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Kasey Jones

Mar 24, 2008
Very odd that the terrible Trump is making the markets go up, odd actually. Also to note that the Canadian complainers are picking Trump apart for some of the same things Justine Trudeau is doing here and he gets a standing ovation, the work of trolls perhaps, just saying.

so do you think Trump hits the 11.8% average yearly increase (excluding dividends) that Obama gave us? I doubt it, but I hope so... (when his term actually starts in January...)

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Let's just say the ladies of VIP-10 will have some nice prizes from me VIA the good Dr. and no they wont be harveys or a&w cards either :lol:

Admit it!! You kept the Five Guys gift cards for yourself, didn't you??? :nod::nod::nod:

I'm sure a lot of ladies at the party were hoping to win those gift cards, you know.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
so do you think Trump hits the 11.8% average yearly increase (excluding dividends) that Obama gave us? I doubt it, but I hope so...

All i know is that mortgages are sky-high in the States right now and the experts have said Trump's election is directly to blame for it. And it'll only get worse once he's officially in office.

Kasey Jones

Mar 24, 2008
I think they voted Trump because they are pissed at every form of government in the past, getting a non politician is what the US may need ( other countries also ) O'leary in Canada is now thinking of running next term due to the Trump win and I am suspecting he could win.
As I have stated many times, I dislike every political party, I vote for who will give us the most jobs, low taxes and small debt and that sure as hell is not any Liberal party.

then you really aren't paying attention... The economy always does better under Democrats... Hell, Saint Ronnie raised taxes 23 times and tripled the debt. Bush doubled it again by refusing to pay for anything...

Kasey Jones

Mar 24, 2008
In the news today.

On Saturday, Clinton campaign general counsel Marc Elias said that while his team “had not uncovered any actionable evidence of hacking or outside attempts to alter the voting technology,” they would participate in the Stein-led recount in Wisconsin as well as recounts in Pennsylvania and Michigan if Stein is successful in initiating them.

Trump pointed to the criticism he received from Clinton and other Democrats when he refused to say he would accept the results of the election when asked during the third presidential debate.

“That is horrifying,” Clinton responded after Trump’s refusal. “That is not the way our democracy works. We’ve been around for 240 years. We’ve had free and fair elections. We’ve accepted the outcomes when we may not have liked them. And that is what must be expected of anyone standing on a debate stage during a general election. I, for one, am appalled that somebody that is the nominee of one of our two major parties would take that kind of position.”

Clinton later blasted Trump’s refusal to say that he would respect the election results as “a direct threat to our democracy.”

And during her concession speech a day after the election, Clinton urged her supporters to “accept the results and look to the future.”

“Donald Trump is going to be our president,” she said. “We owe him an open mind and the chance to lead.”

She lost, live with it.

participating in a recount (which she did not initiate) is within election law. It is a thoroughly legitimate and legal process. Saying you wont accept the result because "because that's why" like Trump is just being an asshole...

Kasey Jones

Mar 24, 2008
She lost the electoral college vote, yes. But over 2 million more people voted for her than Trump. This counts also.

that's the way it works in the US. Not the first time the popular vote leader lost...

On the bright side, it seems to really bother Trump. There should be a designated Democrat in Congress every day who should bring this up.

Kasey Jones

Mar 24, 2008
Hey hey, welcome back Mr. Jones! How did you like the election?

I didn't, but I take solace in HL Mencken...

Democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want, and deserve to get it good and hard.

No one ever went broke underestimating the taste of the American public.

On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last, and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron.

You get the government you deserve. I'll be around to point that out to you for the next while...

truth is that most Trump voters are going to get screwed by the Repubs in Congress, just as they always do. And in 4 years they will again do what they always do, blame the i311grants and ni88ers and vote Republican again...


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
I'd like to add something to my prior post.....

America has the monopoly over the number of its own citizens it imprisons. No other country comes close to this. When it comes time to put its own people in prisons, especially black people, America is the clear leader by far on the entire planet!!!

God bless America!! God bless the land of the free! :amen:

Obama has pardoned more than the last 6 presidents combined ( of course Marc Rich donated [bribed] the crooked Bill Clinton $29 Million for a single pardon). But here is the problem: They are not political prisoners. They are drug dealers, gang members, car jackers, murderers, bank robbers etc. Would you like them in your country Doc? Of course you wouldn't be able to walk the streets in Montreal and late night places downtown would no longer be open after 8PM.


A poor corrupt official
Jun 29, 2003
Many western Canadians welcome the election of Donald Trump. It's not surprising because western Canadians (except for those on Canada's left coast in Vancouver) are generally more pro-American and pro-business than Canadians in the eastern half of the country.

Hicks on Biz: Trump could be good for Alberta
By Graham Hicks November 10, 2016

Please, no more hysterics.

The sky is not falling.

American President-elect Donald Trump could be very good for Alberta.
Did we happen to mention the Keystone XL pipeline?

Alberta’s biggest challenge is not climate change and greenhouse gas emissions, but the need for new pipelines to get our stranded oil and natural gas to market.
Outgoing American President Barack Obama vetoed the Keystone XL pipeline – carrying up to 1 million barrels of dilbit (diluted bitumen) a day from the oilsands to under-utilized upgraders/heavy-oil refineries along the Gulf of Mexico. Trump has promised to reverse that decision as soon as possible.

Trump believes fossil fuels will continue to play a major role in providing cheap energy to America and the world.
Trump will take a very different environmental stance than Obama, with an underlying assumption that environmental concerns can be met without excessive government interference and subsidy.
Trump will embrace the “greening” of fossil fuels as another solution to global warming.

