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New Member
Oct 3, 2008

I think quite the opposite.
I think he will fit right in with the leaders of China, North Korea, Russia, almost forgot Canada.
You know what they say about birds of a feather.

Trump is the type to get along with every world leader that will want the same, he is willing to work with and make fair deals with everyone but he is putting his country first and that is exactly what the people of any country would want from their leaders at the top.

How many Politicians do you know that tell the truth, Trump was clocked at 1 lie every 3 minutes Hillarry one every 21 minutes. We have a winner

Not sure about those stats but how many people has Trump let die/murdered because he could not be bothered at 3am? Ummmm None, Killary 4. Yes indeed, we do have a winner and his name is President Trump (gosh, that never gets old) :thumb:

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003

I think quite the opposite.
I think he will fit right in with the leaders of China, North Korea, Russia, almost forgot Canada.

There's no way China will want anything to do with him if he continues communicating with the leader of Taiwan. But we know what it was all about: having a Trump property in Taiwan.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Trump is the type to get along with every world leader that will want the same, he is willing to work with and make fair deals with everyone but he is putting his country first and that is exactly what the people of any country would want from their leaders at the top.

The only thing Trump ever put first and will continue putting first his himself. People just don't seem to learn.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Not sure about those stats but how many people has Trump let die/murdered because he could not be bothered at 3am? Ummmm None, Killary 4. Yes indeed, we do have a winner and his name is President Trump (gosh, that never gets old) :thumb:

Admit it: there are people who deserve everything they have coming to them and it includes murder. I'm a pro-murder guy depending on the circumstances. Some people deserve to be dead and the world would be much better off without some of them. If you could go back in time and have the chance to murder Hitler or Stalin, i think many people would do it for the good of humanity.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
True some ppl do deserve to be vanished from this world but not those 4 people...huge difference and thus that night the term KILLARY was born.
Admit it: there are people who deserve everything they have coming to them and it includes murder. I'm a pro-murder guy depending on the circumstances. Some people deserve to be dead and the world would be much better off without some of them. If you could go back in time and have the chance to murder Hitler or Stalin, i think many people would do it for the good of humanity.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Hahahahaha that was a good one and another that actually made me :lol:
You are absolutely right.
Nobody will ever be able to accuse Trump of falling asleep at 3am, that is usually when he is brainstorming on his golden throne and coming up with his famous tweets.
He will not dump his responsibilities on someone else.


New Member
May 14, 2016
If you could go back in time and have the chance to murder Hitler or Stalin, i think many people would do it for the good of humanity.

I sit possible to call it "murder" if you killed someone who slaughtered at least 9 million (Hitler) and another who slaughtered (Stalin) well over 20 million, none those numbers counted among the war dead. Considering their further plans the act would be under the self-defense definition.

Saying it's "murder" is like saying they deserve some sympathy. Those who abuse their position so egregiously should not get sympathy.

I think he will fit right in with the leaders of China, North Korea, Russia, almost forgot Canada.

I don't know about Canada but he will fit right in with the arrogant, god-complex ego-maniacs. The trouble with T-Rump making deals is each one of them needs to come out feeling like he came out on top.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
Curious, would some of you being political correct change the fact that Jihadists want to chop off your heads?

Oh no! No! No! They are good peace loving people. Their culture is so interesting. I don't want to offend them. Their honor killings and circumcision of vaginas is so interesting. Their love of bombs is not so odd. We love fireworks on the 4th of July don't we? We need to get more of these peace loving people in North America and get them on the welfare rolls so they can enlighten us with their interesting culture. Maybe they can conduct informal Sharia law Patrols and tell us not to drink alcohol and make the women cover their ankles like they do in England and other parts of Europe. We can have a miniature Jihad every 72 hours also like Europe and we can listen to that interesting call to prayer in our cities that sounds like a herd of goats being sodomized all at the same time. Then we can listen to the leader of the local masque proclaim that they are going to take over by breeding us out of existence...this is certainly better than having our heads chopped off after all...and all the while we can pay to clothe, shelter, and educate them with public assistance only to have the fuckers try to run us over like the refugee from Somalia at OSU or set off pressure cooker bombs like the Chechen boys at the Marathon. Thank God we allowed them in the country. I feel so enlightened by their culture of murder and blood.

Meanwhile, we can say we hate all the white bigoted Christians from the Bible Belt for their refusal to kill unborn babies and their southern twang. WTF is wrong with leftists?


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Oh no! No! No! They are good peace loving people. Their culture is so interesting. I don't want to offend them. Their honor killings and circumcision of vaginas is so interesting. Their love of bombs is not so odd. We love fireworks on the 4th of July don't we? We need to get more of these peace loving people in North America and get them on the welfare rolls so they can enlighten us with their interesting culture. Maybe they can conduct informal Sharia law Patrols and tell us not to drink alcohol and make the women cover their ankles like they do in England and other parts of Europe. We can have a miniature Jihad every 72 hours also like Europe and we can listen to that interesting call to prayer in our cities that sounds like a herd of goats being sodomized all at the same time. Then we can listen to the leader of the local masque proclaim that they are going to take over by breeding us out of existence...this is certainly better than having our heads chopped off after all...and all the while we can pay to clothe, shelter, and educate them with public assistance only to have the fuckers try to run us over like the refugee from Somalia at OSU or set off pressure cooker bombs like the Chechen boys at the Marathon. Thank God we allowed them in the country. I feel so enlightened by their culture of murder and blood.

Meanwhile, we can say we hate all the white bigoted Christians from the Bible Belt for their refusal to kill unborn babies and their southern twang. WTF is wrong with leftists?

Because still to this day, not all Muslim are terrorist or jihadist. Remember the great Ali:


Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
Because still to this day, not all Muslim are terrorist or jihadist. Remember the great Ali:


As my drill instructor used to say "no flippen eagle shit." Let us find the ones who are and kill them.

