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Trumped 202

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Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
After the recount and Clinton still loses what is there to complain about next? The odds of a recount getting Trump out of power is zero, left wing people need to accept the fact that Clinton deserved to lose and she did, Trump did not deserve to win either but the best of the two worst possible choices won.
The US dollar is still up, stocks are riding high ( yes I know, must be some coincidence due to gray matter somewhere because it was not supposed to happen ( according to the lefties ). As I said before, in a couple of years when you get more bang for your buck and jobs are available you may be thankful Trump won, if he says a few wrong things or is an asshole why should it bother you, planning a dinner date with him or plan to be his best friend?


New Member
May 14, 2016
After the recount and Clinton still loses what is there to complain about next? The odds of a recount getting Trump out of power is zero, left wing people need to accept the fact that Clinton deserved to lose and she did, Trump did not deserve to win either but the best of the two worst possible choices won.

Once again some dishonest shading creeps in. Why? You were given a list of over 300 Republicans at the highest possible level of government who don't want Rump for President, but you keep on blaming only the Left.

Don't be so afraid of DUE PROCESS if you believe in the system and you believe the count will not change. There is no chance Clinton will win even if two states flip. But don't be so afraid of an accurate vote count.

Besides you are not an American voter as far as I know. You've got an opinion not a vote and therefor no legitimate say in how things are carried out.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
A recount is part of the election process in a democracy and should be welcomed by everyone. We should all want accuracy and honesty in any election, correct? Or do you prefer doubts and conspiracy theories to linger on?

Considering how much the Russians have been implicated in this recent election (and they're proud of what they did!), a recount should definitely be a must to make sure every vote is validated.

Hillary Clinton did overwhelmingly win the popular vote, after all. She currently leads Trump by over 2 million votes and there's word it could even reach 3 million by the time all the counting is over. This is unprecedented. She leads Trump by a bigger margin than winners JFK (in 1960) and Nixon (in 1968) had over their counterparts in their respective elections.

A recount is not only part of the democratic process, but it's also constitutional.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
In the news today.

On Saturday, Clinton campaign general counsel Marc Elias said that while his team “had not uncovered any actionable evidence of hacking or outside attempts to alter the voting technology,” they would participate in the Stein-led recount in Wisconsin as well as recounts in Pennsylvania and Michigan if Stein is successful in initiating them.

Trump pointed to the criticism he received from Clinton and other Democrats when he refused to say he would accept the results of the election when asked during the third presidential debate.

“That is horrifying,” Clinton responded after Trump’s refusal. “That is not the way our democracy works. We’ve been around for 240 years. We’ve had free and fair elections. We’ve accepted the outcomes when we may not have liked them. And that is what must be expected of anyone standing on a debate stage during a general election. I, for one, am appalled that somebody that is the nominee of one of our two major parties would take that kind of position.”

Clinton later blasted Trump’s refusal to say that he would respect the election results as “a direct threat to our democracy.”

And during her concession speech a day after the election, Clinton urged her supporters to “accept the results and look to the future.”

“Donald Trump is going to be our president,” she said. “We owe him an open mind and the chance to lead.”

She lost, live with it.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Mostly from two of the largest states who always heavily vote dummycratic, Cali and NY, it means nothing in the big picture of things because the overwhelming majority of states voted for President Trump ;)

I am convinced that the majority of Montreal Canadiens fans are libbys, crying and complaining seem to go hand in hand with each group.


B R A V O :clap2:
She lost the electoral college vote, yes. But over 2 million more people voted for her than Trump. This counts also.


nice gent
Jul 29, 2016
She lost the electoral college vote, yes. But over 2 million more people voted for her than Trump. This counts also.

You are being disingenuous.

You know that is not how the US election system works.

The Electoral College protects the rights of less populous states. New York State and California are not allowed to dictate to the rest of the states.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Bingo and for the record, the good Dr. knows this and understands it well ;)

You are being disingenuous.

You know that is not how the US election system works.

The Electoral College protects the rights of less populous states. New York State and California are not allowed to dictate to the rest of the states.


New Member
May 14, 2016
You know that is not how the US election system works.

The Electoral College protects the rights of less populous states. New York State and California are not allowed to dictate to the rest of the states.

The election system also provides for specific regulations on recounts depending on how each state sets up those regulations. "You know that is not how the US election system works."

