods (Clinton) and filthy demented trash (Rump).

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
. But as I mention, were only surfing on the effect now.


The effect of Trump plus Clinton not being elected, just as I was saying.... Hard to have a Liberal to admit defeat.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
. YOU know the many of Republicans voted for him ONLY because they saw Clinton as worse..

I think they voted Trump because they are pissed at every form of government in the past, getting a non politician is what the US may need ( other countries also ) O'leary in Canada is now thinking of running next term due to the Trump win and I am suspecting he could win.
As I have stated many times, I dislike every political party, I vote for who will give us the most jobs, low taxes and small debt and that sure as hell is not any Liberal party.


New Member
May 14, 2016
I think they voted Trump because they are pissed at every form of government in the past, getting a non politician is what the US may need...

Now you are being a lot more fair.

Let's be fair about one more critical thing. Those like you voted for him on those issues and pledges he campaigned on. Some were the most important in getting that vote. Clean the swamp, get rid of "Obamacare", kick out all (11 million) illegal immigrants, lock up Clinton was a special favorite, and END the kind of political profiteering/exploitation by the Clintons Foundation and other government profiteering Rump and his supporters called criminal and part of the swamp.

So far he has said he will not follow through on any of those as promised. His supporters have been betrayed if he sticks to that failure of pledges. All you got was another politician without the history. FOOLED AGAIN.



I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
The effect of Trump plus Clinton not being elected, just as I was saying.... Hard to have a Liberal to admit defeat.

If you are talking about me, I can remind you I voted Harper twice ;) Trudeau is an empty dum flash in the pan opportunist if you ask me.

That said, maybe because of the field I work in or because I am not delusional, I know that high paying factory jobs will not come back, and reopening coal mine is wrong!

Ford already announced the plan to move 100% of their small car productions to Mexico is still on no mater Trump. They can't compete otherwise. Big unions killed those jobs over the last 50 years. Time to move on and redistribute correctly the wealth of the coast elitist! ;)



Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
Even Ivanka believes that Donald is a foul mouthed blowhard.
She was quoted in 2006, after Donald had talked about dating her, on a talk show..... that if he wasn`t her father she would mace him.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
I know that high paying factory jobs will not come back, and reopening coal mine is wrong!

In the news today some coal mine in Hinton ( Chinese owned ) may reopen soon. Instead of shutting down the cheapest source why not try and reduce the emissions of coal generators, no way wind or solar can supply us, we need coal and natural gas.

Doc Holliday

Staying hard
Sep 27, 2003
If you are talking about me, I can remind you I voted Harper twice ;) Trudeau is an empty dum flash in the pan opportunist if you ask me.

And the hockey writer Stephen Harper wasn't an opportunist??? He had been nothing but a speech writer before he won the party's leadership and only got it because the PC were nearly destroyed as a party and wound up merging with the Reform Party. He won it because he was the best of the worst.

Trudeau is the real deal and one day will be highly regarded as one of Canada's best Prime Ministers ever. I have absolutely no doubt about it.

By the way, i voted for Mike Harris and Bob Rae once when they were both elected Premier of Ontario, Harris for the Progressive Conservatives and Bob Rae for the New Democratic Party. I believe i voted for Brian Mulroney at least once. I also voted for PET, Jean Chretien, Paul Martin and Michael Ignatieff (Iggy!!!). I don't believe i ever voted for John Turner, and i definitely never voted for Stephane Dion. Did i ever vote for David Lewis and Ed Broadbent? I don't believe i ever did, although i highly respected them. I have never had a party affiliation. I just go with the flow and vote for the best person and the party who'll represent my interests the most. Since i've been a proud union member for over 30 years, i sometimes side with the party who'll be leaning towards the worker. But my political views and beliefs are all over the place and have constantly changed over my lifetime. Heck, i even did an essay on John Diefenbaker once. Sure, i also made one on Lester Pearson, who not only was once Canada's PM, but one of the greatest diplomats the country ever produced. And hey, i used to like Lucien Bouchard when he led the Bloc Quebecois. What can i say?? He had a very hot wife!!! And Rene Levesque: one of the greatest political figures Canada will ever have. A great, great man and a true leader! Maurice Duplessis?? I couldn't stand him!!! A demagog!!! And Joe Clark: Joe who???? I met him a few years ago walking in downtown Montreal. Very nice & distinguished person. But zero charisma for the PM job. Had Claude Wagner won the party's nomination the year Clark won it, i may have been voting PC for years. But it didn't happen and no way i was going to vote for Joe Who.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau: The Real Deal. A Man of Destiny. He will one day be regarded as one of Canada's greatest Prime Ministers. I will vote for Prime Minister Justin Trudeau for as long as i live. Greatness is within his grasp!

Doc Holliday

Staying hard
Sep 27, 2003
Even Ivanka believes that Donald is a foul mouthed blowhard.

Meanwhile, her poor half-sister Tiffany is depressed that her father never bragged about wanting to 'date' her and the only thing he really said about her was that when she was a baby, he was interviewed with Marla Maples and said he wished Tiffany would one day have her mother's boobs.


New Member
May 14, 2016
But my political views and beliefs are all over the place and have constantly changed over my lifetime.

Mine are not all over the place and I've been pretty consistent with some changes. I agree with the basics of a lot with Conservatives...taxes, immigrants, abortion, etc. But their implementation is often too harsh, contradictory, or the effect has the opposite of intentions. Same exact problem with Liberals.

BTW: I love how the Republicans got so offended when Michelle Obama went sleeveless. But there's been nothing said against this:

Once again I half agree with them. I have nothing against both. :)
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