Statements like this do not really help. If they want to live under Sharia law let the Saudis take them in.
You see the statistics when they ask a person from the Middle East if a woman should be stoned for adultry and ~85% say yes. Even in LA a Democrat was saying 60% of the Muslims preferred Sharia law. Get the fuck out then. I posted a video of a hero of the left Bill Mahar being interviewed by Charlie Rose. He has come to the same conclusion. This is something I think we can all agree on. If you do not want to assimilate then get the fuck out.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
Ahhh here is the Maher interview with Charlie Rose. Maher is spot on here.
I like what Maher refers to as "the soft bigotry of the low expectations of Islam" that his fellow liberals have to make excuses for abhorrent behavior.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
No not all muslims are terrorists but there are 1.6 billion of them
If only 10% are terrorists you still have a lot, and far more than 10% are terrorists.

1.6 billion is accurate. 10% terrorist is not at all. It's more like 10% are at risk of being radicalized. Which is indeed very worrysome. But fighting them at their own game is the best way to radicalized them. The only way to end this shit is to make the good muslim understand that they are the one who should be responsible to eradicate the terrorist. There is no other way out because as long as we white american interfere we just make more muslim switch to the dark side... If we don't trust the good muslim, or if they do not want to get their hands dirty, then we are doomed.



Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
1.6 billion is accurate. 10% terrorist is not at all. It's more like 10% are at risk of being radicalized. Which is indeed very worrysome. But fighting them at their own game is the best way to radicalized them. The only way to end this shit is to make the good muslim understand that they are the one who should be responsible to eradicate the terrorist. There is no other way out because as long as we white american interfere we just make more muslim switch to the dark side... If we don't trust the good muslim, or if they do not want to get their hands dirty, then we are doomed.


Yes, let's send over Obama to bow his head some and give Iran more pallets of cash to spend on weapons to kill us with. Watch the video of Maher.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
If you do. It want to assimilate then get the fuck out

I think you met to write "if you do not want to assimilate, then get the fuck out"? Which I perfectly agree. But this takes time and patience. You see in Quebec we have law to just try to make sure immigrant speak french, and we get shit from the rest of canada for that. We are just trying to assimilate and make sure we do not loose our identity. Now imagine at the scale of people believing in the sharia...



Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
I think you met to write "if you do not want to assimilate, then get the fuck out"? Which I perfectly agree. But this takes time and patience. You see in Quebec we have law to just try to make sure immigrant speak french, and we get shit from the rest of canada for that. We are just trying to assimilate and make sure we do not loose our identity. Now imagine at the scale of people believing in the sharia...


Damn iPhone- yes I am sitting poolside typing this. I can barely see the screen. Watch Mahers interview please.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Curious, would some of you being political correct change the fact that Jihadists want to chop off your heads?

The Saudis regularly chop off the heads of innocents. But wait, they're our friends, right? They have all that oil. So i guess that's okay. :rolleyes:


New Member
May 14, 2016
1.6 billion is accurate. 10% terrorist is not at all. It's more like 10% are at risk of being radicalized. Which is indeed very worrysome. But fighting them at their own game is the best way to radicalized them. The only way to end this shit is to make the good muslim understand that they are the one who should be responsible to eradicate the terrorist. There is no other way out because as long as we white american interfere we just make more muslim switch to the dark side... If we don't trust the good muslim, or if they do not want to get their hands dirty, then we are doomed.


I listened to the whole interview. I'd like to know how those Muslims were polled in Egypt about their beliefs. I'd be surprised if they were anonymous polls, and given the likelihood they were not it's probably as likely to be out of fear of retaliation as beliefs to say they agree with the strictures of dogma. Today Islam is in a state of tyranny from their leaders much like Christianity was for about 1500 years with it's extreme despotic police state control and punishments for minor offenses.

Also there are many more moderate Muslims in the world than the Jihadist kind, but their kind of moderation still does not allow for the kind of open differences of opinion we are so used to as a matter of personal rights protected in modern Western societies. Today's Islam still does not allow for shades of this view versus that view opinion making whether moderate or fundamentalist. Still I do think there's a significant difference in whether they think it's right to cut off limbs or kill.


One of the many alleged crimes T-Rump and his supporters pledged to end was the kind of political exploitation they accused the Clinton Foundation of committing. Okay, so its 6 or 7 weeks until T-Rump even takes office and his family is off and running in the same game. Is it surprising Ivanka, who sat in with pappa during the visit by Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, is getting a big business deal with a Japanese company owned by the government?

"Ms. Trump is nearing a licensing deal with the Japanese apparel giant Sanei International. The largest shareholder of Sanei’s parent company is the Development Bank of Japan, which is wholly owned by the Japanese government."


Recently T-Rump took a bow for saving American jobs in Michigan. It turns out that may have been a cute numbers shell game because Ford is still moving small car production to Mexico while touting no jobs are actually being lost because the surge in pickup demand will keep those workers in Michigan long as that demand lasts that is. Meanwhile who will be building those cars in Mexico. Don't forget there were 1400 jobs in question when T-Rump took his bow and only 1000 were saved.

Ford’s plan to rehouse output of the Focus compact car from Michigan to a new $1.6 billion plant being built in Mexico, which isn’t expected to result in job losses, remains on track for 2018, Chief Executive Mark Fields said in an interview on Friday.

“We have made the decision to move the Focus out, and we’re making that investment now,” Mr. Fields said. “When you look at moving the Focus out of our Michigan assembly plant, that’s to make room for new products—zero jobs affected, zero jobs impacted.”

So it doesn't affect current jobs in the U.S. but it loses what jobs would have been added if the small car production would not have move to Mexico. CUTE.
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