Yeah some states have a lot more people, so what. You can't take a giant butter knife and spread the population evenly. There are more people because that is what the geography and business conditions will support.

It's funny how some are citing the tyranny of Castro taking away votes from the people but are complaining about recounts to insure make sure each vote was legitimately assigned to the candidate each person voted for. Of course hypocrisy turning around to discount a legitimate process that may not serve the purpose a person wants is nothing new. We know, like Rump who said previously the Electoral College is garbage, some of you would be crying for a recount if things had not gone your way. Does anyone have principles any more that don't change with how the wind blows???

The recount process is not new. It was there long before this election.


Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2004
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Honestly, if Drumpf had won the popular vote but lost the electoral vote, would his supporters and, in particular, those who have commented on this board say that we should calmly accept the results?

Remember, in answering this if you support Con Man Don, that he himself said no.


New Member
May 14, 2016
Remember, in answering this if you support Con Man Don, that he himself said no.

GREAT POINT! While they are busy jumping to complain about not accepting things, which has nothing to do with a system that has been in place for many decades, T-perv was the first to declare he would not accept the results unless he won.

Mr. Trump insisted, without offering evidence, that the general election has been rigged against him, and he twice refused to say that he would accept its result. “I will look at it at the time,” Mr. Trump said. “I will keep you in suspense.”


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
I don't like Trump, but he won according to the electoral rules in place.
It is time to give him a chance and see what he can do.
If he screws up, everybody has a new chance of getting rid of him in 4 years.
So far so good, the market hasn't crashed and neither have property values.
That makes three things I was wrong about, sorry make it four, I voted for Trudeau, after his comments about Castro I will not make that mistake again, no matter how many selfies he takes.

You don't understand. It's about the democratic process. HA!!!!!!! What about the Democratic primary and the super-delegates that voted for Clinton anyway even though they were supposed to vote for Sanders? The democratic primary was like an election in the Soviet Union or North Korea.

This was supposed to be a coronation of Killary. Oh don't worry little Susie. Some day we will have a woman president...and it won't be this hated, corrupt, incompetent bitch.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Honestly, if Drumpf had won the popular vote but lost the electoral vote, would his supporters and, in particular, those who have commented on this board say that we should calmly accept the results?

Remember, in answering this if you support Con Man Don, that he himself said no.

I can't believe how much the Trump camp are panicking in regards to a possible recount. I mean, if you really think you won fair and square, then you should welcome a recount, right?? But now with Trump tweeting that the election was rigged and that millions of HRC's voters were made illegally, then maybe this story should be looked upon further and a recount should be ordered throughout the United States and not just in a few states. I mean, the president-elect himself claims the elections were rigged. So the government should have no other choice but to order a states-wide recount.

In other Trump news, there's a mini civil war going on right now within the transition team in regards to the Secretary of State position. The Pence people want Mitt Romney, while Trump's crazies want someone like Rudy Giuliani. Trump's pit-bull Kellyann Conway has been making the rounds around the media trash-talking and smearing Romney, openly showing her disdain for Mr. Romney. This morning many are starting to believe that she's under orders by Steve Bannon and possibly even Donald Trump to attack Romney publicly in order to gain ground and support in their battle against the Pence/Priebus camp in their choice for Secretary of State.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
You are being disingenuous.

You know that is not how the US election system works.

The Electoral College protects the rights of less populous states. New York State and California are not allowed to dictate to the rest of the states.

The only reason the electoral college was ever introduced in the late 1700's was as a compromise to the slave states. Richard Nixon wanted to get rid of it during his presidency and he was right to do so. There is no longer a need for this ancient electoral system to still exist today.

p.s. Now we hear that Trump is furious with Kellyann Conway for embarrassing him publicly by openly stating her disdain for Mitt Romney as a possible Secretary of State choice. But she's only a hired hand. Just last winter, she was berating Trump regularly on tv when she was working for Ted Cruz. In other words, she's probably only doing this because someone ordered her to.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
That makes three things I was wrong about, sorry make it four, I voted for Trudeau, after his comments about Castro I will not make that mistake again, no matter how many selfies he takes.