Environmental improvements that make money will be welcome.
Those requiring government subsidy will not.
This is good news for Alberta. Our expertise in lowering greenhouse gas emissions from fossil-fuel production will be back in demand.

Keystone XL – the safest pipeline in the world - will alleviate the current oilsands production bottleneck.
The USA needs our oil. Despite big production increases, America still imports 10 million barrels of oil to feed its daily 19.4 million barrels' appetite.
The USA needs the Keystone pipeline.

Trump has promised, like Justin Trudeau here, massive infrastructure spending (roads, bridges, hospitals etc.) to make America great again. This is great news for Edmonton’s world-class engineering and construction cluster, led by Stantec and PCL.
Trump’s America-first trade proposals are expected to be aimed at China and Mexico, not Canada.
He’s expected to go after countries that have massive trade imbalances with the USA, not Canada.

Trump, as a businessman, knows Canadian business is hugely invested in the USA. Our pipeline companies, utilities, banks, real estate developers, engineering and construction firms have a greater presence in the USA than ever before. The USA needs our investments, Our economies are as intertwined as any two countries in the world.

The greatest danger to Canada’s economy won’t be exclusion from the American economy, but our ability to compete under essentially the same free-trade deal as we now have.
Trump is promising corporate America lower and fewer taxes, less regulation and no carbon tax. He will offer tax breaks to bring off-shore companies back home, erect trade barriers (not against Canada) to discourage the import of cheap foreign goods and encourage made-in-America manufacturing.

Meanwhile, Alberta has raised taxes on corporations and high-income earners. Regulations and government decrees are piling up. The cost of Alberta’s industrial electricity will double in the name of climate change. A carbon tax equivalent to a provincial sales tax is looming. (To its credit, the ND government is lowering royalties on conventional oil production in 2017.)

If Trump delivers on his taxation promises, Alberta companies won’t look to China to produce their goods. Instead, they may move lock, stock and barrel to the USA. Why would new investment come to Alberta, when the USA can offer a much better deal?
Our current Alberta regime believes all good things flow from a government that acts in what it perceives as the interests of the people.

The new American government is all about minimizing government interference, lowering taxes, letting the free-market rule and rewarding individual effort.
My greatest optimism is in finally getting the Keystone pipeline built, even though all our international output will still be shipped to our one-and-only international customer, the USA.

My greatest fear is that the ND government’s onerous taxing policies, the carbon levy, and massive wind farm/solar subsidies will push current and future Alberta businesses and entrepreneurs south of the border to a far more business-friendly regime.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
Just like Hillary's footman Tim Kaine tried to paint the OSU attack as gun violence, the dumb lefties here compare removing Saddam Hussein as massacring Iraqis.

Somehow Castro was a hero who removed the "American backed dictatorship" regardless the fact he was a murderous monster.

I would like to say.... General Pinochet was an honorable man, dumping commies from helicopters into the ocean is pure beauty.

Friz888 why are you arguing. Somehow to the left it is fashionable to hate yourself. This is called self-loathing and it usually stems from white guilt. This is a direct result of not being able to handle math and science....but you go to college anyways and you stick around and study the liberal arts for 6 to 8 years and major in Gender or Black Studies or some other form of basket weaving. You become one of the liberal herd. And then all of a sudden all this shit makes sense to you. Castro - who if he could get his hands on you would surely kill you - becomes your hero. Why? Because he is your enemy and as a liberal, you hate yourself. Thomas Jefferson 3rd President of the United States was an adulterer who owned slaves. This is wrong!!!! And members of the liberal herd all bob their heads.

Kasey Jones

Mar 24, 2008
Obama has pardoned more than the last 6 presidents combined ( of course Marc Rich donated [bribed] the crooked Bill Clinton $29 Million for a single pardon). But here is the problem: They are not political prisoners. They are drug dealers, gang members, car jackers, murderers, bank robbers etc. Would you like them in your country Doc? Of course you wouldn't be able to walk the streets in Montreal and late night places downtown would no longer be open after 8PM.

sigh... facts... such inconvenient things...


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Would you PLEASE stop making sense? The libby's do not understand sense anyways so you are just wasting your valuable time.

It is nice to be able to walk in downtown Mtl at 3am with little worry, so me thinks i can speak for the good Dr. when i say he would not want these thugs in the great country that is :canada:
Obama has pardoned more than the last 6 presidents combined ( of course Marc Rich donated [bribed] the crooked Bill Clinton $29 Million for a single pardon). But here is the problem: They are not political prisoners. They are drug dealers, gang members, car jackers, murderers, bank robbers etc. Would you like them in your country Doc? Of course you wouldn't be able to walk the streets in Montreal and late night places downtown would no longer be open after 8PM.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
I strongly recommend some members here to read the book "people's history of the united states", you ll love it, it was also recommended by many Ivy league schools. Written by American communist Howard Zinn, who btw was an millionaire and friend of many hollywood stars.

Despite the fact Mr Zinn described America as a disgusting nation in his book, he stayed there his whole life, being rich and famous, probably lived in a nice neighbourhood full of repressive White elites.

Few guys I knew back in college, took the history course which used his book as textbook, went full retard after they were done.

You see what I is fashionable to hate yourself. Thank you for a prime example.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
It is nice to be able to walk in downtown Mtl at 3am with little worry, so me thinks i can speak for the good Dr. when i say he would not want these thugs in the great country that is :canada:

The problem with your post my friend is that montreal is a peacefull town to walk at 3 am in the morning and such a great city for hobbying exactly because of all our liberal values!! If we were like you guys in the states who see Trump in their bowl of cereral we would be a copy of just any american city. Great city but where you need to be fucking carefull about everything you do.

You guys are enjoying our great benefits here in Montreal without being humble enough to admit that this is possible because we are and we believe in liberal values!

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