JT will not last a second term, whenever he speaks on his own he proves he is a failed drama teacher. The selfie novelty has worn off and people will soon realise that their paycheck will not go as far as it used to. Money talks and bullshit walks.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
Sam 21. Very well said.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
That makes three things I was wrong about, sorry make it four, I voted for Trudeau, after his comments about Castro I will not make that mistake again, no matter how many selfies he takes.

As a fellow Canadian, i support my Prime Minister and from a Canadian point-of-view, we Canadians have no reason to dislike one of our long-time allies, the great El Presidente Fidel Castro, who liberated the Cuban people from Fulgencio Batista's brutal dictatorship.

Sure, El Presidente wasn't perfect. But he faced a lot of adversity and challenges as Cuban leader. He also survived hundreds of assassination attempts. But as Donald Trump has said many times, there are many countries who are better off with dictators. I agree with Mr. Trump on that point. Just take a look at the mess in Iraq and Libya with their dictators gone. Imagine how even worst things will get in Syria if Bashir Al-Assad gets toppled. Take Russia. Having a dictator such as Vladimir Putin ruling the country makes it stronger. Which also may explain why Donald Trump idolizes Vladimir Putin and if he had his wish, he'd run the United States like Vladimir Putin would.


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
Trudeau the ass licker will skip Castro`s funeral so as to avoid any further embarrassment.
Maybe he can send Doc instead.


New Member
May 14, 2016
When you see people strung up on telephone lines and beaten to death in front of you, when you see 12-13 year old children attacking Soviet tanks with only a bottle of gasoline then you can compare
You have no idea how good you have it in North America, Trump, Hillary and all the others before them are saints compared to the Russian dictators of the past and probably the present also.

As you know comparing U.S. elections to conditions in Russia is totally irrational and a matter of hyper-polarized bias. It's ridiculous.

Don't tell me about the Soviet Union, my family lived under their rule for decades, I spent a year in refugee camps as a child thanks to Mother Russia. When people start getting carted off at night never to return to their families or to,be heard of again and when political enemies wind up in meat grinders and dumped in the river in the United States also then you can make comparisons.

It's truly a badly uninformed comparison.

Trump falsely claims 'millions of people who voted illegally' cost him popular vote

Washington (CNN)President-elect Donald Trump alleged Sunday, without evidence, that "millions of people" voted illegally for Hillary Clinton and otherwise he would have won the popular vote. It's an unprecedented allegation by a president-elect.

Trump won the Electoral College and thus the White House, but the Democratic nominee leads him in the popular vote by about two million ballots.

"In addition to winning the Electoral College in a landslide, I won the popular vote if you deduct the millions of people who voted illegally," Trump tweeted.

This is what is so despicable and F'ugly about Rump. He doesn't give a damn about truth or the effects on the country or the office of the President.

According to him everything about his campaign came straight from the immaculately innocent angels, and the other campaign was pure evil. He looks like a 100% unbalanced moron. Not one illegal vote for him but millions for Clinton? This is where he looks like the same kind of grotesque propagandist of any dictator you can name. Say anything you want to defame anyone against you and pretend you are holier can cleaner than the virgin Mary despite the fact your whole life has been one of ruthlessness from top to bottom. He engages in unconscionable lies for effect regardless of the consequences. It makes him very dangerous to everyone.

It's not his policies that are so disturbing It's the fact has hasn't got a scruple or principle of any kind. He'll say anything no matter how insane and followers will swallow it all.

It's all unnecessary too. No way the electoral college is going to change enough to make Clinton President. NO WAY! But just because a proper legitimate and legal process is being carried out he becomes UNHINGED and throws out the worst kind of completely unsupported conspiracy theories Castro, Stalin, or Mao and that ilk regurgitated so pathologically. He has all the stability of a demented two year old.


New Member
May 14, 2016
[h=1]Texas Elector Art Sisneros to Resign Instead of Voting for Donald Trump[/h]

A Republican elector from Texas says he is resigning his position instead of casting his vote for Donald Trump, calling the Electoral College "corrupted from its original intent" and saying voting for the president-elect would "bring dishonor to God."

In a Saturday blog post on his website, Sisneros said he had decided he was not comfortable defying his pledge to vote for his party's nominee, but neither could he cast his vote for Trump.

For those of you who think being against Rump is a "Blue State" Democrat issue. This is a Republican "Red State" elector.

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